rhett-miller · 2 years
It was typical for Rhett to make house calls. There were plenty of youth and adults alike that did not enjoy going to the church to see him or do things at the community center. Thats why he hoped to get enough funds to build a separate community center, which the church was helping with even if they didn't know it. Until then, it was home visits, lunch at cracker barrel, or just walking through the park and talking. He'd parked his car in one of the two visitor spots near one of the entrances. He was on his way back to it when he heard the curse under the breath of a younger woman. "Hey there, d' ya need some help?" Rhett asked, approaching the vehicle from the side as to not alarm her. "I'm not the biggest car whiz, but I do know a thing or two." His hands moved with his words and then rested on his hips.
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who: @rhett-miller​ when: post-jump where: in front of alex’s trailer
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it’s not the first time alex’s car has broken down, and it won’t be the last, but it pisses her off just as much every single time, so, you know. here she is, mildly fucked, leaning over the open front hood of her car, squinting at the machines inside of it as if she expects something to magically appear to her, like she can fix it on her own. now, alex doesn’t know anything about cars, not really - she couldn’t, like, name everything under the hood, or tell you what it does, not if she had to - but she certainly isn’t interested in blowing a bunch of hard-earned cash on getting someone else to fix it, either, so: yeah, here she is, just trying to see if staring at it for long enough will let her know what’s wrong, and how to fix it. “shit,” she mumbles as she looks into the abyss that is the inside of her car. she really needs to learn to fix this shit herself one day. maybe she’d check out a book from the library or something, if she had the fucking time to read one. absently, it occurs to her that this is the kind of thing her dad would know exactly how to handle - not that that helps her all that much. dammit. 
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rhett-miller · 2 years
Why are there so many Songs about rainbows And what's on the other side Rainbow's are visions But only illusions And rainbows have nothing to hide So we've been told and some Choose to believe it But I know they're wrong wait and see Someday we'll find it The Rainbow Connection The lovers, the dreamers and me
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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rhett-miller · 2 years
date: july 4th, 1997 location: prosper park availability: open @panic-hub​
The booth was set up nicely, placed deliberately a few feet into the entrance of Prosper park so they could catch as much traffic as possible. The youth and high school athletics groups had come together to do a bake sale/concession stand during the event. If they were able to raise enough, it meant more equipment and possibly being able to go to training camps for some of them. Rhett was busy making sure everyone was in place and greeting those who came up. Then, of course, making sure Daisy and Colt were staying nearby so he could keep an eye on them. Prosper was a fairly safe place, but it only took one malicious person to change that. It was better just to be safe. 
He stood behind one of the younger players he coached for baseball while they greeted a customer. “Hey, what can we get for you today?” The younger one motioned to the sign behind them to show what they had. “And beyond all that we got here a mess of baked treats and some sparklers for the young or young at heart. All proceeds go to the athletics program here in Lockhorn county.” He finished the pitch with a smile and a quick nod.
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rhett-miller · 2 years
where: old forge community center when: after june 28th who: @rhett-miller​
the old forge bible church and community center was not a place that dana visited often. they simply weren’t religious and didn’t have any kids to send to day care, their birds were all the family they really had in their life. crafty though? dana could be and the community center was a great place for supplies for dana to make the bird feeders that surrounded their cabin. they often wondered if other people ever found the peace that they did when a bird would come just close enough to the window for a snack and then fly off to their own lives.
it was here they ran into rhett, who they recognized for what he did around the community center, counsel and coach which were two things dana would not think of doing. mainly because other peoples problems usually had simple solutions that people didn’t want to see, and team sports were for people who didn’t think for themselves. none of those were rhett’s fault so they offered a warm smile when they ran into him. “hello rhett, are you having an enjoyable day?”
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The morning had been tough. Daisy didn’t want to eat breakfast no matter what he offered and Colt refused to wake up. It was just one of those days. Luckily, he’d had a wonderful eight hours of sleep and woke up feeling refreshed. That made it easy to be patient with his children, even more than he was naturally, and coax them along so they could get out the door. Rhett got them both to day camp and ended up being only a few minutes late for tee-ball practice. Luckily the parents all understood all too well what it was like to get kids out the door on time, especially on your own. 
After practice, he headed back to the community center to meet with his only appointment for the afternoon. Having the afternoon free meant he could go help out in the community center, mingle, and be available for anyone walking in who needed to talk. “Hey Dana! Can’t complain, how are you this afternoon?” He greeted them with a grin before he busied himself picking up some craft supplies strewn on one of the tables.
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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I’m sure someone else has pointed this out but the bracelet he’s wearing here says “daddy” which means one of his kids made it for him and that is the absolute cutest shit ever
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rhett-miller · 2 years
“if you eat sand again, you don’t get ice cream!” josie threatened johnny has he sprinted away from her the second they got to the park. he was long gone and not paying attention to a word his mom was saying as he went up to the playground. johnny’s been looking forward to playing with colt all day and josie was looking forward to him running around and getting all his energy out. plus to get talk to an adult instead of a five year old, josie enjoyed these playdates. 
she saw colt bolting toward johnny before she even saw rhett, but she knew he wasn’t too far behind. “is it even possible to stop them at this age?” she asked with a laugh when he made his way over to her. if rhett had some secret on how to stop a hyper active five year old from running around like crazy, josie would love to hear it. “of course,” she said before moving toward the bench rhett pointed out, taking a seat on one end and setting her purse turned snack and toy bag on the ground. “we’re not too bad,” she said with a sigh as she looked out at the two boys playing already. “johnny woke up this morning excited to play with colt and i had to explain to him how time works again and that he had to wait.” that plus having to tell him every fifteen minutes that no it’s not time yet, sweetie. but that was motherhood she supposed. “how are you guys? what’s daisy up to?”
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“I still ain’t sure it’s possible to stop them at any age.” Rhett laughed in response. “In my experience, ya just got to let them run it all out until they’re three kinds of exhausted.” He knew it was why at least half the parents signed their kids up for the sports he coached. Team sports helped with a multitude of things in all stages of growth. For the younger ones, it was mostly to get them to learn how to follow directions, the basic rules of the sport, and letting them have fun with each other. “Colt would not stop talkin’ about Johnny either. The camp director said he kept askin’ when I was comin’ to pick him up.” Rhett laughed and fell into his seat on the bench. He scanned for the boys quick, making sure they were in sight. The last thing they needed was two curious boys wandering off and getting hurt.
“Oh you know, we’re doing alright.” The smile only dropped from his face for a beat before he put it back in place. “It’s nice havin’ the little ones around. Keeps me from talkin’ to the cats at night.” Said jokingly, but it was sadly very true. Poor Peaches and Gold were often stuck hearing about his day, worries, thoughts, and everything in between. When the kids weren’t around it was quite lonely at his house. That’s one of the reasons he tends to get involved in so many community activities and offers his help whenever someone needs it. Along with just enjoying helping others and bringing others joy if he can. “Daisy went off with a friend from day camp, sounds like it might turn into a sleepover. So the boys get a break from the bossy older sister today.” He chuckled again and folded his arms across his chest.
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rhett-miller · 2 years
Soap making, scrapbooking, decoupage, embroidery, crochet… All really exciting activities. As much as Pippa enjoyed her new hobbies, it didn’t take her long to realize she was always alone when she did them. And while that was okay for a while, especially when she was in the thick of figuring out how to recover from her break-up, Pippa has decided that… well, she didn’t want to be so alone anymore. In fact, she really missed people now. Her days of staying in and randomly breaking into a fit of tears were long behind her. She was ready to stop minimizing her human interaction and living like such a recluse. It was why she was here, speaking to a Community Center counselor.
“Hey Rhett, thanks for taking the time to see me,” Pippa said once she sat herself down in a chair that was… surprisingly comfy for how eccentric it looked. Her lips spread into a soft curve – a smile that was polite and sweet. “I wanted to speak to you today because I was wondering if the Community Center had a sort of… arts and crafts program? Or activities based around them? I’ve been getting into a lot of new hobbies lately, experimenting with a few–” An understatement. A lot. She was experimenting with a lot of artsy things. “–new art forms lately and I’d really love to take time to share it with others. You know, the elderly or children… whoever’s interested, really.” A nervous laugh left her. “So if you have a program like that that exists, I’d love to assist and teach others. And maybe even attend a few lessons myself, learn something new?”
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“Oh no problem, no problem at all. That’s what I’m here for after all.” Rhett sat in his padded folding chair once Pippa took a seat. He crossed one leg over the other and folded his hands in his lap. “That is a good question, I do know there’s a lot of people who use the center for that purpose but I’m not sure how organized it all is. Let me think a tick.” Rhett answered and pressed his lips together in thought. Art wasn’t his strong suit, admittedly. The most he had to offer in that category was coloring a picture in a coloring book with his daughter Daisy. He turned and pulled out the monthly schedule of activities so he could give Pippa a better answer. A finger tapped on closed lips while he scanned the page for all the different activities that would fall under the category of arts and crafts. 
“It looks like we have a few, but not enough. So if you would like to volunteer to run some classes, I don’t see why not.” He wished more people were like Pippa. Both wanting to utilize the community center and to volunteer. Part of it was them having to share space with the church, something he was saving to change but it would take him quite some time doing it alone. “So far it looks like we got quilting, embroidery, and pottery. Otherwise it’s been a free for all. I know some of them charge for supplies and others have people bring their own, so all that will be up to you.” Rhett smiled and handed her the sheet so she could look it over for herself. He turned again to shuffle through some folders to find the sign up sheets. There was a form to fill out to send into the local paper for listings, he needed to find that too. Sadly, organization wasn’t always his strong suit so it would take him a minute. “I love to learn and Daisy loves arts and crafts, so you can count on us to join in whenever we can.”
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rhett-miller · 2 years
date: June 1997 location: community center availability: closed || @pipparossi​
The past hour had been spent with a sweet older woman Rhett had known for half his life at least. She missed her husband, she’d gotten quite lonely the last couple years. He was happy to fill up some of that void with conversation and let her know he was willing to stop by her house if she ever needed help with anything. If she needed someone to fix something, cook a meal, or just have a conversation out on the porch. Anything he could do to help someone in the community, young or old didn’t quite matter much to him. This was his home and would always be his home, his only wish was to put some hope back into the community. He gave her a hug and waved goodbye, then took his seat again. 
Rhett looked in his appointment book to see what he had next and smiled when he saw another name he recognized. He waited a minute and walked out to greet Pippa. “Hey there! Good to see you again. Come on back, c’mon.” He extended a hand out to shake and motioned down the stairs where the community center portion of the church was. Nothing would make him happier than to have to separate locations. For both the space and the ability to be more welcoming to non-Christian community members. Once they got to his office he let her go in first and found whatever seat seemed more comfortable for her. “So,” he started and took his own seat. “What can I be doin’ for ya today, Ms. Rossi?”
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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rhett-miller · 2 years
date: June 1997 location: park in prosper  availability: closed || @jo-williams​
Daisy asked to go over to a friend's house when Rhett went to pick her and Colt up from day camp. Of course he said yes, it was hard to say no to her when she looked up at him with her big blue pleading eyes. It ended up working out, anyways. Colt had a playdate with Johnny that afternoon and Rhett was sure they would have a lot more fun without the bossy older sister telling them what to do all afternoon. Just two five year old boys set loose in a park to explore and do whatever it was that five year old boys did to have a good time. 
Rhett made sure Daisy got into the other parent’s car fine and headed to the park to meet up with Josie and Johnny. He’d hardly got the car parked before Colt was unbuckling his lap belt and opening the back door to get out. Apparently he’d spotted the other two before Rhett did. “Hey now, wait for me.” He let out a chuckle while he shut off the car. Colt was whinging for him to hurry and pulled at his hand to get out of the vehicle. Once they touched grass the little one bolted toward Johnny and Rhett lifted a hand to wave at Josie. 
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“Sorry, I couldn’t slow him down if I tried.” He said with a laugh as they closed the distance between them. Hazel eyes moved to spot a bench they could settle on while the boys played. Rhett motioned toward one close to the playground. “Shall we?” He asked, waiting for her to move first as good Southern manners dictated. “How are y’all doin’ today? Anything new in the Williams world?” He asked her while they made their way over. It was a nice day, the sun was warm but not too hot. Plenty of shade to relax in and enjoy being outdoors.
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Rhett Thomas Miller NICKNAME(S): none BIRTHDAY: July 18th, 1961 AGE: 35
HOMETOWN: Prosper, WV BIRTHPLACE: Prosper, WV RELIGION: Questioning Protestant 
MOTHER: Helga Miller (Anderson)  FATHER: Thomas Miller AUNT(S): Margaret, Ruth UNCLE(S): Ned, George, Mark SIBLING(S): Nancy (38), Andrea (32), Francis (29) SPOUSE: Leslie Berg (m.1985 -1995) CHILDREN: Daisy (8), Colt (5) PET(S): Peaches a white and orange cat and Goldfish (Gold for short) a ginger cat.
Brown hair, hazel eyes, 6’1”, average build. Rhett looks like your average thirties aged dad. He keeps his hair about two to four inches on top and shorter at the sides. Always styled, unless he’s having a bad day or is wearing a baseball cap while he coaches. His most distinguishing feature is his big, charming smile that he always tries to wear on his face and his arched brows.
80s/90s Dad see: https://www.pinterest.com/kitmeowza/ch-rhett-miller/style/
Always has on bracelets made by his daughter and the kids he coaches or counsels. Also his watch. When he’s coaching he always has a stopwatch and a whistle around his neck and aviator sunglasses to shield the sun. He also keeps a swiss army knife in his pocket at all times, just in case.
Rhett loves his family. Until his parents retired to Florida, he would often visit with them and stop by their house to help out with various odds and ends. Now he visits them at least once a year, and they come back to Prosper for holidays with his grandma and him and the kids if he has them that holiday. They call each other once or twice a week and catch up. His grandmother Mabel still lives in Prosper, his father’s mother. She attends church every Sunday, and he escorts her ever since his grandfather Wyatt passed a year ago. Once a week she cooks for him and they share a meal, where he usually listens to her gossip (and often judge) everyone in town. Rhett chimes in to try and sway her otherwise, but she is who she is and he loves her all the same. Besides, she instilled the fear of God in him many years ago and he’s terrified to stand up to her. 
He has three siblings, all of which he talks to often. Nancy lives one county over and Andrea moved to Boston for college. They’re both married with kids and he loves being the fun uncle whenever he visits or they come to town. Francis still lives in town and they meet up whenever she decides she wants to talk to her goofy older brother. He’s very protective over all of them. 
Rhett was married to his now ex-wife Leslie for ten years. They were high school sweethearts and separated for a short time when they went to college. He loved her with every ounce of his being, but she wasn’t in the same mind set. After two kids, and nine years, Leslie started having an affair with a man two hours away from Prosper. In 1995, they divorced and she moved there to be with him. It enraged Rhett to think about it but there wasn’t much he could do about it at the end of the day. He could have fought her for full custody, but regardless of what she did to him she was an excellent mother. They split custody as evenly as possible. Daisy and Colt would come stay with him on school breaks, rotating holidays, and all summer. It was tough, but they made it work. He misses her sometimes.
Being a dad is one of his favorite titles. He loves Daisy and Colt more than anything else in the world. Watching them grow and ask questions and learn about life. Every single second he gets with them is precious and he’d do anything to make them smile. Rhett always hopes he’s doing right by them. He worries sometimes, especially being separated from their mother. But, he will keep trying to do his best and raise them to the best of his ability. 
Rhett has a few friends and a lot of acquaintances. Most people in town know who he is, whether from coaching or fundraising for various activities and charities, or counseling, etc. He tries to remember everyone’s first name and say hello to them whenever they cross paths. There’s a few guys he bowls with once a week and sometimes has a few beers and plays darts. Most of them he’s known his whole life, some just moved to town. Some of them hang out just because there’s no one else to hang out with but he does have a few close friends and he cherishes them. 
After he got divorced, they were forced to sell their house and split the money since neither of them had enough to buy the other out. Rhett moved in with his parents for a year until they decided to move to Florida and signed their Prosper family home over to him. It is a nice home, but quiet when his children aren’t around. Him and his two cats fill the space when they are away. It’s nice to be in a home filled with love and good memories from his childhood. Someday he hopes he will get to share it with someone else and make it less lonely. 
Being a counselor was something he never thought he’d like, but ended up loving. Though coaching is his first love. He went to college and got a degree in social work and education. Rhett always knew he’d come home to Prosper, however. He couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Since there were no openings at the school at the time, he took on a position as a counselor at the community center and coached youth athletics at the school and with the parks and recreation department. Most of his earnings go towards bills and raising his children. He occasionally gambles from time to time, usually on sports games. He feels like he’s good at what he does and will continue as long as he’s still helping people. 
He was always the class clown. School was fun and while he wasn’t a straight A student, he did well enough and loved the atmosphere. He played baseball and basketball. Rhett was a part of the popular crowd but he liked to talk to everyone. He definitely participated in a lot of pranks, especially ones that were rivalry related. They were teased a little bit in elementary school, but that faded as he got older and he didn’t like to tease other people. There were likely times when he did, but he felt bad for it later and would apologize if he could. Most times he tried to lift people up and spread confidence and positivity. 
All Rhett wants to do in life is be a good dad, son, friend, help people, and hopefully find love again. If the school counselor position opens up at either of the schools he would love to fill that role or maybe be able to build a new community center and expand the towns he loves so much. He believes he’ll be able to do it eventually, the only big thing in his way is money and maybe some support. Rhett really hopes he can get people to love Lockhorn county as much as he does and put the work into it to make it desirable for more people to come in. 
Prosper has always been home to Rhett and his family. His meemaw would tell stories about the Miller pioneers and how they helped discover all sorts of land in West Virginia. Though he is certain only half of it is true. Rhett loves Prosper and Hazzard, too, but Prosper will always have a special place in his heart. As long as the rivalry is all in good fun, he’s all for it. When one side acts better than the other because of where they’re from, that’s when he has an issue with it. Good people come from everywhere, and so do bad ones. If they want to play pranks on each other, he’s all for it as long as no one gets hurt. 
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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JASON SUDEIKIS on the Drew Barrymore Show, 2020.
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rhett-miller · 2 years
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“Truth is, actually… I’m in love.”
Love Actually (2003) dir. Richard Curtis
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rhett-miller · 2 years
In the end, always laugh. And do not lose this strange habit of having faith in life.
Daniel C. L.  (via alterated)
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