ricomatsu · 4 years
第一子、誕生。 Our first baby was born.
午前11:08、帝王切開の末、元気な男児が産まれた。 大きく元気な産声を聞いたとき、うっすら涙が出てきた。 手術中はどらちゃんがずっと手を握ってくれて付き添ってくれたお蔭で無事乗り越えることができた。ドラちゃんには感謝してもしきれない。
出産前は血も見れない、臍の緒を切るなんて絶対無理!! と言っていたドラちゃんだが、産まれた直後助産師に促されてミニドラの元に行き、臍の緒を切ってくれた。
3人で初めての家族写真を撮った後、別の医者がやってきた。 その医者によると右の卵巣に嚢胞がある、という事で急遽除去手術もすることになった。 こちらは後日検査の結果、子宮内膜種との事で特に治療は必要ないとの事だったが、帝王切開しなければ見つからなかった嚢胞との事で助産師にもいろんな意味で帝王切開で良かったね、と言われた。
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30 August 2018
Our healthy baby boy was born at 11:08 am after the C-section. Tears came from my eyes when I hear a first cry when he was born. I couldn’t be thanked enough to my husband who was keep holding my hand during the operation. I could not be able to do without him.
He was keep saying that he will not be able to see blood and will not cut the umbilical cord before my due date, though when a midwife allowed him to see our son soon after his birth at the clinical staff only area, he did cut the umbilical cord.
I could not see as I was still laying on the bed though I assume that the midwife also did Apgar Score check during this time. 
Couple of minutes later, our baby had new beanie on his head, and wrapped by a cotton then finally came to me. He was healthy and didn’t need any medical attention at all.
I didn’t have any contraction though, I was extremely grateful that he was born healthy and really happy that we finally could see him. I truly thought that I am grateful.
We took our first family photo of 3, then another doctor came and explained me about an issue. There is a cyst, located at my right ovary. It will not know if it’s benignity or malignity until it’s tested so we decided to take it out. Later, the cyst was tested and was not malignity so no further test or operation was required. My midwife told me that I was lucky to find the cyst while I had C-section. If I did natural birth, no one could find the cyst that may need to have operation later which cost fortunes.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
出産予定日。 The due date.
2018年8月30日 前日急遽決まってしまった検査入院から一夜明け、朝食後看護師からの問診と、確認があった。 質問の中で家庭内暴力に関する事を聞かれたのだが、言い回しがややわかりづらく、Noと答えるところをYesと答えてしまい看護師の表情に陰が・・・(笑)
一晩じっくり考えて出した私の結論は帝王切開だった。 後でまゆみんに聞いてびっくりしたことだが、帝王切開を自分から希望した場合は有料で$8000.00ほどかかるという事だった。 今回は自分から希望したことにはならなかったようで、ホッとした。
出産前にシャワーでも浴びておこう、と思ったところ、10:00過ぎに問診をしてくれた看護師が来て手術着に着替えるように指示された。 シャワーを浴びたかったので浴びてからでいいか聞いたところダメだと言われ結局シャワーでスッキリする間も無く手術着に着替える事になった。
着替えが済んだらベッドのまま手術室に搬送。 私、元気だけど・・・・とベッドのままで移動されることにやや違和感を覚えながらの移動となった。
手術室の中に入る前、頭にネット状のキャップを被り、麻酔や手術に関する説明を受け、同意書に署名をした。 その後、インド系の医師に点滴と緊急輸血が必要になった場合の為の管を入れてもらった。
真っ白な手術室。明るい感じ。 音楽はリラックスできるようにか、クラッシックがかかっていた。 医師やスタッフは時折冗談を交えながら私たちを安心させてくれるように努めてくれていた。 でも意識ある中での手術、そして出産は初めてという事もあり、不安やドキドキ感はぬぐえなかった。 でも一番はドラちゃんがいてくれたのが心強かった。
中国系の麻酔医から麻酔を打つので背中を丸めてジッとしているように言われる。怖い気持ちを和らげてくれるかのように、アルコール消毒の濃度が高いからお酒のようにスッとするよと冗談を言いながら麻酔を打ってくれた。 思っていたより痛みは感じず、この麻酔医であれば安心だと思った。
麻酔が効くまで足を高くしたりと待機、下半身に麻酔がきいたところで手術開始となった。 執刀医はAngela。クリニカルセンターでも一度検診にあたったことがある医者だった。
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30 August 2018 The sudden hospitalized night pasted, a nurse came to see me after breakfast.
She did my health check like blood pressure and pulse, then asked some questions about domestic violence. The question was not straightforward, so I missed answer and said Yes that I should have said No, then the nurse turned face looked very concerned...lol
After that, a doctor who did check up for me twice at the clinical centre, came to my room and asked me if I am fine. He also checked which birthing plan I would like to do.
My final decision was C-section. I thought and thought carefully overnight to make the final decision.
I was so surprised when I heard from Mayumi, my friend later when I back home with my husband and our son, who said if I chose C-section by my wish, it’s not free but I had to pay $8000.00.  I didn’t need to pay this time so I assume that was my decision but not by my wish, or recommended by doctors and midwife.
Anyway, there will be about 10 doctors and staffs are required to perform C-section, the doctor will collect the doctors and staff from now so he doesn’t know what time he can sent me to the operation theatre.
My husband arrived at the hospital just before 09:00, and I explained about while wait.
As I didn’t take shower yet, I told my husband that I want to take shower now. When I was preparing for shower, the nurse came to my room and told me to change the operation gown.
I really wanted to take shower so I asked he if I could, but unfortunately, she said no. So I changed to the gown she brought me to.
After the change, I was transferred to the operation room while I was on the bed. I was totally fine and could walk.... I was uncomfortable the situation during the movement.
Just before entering the operation theatre, my husband and I were handed a cap to cover our head, then explained about anesthesia and operation then signed the form. Indian doctor approached me and explained, and attached 2 tubes with needles on my wrist. One was for drip, and another one for emergency blood transfusion.
The time comes and we were now into the operation theatre.
My impression about the room was white and bright. I could hear classical music as a background music. It made us feel relaxed. Doctors and staffs were saying jokes to make us feel comfortable as possible. But I have never experienced operation while I am completely awake, and giving birth is also the first time experience so I couldn’t feel completely relaxed or still anxious about it. However, my husband presence was huge and I couldn’t be thankful enough.
A young Chinese anesthesist told me that he is going to apply the anesthesia when I am ready, then I hunched myself and be still as I told. I was very scared but he made some jokes about the sterilization that contains high percentage of alcohol like vodka, it feels very cold like ice. I think that he was trying to make me more relaxed or focus something different so that I don’t think too much about needles or whatever. I actually didn’t feel much pain and I was pretty relaxed in the end.
My feet and body were tilted until the anesthesia moved to where should be. The operation was started when I felt numb on my lower body. The surgeon was Angela, who once I met at the clinical centre for growth check up.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
出産方法 Birthing Plan
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Birthing Plan
Originally, I supposed to come to the hospital on 30 August, to do induction of labour at 10:30, using prostaglandin gel 3 times every 6 hours. Once the mouth of the uterus opens about 3cm, break the water then use syntocinon to make contraction to do natural labour though this method works for some people while others may not work. Sometimes the birthing method may changed from natural birth to C-section urgently.
This was told by my midwife before the last check up at the clinical centre though after doctors seeing the examination result on 29 August, C-section may be the best choice.
The head of the fetus is below then the fibroid, though it might block when I doing natural birth. There are some risks for blood loss and infections either way.
All the options and risks were explained by the doctor though, the decision can be made by the pregnant woman who will giving birth. I felt my decision will be respected.
I thought about the birthing plan very carefully over night.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
入院 Stay overnight at the hospital.
病室の準備に時間がかかるとかで、とりあえず私はモニター室で待機。 その間にドラちゃんが出産バッグを持ってきてくれる事になった。
再度ドラちゃんと合流、ベッドの準備ができたという事で22:00頃、車椅子に乗せられて98病棟に移動。 かなりのVIP待遇に驚いた。
病室はオークランドのシンボル、スカイタワーが見える部屋だった。 今夜はここで1泊することになった。 相部屋でとりあえず今は私だけだが、もう一人来るかもしれないと告げられるも窓際であることに感謝した。
部屋に到着して直ぐに夜勤のスタッフが来てくれた。 聞きなれた言葉だ、と思ったら、日本人スタッフだった。 今までの心配や不安が一気に吹き飛んでいった気がした。
しばらく話をした後、夜も遅いという事でドラちゃんも家に帰る事になった。 一人で病院に居る事は心細いが明日に備えて今夜はゆっくり休む事にした。
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29 August 2018
Although my condition was pretty stable, I couldn’t receive a permission to go home, so I now have to stay at the hospital overnight.
The room was not ready and take some time, I was at the monitoring room until then. My husband went home to bring some bags for the hospital.
He came back with the bags, waited for while then I was called by a staff that the room is ready. The staff asked me to seat the wheelchair, and he pushed all the way to the 98-unit.
I was so surprised how I cared.
The room had a view of Skytower - a symbol of Auckland city. I’ll be staying the room tonight. I was told that someone might be staying the room tonight - although I was the only person at the room when I arrived there. I was pretty happy that my bed was right next to the window where I could have a view.
Soon after I arrived the room, another staff who works as night shift came into my room. She was speaking very familiar language, then realised that she is a Japanese staff. I suddenly felt very homey, and my anxious and fear were blow away.
I recalled long time ago, someone told me that she wants to back to Japan and spent her last moment in Japan. I was not really understanding what she said that time though now I understand what does she meant.
After couple of conversation with the Japanese staff, my husband decided to go home as it’s late night. I was bit worried to be alone at the hospital room though I decided to go to bed soon to be ready for the big event tomorrow.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
タクシーで病院に Gone to the hospital by taxi.
15分くらい待っただろうか? 病院のスタッフが来て、病棟の一室に連れていかれた。
15:30頃、仕事を終えたドラちゃんが駆けつけてくれた。 「どうしたの?」 と心配した様子。 私はこの通りピンピンしているし、痛いところも無いし、なんだかわからない、というのが本音だった。
しばらくして、内診と触診があり、その後、エコーをすることに。 なんか見たことあるなぁ~と思っていたら、ここは最初に助産師に会ったときに急遽エコーすることになった時に来たところだ!と気づいた。
検査の繰り返しで全て終わって最初に心音と動きを確認していた部屋に戻ったのが18:00頃。 再度ミニドラの心音と動きを確認しながらしばらく待機するように言われ、ドラちゃんに今日は何時くらいになるんだろうね~と言っていると、病院食が運ばれてきた。 聞くところによると18:30以降に病院に居る、いわゆる患者には夕食が提供されるとの事だった。
先ほどのスタッフが戻ってきて、食べても良いというお許しがでたので、ここでようやく朝ごはん以来の食事にありつける事となった。 空腹のピークも過ぎていたし、メインはローストビーフ(しかも結構な量)という事もあり、ドラちゃんと一緒に食べる事にした。 スープは微妙な感じだったが、メインとデザートは美味しかった。 病院食はまずい、と聞いていたので意外な感じがしたのは空き腹だったからか?
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29 August 2018
I caught a taxi in front of the Clinical centre then went to Auckland hospital as directed by my midwife.
Strangely, I was returning to near the bus stop I was at about two hours ago.
Soon after arrive at the hospital, I went to a reception for the birthing unit.
I told a receptionist that
“My midwife told me to go to the hospital urgently and show this at the reception.”
The receptionist told me to take a seat and I will be called soon.
I think I waited around 15 minutes, then one of a staff approached me, then to take me to one of a room at the Women’s Assessment Unit.
I was connected with a machine with codes on my tummy and finger to check the fetus movement and his heart beat. I then lay down for the monitoring.
My husband rushed into the room where I was at around 15:30, and said “Whats happen??” He looked a little worried. I told him that I’m fine as you can see, I don’t have any pain yet so I just have no idea why my midwife rushed and sent me to the hospital.
Still monitoring the fetus for a while, then a doctor came to introduced and explained me to do some more examinations. She did internal examination and palpation then I was send to a room for ultrasound check. 
When I seeing the room, I was wondering as the room was pretty familiar although I thought I have never visited here, then realised that yes, I came here once before - when I first met my midwife, to perform Nuchal Translucency scan here.
Completed the examinations then I was sent back to the room where I was at to monitor the fetus previously. It was around 18:00. I was connected with the monitoring machine with some codes again, and waited. I was wondering if I will be sent home so I chatted with my husband what time I will be released. While we were saying this, dinner was delivered to me. I asked if this is for me as I didn’t order. She told me that the hospital serve dinner to any patients who is at the hospital after 18:30.
My midwife told me that I should not eat or drink until doctor clears so I asked the staff if I am allowed to eat. She then went out the room to check with doctor or nurse for me. I was like a dog who was told to be waited by his master.
The staff came back and told me that I am allowed to eat. I haven’t been eating any meal or snack since breakfast, so I was so happy that I will be able to eat something - finally!
I was hungry but not so much, the meal was quite plenty and main was meat which my husband loves, so I shared the meal with him. Soup was not impressive though, main and dessert were pretty yummy. I heard that you can’t really eat hospital meal, so I was surprised the quality, or maybe just because I was hungry?
After the meal, but I was not received a permission for discharge, so we had to wait for more.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
助産師と最後のアポ Final appointment with midwife
10:30からの予約だったのでそれに間に合うように電車とバスを乗り継いでクリニカルセンターに行くように早めの電車に乗って、バス停でバスを待った。 時間が過ぎてようやくバスが来たが3台連なって私が乗る予定のバスが最後尾。 かなり遠くなってしまった。 重たいお腹で走れず、何とか早歩きして後方に行くも、運転手に気づかれずにそのまま置いて行かれる羽目になってしまった。
また置いて行かれると大変なので、一つ前のバス停まで戻って待つことにした。 そこのバス停は比較的大きく、更にベンチがあるから座って待つことができるからだ。
10:30からの予約を大幅に遅れて到着したのは13:00前。 着後、通常通り尿検査、体重測定をして医者と助産師に会う。
血圧測定では若干高め、と言われるも重大ではなさそうだ。 ここ数日少々出血があったことを伝えると、ドップラーと触診で診察。 いつもとの違いは今回は内診だった。 脂汗出そうなくらい痛い。 痛いのが分かっているみたいで、医者も申し訳なさそうに、そして気を使ってくれた。
助産師が私に聞いてきた。 どうやら出血が正常なものじゃないかもしれない、もしかしたら胎盤から出血しているかもしれないので直ぐにオークランド病院に行かないといけないという事だった。
え!?!? 私、ピンピンしてるけど・・・・そんなに重症なの?
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29 August 2018
It’s the last check up day today.
I caught an early train to be able to catch a bus, to be at the Clinical centre by 10:30 for the appointment. I was at the bus stop before the bus arrives. The bus was delayed (as usual), then 3 buses were arrived at a time. First 2 buses were not my one so I tried to reach the last bus. Unfortunately, I was heavily pregnant, and could not run to the bus. More over, the bus driver didn’t see me. Although I was at the bus stop way before the bus arrives, but I missed the bus at the end.
The bus to the clinical centre runs only once every hour.
I was sure that I will be late for the appointment so I called my midwife that I will be late for the appointment.
“Are you ok? I want you to come today. It’s important. So please come whenever possible”
She was not angry but was sounds concerned.
I didn’t want to miss a bus again so I walked to another bus stop where is larger than the stop I was at, so that I can take a seat to wait for another bus.
The next bus was also delayed, though I didn’t miss the bus this time. I caught the bus then went to the Clinical centre.
The original appointment time was 10:30 though I was late for more than two hours then arrived at the Clinical centre just before 13:00. As soon as I arrived at the centre, I collected my urine for the test, weighted myself then saw a doctor and the midwife.
I was checked my blood pressure, it showed a bit high though was not major problem. I told my midwife that I had some blood show for the last couple of days, she checked with Doppler and an examination. This time was different, instead of to check by touching my tummy, it was internal examination. I had some greasy sweat as it was very sore. The doctor understands I was in pain, and she was pretty kind as much as she could.
After the examination, the doctor and the midwife were discussing something, I feel a bit uneasy to see this.
“Can you call your husband to pick you up now?”
My midwife asked me. According to her, the blood show is not actual blood show, the blood might streamed from placenta, or could something need to take clinical care, so I need to go to Auckland Hospital urgently.
I tried to call my husband but could not reached as he was at work, so I told my midwife that he might not be able to pick me up sooner. My midwife told me that I will be transferred to the hospital by an ambulance.
Really...!?!? I am pretty good and feels no need urgent attention... Is my condition really severe?
I become anxious about and waited until the midwife’s final decision.
Couple of minutes late, she gave me a taxi ticket and told me that she can’t organise ambulance now and she can’t send me by bus so take a taxi where I can catch at the building outside, ask a taxi driver to take me to the Auckland hospital. So I left the Clinical centre to catch a taxi as I was told.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
予定日間近 My due date is just around the corner
ここ数日、前駆陣痛っぽいのがあるけどお印や破水などの前兆は無い。 昨日は助産師から電話があり、出産の為の陣痛促進は30日夕方からだったけど、時間変更となり10:30に病院に行くように、という事だった。 もともと夕方という事だったのでドラちゃんにもその時間に併せてもらっていたが、急遽朝という事で時間調整ができるかが心配で何人か友達に予定を聞いてみるもさすが修学旅行シーズンで空いている友達がいなかった。
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28 August 2018
I have been experiencing like a Blaxton Hicks contraction for couple of days but I didn’t get anything like bloody show nor water breaks yet. My midwife called me yesterday to change the time for induction of labour on 30th August, from late afternoon to 10:30am, so she wants me to come to the hospital before the time. As we planned and my husband made sure the time on that day already, I called couple of my friends who might be able to be with me until my husband arrives, though, all of my friends were not available in the morning unfortunately.
Well, it was my first child so even though the contraction started, the actual birth will not happen so soon, but I still feel uneasy to be myself through the process until my husband could arrive at the hospital.
I really wonder why I should induce on the due date. I wished wait little more, and more natural way. I wonder if my pregnancy was really high risk?
I’ve heard that the pregnancy and all the decision will be respected in New Zealand - of course if there are great risks, medical team will advise and may not be able to do the birth you wished but I feel that my wish was not respected enough, and felt it’s because my midwife is associated with district health board and the hospital.
I was really grateful to take lots of check ups and ultrasound, and well looked after though, I was having mixed feelings about the birthing plan.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
39週目、産休の過ごし方 39 weeks, maternity leave and catching up with friends
産休に入ってから毎日何かと忙しい。 ただ、一人で不安な日々を過ごす事を考えると、友達と会ったり、忙しくしているほうが安心だったりする。 そして外に出たほうが気分転換にもなるし、運動不足も多少改善される(と思う)。
2018年8月23日 この日はミニドラが産まれる前に、恵美さんとランチに行ってきた。 近所の大好きな日本食レストラン。 お昼のお弁当ボックス、メインを2つ選べてお得なうえ、とっても美味しいのだ。
���婦はタブーとされているけど、メインはお寿司と天ぷらを選んでしまった。 ここに来ると大抵この2つを選んでしまうのは、あのカラッとあがった天ぷらと、なかなかお目にかかれない美味しい握り寿司が食べれるから。
お腹も満たされた後、車で直ぐ隣町 (電車で1本くらいの距離)に移動し、少し腹ごなしをした後、食後のお茶をする為にカフェへ。 コーヒーは飲めないので別のもので。 そしてやはり食後のデザートは押さえておきたいところ。
2018年8月24日 この日は急遽、まゆみんが1歳半の息子君を連れて遊びに来てくれた。 前回会った時よりも大きくなって、食欲も出てきているところを見ると、子供の成長の早さを感じずにはいられなかった。
出産間近という事もあり、先輩ママのプチレッスン。 まゆみん曰く、初めての母乳を絞り出されるそうで、それがめちゃくちゃ痛いんだとか・・・。覚悟しておいたほうが良いよ!と釘をさされ、ビビる私。
これまではどちらかというと、無事に育ってくれるかな? 元気に産まれてきてくれるかな? 早く会いたいな。 というように不安ながらも楽しみや喜びが大きかったが、やんちゃな子供を持つ先輩ママを見ていると、出産からの育児、家事、教育・・・母親になるって大変なんだなぁ。。。という思いが強くなってきた。
2018年8月25日 この日はチカさん一家が遊びに来てくれた。 チカさんの2人の息子君たちもちょっと会わないうちにずいぶん大きくなって、ビックリ。 
出産前祝いで、円座を頂いた。 出産後はそのまま座るのが辛いそうで、この円座に座ると良いのだとか。 試しに座ってみると、ちょうど良い高さと程良い硬さが気に入って、出産前から使い、更にドラちゃんも気に入ったみたいで取り合いになる事も・・・笑
チカさん曰く、出産が促されるジンクスがあるという。 満月の日は出産しやすいとか、パイナップルの芯を食べると良いとか。 試しにパイナップルの芯を食べてみる事にした。
2018年8月27日 出産準備もできたし、今日は1日ゆっくりすることにした。 ここ数週間、ミニドラのカーディガンを編んでいるのだが、前身頃、後見頃、片方の袖まで編み終わった。 予定日まであと3日・・・。後もう片方の袖を編んで全てを継ぎ合わせ、ボタンホールを作ったあとボタンをつけたら完了、だけどちょっと間に合わないかも。 でも子供は直ぐ大きくなる、という事で18か月くらいのサイズで作っているから次の冬に着せれたら良いかな、と思っている。
夜はドラちゃんと一緒に、ミニドラのベビーベッドを組み立てた。 一緒に組み立てていると、いよいよなんだな・・・と実感。
チカさんから教えてもらって以来、パイナップルの芯を嚙み嚙み・・・ でもまだ産まれてくる気配は無い。
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Since I was on maternity leave, I had heaps of things to do. But I was grateful that I didn’t need to stay home alone without things to do. I felt it’s better you go outside even for short walk or catching up with friends so you don’t have to think negatively to be depressed or, do some exercises are the best.
23 August 2018
Before my son is born, I went to lunch with my friend - Emi. We went to a our favourite Japanese restaurant, it’s very close to my home. They offer very yummy and reasonable priced lunch box. You can choose two mains from the menu.
Although the restaurant is located walking distance from my home, Emi picked my up and drove me to the restaurant, to care about my huge belly.
In New Zealand, raw fish and sushi are prohibited to eat while you are pregnant, but I chose sushi and tempura as the two main. I always choose those two when I go to the restaurant. The tempura is super crunchy and delicious, and beautifully made nigiri sushi are hard to find.
After the lunch, Emi drove us to the area just next to the restaurant (distnace is just 1 stop by train), walked a little to make our tummy a little space, then went to a cafe. I ordered hot chocolate, as I was trying to not taking much caffeine that time. Then we ordered dessert too.
We had chatted quite while, and time flies always when you were having a great time.
24 August 2018
On the day, another friend, Mayumi visited me with her 18 months old son. He’s grown so much and eating more volume than before we met. I realised how kids are going to grow so quickly.
As my due date is so close, Mayumi gave me some tips for birth and after.
According to her, it’s pretty sore when you squeezed out the first breast milk. It scared me off.
Up till this day, I was thinking more like if he grows well, or if he is going to born healthy, or I want see him... while I was bit anxious, but I feel more delight and joyfulness to looking forward to see him, but now I seeing my friend with very active boy, I feel more stress or so much work to be able to mother.
Another friend - Chika and her family visited us on the day. We haven’t seen her two sons for only couple of months though, they seems grown up so much.
I realised again how kids grow so quickly. I will back to work after 3 months maternity leave though I should not work too much or long hours, otherwise I will miss my son’s growing process.
Chika gave me a cutout cushion as prenatal gift.
According to her, it’s very hard to sit without the cutout cushion after the birth. I tried to sat on the cushion, and the height and hardness were super perfect, I really loved the gift and used straight away. My husband also tried and he liked too, then end up we compete to take the cushion...lol
Chika told me about some jinx about getting contraction early. If the fullmoon, baby tend to come out on that day, or if you want particular date, you should start eating the core of the pineapple. Taking the advise, we tried eating pineapple core on the following day.
As I prepared all the bags taking to the hospital and ready, I decided to stay at home and just chill out on the day.
I’ve been knitting my son’s cardigan for last couple of weeks. Front, back and one sleeve were all done. I will need to knit one more sleeve, putting them all in shape, make holes for buttons, and stitch the buttons to complete. Well, I only have 3 days until the due date, so the cardigan will not be ready by then. But it’s ok as I was knitting the cardigan, sized for 18 months old, so he could wear next winter.
At the night, my husband and I put up the baby bed together. I feel that we will be parents, when we set up the bed for our son.
I was still continue chewing the pineapple core but I couldn’t see any sign for the birth yet.
0 notes
ricomatsu · 4 years
助産師検診 Appointment with midwife
今回もいつも通りの体重測定と尿検査。 今日の体重は66.9㎏。 確かに人生で一番重たい体重を更新中だ。
助産師に会って、血圧測定、子宮底高測定、腹部触診とドップラーで心音確認。触診の際、ミニドラがモゾっと動く。 尿検査も含め、異常はないとの事だった。
今後の予定について話合う。 取り合えずは最後の検診、29日までは様子見。
そして陣痛が来た時のおさらい。 29日の検診までに破水や陣痛があれば、病院の産科専用電話に電話。 破水+臍の緒が出たら四つん這いになって救急車を呼ぶこと。 日中困った事があれば助産師に連絡という事だった。
また、予定日=出産日という事でこの日の1630頃から病院で促進の予定との事。 あれだけ帝王切開を押していた助産師だけど、自然分娩 (促進剤はあるが)で行けるならそれもありだという事か?
検診後はその足で街まで出て、領事館に行ってきた。 入籍は済んでいるが、パスポートは旧姓のままだったのでその相談に行ったのだが、あまり的を得た回答が得られず、入院時の身分証明もわからないとの事だったので名前の変更は出産後に行う事にした。
出産後はいろいろと忙しくなりそうだ。 *ニュージーランドの出生届けと証明書を2部。 *領事館で出生届けを出す、パスポート申請 (名前の変更の代わり)、婚姻証明も取っておく。 *パスポートが新しくなったら移民局で永住権のステッカー貼り替え。
領事館に立ち寄った後は図書館で本を借りて薬局で必要なものの買い出し。 乳首に塗るクリーム (授乳で切れるくらい痛くなるらしい・・・)、妊婦でも飲めるお茶を買ってみた。 後はマッサージオイルと出産時のスナックを購入したら準備完了だ。
お昼は会社の同僚と一緒に日本食ランチを食べに行った。 やはり外食は日本食かアジア料理が好き。 今回は贅沢にも天丼にした。かなりボリューム満点、だけど完食できてしまうすごさ(笑)。
お昼ご飯の後はドラちゃんと合流して、ドラちゃんのお友達一美さんから子供服やベビーバスを頂いた。 息子さんがもう小学校で使わないという事でいろいろ頂き、かなりの量になってしまったが、これだけ揃える事を考えると大変。。。 とてもありがたかった。
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22 August 2018
As usual, I weighted myself, and collected my urine for the check up.
My weight today was 66.9 kg. Well, it’s definitely the heaviest weight in my life, and probably still will growing.
Meet with my midwife, checked blood pressure, measured fundal height, abdominal palpation and checked heat beat. The fetus moved when my midwife touched my tummy. All the result was normal, including urine test.
We discussed about now to the due date. At this stage, no action is required until 29 August.
And time to review what to do when contraction starts. If I had water breaks or contraction until 29 August, call the number on the maternity track sheet. If water breaks and umbilical cord came out, I will need to on four limbs, then call an ambulance. If I need to discuss anything during the day times, call the midwife.
If the baby doesn’t come out before 29 August, then midwife will check on the next appointment day. I feel scared.
Sounds like the due date will be the birthday (or trying to), I will be in the hospital and induce the labour around 16:30 on the day. I thought that the midwife wanted me to choose C-section but I felt that she is now recommending to do natural birth with induction of labour...?
After the check-up, I caught a bus to city centre to visit the consulate general of Japan office. My husband and I were married but my passport was still in maiden name. So I asked couple of things with the staff but they were not sure and I couldn’t satisfied answer so I decided not to change the passport now but will do it after the birth.
Looks like I will be super busy after the birth. * Submit the birth and getting New Zealand birth certificate for my son. * Submit the birth registration to the consulate general of Japan, getting new passport under my married name, and getting marriage certificate in English. * After getting new passport then I will need to go to immigration New Zealand for transferring the residence sticker on to a new passport.
Those documents and certificates are very important though it costs me about $500.00... Well, New Zealand is expensive place..
After the consulate general of Japan, I went to a library to getting some books to read. Then to visited pharmacy to get some nipple cream and maternal tea.  I will need to buy some massage oil and snacks for the labour later.
I met with my colleagues for lunch. We went to a Japanese restaurant. I normally go to Japanese restaurant or some Asian cuisines when I eat out. I really love them. I ordered Ten-Don for lunch. It’s tempura on rice, and it was huge. But I enjoyed the meal so much and eat them all.
After the catch up lunch, my husband picked me up at the central, and went to Hitomi’s house. Her son is already attending elementary school so she gave us his clothes (heaps!!) and baby bath too. It was really grateful as I don’t think that we could buy them all....
0 notes
ricomatsu · 4 years
産休に入る Maternity leave
今日から産休に入った。 ゆっくりするのもいいけど、あまり遅くまで寝ているのもつまらない。 07:30に起きて、なんだかんだやっていたらあっという間にお昼になった。 特に、休みだと一日が過ぎるのが早いので予定を立てていかないと準備が間に合わなくなってしまいそうだ。
午後から左側の腰痛があった。 リタさんから頂いた麦袋を温めて使うと楽になる。 腰痛があると下腹部も少し痛いような、お尻も痛いような気がするので出産が近づいてきているのかなとドキドキする。
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20 August 2018
Maternity leave started from today. I could lay down as much as I can but I feel bored to do nothing. I woke up at 07:30, and did some things to do like house work or paper work, then realised it’s already mid day. Especially the day offs, the time flies so fast. I should plan what to do day-by-day, otherwise I won’t be ready by the due date.
I will do final check for the bags to take to the hospital, and also make shopping list that I should buy in advance.
I also need to do virtual tour for hospital, check the parking and parking fee as well.
The last couple of days, I caught a cold - just some running nose and light coughs. I don’t get high temperature nor feel so sick so I was lucky. I heard that the pregnancy makes lower immunity so no wonder why I caught a cold this time, even though I haven’t catch a cold for ages. My friends joked and said to me that “Idiots and smoke won’t catch a cold” but now I’m proved that I am not idiot anymore :)
I had sore left side of my back. Rita, my colleague gave me a wheat back the other day. I normally heat it up with microwave to use whenever I feel sore, which is very helpful. I feel a little nervous as I feel that the labour is soon when I feel sore back. At the same time, my lower abdomen and tailbone were both hurt too.
It’s another 10 days until the due date.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
出産前旅行 Pre-birth trip
産休直前のアルバイト、という名のもとロトルアで地図作成業務をしたら、$150.00まで会社が費用負担してくれるという事で手を挙げた。 そしてこの日ドラちゃんの休みが取れたので、急遽ロトルアまで日帰りすることになった。
目的は地図作りと、ドラちゃんの友達家族に会う事だった。 まずは友達家族の家にお邪魔して、久しぶりの再会。 この時ありがたい事にバギーと子供服をたくさんいただいた。
再会のときに昨日描いてもらったドラえもんが見たいという事で見せる事になった。 3人いる子供たちは真ん丸お腹に描かれたドラえもんを見て、目を丸くしていた。
その後はドラちゃんと一緒に地図作成の為、モールに行った。 10月上旬に来る、修学旅行ツアー時の自由散策で使う為の地図作りだ。 ベースはあるが、1年前のものという事もあり店舗が変わっていないか?の確認を含めた地図作成だ。 数店閉店したり、若干店舗が変わっているところもあったが、ほとんど手を加える必要が無く直ぐに終わった。
ミッションが終わると急にお腹が空いてきた。 普段は目もくれないファーストフード、だけどなぜかこの日はハンバーガーが食べたくなり
とドラちゃんに言われながらハンバーガー、ポテト、ジュースのセットを頼んだ。 これも経費になるのかな? と思いつつも取り合えずレシートを受け取る。
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19 August 2018
My boss send a group email about a mission that to make a map of Rotorua then our company will pay up to $150.00 as an expenses. It was like a part time job before the maternity leave, so I put myself up.
My husband also could take a leave, we decided to go to Rotorua on that day.
The purpose to go to Rotorua is to make a map (to cover the expenses), and see my husband’s friend and his family. We went to the friend’s home first, as we haven’t see them for quite long time. They kindly offer us a baby buggy and heaps of baby clothes.
We were thinking to buy them at Trademe or something secondhand but we hold it until last minutes so we were so grateful.
The family wanted to see the body painting, so I showed my tummy. It was a little blur but still clearly there. The 3 kids saw the images with wondering eyes.
After that, I went to the mall with my husband to complete the map. This was for students who will come to New Zealand for their school trip in early October. They will use the map while they have free time in Rotorua. We had a map which was a year old. Based on this map, we walked the mall to check all the shops if the map is still collect or need to be updated. There are few shops closed or changed but there were no major changes so it took less than half hour to complete.
I felt hungry soon after the job. I hardly eat fast food though I feel like to eat hamburger that day.
“It’s unusual for you, Riko”
My husband said and we had hamburger, chips and juice for lunch. I wonder if the company will also pay for lunch (for two), but I just got a receipt just in case.
Bit of sightseeing in Rotorua, then we drove back to Auckland.  Just before arriving at home, we stopped at a petrol station to fill up. Yes, I make sure to get a receipt this time too.
I completed the map on the following day, scanned the receipts for lunch and petrol, then sent it to my boss.
He authorized then the full expenses were reimbursed into my bank account as it was within the budget. I was so happy and grateful for that. 
0 notes
ricomatsu · 4 years
38週目、人生初のボティーペインティング 38 weeks, my very first body painting.
38週目になった。 どんどん大きくなるお腹を見ていると、お腹が大きい間に何か残しておきたいと思うようになった。 でもマタニティーフォトはちょっとな…。と躊躇。 ここ数週間いろいろ考えた末、近所でボディーペインティングをしてくれるところを見つけ、ちょうどスケジュールもあったのでお願いすることにした。
人生初のボディーペインティング。 と言っても大きなお腹だけ。 名前は性別がわかってから決めていたけど、産まれる前はずっとミニ���ラと呼んでいたので、絵はドラえもんを描いてもらう事にした。
アーティストの方はティーンの息子さんがいるという女性。 日本にはとても興味があるが、ドラえもんは知らないという事だった。 でもそんな彼女でも写真さえあれば描けるという事だったので、事前に絵を送っておいた。
アーティストの方が来て、私が送った絵をプリントアウトしてきてそれを見ながら描く、という事だったが、彼女が持っていた絵は白黒だった。 さすがに白黒は・・・・と思い、念の為にカラープリントをして持ってきていたのでそれを渡して書いてもらう事にした。
ドラちゃんが帰ってきたら直ぐに見せて、また一緒に写真を撮った。 消えるのが嫌で、この日は夜お風呂に入らずに寝た。
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16 August 2018 ~ 22 August 2018
It’s 38th week. To seeing my growing belly, I thought that I want to leave this moment. But I hesitate to take maternity photos. I’ve been thinking what I can do for couple of weeks. It comes that I found a body painting shop near my house. I contacted the shop and there is an artist who will be available and matched our schedule, then I decided to do belly painting.
18 August 2018
My very first body paining in my life. But it’s only my big round belly. We have decided the name once we knew the gender though we’ve been calling him “Mini-dora” so I decided the design for the painting - Doraemon.
The artist was a woman who has a teenage son. She and her son are both very interested in Japan though she doesn’t know “Doraemon”. However, she can draw anything if she has a picture so I sent the image to her in advance.
On the appointment day, I went to the shop to see her. The shop owner told me that the artist is at her studio, 2 shops next to the body painting shop. He escorted me to the studio.
There was a large screen so that you can’t be seen from the outside. There was also a fireplace to keep warm in the room and to care me that I won’t feel cold while the body painting is in process.
The artist came in with an image that I sent previously but it was black and white. I wanted the painting was colourful as original image so I handed the image that I brought it just in case.
Wow... It was impressive. She had never seen and hear about the Doraemon but only to see a image in the paper then she completed it perfectly about 1 hour.
She mentioned that may blur or come out if it was touched and grazed. So I tried not touch and covered gently by cardigan, thought that I was lucky to find the place at the neighbour, then walk back home.
I took many photos, draw the name near the belly until my husband back home.
I showed it off soon after he’s back home then took some photos together. I didn’t want the image to be came off in the day, so I went to bed without having bath on that night.
0 notes
ricomatsu · 4 years
最後の医者との予約 Final appointment with Doctor
今日はこの妊娠期間最後の医者との予約、そしてエコーの日だった。 通常通り体重測定と尿検査をしたが、尿検査に若干異常が見つかったとかで、膀胱炎のような症状は無いか?と聞かれた。 特にそのような症状は無かったのでそのように伝えたらとりあえず様子見という事になった。
エコーは研修生が担当してくれた。 市立病院という事もあり、医者や技師の卵の方々も日々頑張っている様子がうかがえる。もちろん、希望すれば研修生を拒否することもできるが、その点私はあまり気にならない。 時間はかかるが逆に研修生だと色んな説明をしてくれたり、痛くないか、押し方が強くないかとケアも行き届いてありがたい。
ミニドラも順調に成長して、体重は3.2㎏くらいだという事だった。 このまま順調にいけば3000グラムを超えて元気に産まれてくるんだな、と安心した。
エコーの後は医者との面談があった。 今回は若い台湾人の医師だった。 説明も細かくわかりやすかった。 今日は通訳もつけてくれていたので、ドラちゃんもわかりやすくて良かったと喜んでくれて嬉しかった。
出産方法の希望はできるだけ自然分娩を希望していたので医者と、その上司にも聞いてもらった。 出来る限り希望に副える様にするが、出血のリスクに懸念があるという事で、万が一に備えて点滴と輸血が直ぐにできるように準備して出産に臨む形になるという事だった。
陣痛促進については40週を超える事によるリスク(羊水と胎盤の機能低下)も考えると推奨する、という事だったので、助産師が言っていたとおり、出産予定日が出産日になるんだろうな、という思いが頭を巡った。 ドラちゃんが冗談半分、本気半分でミニドラだからドラえもんと同じ9月3日だと良いねと言っていたが、難しい気がした。
これらを総合すると自然分娩になるか、帝王切開となってしまうか、まだまだ2択が残されている感じだ。出産って本当に最後までどうなるか見当がつかない。 どちらになったとしても、この歳でミニドラを授かれたのはやはり何にも代えられないくらい嬉しい事だ。
医者との予約も今回が最後。 来週は助産師の予約があるから恐らくその時に出産方法を決めないといけないだろう。帝王切開大反対、自然分娩派のドラちゃんと、安全に産まれてくるなら帝王切開もありな私。 予定日まで後16日。助産師の予約までに家族会議をして詰めておかないと。
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14 August 2018
It’s the last appointment day with a doctor and growth scan.
As usual, I weighted myself and collected my urine for the test. My doctor mentioned, he found something unusual, like infection when he checked the urine. He asked if I have symptoms like cystitis. I haven’t noticed any so I told him that I don’t have it. He then suggest to contact if I have any cystitis symptoms.
The growth scan was done by an trainee sonographer.
As it’s city hospital, there are many doctor-to-be or trainee Midwifes/sonographers/nurses you will meet during the appointments. Of course, you can deny if you don’t wish to but I don’t mind who will help and assist me, including trainee doctors/sonographers etc. It may takes time but I noticed that trainee doctors/sonographers are very gentle and more explanation with details or asked me if he or she pushed too hard or if I’m ok. Yes, they care a lot which I always thankful.
“Do you know if the baby is boy or girl?”
She askedme.
“I always told that is boy, but I don’t understand even I see the image”
I replied.
She then explained me and said;
“Definitely, he is showing off!”
The fetus is growing perfectly, it’s around 3.2kg now. If he grows well then he will born healthy over 3000 grams baby - I feel very relieved. 
I met a doctor after the growth scan. It was young Taiwanese doctor. He was very gentle, and explanation was pretty easy to understand. We also had a Japanese interpreter with us today. My husband told me that was great as he could understand 100%. I’m happy to hear that and grateful that we could have access with interpreter at no extra cost.
About the birthing plan, we both wished natural birth, but as I was not unsure if this is the best option for my current situation so I asked the doctor. He also consulted with his boss too. The conclusion was, the doctors and medical staffs are always respect our decision and assist as much as possible. Only concern at the time is bleeding due to my fibroids. So the team will prepare the drip infusion and blood transfusion in case of emergency during the labour.
For the induction of labour, the doctor also recommended if the contraction was not happen after 40 weeks, as there will be some risks - such as functional decline for amnion fluid and placenta. I remembered again what my midwife said, and though that the day will be the same as due date. My husband was saying that he wanted the baby to be born on 3rd September which is same birthday as Doraemon - it was half joke and half real though, I thought that maybe impossible...
Over all, I still have 2 choices that I can go with natural birth, or C-section. You will not know the actual birthing method until the last minutes - whether your wish or not. But I feel really grateful to have a baby at age over 40, and the birthing method is doesn’t really matter as long as the baby will born healthy and well.
It’s the last day for Doctor’s appointment. I will need to decide the final wish until next week - when I will see my midwife. My husband doesn’t want me to choose C-section and wants me to do natural birth. For myself, I don’t mind the method, as long as the baby will born safety. It’s 16 days to go until the due date. I will need to discuss with my husband about it until next week.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
37週目 37 weeks
着々と出産予定日に近づいてきて、とうとう37週になった。 体重はその日によって増えたり減ったりするが大体65.8㎏~66.8㎏の間をうろうろしている感じだ。
2018年8月13日 恐らく、この妊娠期間最後であろう血液検査に行ってきた。 針が怖くて毎回ドキドキするが、今回やってくれた人はとても上手く、全く痛みを感じなかった。
会社では華子さんの歓迎会兼、私の出産壮行会をA級グルメ部長の直子さんが主となって開催してくれた。 直子さんとは3か月違いで同級生の男の子が産まれるから楽しみだ。 会はA級グルメ部長とだけあって、おしゃれなEuro。 洋食を食べに行く機会は滅多に無いので、高級感あふれる店内にタジタジするも、会社の上司、同僚たちと一緒に食べた夕食はとても美味しく楽しいひと時となった。
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09 August 2018 ~ 15 August 2018
The due date is approaching me day by day, and now I reached to 37th week. My daily body weight is slightly changeable every single days but it’s between 65.8kg and 66.8kg.
13 August 2018
It’s probably the last blood testing during the pregnancy. I always feared as I hate the needles but the person who did blood sampling for me was super, impressively great....! I had felt nothing but done it without I noticed today.
At my work, my colleague Naoko organised dinner for our new staff member Hanako’s welcome and my send-off party.
Naoko is also pregnant. We are 3 months apart, and will both have boys. So I am pretty much excited. She is foodie, and chose “Euro” restaurant for the dinner. Personally, I don’t normally go out for eat, particularly European food so I was bit nervous with the look high-classed restaurant though I enjoyed the food and time so much with my wonderful bosses and colleagues.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
36週目 36 weeks
36週もあっという間に過ぎていった。 いわゆる臨月に入って変わったことは、特に歩くときに尾てい骨あたりが痛むこと、そして胎動が少なく感じられるようになってきた。 これまで頻繁にしていたしゃっくりも数が少なくなってきたのか、あまり感じられなくなった。 ただ、全く動きがなくなったわけではなく、下腹部でもぞもぞ動いたり、伸びをしているのか、胃の近くや右わき腹辺りに圧迫感を感じる事もある。 少しづつ下に下がってきたのかもしれない。
胸やけのようなムカムカ感は相変わらずだが、一日一個のグレープフルーツのおかげで乗り切る事ができている。 会社の持って行くのを忘れて食べそこなった日は胸やけがあり調子が悪かった。
朝08:30の助産師との予約に間に合うようにクリニックに到着し、これまたいつもの尿検査と体重測定を行った。 この日は助産師の卵であるゾーイがいて、血圧測定をしてくれた。 その後子宮底長を測り、触診。 研修生がいたこともあり、今日は特別に機械を使いプチスキャンをしてくれた。 ミニドラの姿や位置、心臓もちゃんと動いているのが確認できて嬉しかった。
骨盤手前に子宮筋腫があってミニドラがすっぽりはまっていない状態だったので、今日の段階でも出産方法は決定できず、次回の検診までお預けとなった。 次はとても大切な事なので特別に通訳をつけてくれるという事だった。
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02 August 2018 ~ 08 August 2018
36 weeks has pasted so quickly. It’s the final month of pregnancy, and I thought back and compare between the 36 weeks and prior. My coccygeal bone is hurting especially when I was walking. I also noticed that the fetus movement is slower. Until 35 weeks, I could feel that the fetus did hiccups quite a lot but this is also slowed down. But this was not completely inactive. The fetus still moves around lower abdomen, or maybe he is trying to stretch himself as I feel some pressure around my stomach or my right side. He might be coming down to be ready for the birth, maybe?
The heartburn is usual, but if I eat a grapefruit a day, I feel ok. If I forget to bring the grapefruit at work and missed eating it then I feel bit ill on the day.
08 August 2018
I went to see my midwife as I had an appointment at 08:30. As usual, I took my urine sample, then weighted myself. I met Zoe who is a student and midwife-to-be. She checked my blood pressure, and checked fundal height and abdominal palpation. As there is a student midwife, my midwife used special machine to scan my tummy. We all could see the fetus shape and his location, and the heart pumping too. As I was not expected to see him today, I was extra happy.
My midwife mentioned about the fibroid which was located in front of the pelvis, and the fetus is not completely came down yet. She could not suggest whether I should go with natural birth or take C-section as the risk is still unknown. So we decided to discuss about the birthing plan next time. She also told me that she will organise an interpreter for me next time.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
35週目 35 weeks
2018年7月26日~8月1日 35週目に入った。
2018年7月25日 かおりさんのお友達がいらないベビー用品があるという事で声がかかった。 子供服などはすぐに着れなくなるし、荷物も増えるという事で用品もできるだけレンタルやセカンドハンドで済ませたかった私たちはありがたく頂く事にした。 新生児~生後6か月くらいまでの洋服は小さくて愛らしかった。 月齢毎にシップロックにまとめて入れてあり、出してみるとかなりの量。 これを一つ一つ購入すると思うとスゴイ出費になるな。。。とすごくありがたかった。
2018年7月28日 出産後の必須荷物、ベビーシートのカプセルのレンタルを見にBaby on the moveという店に行った。
既に予約済みになっているものも多く、出産予定日を伝え店員さんに相談したところ、取り付け、取り外しが一番シンプルだったカプセルを勧めてくれた。 実際に車に取り付け、取り外しの説明をしてくれ、とても簡単にできるところが気に入って即レンタルの手続きをした。
実際に借りるのは予定日の2週間前からだが、年末年始は借りる人が多いそうでどれくらい使うかわからなかったが、一旦借りて次に借りれないとなると不便なのでとりあえず6か月のレンタルにすることにした。 6か月のレンタルで$90.00と聞いて、てっきり1か月$90.00くらいするのかな、、と思っていただけにその破格さにびっくりした。 これなら購入するよりレンタルのほうが良いのにも納得した。
レンタル料 $90.00の支払いは借りるとき、という事だがデポジットとして$30.00を支払った。これは6か月後のレンタル終了時にカプセルを返却した際に返金されるシステムという事だった。
夜8:00頃前駆陣痛か?と思うよ��な痛みがあった。 腰痛と腹痛があり、生理痛に似たような感じだった。 これが30分ほどあり、治まった後、本陣痛は比べ物にならないくらい痛い、、と考えるとまた不安になった。 そう思っているとミニドラが反応した。 なんだか
2018年7月29日 先週の検診で頂いた6種類のパンフレットのうち、半分を読み終えた。
ビタミンK投与に関する事。 これはミニドラのリスク低下の意味があるし大切なものだから、投与で考えている。
陣痛誘発のリサーチに関する事。 37週以降の妊婦を対象としたものでバルーンかジェルを使った陣痛誘発に関するリサーチという事だった。このリサーチに参加したい場合は助産師に申し出る必要があるそうだが、バルーンかジェルかは病院側が選択するそうで、出産する人には選択肢が無い様だったのでやりたく無いな、というのが正直な感想だった。
誘発分娩に関する事。 推奨される理由は8つあった。 破水、糖尿病、41週以上になっても産まれてこない、未熟児、高血圧、重度な出血、羊水の量や胎動が少ない事、40歳以上の妊婦という事だが、今のところ該当するのは40歳以上という事だけであとは当てはまらないか、その時にならないとわからない、という感じだったので誘発にはやや否定的な考えがあった。
残りの3つのパンフレットは、陣痛時の対処法、帝王切開について、そして病院のインターネットツアーに関する事だった。 病院の産科病棟は基本関係者しか入れないので、代わりにインターネット上で事前知識としてみておくというものだ。 少しづつ、知識をつけて出産に備えていくんだな、、と思った。
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26 July 2018 ~ 01 Aug 2018 It’s 35th week.
25 July 2018 Kaori told me that her friend has couple of baby items and clothes to give away. I was so pleased, as we knew that the baby will grow quickly means waste clothes if we buy them, and our house will be full of baby items that may not be used, so my husband and I were discussed to rental or buy second hand clothes.
The baby clothes for new born to 6 months were all so tiny and sweet. It was packed with zip-lock bag and sorted by months.  I was so surprised to see the amount when I take all the clothes from the bags. I then realized that how much we will pay if we buy them all... so I was really appreciated the donation.
28 July 2018
We went to the “Baby on the move” to see baby seat which we need to get it by the baby is born.
We were not seeking to rental the capsule yet, just wanted to see what options were available though we found that lots of capsules were already booked when we were at the shop. I told my due date to the shop assistance. She recommended one of the simple capsule that is easy to set on and off.
She also demonstrate how to attach the capsule to the car seat, and take it off. It looked so easy and was very light, we decided to hire the capsule.
You can hire this from 2 weeks before the due date though as we also hear that many people will hire the seats around the holiday period, we decided to hire the capsule for 6 months. I just didn’t want to return after 3 months then struggle to rehire if we needed which will be around the holiday season. She then told me that will be $90.00 for 6 months hire. I thought it will be $90.00 per month, so I was really surprised to hear that is for a half year rental cost. Well, that’s super great value, and now understand why people recommend to rental the capsule instead of buy new one.
You will need to pay $90.00 when you pick up the capsule though we needed to pay $30.00 at the time of registering for the rental. This will be fully refundable if you return the capsule at the end of rental period.
Around 20:00, I felt some Braxton Hicks contraction for about 30 minutes. It was sore back and tummy, it’s pretty close to period pain. After the soreness was gone, I feel anxiety how pain it will be for the real contraction..... When I was thinking about this, I felt the fetus is moving. It was like “we will work out together, mum!”
29 July 2018
I finished reading a half amount of brochures which my midwife gave it to me at the last appointment.
1 for about Vitamin K. I thought it helps lower the risk for the new born baby. I think I will agree to getting Vitamin K shot.
2nd one was about Oblige study. It’s for over 37 weeks pregnant women, and is about induction of labour study. If you wish to participate the study, you will need to discuss with midwife though I was not happy the fact that you will not be able to choose if you wish to take outpatient balloon option or inpatient gel option, which were decided by the hospital.
3rd one was for induction of labour. The induction is recommended if your waters have broken prior to labour starting on it’s own, if you have diabetes in pregnancy, if you are overdue (more than 41 weeks), if the baby is not growing well or is small for dates, if you have high blood pressure in pregnancy, if you have serious bleeding in pregnancy, if there are concerns about the baby - such as low fluid around the baby, less fetal movements etc, or if your maternal age is 40 years and over. The maternal age is only I could think of for now, and others are not for me or is hard to determine until last minutes. Over all, I feel negative images for induction of labour.
Other 3 brochure were about how to cope with labour, C-section, and virtual tour. Virtual tour is for the hospital where you will giving birth at. The area is not easy access to the public so the hospital offers virtual tours so that we can learn prior to the day.
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ricomatsu · 4 years
34週検診で助産師と会う。 34 weeks, seeing with my midwife
今日で34週が終わる。 そして、今日は助産師による検診日だ。 仕事の都合に合わせて朝いちである0830から診てもらえるのは大変ありがたい。
いつもどおり尿検査と体重測定をした後、助産師の部屋に移動後血圧、子宮底長測定、腹部触診に加え、ドップラーでミニドラの心音確認をする。 お腹の中は自分で見れないから、どれも異常無し、とお墨付きを頂いて初めて安心する。
そろそろ出産が近づいてきた、という事もあり出産方法について説明を受けた。 助産師の見解としては子宮筋腫とミニドラの位置によっては自然分娩が難しいかもしれない、という事で一応、帝王切開に関するパンフレットも一緒に頂いた。
と言われ、たくさんの書類が手渡される。 確かにかなりの量。 次の検診までに読まないととややプレッシャーを感じながら、病院を後にする。
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25 July 2018
It’s the last day for 34 weeks. And it’s appointment day with my midwife. She always kindly consider my work schedule and opened for the morning spot for me at 08:30. I couldn’t be appreciated enough.
As usual, I took my urine sample, weighted myself then waited until my midwife called me. I went to her room for further examinations such as blood pressure, fundal height, abdominal palpation then listen heart beat for the fetus.
As I can’t see inside of my uterus, I only could relieved totally, once I hear from my midwife that everything is OK or normal. 
35th week is coming and the labour is next month, my midwife explained about the birthing plan. As she looked all my record throughout the pregnancy, she also mentioned that natural birth may be difficult depends on the fibroid and the position of the fetus, she also handed me a brochure about C-section.
She said that “Lots of reading to practice English”, then handed me more brochures. She is right, and so many papers to read. I have to read them all before the next appointment.. I feel the pressure about this when I leave the clinic.
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