rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Whoof! I do not regret installing an autopilot on this baby. Nothing' like doing shots off your dashboard while cruising through space. IF when -- y'know, it kinda reminds me of the old days. Drinking and adventures go hand in hand. like a sock in a puppet, or --- or something. It's really been a while. i don't even carry a f;lasks anymore. i'm always too busy, too beust for simple shit and adventuers. i miss going on adventures. I think i'll take my bunny morty out on a classic adventure. No bullshit, no fighting or any for that crap, just a ormal rick and morty adventure. i've been to so many-- so many world,s , you know? like it, like at some point i lost that spark. fighiting mortys is dumb, none of them are like--- like HIM. It's no fun without him, can't talk to these airheads, they don't know anything, just that they're my morty and they gotta --- gotta fight for me. i should Make a device to help find him, like a universe---dimension.... tracker thing. yeah. tracks.... where people from a certain dimesnion is. OK! I'm turning this baby around. we're gonna ziiiip back to the lab and make up a dimension-person-finder-thing!!
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Speaking of drinking, my dimension's Earth is rife with candy-alcohols. Though I don't usually indulge much.
It really has been a while... maybe I should pick up a few handles of bubble gum vodka before I head off again...
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
so..... is chewing bubblegum, like, your vice? like instead of drinking you chew gum?
No, it's not. I still drink sometimes... Not with other Ricks, though, because those assholes like to call me a lightweight, which I'm not. I'm just one of the few Ricks that can confidently say I'm not an alcoholic without it being a lie or delusion.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Being home makes me nostalgic. You really can't get those minty-sweet smells anywhere else.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
I visited my home dimension, BBG-021 today. As it turns out, Morty... didn't make it home. I didn't have the heart to tell Beth that we split up, so I made one of the Mortys from my team eat an entire pack of bubble gum and pretend to be him.
My Morty was—is a pretty quiet guy, so despite his jaw getting gummed shut he managed to convince them. Well, everyone except for Summer. But I couldn't give less of a shit what Summer thinks, that grape-gum-chewing bitch.
Nobody fucking likes grape bubble gum, Summer. You're a disgrace to this family, and if your real brother were here, he'd agree with me.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Do you still go on adventures?
Not as much, but yeah. Though I spend most of my time on the citadel, when I'm not out battling Mortys.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
what happened to your Morty???? :(
Don't sound so concerned for him, he's a Morty. But, well... I guess at some point this whole battling thing got to my head. We had a stupid argument and I told him to fuck off, so he did. I haven't seen him since.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Whenever other Ricks try to make conversation with me on the citadel, I usually ignore them. Not because I dislike them, but because I'm too busy chewing gum.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Have you ever battled C-137?
...He says he's "too cool" for Morty battling. I think that TV show of his has gone to his head.
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
There seems to be a lot of Ricks on here... any of you got Mortys to trade?
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rickbbg-021 · 2 years
Picture of me and Morty... it's been a while since I've seen him, actually.
...I'm sure he's made it home by now.
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