richterology · 3 years
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⟡ 𝑪𝑹𝒀 𝑾𝑶𝑳𝑭! — part two
cry wolf! masterlist
pairing: luke pearce x reader
warning(s): reader is referred to as a queen but isn’t explicitly stated to be female.
wc: 714
summary: danger lurks in every corner for the defenseless human. but he just might enjoy waltzing into the jaws of a monster if it means you’ll come to his rescue every time.
a/n: the feminine urge to drop this series is real :/
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The castle grounds were beautiful. Well-maintained with lush greenery and blood-red flowers that seemed to remind Luke of a certain werewolf queen.
His two guards followed closely behind him despite the tiredness radiating from their bodies as they yawned every so often.
“Is it boring?” Luke asks, turning away from the scenery to face his guards.
His guards exchange a shared look before nodding, eliciting a laugh from deep within his chest.
“Ever since you appeared, the queen has been busy with their duties, and the castle has become way too quiet.” The guard on his right explained. “Due to the queen’s orders for you to be left alone, no one has been bold enough to approach you much less your surrounding areas.”
He was right. On his very first day in the kingdom, Luke had seen many werewolves roaming about, and as the days went by he only ever caught sight of the castle staff and his own guards.
Coral eyes lowered dejectedly, Luke hums softly as he resumes his walk, following a random path until it led him to the entrance of a forest.
“You shouldn’t go in there.” Guard A says. Neither had bothered to give Luke his name and since they looked similar, Luke resorted to naming them ‘Guard A’ and ‘Guard B’. But only in his head of course.
“Why?” He questions simply. He squints at the unnatural darkness emitted from the forest wondering if he could return home if he went through it. Though he knew it was quite nearly impossible for himself to navigate through the unrelenting wilderness without the help of the supernatural.
“The forest has been enchanted with magic to attack outsiders, there’s no telling what will happen if you enter it even with us by your side.” Guard B explains, stepping out of his place on Luke’s side to drag him back five steps.
“Was the forest I appeared in enchanted as well?” Luke asked, coral eyes shimmering with curiosity.
Before either guard could respond, a snide voice cuts in.
“The surrounding forests are all enchanted. You should’ve died.”
It was obvious that this person was one of those werewolves that disapproved of the queen’s orders.
“Well, it’s too bad I’m alive and well,” Luke replies smoothly, a carefree grin on his face. His gaze, however, was hard and cold with only a hint of mischief reflected in his irises.
His provocation seemed to have worked as the werewolf begins to shift into wolf form, snarling loudly. Guards A and B immediately take up defensive stances in front of him, shielding him from the short-tempered werewolf.
With years of experience in combat under his belt, Luke could tell that there was no imminent threat to his life and the backs of both his guards were beginning to look more and more reliable.
“You dare disobey my command?”
You stifle your grin as Luke startles backward, bumping into you. His eyes widen upon seeing you and you note the slight pink that tinges his cheeks.
“Y-your Highness!”
You ignore the other wolves that have sunk to their knees in greeting, choosing to give Luke a careful inspection as you searched him for any injuries.
Cupping his face gently, you let out a soft laugh as Luke reddens significantly.
“I’m just checking you for injuries,” You murmur, “It looks like your unharmed… Physically anyway.” Your voice turns cold as you fix a stony glare in the direction of the wolf that had disobeyed you.
Flicking your wrist gently you signaled for Luke’s guards to take away the troublemaker.
“Imprison him.”
Once again, you ignore the anguished cries of the wolf being dragged away and turn your full attention over to Luke.
“If you ever encounter a situation like that again, call for me,” You instruct the man quietly. His life was of utmost importance to not only, you but also the fate of your kingdom.
“Okay,” Luke quickly agrees by nodding his head. His brown hair flops over his eyes adorably and you reach out to ruffle his hair, grinning at the feeling of his soft locks between your fingers.
Maybe it wasn’t too bad to ditch your work and find Luke sometimes.
In your reverie, you miss the secretive smile that spreads across Luke’s face.
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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richterology · 3 years
the feminine urge to start a vyn series even tho im not done with cry wolf
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richterology · 3 years
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⟡ 𝑪𝑹𝒀 𝑾𝑶𝑳𝑭! — part one
cry wolf! masterlist
pairing: luke pearce x gn!reader warning(s): reader is referred to as a queen but isn’t explicitly stated to be female. wc: 624 summary: with his status boosted from 'prisoner' to 'guest', a human boldly enters the queen's office, bearing a late-night snack.
a/n: the long-awaited part one is here! comments are highly appreciated ^^
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It’s been three days since the human, Luke Pearce, arrived at your castle.
You had declared that none other than you could touch the human and that any werewolf found guilty of such crimes would be punished severely. Many voiced their disapproval but you silenced them quickly.
Your work as a ruler kept you busy, so much so that you didn’t have any time to spare for your new companion, a pretty boy with the loveliest eyes you’ve ever seen.
You fanned your face as Luke’s face popped up in your mind. The bright smile he had given you as he thanked you for your kind hospitality was engraved in your memories.
After the introductions in the throne room, you had all the restraints on him removed and even allowed him free rein of the castle as long as he had a guard by his side. You were adamant about the fact that he was to be treated as a guest for the entire duration of his stay and none was to disobey your command.
A sigh escaped your lips as you tidied the papers on your desk.
If you had known such a good-looking human would’ve entered your castle, you would have never procrastinated on your queenly duties then maybe you would have had more time to play with Luke.
You could still remember the look of disappointment on his face when you told Luke that you were busy and that you’d leave the castle tour to someone else instead.
Knock knock.
“Come in.” You said without looking up from your work. It was probably one of the staff bringing you a snack anyways.
“Uh, I brought some snacks from the kitchen.”
You lifted your head immediately, your mouth falling slightly open as you looked at the person by the door.
With a tray of cookies in his hands, Luke shyly avoided your eyes as he smiled sheepishly.
“I heard from the kitchen staff that you haven’t eaten anything today so I thought maybe a light snack would help you to regain your appetite rather than a whole meal,” Luke explained as he took a few hesitant steps forward, lowering the tray for you to see.
Your stomach growled loudly as soon as you caught a whiff of the freshly baked cookies.
Ah, shit.
Averting your eyes, you coughed awkwardly as you tried to hide your blush with your hand.
“You must be very hungry,” Luke stated, worry evident in his voice.
You could only nod mutely as you pushed your papers aside, creating space for Luke to place the plate of cookies down.
“Thank you,” You mumbled as you hung your head, face warm from embarrassment.
Luke doesn’t respond, he only smiles kindly.
Is he an angel? He must be an angel.
Your thoughts are interrupted as Luke reaches out to take a cookie, holding it to your lips.
“You should eat if you’re hungry, I’ll be here until you’re finished...”
A giggle escapes from your lips as you watch Luke struggle with the after-effects of his actions. With the tips of his ears bright red and a wobbly smile on his lips, Luke was the epitome of adorableness. His coral eyes shone brightly, a sharp contrast to the gloominess of your office.
Deciding to put him out of his misery, you take a bite of the cookie.
“It’s delicious, thank you,” You tell him, a genuine smile on your lips. You glanced over at the documents sprawled across your desk, carefully placing your arm over a piece of paper to block its contents from Luke’s wandering eyes.
If he knew that his appearance just broke a century-old agreement between the supernatural races, would he still smile prettily at you?
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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richterology · 3 years
cry wolf part 1 is coming soon!
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richterology · 3 years
When is chapter 1 on luke fanfiction
this saturday hopefully...
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richterology · 3 years
hii! your works are really good, do you take requests? :))
oh hi! i haven't thought about taking requests yet since i just wanted to put my ToT brain rots somewhere... but if your request is kinda short like a scenario or headcanons i think i could do it!
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richterology · 3 years
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⟡ 𝑪𝑹𝒀 𝑾𝑶𝑳𝑭! — prologue
pairing: luke pearce x gn!reader
warning(s): reader is referred to as a queen but isn’t explicitly stated to be female.
wc: 534
summary: in which a human enters the territory of the queen of werewolves.
a/n: i hope it’s not too late to start a supernatural mini series..
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There’s a human in the castle.
You’ve heard the whispers of the daring human ever since you were abruptly woken up from your nap.
“Did you hear? A human male was captured by the borders of the territory!”
“How did it even make it past the thick fog of the forest?”
“It must be an enemy. Supernatural or not, we should kill it and eat it!”
The comfiness of your throne paled in comparison to your wonderful bed but business was business and you simply had to address the daring little human that had wandered straight into werewolf territory. And to top it all off, he had trespassed into the very land governed by the queen of werewolves.
You motioned to the guard stationed by the door of the throne room, a signal to bring the poor human in. Your eyes roved across the various faces of werewolves in your court. Some looked eager with bloodlust flashing in their eyes. While others looked bored, confident that the human was to become dinner tonight.
The massive doors creaked as they were pushed open, and your expectant gaze lands upon the human, squished between two guards. A sack had been thrown over his head, obscuring his face from view yet with your refined senses and years of experience, you could tell at a glance that this human was no ordinary fool.
He could still be a fool, considering he had wandered into danger all by himself— but you instinctively knew that this human was attractive. The human walked with his shoulders squared, his every movement tense and careful as if he’d stand a chance in a room full of monsters.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to his arms, the muscles flexing every so often whenever he heard the slightest sound.
How cute.
With your interest piqued, you wanted nothing more than to rip the ugly brown sack off his head and get a good look at his face.
You clicked your tongue when a guard made a move to stop you from leaving your throne, Throwing him a glare befitting of a queen, you smirked as the guard backed down with his head bowed and tail between his legs.
Your footsteps made almost no sound at all as you stepped closer to the human. A smile prodded at the corners of your lips as you waved away the guards at his sides causing him to tense up.
“Hello,” You purred, “I’m going to remove this ugly sack from your head, but you must promise to behave, okay?”
You didn’t have to wait long as the human nodded instantly.
With bated breath, you reached for the hem of the sack, feeling the rough material between your fingers before gently lifting it off as a groom would to a bride’s veil.
A breath of air caught in your throat as soon as a pair of bright coral eyes met yours.
You were right.
The human was good-looking.
So much so that you couldn’t resist the urge to pinch his cheek.
Confusion rippled across your court at your actions but your attention stayed on the human before you.
“Tell me your name,” Your voice sounds out, barely a whisper.
“Luke Pearce.” He answers.
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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richterology · 3 years
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pairing: luke pearce x gn!reader
tags: fluff, crack
summary: in which luke pearce, a paranormal investigator, stumbles into the werewolf kingdom where he meets the queen of werewolves. (credits for this idea goes to @cupofwri-tea!)
this will be a mini-series of a number of one shots detailing luke’s experience in the werewolf kingdom!
part one
part two
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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richterology · 3 years
i have a luke wip sitting in my drafts that i keep rewriting over and over ;-;
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richterology · 3 years
monster aus (happy spooky szn 2021!)
“i’m the queen of the werewolves and you’re a human who stumbled upon our kingdom and all the werewolves want you dead but i wish to keep you because you’re so fucking cute and i could squish your cheeks all day” au
“you’re a vampire and i’m a vampire and we meet by fighting over our next meal and oh god we’re now making out, what the hell is wrong with us?” au
“i’m a ghost rockstar and somehow you’re able to see me and you’re the only one who shows up to my concerts and oh my god you look so cute in my merch please fucking kiss me” au
“it’s halloween and i dressed up as an angel and i ended up getting lost into the woods while trick or treating and bump into you, an actual demon, and i hardcore fangirl that we’re like a dressed up duo and you’re confused af” au
“you’re a witch from the 1600s and somehow got teleported to the modern day and now i’m having to take care of you in my shitty apartment with my hairless cat” au
“i’m a ghost who was murdered five years ago and you stumble upon the location i haunt and you end up helping me figure out who my murderer is and it gets really gay because we’re both useless lesbians” au
“you’re the king of vampires and i’m some broke ass college student and you take a bite out of me and apparently you can tell from how my blood tastes i need to fix my diet” au
“i’m a scientist who makes my own version of frankenstein and i’m simping so hard because you’re so clueless and curious about the world around us and your curious face is so fucking cute” au
if you wish to use any of these prompts, please make sure to credit properly! thank you! :))
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richterology · 3 years
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none yet
none yet
none yet
cry wolf! [mini series]
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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richterology · 3 years
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#richterology.inbox - asks
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richterology · 3 years
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hello!! this is dex from @xiao-cafe and this is my sfw ToT blog ^^
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basic dni criteria applies + the following:
if you're 15 and younger
if you're a minor posting nsfw content
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richterology · 3 years
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. . . entering nxx lounge
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about , m.list , tags
dex. she/her. 19.
current status: busy with school!
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— recent works
cry wolf part two
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© richterology 2021, do not plagiarize or repost
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