richremington · 5 years
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Arun let out a dramatic sigh waving him in. “Really old man could you get anymore uncool? Nobody calls beer a cold one anymore. I can’t believe I even still allow you in my bar. You bring it’s value down a bit. I’m going to have to upcharge my drink pricing to make up for it.”
“Well how about you enlighten me then? What do the hip kids use these days you cranky old hermit?” Rich snickered as he walked towards the bar, and shot Arun a look behind him. “Value down? You’re the only person here! Besides, we both know age does better for the alcohol industry.” He retorted.
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richremington · 5 years
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            “  t  -  thank  you  …  “  quiet  remark  FROM  small  witch  ,  dropping  hand  to  fiddle  with  her  own  hands  ,  trying  to  ground  herself  from  not  exploding  with  unwarranted  magic  ,  but  he takes  her  hand   and  leads  her   THROUGH  ,  allowing  small  sigh  of  relief  to  escape  her  lips  .  “  thank  you  .  again  — !  “
“yeah, it’s no problem kiddo. I used to see this type of thing on a regular basis.” He replied with a thin smile. As he helped lead her to a spot where she could at least sit. “Are you familiar with therapeutic breathing exercises? I can help you through this, and you’ll be just fine.”
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richremington · 5 years
She needed to remember to stop talking about the animals out loud. Humans would think her crazy eventually. The idea that Winter’s talking to animals would be how their world got revealed was a shitty idea. “I meant the animals seem sad.” Not the best cover but watching them gather it should be something humans knew. “You know animals can feel things.” 
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Rich listened patiently before he spoke to the young woman. He had seen it all before, people often communicated with animals and even plants sometimes. It didn’t make him question the world, even though he knew more than just the average human. “Yes, they can.” He agreed with a nod as he glanced up the birds. “They have a sixth sense for our emotions, a certain level of empathy. I’m sure they’re just as anxious as we all are.”
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richremington · 5 years
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richremington · 5 years
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“It’s me your favorite psych teacher, coming in for a cold one before I head home.” Rich explains quickly almost without breathing in fact. He pulled in a breath and audibly popped his shoulders. “Are you going to let me in young timer, while  i’m still in my fifties?” The man grins with a jovial laugh. 
It was still a hours before Blood Red was supposed to open when Arun heard a knock on the door. He placed the glass he had been cleaning down and went over to open the door. “Hello. May I help you?”
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richremington · 5 years
Rich calmly turned his head to look down at the young girl. He could recognize a panic attack when he saw one about to happen. He nodded to her and spoke in a soft tone. “Yes, let’s get you somewhere that you can breathe easily.” He agreed and took her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze as he lead her away from the crowd if she allowed.
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             “  — can  we  l  -  leave  ?  “  baby’s  voice  is  barely  above  a  whisper  ,  breath  ragged  .  “  there’s  …  there’s  too  many  people  here  and  m  -  my  …  “  magic  is  acting  up  .  hands  are  trembling  as  her  hand  reaches  out  to  the  other’s  sleeve  .  “  please  …  “
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richremington · 5 years
“I see, have you always not liked people?” Richard asked softly unable to keep his psychologist past too far away from him. He had just came out of doing some residency works, and paused to reach into his pocket. “I have a couple cotton balls that might assist with cleaning the wound.” Rich offered and lifted his hand out in a peace mannerism at the other man. “I think it’ll be just fine, kid.”
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Standing in front of the building Luis looked at himself in the glass, “See this is why I don’t like people.” He hadn’t been anywhere near the fight that had broken out but in passing he was a casualty in the damage. If there hadn’t been as many humans around as there were he probably would have killed him. “It’s not really as bad as it looks it is?” He’d tried to clean up as much of the blood as he could but the cut was still kind of deep.
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richremington · 5 years
Richard has been there many times before, especially with Godfrey boy’s creativity. He glanced over the man’s hair and bobbed head from left to right. “It looks slightly uneven on this side.” He points to his right side with a slow smile. “Other than that it’s not too bad.  At least the kiddo didn’t shave you bald.”
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“ i let one of my kids cut my hair , “ a sigh escapes him. “ horrible idea , i know. i thought it would be good… it’s not like i asked a five year old to give me a haircut. “ nicholas grimaces at the mere thought. fingers run through his freshly cut hair. “ it doesn’t look…. too bad , does it ? “ 
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richremington · 5 years
“good morning!” Rich replied back. He was pretty sure out of the Godfrey house he might be one of the only early risers. Also having been a psych doctor makes him tilt his head at the girl in front of him. Quietly analyzing her symptoms, “Oh black coffee and..” The elder man paused and squinted at the menu a minute. “What does that special say?”
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“ mornin’ ! “ entirely too chipper for the hour, hazel eyes fix on the customer. “ can i get you anything ? “ she’d honestly rather get them nothing. she wants to be back in bed. fuck early shifts. “ some coffee ? maybe our breakfast special ? “
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richremington · 5 years
Godfrey Goodies
A day off was rare for Papa Godfrey, it was such a rare occasion in fact he made sure to invite everyone over for dinner. Because he wasn’t quite sure what else to do with his time, and Connie had mentioned the house needed some extra wards placed up. He knew lesser than the basics about warding, but he had no magic himself to contribute. So Instead he kept himself busy in the kitchen scooting from each assembly line station he had figured would make it easier to get things ready. An older type of radio device was placed on the corner of the counter playing out random police codes. Rich occasionally paused to stare at the police scanner, but then went back to work. 
He heard the front door close and turned around to stare at the first arrival. A large grin formed once he recognized his wife. “Hello beloved. Do you want to set the table? This should be done soon. I sent the dinner is ready emoji to the family group chat. It’s weird the emoji is an eggplant. I added some to the salad since everyone seems to love eggplant these days. “
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richremington · 5 years
Richard walked across the chalkboard drawing two different diagrams for the students behind him. Humming a tune to himself he labeled each thing with a new number. “Now, who can tell me the obvious differences between the brain on the left to the brain on the right?” When the ex-doctor turned to face the class he noticed a new figure had dropped down into the seats in the back of the classroom. He would recognize those legs if he were lost for days. 
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The bell had started to ring and chaos fled as he dismissed the current class. He still had a couple hours until he was needed for the field test at the local hospital. Rich whistled as he walked behind a few last dashing students and leaned against the desk. “Excuse me. I think I’m going to need to see your hall pass for being so tart.” A sly grin across his lips as he lowered himself down further to press a quick kiss to her lips to stop any sort of retort right away.
They had discussed the happenings of the gala at length the night it happened. Because he was one to believe that they shouldn’t go to bed on a disturbed mind set. The last time they both did one of their boys had left home for the wrong reasons. “Here to bail me out? Want to grab some lunch? I just have to be at the hospital to observe in a few hours.” 
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richremington · 5 years
“That’s not entirely true.” Richard chirped from behind Winter calmly, not trying to creep her out. He looked around the roofs and tried to see exactly what she was talking about. Was she talking about voices? The voices were unhappy? Richard pursed his lips slightly, but fell into the more relaxed facial expression.”The person would know, their accomplices would know. People sometimes overlook the details. Who else is unhappy about it?”
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Running her hand through her hair Winter stared at the building. She hadn’t been here for this but she very quickly had heard about it, and the cards. The area was still closed off, she’d wanted to see the builfing but that clearly was impossible. “No one knows anything.” she looked up at the birds that had gathered on the roofs of the other buildings. “Even they’re unhappy about it.”
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richremington · 5 years
Richard listened holding his cup of cucumber lemonade with his legs crossed at the knee. His job was to teach, but before that it was to listen to anyone’s complaint and try to help them the only way he could - via the limits of psychology. “ It’s a normal response to move on from such things.” He replied simply taking a drink from his glass. “History does tend to repeat itself, but it depends really. I didn’t know the victims personally - I’m sure someone that did would disagree. Because their grieving process would need more time to deal with it.” Richard looked at the seemingly young man curiously. “Forget about it until it happens again? With no proof of what happened. No sort of conclusion to it. Maybe you and I will be the victims next.”
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“it’s not as bad as you think it is,” bellamy shrugged, biting at his bagel as he looked up to meet the other’s eyes. he was tired of hearing everyone talk about the gala – he knows he should be worried about it as well, but he couldn’t be bothered about it, all that mattered to him was that those he cares for are alive. “do you know how many tragedies happened over history ? this is just another one – don’t get too overworked over this. in fact, my advice ? forget about it – it’s better that way.” the vampire added as he waved at a guy that was checking him out. “try and move on, whoever is doing this isn’t a threat so far.”
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