rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
nicholas-wolfwood :
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“Shit-!” Rhys wouldn’t have to reach far, Nick instinctively shielding him when the damn contraption jerked and screeched to a halt.
“Fuck, least it didn’t… These things usually do this?” He frowned when the lights flickered, the elevator shuddering again.
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“Not normally...” Something must have been malfunctioning. Why did Hyperion have to cheap out on parts for their elevators?! “Let’s try the emergency button...” Rhys reached over to the panel and pressed the red button. The Hyperion announcer came over the intercom trying to tell them to keep calm and Hyperion is doing everything they can to get to the swiftly. “Swiftly my ass....The last time this happened, people were stuck in here for a week...”
13th Floor
Our muses are in an elevator together when suddenly it shakes, stops abruptly, and the power begins to flicker.Send me “13th Floor” for a starter.
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The sudden shaking and abrupt stop had Rhys stumbling about. But it wasn’t until the power began to flicker that the company man really began to worry. He moved closer to Nick, grabbing at the mans arm. “Y-You don’t think the elevator is going to drop…do you?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
13th Floor
Our muses are in an elevator together when suddenly it shakes, stops abruptly, and the power begins to flicker.Send me “13th Floor” for a starter.
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The sudden shaking and abrupt stop had Rhys stumbling about. But it wasn’t until the power began to flicker that the company man really began to worry. He moved closer to Nick, grabbing at the mans arm. “Y-You don’t think the elevator is going to drop…do you?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
hyperionhugo :
“Well…” Hugo began, and trailed off. There was such a long pause it may have seemed like he wasn’t going to say anything more.
“When I think of it, I… if I didn’t demote you… Or, if I hadn’t… if I hadn’t killed Saul…”
He tried to match Rhys’s chuckle, and didn’t execute it as well.
“If I think too much about it, it just goes back and back and back. What if Henderson, what if August, what if Nakayama –”
His words didn’t seem good enough, didn’t match the way he felt when he thought about it. He rubbed at an unseen smudge on his metal arm.
“It’s just… There – there were so many things that could’ve been done differently. And they just… weren’t. – I’m not making any sense,” he grumbled.
“I think… I think I’m saying it’s okay. That you didn’t. Because… none of the rest of us did.”
He gave him a weak smile, reaching out to pat the mans shoulder. “Maybe...But maybe we can make up for the sins of our past, huh?” God, he didn’t even believe what he was saying.
He killed tens of thousands all because of a hologram of his hero. his was ridiculous. There was no way he’d make up for that much blood. He should have found another way to get rid of Jack.
“Wanna have a drink? I have some good scotch in my office.”
"Do you wish you could have done it differently?" (Post-Tales?)
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The question was a surprise, causing him to freeze up for a moment. Of course he wanted things to be different. He spent a lot of his time thinking about what could have been. He blamed himself for a lot of the harm caused.
“I wish…” he paused, “I wish it had, yes. Heh, maybe if I hadn’t taken your stupid deal from you, then I would have gotten your job and you would have been Senior Vice Janitor.” He brushed it off with a laugh, not wanting to go into depth about the agony of all those people he killed.
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
"Do you wish you could have done it differently?" (Post-Tales?)
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The question was a surprise, causing him to freeze up for a moment. Of course he wanted things to be different. He spent a lot of his time thinking about what could have been. He blamed himself for a lot of the harm caused.
“I wish…” he paused, “I wish it had, yes. Heh, maybe if I hadn’t taken your stupid deal from you, then I would have gotten your job and you would have been Senior Vice Janitor.” He brushed it off with a laugh, not wanting to go into depth about the agony of all those people he killed.
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
Our muses are in an elevator together when suddenly it shakes, stops abruptly, and the power begins to flicker. Send me “13th Floor” for a starter.
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
allforthegreatergood :
“Still, best to be on guard,” said Grindelwald. “Unless you want that printed on your grave. ‘Here lies Rhys. He thought he was fine’.”
“Hey! That...probably will be my grave, actually...” Rhys frowned, holding the flame a little closer as he quieted down. But something caught his eye through some sort of observing glass. “There’s plants!” he exclaimed and moved to the window, peering in at all the weird assortment of most definitely killer plants.
"I was thinking about getting you Hugo's scalp for Christmas."
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“His scalp? Why would I want his scalp for Christmas?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
hyperionhugo :
rhysie-winz replied to your post “Status Update”
This is a joke right?
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“I know… As if that status could ever change.”
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“No, no...I mean...How could that statement even be true?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
Meaningful Sentence Starters
“There’s something I really need to tell you.” “I honestly thought that things would be very different.” “Do you wish you could have done it differently?” “What exactly did you think was happening here?” “How do you decide when it’s enough?” “I would die for this cause.” “There are only a few things in this world that are truly important to me.” “Ideals have to count for something.” “Why should I be a nice person?” “This was meant to be easier.” “I have an idea that I need to share.” “Look, you might not like me but we’re stuck in this.” “You remind me of someone I once knew.” “How long does it take people to change, I wonder?” “There are no good choices here.” “There are days I think we’re just in over our heads here.” “How do you keep going when things get hard?” “Are you genuinely interested in me as a person, or is this a game too?” “I care what I look like because I care what people think of me.” “Why did you decide to do it?” “You know what I really regret?” “I’m still struggling to believe any of this is real.” “Are you certain this is what you really want.” “Tell me a dream? Or a secret?” “Do you think you would still be the same person if things had turned out differently?” “What I really meant to say was very different.” “I don’t know if you’ll like what I have to say to you, but I have to tell you anyway.” “You were never supposed to know.” “Why can’t you just follow instructions?” “Why can’t you just ignore instructions?” “What chains you to this life? What keeps you here?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
❛  I can’t believe you said that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we were destined to do this forever. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you are still talking. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you did that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t help me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you betrayed me. Again. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you walked out on me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you listen to them over me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your wearing that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you want out of this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you stabbed me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you shot me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your wearing my clothes in front me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you think it’s funny. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are the news for this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you lied to me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I trusted you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you stole from me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I ever even loved you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are related. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we’re dating. ❜ ❛   I can’t believe you never told the truth about anything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you tricked me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe this is all connected. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you went without me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you don’t remember me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you told me that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we lost everything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you sit there and let it happen. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never wanted to me know. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kept secrets this whole time. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t even say sorry. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you said you didn’t do it. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you lied to the police. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought this was a game. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you came back around here. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you cheated on me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I cheated on him/her. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I fell in love with him/her. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m this happy right now. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you wanted to leave. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t leave me alone already. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought that was okay.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you made a song about me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you wrote a poem for me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they died.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m still alive. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we are doing this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never been to the movies. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you are not in jail for that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t believe me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you asked me that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kissed me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you thought I wanted you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they didn’t want me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your eating that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your helping me.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I helped you. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I gave you everything. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe they aren’t in my life anymore.. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m not allowed to go. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never told me any of this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you kicked my ass. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you cussed me out! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe this is so different. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you think I owe you.  ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you can sing. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you never learned that. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you punched me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you smacked me! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you watched! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we ran into one another again! ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we said that at the same time. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we like the same person. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I haven’t met my soul mate yet. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe your laughing at me. ❜   ❛  I can’t believe your ignoring me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t even listen to me. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe we’re like the same. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you slept on my porch all night. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I actually won something. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe I’m actually good at this. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you won’t drop it already. ❜ ❛  I can’t believe you doubt me. ❜
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
* soft angst starters
‘ stay with me tonight? ’
‘ don’t talk. save your strength. ’
‘ hey, i’ve got you. it’s okay. ’
‘ i’ll be right here. don’t worry. ’
‘ i think we’re done. ’
‘ hold my hand. ’
‘ it’s all been a lie, hasn’t it? ’
‘ we’re out of time. ’
‘ you’ll always be a friend. ’
‘ just hold me. ’
‘ i have to leave you behind. i’m sorry. ’
‘ don’t do that. it’ll only hurt. ’
‘ go on, cry. ’
‘ keep your eyes open. ’
‘ can i hug you? ’
‘ i trusted you. ’
‘ do you remember? ’
‘ i loved you. ’ 
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
Tarot: The Ace of Wands (because the description reminds me of Rhys, and of the fall of Helios, and because if Rhys was on the card he would be holding his stun baton -- a stun baton's like a wand, right?)
Tarot Cards
“Ace of Wands…That is actually highly accurate…” he paused, “And yes, a stun baton can be a wand!”
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0 notes
rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
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“Not really. I’m just going to be huddled inside Atlas, probably in my pajama’s eating shortbread cookies...” he cleared his throat, “I’m letting my staff go home for the holidays, if they have a home to go to. Otherwise, most of them are celebrating together. Heading to Eden-6, I believe...”
"Hey Nick....I uh...I don't know if we'll see each other for Christmas so here's your gift..." He offered the man a box wrapped in blue and silver paper with a blue bow tied around it.
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“Hey, Stringbean, I’ve missed seein’ ya ‘round!” He looked down at the present in surprise, taking it curiously. “Yeah? You gonna be busy this Christmas?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
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“Was it that bad?”
"You would be the magician as a tarot card. Because you're a wizard, get it?" :) (Oh my precious bean v.v)
Grindelwald facepalmed. “That was so bad I don’t even know how to respond.”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
If my muse was represented by a tarot card, tell me in the inbox which card it would be.
HERE are all the universal cards. Scroll down and click on them for meanings if you need a reference.
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
"Guess who signed us up to go Christmas caroling?"
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He was at a dilemma. He loved Christmas caroling, but he wasn’t sure if Hugo was serious. The man could just be making a joke out of the whole thing. “You can sing?”
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rhysie-winz-blog · 7 years
"Merry Christmas, here I am"
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He took one look at the man before pushing the button to close the door. “Sorry, I think you have the wrong apartment!” he called through the door.
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