ricksilsa · 6 years
So basically, if you were the Dursleys... 😂. Sorry, no this is soooo important. Everyone is important and needs to be told as a child, especially a young child. And there are very few people with money who say they’re happy. And they’re probably lying. Happiness is a goal we all strive for and there are tons of different ways to get it and I’ve never heard anyone happy say that it was money that made them happy.
just because you fed your kid and put a roof over their head doesn’t mean you succeeded as a parent lmao if your child cannot navigate adult life in a healthy way you have failed. if your child has such deep self worth issues thanks to decades of you only focusing on what they were doing wrong, you failed. if you tell your child that having money is more important than happiness and doing what you want in life, you’re a fucking failure.
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ricksilsa · 6 years
This! I am a nanny of a 3 three-year-old and this three-year-old is busier at three then I was at 12. School two days a week, gymnastics, dance class, swim lessons, storytime at the library and at least once or twice a week I like to take her to Chick-fil-A or McDonald’s so she can play in an indoor play area as we live in Texas and it is already so hot that after 9 AM all of the equipment at any park we could go to will burn the heck out of your skin so hot. Yeah my mom told me that when I was three I watched the Disney Channel and play with my toys in my room. Like every day that was it. I didn’t start school till I was five and that was kindergarten. I did go to Sunday school at church occasionally, my mom was pregnant with my little sister at the time and was sick a lot so we mostly just stayed home. I think I turned out OK. And while some activity is good I think we overwhelm kids and we’re starting earlier and earlier. Today after the long weekend she had spent with her grandparents in San Antonio she told me when I got there all she wanted to do was watch TV and eat snacks. This is not something we would normally do, And it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her no we can’t do that… But when I opened my mouth what came out was OK let’s watch TV and eat snacks today. And that’s all we did. And they were healthy snacks don’t worry fruit and vegetable trays left over from the holiday mainly. But yeah I think we try so much to fill every second of every day with stuff they get to a point where they can’t see the value of anything anymore. It’s just one more responsibility one more thing they have to do. All of us need those days where we can just sit at home watch TV and eat snacks. I will say that between the TV watching and the snack eating we had a lot of really good conversations about the world and her perspective and what she understood and what she didn’t understand. So yes I am totally for the do nothing days. No matter the age.
Can we normalize doing nothing, please?
I work with kids. These kids are at my program before and after school, and then some of them have sports/dance/music sometimes all of the above before they finally go home, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Then rinse and repeat everyday, and games and more classes on the weekend, etc.
I’m all for extracurriculars, but this turns into the teen who is not only in the school play, but they’re on the newspaper, the football team, and seven different clubs. In college they take double the courseloads, and then once they graduate…what?
They work themselves raw because they arent used to downtime. They’ve been told they can always be doing something, and they don’t know how to relax. This turns into the adult that has anxiety because there’s nothing left to clean, the adult that desperately wants to watch that TV show but can’t force themselves to sit long enough for it.
Then they turn into the moms and dads who spend all their free time ferrying their kids to extracurriculars.
Like, these kids don’t know what downtime is? I told a kid I did nothing last weekend, and he looked at me like I was crazy. He asked what I was doing this weekend and I said “Probably sleeping, mostly,” and he actually gasped. Then he rattled off a bunch of things I could do, to which I had to stop him.
“No, you don’t understand. I plan on sleeping. I’m booked.”
“But you could–”
“Nah. I’m just gonna rest.”
It was as if I had said a bad word or something. I asked what he does when he gets sick, and he says he goes to practice anyway. I asked him what he does if he doesn’t feel like going, and he said he goes anyway. I asked when he takes time to rest, and he said when he sleeps at night.
Bring back lazy Sundays. Bring back Saturday morning cartoons. Bring back the idea of relaxing and soaking in your day before moving into the next thing. Bring back the right to breathe, the right to rest.
Bring back mental health days, and taking a break. Bring back taking a walk or watching a show or setting a timer to remind yourself to stop cleaning and relax.
If you’re running at 100% all the time with no time to recharge, then your battery is going to die spectacularly, and probably at the worst possible time.
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ricksilsa · 6 years
Sam’s tactics for goading Dean into action to drive Michael out:
- driving baby like a lunatic and scuffing her tyres, spoiling the leather with juice and beetroot salad
- scratching Dean’s records and pulling the tape out of his cassettes while he calls him up so he can hear the whine as they unravel
- leaving the bunker kitchen an absolute mess and texting him pictures of it getting worse every few days
- finding someone to flirt outrageously with Cas
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ricksilsa · 6 years
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2x05 / 7x22. How far they’ve come. ♡
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ricksilsa · 6 years
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The savior. The light. The hope. Thank you, Once Upon a Time, for introducing us to such a powerful and inspiring character. Emma Swan will always be in our hearts, reminding us to never lose hope and always believe in happiness.
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ricksilsa · 6 years
Yes, I was in total agreement with this! So really wanting to say bye to Lucifer & Mark P and everything to do with him… But in the back of my mind I thought if they bring him back they can bring Gabriel back. And as I hope wish and prayed for Gabriel to come back for like ever… I was hoping they would leave a loophole to bring him back for the finale. And still, the hope is there. It remains. Please please please please please bring Gabriel back!!! If that means we have to bring Lucifer back and or Raphael and Chuck and everybody fine I don’t care I will take it however I can get it but Gabriel needs to be a part of team free will. I mean he is the embodied essence of free will. OK stepping off my soapbox can’t wait till next season really hope they don’t disappoint. But won’t be surprised if they do.
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ricksilsa · 6 years
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ricksilsa · 6 years
Toes In The Sand
“You, me, and Cas.... toes in the sand.” I need this fic even more!!!
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ricksilsa · 6 years
Ginger Witch Road Trip
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ricksilsa · 6 years
working in the drive-thru
me: and would you like a hot wheels or barbie toy with that, ma'am?
woman: uh… it’s for a boy.
me: okay congratulations
me: do you want a hot wheels or barbie toy
woman: i want a boy toy please
me: haha dont we all
me: so do you want a hot wheels or barbie toy you have to choose
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ricksilsa · 6 years
Luke the Dad
Luke is such a dad. None of them deserve him, but he has been more of a dad to them anyway. I love Izzy. I love Raphael. I love Simon. Unfortunately the show has gone downhill so not many people will admit it but the best thing about the show is Maleck. The absolute complete perfection of a relationship is displayed between them. Mainly because Alec is so mature. Clary is probably the most immature being that ever existed. But this post is about Luke and how he is a dad to them all. If they don’t appreciate it they suck. JMHO
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ricksilsa · 7 years
So excited, yet never expected.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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Meet Archangel Gabriel
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ricksilsa · 7 years
This father consoling his baby son at the doctor’s office is SO CUTE 😍😍😍
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ricksilsa · 7 years
The woman who assumed that I was the mother of the little girl who is actually my niece knows a different version of me. Does that make me a bad person?
there are too many versions of me in the universe! the girl i bumped into but didn’t stop to say sorry to has a version of me in her mind. the guy i let borrow my homework has another version of me in his. even my friends, my family, and everyone i’ve ever met in my life has their own version of me in their minds that i’m not even aware of
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ricksilsa · 7 years
Maybe not a popular opinion but men=lazy here. Do you want the girl or not? Put down the F-ing toilet seat. And to be honest I myself I’m not as concerned for myself but for my three year old niece who could possibly break the toilet seat by trying to put it down. Is it really that hard? /#threenager
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ricksilsa · 7 years
Hillary Clinton, by all accounts, is polite, generous, and has a good sense of humor. The issue isn’t that she’s ‘unlikeable’ the issue is that y'all don’t like powerful and empowering women.
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ricksilsa · 7 years
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Texans have shown the world what Humanity is
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