Entry #1.
Cynnie bought me a beautiful journal - this one! I love how.. Well, rich, the red color is and the fact that it’s leather.. I love leather. I’m not sure how she afforded this, but I wouldn’t ever turn down a gift from her. Sigh. Silly girl. ♥♥ Speaking of which, she did pay for me to begin schooling in the Reliquary, which is amazing. I didn’t think such, uh.. History and stuff.. Would be something I would be interested in, but here I am!
Just thinking about all that’s happened.. I met Korgar, and made sure he was safe. I hate the way each and every peon is treated. I’m glad I was able to rescue him.
I met Cynnie - of course. From a Seer who confused me to someone I went to for advice to a best friend to a GIRLFRIEND, SINCE LAST NIGHT. Oh, and, co-worker! We found a job called the Enchanted Lantern, which oddly ties in with the Reliquary. I was coming from there, stopped by the ‘Rest in SMC and.. Was drawn into the ‘Rest with someone who was buying a round of wine and other booze. I’d never turn down booze. (I had a bourbon.)
I haven’t heard much from that odd reporter that accosted me.. I’m sure something will pop up, so I’m just waiting.
The same goes for that Engineer, though that’s probably my own doing, as I hid from the world for a day or week..
But, now? Life’s good. Cynnie. Poochy, of course! He’s such a good boy AND I bought him a pet bed. The Lantern. My own Engineering and so much more. Family. Friends. Hobbies. Jobs.
I’m a happy Leth. 
P.S. Cynnie’s been calling me Rey. It’s SO CUTE. ♥♥
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Name: Reylethe Shadegrove Nickname: R or Leth  
Title(s): Budding Archaeologist; Cyndranna’s little street rat and owner of Poochy.  Profession: ex(?)-Bounty Hunter; focusing on exploring Azeroth and beyond for artifacts.
Affiliation: The Reliquary; Enchanted Lantern (guild) and Silence Everlasting.
Race: Sin’dorei Age: 111.75 (24) Birthday: November 3rd (Sign: Sagittarius.) Current Residence: Wandering. ~ Relationship Status: Just started dating her gorgeous and adorable best friend, Cyndranna Bloodsong. ♥♥
Family: Cyndranna Bloodsong, her girlfriend and Poochy, her Worg.
Friends: See above, plus Korgar, the ex-peon that she “rescued” and gave a job as a Guard of Silence Everlasting.
Pets: Poochy, her Worg who is her friend and companion animal.
Enemies: She has no idea.. Probably many, at this point, due to her job / past job of being a Bounty Hunter.
Alignment: Neutral Good Height: 5′5″ Weight: 115 lbs Face Shape: Round Body Shape: Lithe Skin Color: Tanned Hair Color: Light brown Eye Color: Dark leaf green with common fel glow
Clothing: Often a mix of leather and cloth, for instance a leather vest with thin cloth pants. Reylethe prefers clothing that doesn’t restrict her movements, and that is comfortable enough to wear in almost any weather. 
She DID have a very nice black and red cloak, but someone (Cyndranna) is making her get a new one. Jewelry: Reylethe wears a signet ring from Cyndranna on her left ring finger. It’s white gold with three red rubies dotting the band.
Accessories: Slung over her shoulder is a heavy, worn leather bag. Inside there’s.. Well, no one’s really sure. Whatever she needs? She also has a dagger scabbard on either hip and a pouch or two that holds Engineering gear. She might need something to hold her archaeologist tools, soon.
Perfume: “a playful and light scent of apples, features fresh fruity and floral notes of bergamot, green apple and lily of the valley.” Well, that’s what the bottle said. Really, she just liked the scent of apple. She also carries the scent of naturally worn in leather, on her person. Oh, and, er.. Dog.
Face Claim: Jennifer Garner
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Voice Claim: Same as face claim!
Weapon Arsenal: There’s a dagger for each hand and they’re both a mix of black, red and orange. They’re in fabulous condition! Reylethe’s searching for a name for them.
Professional (Bounty Hunter) Services Offered: She won’t kill. Outside of killing, however, she will take most jobs. She’s trying to take less of them, but.. That’s not quite working out. No matter what she does or where she goes, her heart is that of a Bounty Hunter.
Professional (Reliquary) Services Offered: Right now, she’s just beginning, both with the Reliquary and her guild, the Enchanted Lantern. More will come in time, but for now, she’s reading up and learning about the new path she is on!
Personality: Awkward; Silly. Easy-going, for the most part.. If you even attempt to hurt her, Poochy, Cyndranna or any other innocent person, she will fuck you up. 
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Current Life Goals: See more. Do more. Do more with Cyndranna and make sure that she’s the best girlfriend she can be. Soon: exploring Eversong Woods with the girl. ♥♥
Habits: Lots of “uh”, “um” and other filler words; will laugh a LOT and has a tendency to watch the area around her and others (even while busying herself with something.)
Positive Traits: Appreciative of creature comforts and will give them up for others, tries her best. 
Negative Traits: Creature comforts wise, she can also scold others for giving up their own. Yes, it’s hypocritical. When stressed, she can drink - a lot. Finally, she is very emotional, which can be seen as positive or negative - or neither, actually. 
Hobbies: Being with family and friends, Engineering, learning about an old myth or two and traveling (except when rushed). Engineering wise, she will gladly saw off her newest creation - a mechanical squirrel! She’s hoping to get better. 
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