rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Ah well then I’m sure this is a massive adjustment for you.” Ariel said sympathetically. She tried not to move to much as she spoke. “I’m in my final year of a Psychology and Music double major.” Ariel replied with a grin. “What about you? Art?” 
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“It really is, but it’s a wonderful one at that! I’ve seen so much within the past few days––– it’s more than I’ve seen my ENTIRE life!” Focusing on drawing, she continues, glancing up at the red head every so often, “Yes–– psych and music? What a woman!” Rhaella giggles, “Do you write music, sing, or both?”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Jane eyed the girl for a moment but decided not to ask questions. She’d learned by now to not ask the kids in this town about where they came from. “Well I’m glad the two of you have each other then.” She said with a smile and began sketching the chameleon. “Rhaella, such a beautiful name. Mine is Jane. Very pleased to meet you dear. Are you studying up at the school?”
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"As am I,” this woman was absolutely the kindest person Rhaella had ever met. Then again, she hasn’t met hardly anyone outside of her grandmother’s friends. “Jane is wonderful as well!” A bubbly grin is plastered on her face, “Yes ma’am, I’m an art major as of now. Do you go here? Or do you teach?”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Merida laid on the stomach propping herself up on her elbows, before deciding laying down was her best option. “I’m Merida, nice to meet ya, Whos the little cutie on your shoulder?”
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“Merida–– what an absolutely beautiful name”, she grins, “this is Pascal–– he’s my partner in crime!”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
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What is your full name? (First/Middle if you have one/Last)
Rhaella June Corona
How did you get your name? (Who inspired it?)
My first name? I’m not quite so sure, however my grandmother said my middle name came from Johnny Cash’s wife–– she always loved his music. His hymns of course, anything other than that was devil worshippin’ music to her.
What is your birth date? What time and where were you born?
March 13th, 2000 at 6:02 A.M
Are you an only child or do you have siblings? If you have siblings, what are their names? How old are they?
As I know of, I am an only child. However, neither my mother nor father have contacted me in over fifteen years... So who knows!
What are the names of your parents? What is your relationship to them?
My mother’s name is, was? I’m not quite sure... Regardless, her name’s Margot, and my daddy’s was Ryan. I actually ended up takin’ my momma’s last name. My gramma’ really didn’t want me knowing too much about daddy. I’m not even sure that’s his real name.
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality type?
Which one of the four temperaments are you?
Which of the nine alignments do you fall under?
Lawful good.
Which Hogwarts House are you in?
Which Ilvermorny House are you in?
What is your Patronus?
What type of Element Bender are you?
Which Game of Thrones house are you in?
House Tully.
What is your big three? [Sun, Moon, Ascendant/Rising] (Hint: the second question will help fill out this form)
I’m a Pisces Sun and Rising, with a Gemini Moon! I love learnin’ about this stuff now, especially ‘cause gramma’ always said it was part of the devil’s work. The older I get, the more I seem to realize she just hated anything she didn’t understand.
Astrology Part II. (All of these are listed under ‘Special Features of This Chart’)
What element are you most dominant in?
I’m a water dominant person.
What phase was the moon in?
It was a first quarter moon.
What mode is the most dominant? (Fixed, Mutable, Cardinal)
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
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come on in, ya’ little peach! you’re always welcome here.
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
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“This may be a bit of a broad statement, but I don’t think there’s anyone that I’ve met that I haven’t created a bit of a deep relationship with. It’s a really lovely thing to create a relation with people that might not anticipate that closeness. And that’s kind of the light of my life, getting to be close to people.”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Can I hold him?” Oscar as slowly holding out his hands, rubbing them together a few times to make sure they weren’t too cold for the little creature. Looking at the blonde girl, Oscar smiled. “Oscar. Oscar O’Laughlin, it’s a pleasure to meet you Rhaella.” Moving so that he sat just infront of her, hands still placed out in front of him, he let his eyes flicked down to her open sketchbook. “Do you always sketch other people?”
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“Of course sir,” Rhaella reaches forward and places him gently in the palm of the other. “He loves having his back petted, just be as gentle as you can!” She nods, “Well Oscar, it’s absolutely wonderful to meet ya’ as well. And–– not all the time, It varies! I really just wait for the inspiration to hit me, that’s when I feel as if I do my best work!”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Eric looked up from where he was about to sit down at the empty table near the blondes, book and coffee in hand. He smiled at the girl and nodded. “Sure. Would you care if I sat with you?” He asked, pointing to the empty chair and then that’s when he noticed the chameleon. “Oh, well, now that’s a new one. Who’s your friend?”
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“That would be absolutely wonderful,” Rhaella was wreathed in smiles! The blonde reaches down and scoops up the little green blob and showcases him proudly. “This ‘s Pascal, I promise he won’t ya’.”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Hello there Pascal,” Jane said sweetly to the little creature. “The do make very interesting pets I must say. I tried once to get my father to agree but to no avail.” Jane said, flipping her sketchbook to a fresh page. The young girls smile was very contagious, and Jane couldn’t help but smile back. “What’s your name dear?”
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Rhaella is stunned into a silence for a moment as the woman interacts with her small pet. She’s never seen a woman be so kind–– she seems much different than her grandmother. “My gramma’ never would let me have a pet, so he was my first stop on my dash for freedom!” The blonde laughs, however there really is some truth to her statement. “I’m Rhaella, and you are?”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Gemma was wandering about, trying to find something to get into when she heard a voice call out to her. She giggled as she sat down next to the blonde. “Not weird at all especially since I’m usually calling out to people to tell their fortunes.” She smiled at the girl and then gave a small wave to the chameleon sitting in her lap. “So, do you need me in a pose? What can I do for you?”
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“Hmm–– you know what? You said you read fortunes, right? Just cup your hands,” she grins, “I’ll try an’ draw a crystal ball in your hands.” 
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Merida tucked an unruly curl behind her ear and shrugged, “I was planning to hide out anyways so this gives me a reason to not be in class.” She plopped down right in front of the girl, “So why not?”
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“Wonderful!” Rhaella beams, “feel free to just relax however you’d like.” While she began drawing, she took a moment to glance up at the other in front of her. “Oh, by the way! My name is Rhaella, yours?”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Oh I mean I guess. I never really thought of it that way.” Ariel shrugged. “Okay no problem.” Ariel said sitting in view of the other girl, making sure to stay still enough that it wouldn’t throw off her lines. Ariel was used to it so she knew how to sit for the sketch so she didn’t feel stiff.
Rhaella pauses for a moment, “I was homeschooled so I haven’t really met anyone outside of my lil’ community. There’s only about fifteen of us it seems like!” The blonde tilts her head, eyes focused on the paper in front of her. She begins her sketching, “what are you studying here?”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Well I suppose I have a few minutes but my time is valuable so don’t waste it.” Madelyn pointed out. She really didn’t have much to do as she had called off work so her father wouldn’t see her in this emotional state claiming she had a fever so she couldn’t give it to others, when in reality the fever she had was wine fever. 
“Of course, fifteen minutes and she’ll be all yours”, Rhaella grins, picking a pen and getting to work. “However, I will warn ya’, I do have a lizard in m’ lap. I don’t want you to get scared of ‘em, so I thought you’d like a heads up. His name’s Pascal!”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Jane glanced up from her own sketchbook when she heard the young girl voice. She smiled at her. “Oh, of course, dear. Have at it.” It was then she noticed the beautiful little chameleon on the girls lap. “Only if I can draw your little friend there in return.” She said happily.
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“Absolutely”, Rhaella answered with a beaming smile. She’s rather intrigued–– to meet another artist was exciting! “This is Pascal, he’s a sweet lil’ guy. That is unless you’re a mealworm. He’s almost taken my finger off when I’m giving ‘em to him to eat.”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
“Oh uh really? Well thank you.” Ariel giggled. “My mom had red hair too.” She said with a nod.
“Your mom had it too?” These people must have been special. “Y’all are lucky, it’s absolutely beautiful.” She restates, “feel free to just sit wherever you’d like. Any pose will do!”
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rhaellaofsunshine · 5 years
Lola looked up from her Switch, having been playing while seated at the table in front of the girl, and turned her attention to her, eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry, you want to….draw me?” she asked, making sure she heard correctly.
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“Yes ma’am”, Rhaella states in a matter of fact manner. “However, I will warn you right now–– I’ve got this little guy”, she continues, scooping him up in her hands. “He won’t bite ya’.”
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