rhea-0f-sunshine · 1 year
Hi! Well– I’ve been on tumbler for a while, but this is my first post! So yay!
I’m currently looking for some peeps to roleplay DreamSMP with! Just make sure to read the rules and friend me on discord so we can start! My Discord username is in the general rules section.
Rules and guidelines
Main rules:
1. Be patient! I’m a depressed person with a lot of problems, and I may take a while to answer. Please give me up to three days before pinging me, and I will do the same for you, unless stated otherwise.
2. I might lose interest! If the roleplay isn't going anywhere or I have no direction in my head we can go, I might ask to change it up with a different RP instead. If this happens, don't take offense, I will tell you if it has something to do with you.
3. I don’t RP fluff very well– and usually have no idea what to do when it pops up. If you would like to roleplay fluff, I will accept it on occasion, but will need you to take initiative so that I can play off of it more dynamically.
4. Don't be sensitive! I completely understand if something triggers you, but I love fucked up shit, as it’s a huge outlet for me. If you‘re uncomfortable with things like gore, angst, death, t0rture, abuse, manipulation, rape, etc, we’ll both probably end up losing interest.
General Rules
If you’re interested, just contact me on discord via my username Rheaofsunshine and we can start discussing a plot or scenario for the roleplay we would like to do!
I don’t like script or one/two-sentence roleplays, and expect starters to have a bit more effort put in than average (3+ paragraphs), just to get the mood set up.
I am a fairly literate roleplayer and use a third person writing style. I’m good with roleplaying multiple people at once, and my reply preference is two to three paragraphs, though responses can vary depending on what is happening in the roleplay. I will try to match your length, and do ask that you do the same.
I will respond as soon as possible. It may take a while for me to type out my response, as I may take a while to think about the response before I start writing. Please do not contact me every fifteen minutes asking if I’ve seen your response yet, or if I’m writing my reply. If I haven’t responded in a few days, though, feel free to give me a ping.
We do not just have to RP if you’d like, I’m fine with having discussions outside of that and am open to any friendships that might form because of it.
But please do not harass or judge me for liking graphic things, and remember that I am a completely different person then the characters I’m playing as. I would never do anything messed up irl, nor do I find joy in seeing others suffer :)
Regarding a Progressive Plot
If we’re on a role and want to expand upon a specific RP, that’s great! But I would first like to discuss the direction we want to take it beforehand to prevent things from becoming stagnant.
If you think of something plot / drama related on the fly, I’d be fine with throwing it in to add more fuel to the plot. Just remember to send me a message out of character to ask if it’s okay, and it’ll usually be fine~
I am okay with adding drama such as family troubles, death of characters, unexpected pregnancies, arguments, etc. If you do not want me to add any drama, please let me know!
Any Headcanons you have of specific characters or dynamics can be discussed before starting an RP, I personally don’t have that many, and am open to pretty much anything, but Dad!Schlatt is a headcanon I will always stand by and hold dear to my heart.
Selecting Characters
We all have our favorite characters we *always* want to play as when they become relevant, and mine is Schlatt! As he’s my main comfort character, and am almost guaranteed to enjoy any plot involving him.
Any characters you feel strongly about playing as, whether that’s because you love their character or feel comfort when playing as them, just let me know! And I’ll remember that that character is off limits for me to play, along with going out of my way to include them in as many plots as I can!
Though do let me know if you’re okay with me playing as your favorite / comfort character occasionally as well, if I enjoy playing them at all, as I am okay with others playing as Schlatt on occasion.
Other characters I enjoy playing as, but am not strictly attached to, are: Dream, Sapnap, Charlie, DreamXD, Sam, Wilbur, Quackity, Technoblade, and Tubbo.
And other characters I am very good at playing as, but am not strictly attached to, are: Callahan, Ranboo, Tommy, Skeppy, Connor, George, BBH, Fundy, Ghostbur, Glatt, Foolish, Eret, Philza, and Puffy.
All the other characters of the DreamSMP are either characters I do not enjoy playing as, or am not in tuned enough with their character to give you the best in-character replies. You can ask me which one it is if you’d still like me to play as of the other characters in an RP.
And that’s it! I hope you’ve at least read the rules– and I can’t wait to RP with you!
I will also get better at posting as time goes on :)
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