Why is HotD trying to push the idea that Baela is a mini-Laena? Where did that come from? Especially since the book goes out of it's way to say that she's a mini-Daemon?
Just let Rhaena be the Laena/Rhaenyra love child that fans are telling the writers she is. The daughter of the woman who charmed Daemon into rescuing her from a disadvantageous marriage. The girl who spends the war learning politics under Rhaenyra's cousin and later uses that connection and influence to empower herself and protect her family.
Why are they pushing parts of Rhaena's characterization onto Baela while leaving Rhaena with... what? What's left? They already took away precious time that could have been used for Rhaena and Laena to talk about how she's not as close with their father because he sees himself more in Baela than in Rhaena. Instead, most of her moments in season 1 were used to build sympathy for Aemond for not having a dragon (which doesn't even make sense) and was dropped right after it served its (Aemond's) purpose.
I think the problem is that having Baela turn out so much like Daemon makes their family look good. Having Rhaena turn out so different, yet still confident, makes it obvious that it's better to be a girl raised by the Blacks than it is by the Greens.
It just really strikes me that the writers seem to be eating away at Baela and Rhaena's characterization to make the Blacks look worse and the Greens look better. And when you really examine the changes, the fact that the two girls who pull House Targaryen back from ruin are turned into tools to frame the story against the way it's written... in a way that any critical reading can tell you just feels off... it's the writers who look bad.
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Cersei failing to seduce Ned in GOT 😭 he’s a stronger man than me fr
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I literally just got hated on for an old post where I was pointing out that Rhaenyra in this scene:
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Was so smart for using this as a political move. I had previously stated that Alicent did not force Rhaenyra to bring her the child directly after birth, and instead had only requested the baby. Rhaenyra, as a mother refused to be parted from her newborn baby, and instead of taking the back passages that we know she is aware of decides to take the way most out in the open. She is showing people “look at what the queen is forcing me to do” to garner sympathy for possible future allies.
She is a mother refusing to have her child taken from her, and at the same time a political genius for the future events that take place.
The man who asks if she is okay and offers her a favor (I could be wrong about this) but isn’t he the one who pretend to submit to the greens but then tries to run to tell Rhaenyra and we later see him hanging?!?
Instead of trying to see my perspective or politely disagreeing with me and explaining to me you’re perspective I got nothing but hate from people whom I don’t thing even read the full post.
This stuff really makes me want to leave the fandom entirely sometimes. We all like the same FICTIONAL tv show. We can have differing opinions. I for one love to read all the differing perspectives, ideas, and theories. Plz stop ruining it by just being an asshole❤️
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TG stans: “It’s so unfair how Daemon is given a free pass by fans, while Alicent is constantly criticized. They are both gray characters. Fans only forgive Daemon because he is played by a hot actor.”
No. No. No. And no.
You can try to spin it however you want but Alicent will never be considered a gray character. Not even the shitty show version of her.
Book Alicent - there is nothing to debate here. She is a greedy, manipulative upstart b*tch who got hers in the end. Evil stepmother and her evil sons perished. Happy ending. Bye bye.
Show Alicent - oh boy. Here we go.
Being a gray character often implies doing some pretty terrible or at least immoral things for the greater good. And a lot of other characters around them have a hard time understanding that what this gray character did was for the best. This character’s actions are often misunderstood and perceived to be done with selfish intent (and most of the time, greater good and selfishness overlap).
In what way does Alicent fit this description? In the show, she was driven by jealousy and resentment and done some pretty unnecessary and cruel things simply because she could:
1. Demanding that Rhaenyra’s newborn be brought to her immediately after birth. A disgusting display of cruelty. As a mother herself of four children, she surely understands the difficulty of labor, the vulnerability of a newborn baby as well as the immediate motherly instinct to protect her young (which is why Rhaenyra took the child herself, refusing to part with him).
2. Turning her children against Rhaenyra. As the Queen, and stepmother of the heir to the throne, it was her responsibility to attempt to forge relationships between her children and her stepdaughter, because this stepdaughter would one day be the reigning Queen and the fate of Alicent’s children would rest with her. But no, she was bitter, jealous and shortsighted and somehow thought that turning her children against Rhaenyra would somehow…what…do her family good?
3. Cheating on her husband by offering sexual services to a deranged clubfooted freak, in exchange for information. Call it whatever you like, but sexual favors in exchange for something is called “whoring”. I am not even going to debate this. No one forced her. This was her choice.
4. Taking a known murderer as her sworn shield for the single reason that he turned against Rhaenyra and that reason would benefit her.
5. Badmouthing children to their grandfather. The vendetta Alicent pursued against Jaecaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey is reprehensible. It was unnecessary, cruel and it certainly hadn’t done any good to anyone.
6. Showing up at Rhaenyra’s wedding in a dramatic manner and wearing the Hightower color for “war” simply because her ex-friend lied to her. Ironic, considering that she herself didn’t tell her friend that she was sneaking into her father’s chambers late at night, seducing him and getting him to marry her (I don’t give a damn that Otto made her).
7. Replacing the Targaryen heraldry with symbols of the Seven. Naturally, she couldn’t put up the Hightower symbols without “Hey look at me! I am committing treason!” written all over her face. Subtle, but it got the point across. And no, she wasn’t trying to “find comfort” or “honor her mother” or whatever bullshit TG stans like to invent. It was a strategic move through which she showed very clearly that she was turning her back on the House who made her everything she is.
These are just a few examples. If you take into account Alicent’s actions, none of them were done for the greater good. They served only her, and her own ambitions.
She married into the most powerful family in Westeros. She was a lady in waiting, a daughter of a second son from a low-ranked House with few prospects who was helping the Crown Princess dress.
When she married into House Targaryen, she was expected to remain loyal to House Targaryen. It was a privilege. One she completely disregarded in order to further the ambitions of House Hightower. It was Otto’s plan at first, but she pretty much took over in the long run. Simply because she was jealous and bitter. Because she didn’t know how to suck it up and accept that her father screwed her over, and her husband figured out their “master plan”.
Nothing about Alicent Hightower spells out “gray”. As much as the showrunners attempt to whitewash her, she remains the antagonist in this story. The war that started was one she had been nourishing for years.
Say what you will about Daemon but he is the very definition of “gray”. Whether or not his actions also benefitted him is irrelevant. His actions, although immoral and sometimes cruel, were for the greater good of the royal family, a House he belonged to, one he never betrayed. And despite the constant attempts of the showrunners to make him out to be the “bad guy” by pilling on him things he never actually did in canon, it still makes him look a whole of a lot complex and gray than Alicent ever will be.
Daemon is forever loyal to his family, and the House who rightfully holds the power in Westeros. Despite his actions, that makes him the anti-hero of the story. Alicent betrayed the House she married into, betrayed her husband, and committed high treason when she attempted to change the line of succession, for the sole reason that it benefitted her side of the family. That makes her the anti-villain (and I am being generous here, acknowledging the very few good qualities she possesses in the show, but her deeds are ultimately done in the name of evil).
And P.S: Let’s not pretend like the main obsession certain fans have with Alicent Hightower isn’t because she is portrayed by Olivia Cooke. If she were portrayed by a perceived-ugly/average actress, no one would be so quick to defend the character.
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Watching the way the showrunners attempt to justify Aemond’s erratic and psycho behavior by the invented idea that he was “bullied” is laughable.
The canon Asoiaf story makes it clear from all sources that Aemond himself was the bully (kind of hard to disagree with them all). And the manner in which he claimed Vhagar was despicable (by attacking a three-year old). Losing his eye was punishment, not some sort of “trauma” justifying his later actions.
“Dragons are not property to be inherited.” - while this is true, the just thing would have been for Rhaena, as Laena’s daughter, who had yet to become a dragonrider, to be given first dibs. If she had failed, others would have been given the privilege to claim Vhagar.
It can hardly be stated that Vhagar “chose” Aemond when he was the only one who attempted to claim her. And having claimed her the night of Laena’s funeral when the dragon was extremely emotional and vulnerable, hardly makes Aemond “special”.
GRRM never wanted to give Aemond some sort of “depth”. He was a cruel psycho, and should have been portrayed as such.
I personally would have loved to see him be held accountable on Driftmark for attacking Joffrey and claiming Vhagar in such a way. He was actually pretty lucky, having lost that eye, because otherwise Corlys, Rhaenys, Rhaenyra and Daemon would have been on him in a flash.
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Nothing more pathetic than TG stans acting as if the Hightowers are the saviors of Westeros, fighting to rid the world of the “big bad” Targaryens.
Newsflash: the Hightowers didn’t want things to go back to how they were before the Conquest. They wanted to be House Targaryen.
They wanted control of the Seven Kingdoms, they wanted the Iron Throne and they wanted Valyrian blood so they can have their own dragons. They wanted everything House Targaryen had.
Basically the same regime, same power, but under a different name. And despite their oh so pious attitudes, you better believe that they would have followed the ancient Targaryen tradition of incestuous marriages to keep the Valyrian blood in their system as well as dragons.
The difference between these two Houses: one was driven by the instinct to survive after losing their home, while at the same time wanting to save a continent from destroying itself. The other was driven by pure greed, nothing more.
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Only non-book readers (which are mostly TG stans, go figure) would claim that Rhaenyra “ran” to Dragonstone.
You do realize that Dragonstone, aside from being the Targaryen ancestral seat, represents a trial-run for the heir to the throne?
You can’t just take over the Seven Kingdoms without actual preparation (well, you can but you risk becoming a terrible ruler).
Rhaenyra didn’t “run” to Dragonstone. She was expected to rule there until the time came for her to ascend the throne. She was the Princess of Dragonstone. Get the picture?
In actual canon, Rhaenyra moved to Dragonstone right after she married Laenor (when she was only 16) and learned to govern, as was expected of her.
The showrunners decided to keep her longer in King’s Landing for the sake of “Court drama”, which (like most things on that show) makes no sense. But eventually, she did come to the realization that she should have left years ago (and told Laenor just that). Yes, she should have.
Because unlike Alicent Hightower and her spawns (who lie around and do nothing - even when they supposedly plan a coup in their heads), Rhaenyra was set to rule the Seven Kingdoms one day and needed to be well prepared for it.
And choosing to go to a place where she was expected to be since coming of age in order to learn to govern, instead of staying at Court and taking shit from a stepmother who has nothing even remotely useful to do with her time (aside from her feet sessions with Larys) is not called “running away”. It’s called being smart.
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Green stans logic:
Rhaenyra should be hated for not helping advance women’s positions throughout the Realm (even though it was a hardship to get stability for herself as the first reigning Queen of the Seven Kingdoms).
Meanwhile, Aegon Hightower should be applauded for taking away a woman’s legitimate right to the throne at a time when a couple of women were found in positions of power throughout the Realm (Lady Jeyne Arryn of the Vale being the most notable example).
Seriously…try harder.
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I haven’t watched yet so idk what’s happening but my god look at them being so married
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I love how Alicent plays the moral police when it comes to Rhaenyra and her affair with Harwin and meanwhile she encourages Larys weird foot fetish and covers her son's rapes. As usual, people who claim to have the moral high ground as the most hypocritical, who would have thought!
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gf brienne
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Seeing anti targs freaking out about the possibility of another Targaryen show ( about the Conquerors) is hilarious
"Now, everyone will assume Dany was supposed to be a hero all along://"
Bestie, even without hotd and without any possible targaryen show we already know that Daenerys is one of Martin's major heroes. We don't need any spin off to confirm it. It's right there on asoiaf text.
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Melissa Schemmenti at Abbott Elementary s3e1: Career Day Part 1
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How many asoiaf leaders we see being self reflecting?
Meanwhile Dany, the night before she offers freedom to all Unsullied, she reflects about Eroeh's fate and even feels guilty about her tragic end.
This girl was raped when Dany rescued her and added her to her personal slaves in order to offer her protection ( remember, back when Dany was married to Drogo, she didn't have the authority to free a slave herself).
Unfortunately for Eroeh, her sad fate didn't stop there. Because after Khal Drogo was dead and Dany was no longer considered a Khaleesi by most of his khalasar, Eroeh's rapist return to abuse and kill the girl.
Dany was by no means responsible to what happened to Eroeh because she was unconscious ( after giving a difficult birth) when the girl met her cruel end by Khal Mago.
However, that doesn't stop Dany from feeling she failed the girl. Because Dany believes that a ruler's duty is to protect their subjects.
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Dany was once also a helpless child in need of protection from her brother - king. But instead all she got was his cruelty and abuse.
Dany knows first hand how someone can suffer under a merciless King. Combine on that the guilt she feels for the fate of a girl she couldn't possible change and it's no wonder that she comes to the conclusion that " justice...is what kings are for".
Those aren't pretty words coming out of a mouth of a pampered and naive girl playing the Messiah. Those are the words of a girl who has sold by her Brother - King as a bride-slave, a girl who has suffered things other Ruler candidates couldn't possibly imagine, a girl who is going to live by those words she said. The same teenage girl offers freedom and justice to all the Unsullied slaves the next morning.
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I love it when Dany lets people underestimate her. Like when she was dealing with the "Good masters" and she pretended to be a naive, foolish royal not knowing their language. When in fact, she actually knew it and she was listening every word they exchanged while also playing ignorant. Plus, she actually knew much more about their culture than she let on since she knew that their biggest desire was getting their hands on a dragon.
You go girl, outsmart them all!
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Ned: I still think your choice in friends is worse than mine!
Cat: Oh really.
Ned: Yes! No friend of mine has ever slept with my little sister because he was in love with me.
Cat: You sure about that?
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