5 Reasons Why the Trans Military Ban is Total BS!
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We are sure many of you have heard about what’s been going on in the trans universe with their eligibility (or lack thereof) to serve in the United States military. If you haven’t heard, don’t worry, we are going to get to those ridiculous details. But first a little education for those of you who are still a bit unsure of exactly what we mean by trans. 
When we say trans, it means what you think it does, it’s referring to a transition of some sort. There are, however, different categorizations.
Transgender: When an individual’s gender identity, expression, or role doesn’t correspond with their sex assigned at birth.
Transsexual: Gender identity is inconsistent with biological sex with a desire to transition through the use of medical intervention. -- please note that this word is outdated and offensive to our trans brothers and sisters, but for official legal jargon purposes, we have to mention it.
We’ll be using “trans” to encompass those of either identity. Got it? Good.
Now grab yourself a big drink, a nice full glass of red if you’re anything like us, and let’s look at an overview of what's been going on in the trans military world.
On June 30, 2016, under the Obama administration, individuals of trans experience in the military are allowed to serve openly and join openly, regardless of gender identity. On April 12, 2019, the Trump-Pence administration returned the ban on trans people joining the military. Currently, Legislation has been submitted to try and reject the trans ban and also to protect those who are currently openly serving after the 2016 policy allowed it.
Okay, now that we're all on the same page, here are some of our reasons why this ban is total BS!
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1. Current military members do not care, I repeat, THEY. DO. NOT. CARE.
As a prior active duty military member, I can tell you first hand that we do not care who we are serving with in terms of race, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, or anything else. But don’t take my word for it. We also interviewed over a dozen active duty members from all walks of life, and guess what? They don’t care either. As long as we keep the Alabama fans quiet, all is copacetic.
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2. Being mentally and physically healthy allows you to be worldwide deployable, and that is essentially what the military needs in a person.
In order to be an active duty member of the military, you must be physically healthy, and mentally capable. That is all you need to be of service to your country. So why the trans ban? They are not any less fit then a cisgendered individual. And mentally, well, they are some of the toughest! To go against an entire planet and society's gender role stigmas and say “no thanks,” uhm yeah I want those guts on our side. Neither of us are the Sorting Hat, but I mean GRYFFINDOR, am I right?!
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3. Most people don’t actually give a sh*t (no pun intended) who is using which bathroom.
News flash, there’s no gender assigned bathrooms in the middle of the desert in Afghanistan and if we can share them there, we can share them at a fancy Air Force base in the middle of Mississippi. And if we’re being real here, we all know that Air Force budget can afford enough bathrooms to house people by astrological signs, let alone a few gender neutrals. Shout out to our Scorpios and Aquariuses!
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4. Grooming standards are legit, but you can look clean cut and put together regardless of hair length.
People who don’t know what they are talking about love to focus on grooming standards that come with being in the military. If a trans female (biologically male, female gender identity) has not officially used medical intervention to transition, but wants to have luscious hair for post-duty escapades, it should be permitted. As long as they properly tie it back, what's the big deal?! And if it is a big deal, I am sure those wanting to serve bad enough won’t mind conforming to the grooming standards and splurging on a sexy balayage wig. This certainly should not be something that prevents service.
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5. Who in the actual f*ck cares?!
To sum this absolute madness up, as long as you are respectful, committed to your comrades and fit to serve, it shouldn’t matter what your gender identity is. Gender is a made-up social construct that has long since passed its peak. Us “POS millennials” are moving on to more important things to focus on than who makes the sandwiches and who brings home the money. We are all a little busy trying to save the planet, let love flourish, and argue over the importance of vaccines to focus on something as absurd as who identifies as something other than their gender assigned at birth. So, to say it again for the people in the back, WHO IN THE ACTUAL F*CK CARES.
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To our trans women and men in service, keep doing you, we appreciate everything you do for us!
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