reygoesmad · 8 months
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reygoesmad · 8 months
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reygoesmad · 7 years
In tension they are prone to failure
Our Materials professor, talking about Ceramics. Also applicable to students.
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reygoesmad · 7 years
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Maybe I’m going MAD again, after all.
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reygoesmad · 7 years
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Some things change, some things stay the same.
While I might have changed a lot over the last three years one thing will always stay the same: The thing I miss most about home is my dog!
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reygoesmad · 7 years
Going mad again
Well actually more man than mad. As in Manchester. Since Sunday I am in Manchester for my mandatory internship for my bachelors studies. I can’t believe it has already been 3 years since I went to Madeira. 
A lot has changed since then. But a lot of things also stayed the same. I am still trying to learn Portuguese. At least every now and then. 
Manchester has greeted me with typical English weather to which my body responded with getting a cold. What better way to start this experience than with being sick? 
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Nonetheless I am still very excited about my next four month here. From what I’ve gathered by now I will have a lot of opportunities to learn new things. 
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reygoesmad · 9 years
One Year later
It is March 1st 2016, which means it has now been exactly one year since I started my adventure. I’ve been back in Austria for 6 month now and a lot has changed in my life. I always wanted to write an ending for this blog but I forgot and then I didn’t know what to write and then I thought it was too late now anyway.
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I’ve been thinking about my time in Madeira a lot lately. Now that I’m studying at university my life is much more stressful than it used to be back on the island.
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I miss the sea right in front of my doorstep.
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I miss all my friends I made there.
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I miss the relaxed life I lived there.
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This isn’t to say, that I’m not happy where I’m at now. I live in Vienna now and I study at a University for Applied Sciences with a lot of great new people. My life here is wonderful.
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But every now and then, when I am very stressed, I think about the great time I had there. And for a moment I wish I was back on Madeira where my life was much simpler.
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My time in Madeira was amazing even if it wasn’t always easy. But everything I experienced there helped me grow as a person and even though I am not in Madeira anymore Madeira will always be with me :)
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reygoesmad · 9 years
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In the middle of Lisbon, just opposite  of the Elevador de Santa Justa I saw a green heart that looked familiar. 
At closer inspection I realized that it was, indeed, a heart with the words 
Das grüne Herz Österreichs
on it.
Translated it means: Styria - The green heart of Austria
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reygoesmad · 9 years
I spent two nights in Lisbon at the flat of a girl that I met in Braga. 
The first evening the roommates of the girls I knew took me to a small Jazz festival which was very cool.
Afterwards we went to get some pizza and then to the nightlife area of Lisbon. I had a great night seeing the ‘real’ Lisbon and not just the parts you will find in a guide book.
The next day I explored Lisbon on my own. I tried to see as much as possible in just one day.
In the afternoon I was pretty tired but I saw a lot of Lisbon and it made me want to see more.
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reygoesmad · 9 years
When I came to the Mainland I had no idea where I wanted to go. This whole trip was a very spontaneous thing. So on the last day in Braga I still didn’t know where I wanted to go from there.  At lunch I looked on the Internet about places to see in Portugal and read about a town called Aveiro.
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I took the train to Aveiro and booked a bed at a Hostel on my way there. It was a very nice place to stay and the town has the relaxing atmosphere of a small town. 
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The town is called the Venice of Portugal because it is build around a system of channels. 
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Being, for once, a tourist and not the guide, I took a ride on one of the boats and let them tell me something about the town.
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At night I found a nice shopping center called Forum Aveiro. It was partly open air and had a cinema so I went to see a movie.
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I spent two nights in Aveiro before taking the train to Lisbon. With the town being as small as it is that was enough time to see the most important parts of it. :)
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reygoesmad · 9 years
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Some nice advice I found at the wall of the Hostel I stayed at in Aveiro.
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reygoesmad · 9 years
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Some nice phone boxes I found in Porto.
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reygoesmad · 9 years
Livraria Lello & Irmão
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I love reading and I love anything that looks even remotely like a library or bookshop. I don’t think I will ever be able to pass one of those without going in.
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The bookshop  Livraria Lello & Irmão is said to be one of the most beautiful ones in Europe.
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It’s also said to be source of inspiration for J.K Rowling who lived in Porto for some time.
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Sadly they didn’t have a lot of English books (and no German one as far as I know) but it’s probably better because I should not buy more books anyway ;)
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reygoesmad · 9 years
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Porto is a beautiful city but I had actually no idea what I wanted to see there (like the whole trip).
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I spend one day there when I arrived before going to Braga and another day before I flew back to Madeira because my plane was going from there.
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I spent my first day there just aimlessly wandering around getting a feeling for the city.
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The second day (last day of my holidays) I spent there I was actually very tired and just wanted to go home.
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I had planned to meet up with a friend I met in Braga but she didn’t have time so I just wandered around again and used every possibility to sit and read something.
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On my first day I accidentally stumbled across a wine cellar where I visited a tour and tasted some Port wine.
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All in all a great city with good wine. What more do you need?
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reygoesmad · 9 years
I went on another formation at the mainland and got some vacation days afterwards :) 
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The formation was great and I made some new friends as well as meeting people from my first formation. 
Portugal is a beautiful country. Even though I had only 4 days to spend there, which is way too little, I had a great time. I hope I can come back someday with a friend or my family and see more of it!
One thing I realized though is that I don’t like travelling alone. I need someone to share these moments with. Being alone is boring!
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reygoesmad · 9 years
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Guess who miscalculated the time "a little bit" and is now three hours before their flight at the airport!
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reygoesmad · 9 years
Waiting for the train
Having to wait for the next train because of my own unpunctuality is one thing. I deserve to wait if I'm too stupid to be on time. But being on time and being told at the ticket booth that the train is full and I will have to wait two hours for the next one is a special kind of hell.
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