rich-for-a-day · 8 months
Annette in Rondo of Blood was literally nothing more than a damsel in distress who's whole purpose is to give Richter motivation to fight against Dracula. And to help him continue the bloodline.
In other versions, she's turned into a vampire and is obsessed with Richter.
I'm sorry, but I have two questions.
In any of these, is Annette being of pure white descent necessary? Is her being blonde and pale a defining part of her character? Is there anything, anything at all that demands Annette be a white woman in every single adaptation?
She's just a plot and lore device. Be saved by Richter. Love Richter. Continue the Belmont line.
That's it for Game Annette.
In Nocturne?
She's a warrior who escaped bondage and burned her slavers to the ground. She communes with her ancestors who have long since passed. She feels grief. She mourns. She regrets. She knows, in her heart, that she was at fault for Edouard's demise the same way Richter knows his mom had a better chance of survival had he got on the ship. Rage flourishes in Annette. Love grows between Annette and Richter.
She hates. She weeps. She forgives.
Annette is a character made whole in Nocturne. It also adds so much to her for being a Black, Creole woman.
Richter and Annette are parallels with key differences. Both are haunted by their mothers' deaths. Both are warrior-mages who do battle up-close while using their magic as supplementary to their combat, whilst Maria and Tera focus more on magic and use sword-play as their supplementary skills. Both carry legacies too heavy to bear, yet they persevere.
Richter feels like he's trying to forget he's a Belmont. He is cut off from the magical world. Annette on the other hand continues to push herself to connect to the realm of her Ancestors and her gods. Annette burns with a righteous rage against the ruling class. Richter is consumed by his trauma and puts up an apathetic facade when we first meet him.
They are both made whole after their failure in the crypts. Annette kills her slaver. Richter connects with his grandfather.
They are both stubborn, flawed, dauntless warriors. Richter is arrogant. Annette is vengeful. Both of them manage to fail during separate assaults on the Abbey. Both grow and heal from these failures.
Those fuckers who hate Annette for being 'too different from the source material' are dweebs.
Because Annette in the game isn't even a character! Just a tool! A supporting face! That's all she is.
Nocturne takes many creative liberties that expand on the world.
Just say you hate Annette for being black. Be honest with your racism. It makes it easier for everyone to identify who's a mouthbreathing bigot.
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rich-for-a-day · 8 months
"Fans just want to see Annette be adapted loyally from the game."
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Annette's biggest plot line is that:
A.) She gets kidnapped by Dracula and Richter saves her.
B.) She gets turned into a vampire and obsesses over Richter.
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There is nothing to adapt loyally because she's not a character!
Castlevania games have always been light on plot. The same goes for their characters.
Yeah, no. I'd rather take the one that actually feels like a real character, with real motivations and a rich backstory. I'll take the one who can stand side by side with Richter in battle. The one who is both wonderful independent and connected with Richter.
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She's flawed and angry. Filled with pride of her history and ancestry. Who is starting to realize that she might like this Richter Belmont fellow, despite his abrasive attitude. She sees herself in this handsome, arrogant, loyal vampire hunter. In him she sees a reflection of her fears and insecurities. In him she can see a way to beating back the threats that plague the land.
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In each other, they see hope.
Richter's abilities return to him because he needs to protect her, along with Tera and Maria. In turn, Annette isn't alone in this fight. She is a woman of color, finding herself in a strange land with people who despise her just for her skin. But with Richter, Tera and Maria? She's not alone.
They see something in one another that is worth admiring.
And one day, perhaps, something worth loving.
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rich-for-a-day · 11 months
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THE LITTLE MERMAID (2023) dir. Rob Marshall
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rich-for-a-day · 11 months
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Halle Bailey and Jonah Hauer-King in THE LITTLE MERMAID behind the scene
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
Spiderverse thots
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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You're on your way.
Just keep going.
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
Got back from seeing the movie again and a tiny theme I liked was the solidarity in the younger POC generation vs the older gen.
Margo, Hobie, Pavitr and Miles all had eachother’s back. They fought together, they helped eachother in small ways like Hobie telling Miles to use the palms, and big ways like Miles saving Captain Singh and Margo letting Miles go “home”.
They could’ve stopped him, they could’ve not helped eachother but they did. Because they understood and they all realized what was wrong with the Spider Society. All of them at the end came together to support and help Miles, in the way the rest of the spiders couldn’t.
And when you put that into perspective with Miguel and Jessica, older POC that gave no support. They believe that Miles has to suffer in order to become Spider-Man, that pain will always have to happen.
But the others don’t believe that, they know that best way to be a hero is uplift and help eachother. Often the parents, the older generation compromise their morals and others for the future, for them to grow up safer and yet the future generation always has to reckon with the consequences of those actions without even having a say in the first place.
That’s a damn message, and I love that they used the younger poc generation to show that because this does happen in real life, there is a difference and our parents, our grandparents believe that pain has to happen for our identity to be created.
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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The Little Mermaid (2023) Directed by Rob Marshall
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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Ariel, can you give me a hand? Ariel!
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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Halle Bailey + The Little Mermaid press tour looks
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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"Go ahead and live with your head held high! No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness...set your heart ablaze. Grit your teeth and look straight ahead."
Rengoku's final words of advice and encouragement to Tanjiro...🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤😭😭😭
"Demon Slayer: Mugen Train"
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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Leon baby girl Kennedy
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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Leon S. Kennedy - Resident Evil 4 (2023)
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rich-for-a-day · 1 year
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The Joestar Family ☆
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rich-for-a-day · 2 years
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Black Panther - Wakanda Forever
Art by Kyle Petchock || IG
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rich-for-a-day · 2 years
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We'll meet at the Ferris Wheel.
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