richonnedaily · 4 years
i’m back, forreal this time
i’m back and i’m going to start posting mini fanfics or like short stories on here.... would y'all be interested in that?
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richonnedaily · 4 years
do people still blog on here?
where my walking dead people at? i’ve been gone for what feels like literal years and i do apologize for that. i’m not even sure if anyone remembers me or my page, but i hope to build it back up and catch up with all of you. 
fuck coronavirus, right? i want season ten’s finale. 
also, the first book of the amorous series has 10k reads! the second book has 1.3k. i don’t know if anyone from here reads those books but THANK YOU if you do. 
i’m glad to be back.
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richonnedaily · 6 years
i'm back and thankful
hi guys. if you couldn't tell, i took some sort of hiatus. honestly i'm not even sure if i'm back long-term yet. but! i have gained a lot of followers over the last few months that i've been gone, and i thank you all. i'm gonna try to remain consistent, but once again, i don't know if i'm long term yet. love you all.
p.s. amorous has 3.09k on wattpad💛
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richonnedaily · 6 years
if you watch fear then don't read because spoilers.
okay so why nick out of all characters? i swear, i give this show a chance and it shits on me
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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that’s nice I guess. Is that the real ellen let’s go check?
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that’s the only two posts on this blog. It’s at least a year old. It doesn’t update ever. They’ve been following me for a year, and just now decided to communicate only these two lines.
I fear for my life.
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richonnedaily · 6 years
🌸To all lovely carylers out there🌸
@mairy1425 @thaliasandy @weedsor-wildflowers @wednesdays-pookie @ginger-zombie @shimmershae @archersqueen @gracefull-mess @freefromthecocoon @carylfeels @shanahaniganz @caroluebs @sunflowers-coffee @goldenlacey @equuleus86 @cubancupcake305 and many many other awesome carylers I haven’t tagged here….
Whatever is there for our beloved couple on this last episode of eight season I want you to know how grateful I am to be part of this family. We’ve almost made it to another hiatus before s9.It’s been 8 seasons with Carol and Daryl who unconditionally love each other to the moon and back.
For this season in spite of huuuuge promotion we’ve got only a few scenes but every single moment of them interacting had exquisite beauty and magic to it.That’s something I love about them so much.No matter how limited writers make their scenes Caryl sharing screen time will always have me and my heart melting from all the feeels while watching their loving and precious relationship.
And I just wanted to thank my wonderful caryl family for being amazing because even though there might have been rough waters in the past,we’re staying strong.Always together in this! Much love to you all!!! (。・ω・。)ノ♡♥♡♥♡
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•gifs are not mine•
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richonnedaily · 6 years
His eyes.
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Look at his eyes. He focuses at her lips for quite a long time with pure,desperate longing. He absolutely craves her with everything he has and still holds back.
My heart can’t take it,it’s too much.
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richonnedaily · 6 years
Assertive Rick says...
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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“There’s something so pure about him; there’s no ego, it’s all about work. He sets a beautiful example that way: he’s kind, encouraging, congratulatory, really happy for great stuff to happen. He’s a true actor.” - Danai Gurira
“[…] just acting opposite of Danai is one of the great gifts I’ve had on the show.” - Andrew Lincoln
andy & danai | requested by anon
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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via 1993rw
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richonnedaily · 6 years
i usually don't care for her but i loved this
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#Yass Queen
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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Rick & Michonne porch scenes + remembering Carl - 8.10/8.15
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richonnedaily · 6 years
wait somebody help me me. i'm hella slow; i just took my SAT & a practice ACT. my brain is fried
So Gimple and Kang have stated that the season 8 finale will FEEL like a series finale. With all storylines from the 1st 8 seasons coming to a conclusion or wrapping up. So I don’t know about you guys, but what storyline has been a'brewin for 8 seasons? Just saying.
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richonnedaily · 6 years
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“It makes me fucking sick. It’s just disgusting. It makes me sick that these trolls and these people can say stuff, because, again, the social anonymity of it is what allows people somehow the right to just say whatever the fuck they want. And you know what? If you want to fucking beak off like that, then why don’t you post your name — your full name, not your Twitter name, not your handle, not your bullshit, whatever made-up stuff you do. Print your real name. Print your real phone number. Print your real address. Step up. Don’t just hide behind this anonymity and say whatever you want. That shit pisses me off.
I’ve had personal experiences, and I’ve been through stuff. But again, it does affect you, but you have to quickly go, it’s bottom feeders, right? It’s catfish. It’s people that are eating the fucking shit out of the hippo tank, and that’s how you’re spending your time? It’s sad. These people are just pathetic. hat’s why Alanna’s post was so beautiful, because fuck off. Why are you harassing people? Go fucking do something productive with your life.” - Steven Ogg
Huffington Post | 2018
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richonnedaily · 6 years
girl: *stares outside of window on train, looking pensive*
boy: she’s so beautiful, so thoughtful, my manic pixie Dream girl
girl: *to herself* how many donuts can i stuff in my mouth at 1 time
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