rideca-blog · 13 years
Interview with DECA's Newly Elected President: Paige Eldridge
Jean Merlain (JM): How does it feel, now that you are the newly elected president of DECA Inc.?
Paige Eldridge (PE): It really feels amazing getting all of the great support from each individual chapter. I cannot wait for training to start in May and really start to work with everybody. It hasn’t really hit me yet because I feel like this whole thing is just surreal
JM: Take us back to that moment when the new national team was being announced, what was going through your head?
PE: Everyone’s names were being called one by one and my name wasn’t called yet. I really didn’t know what to expect. It just felt like a surreal moment when my name was called. Since than, I’ve been trying to soak in all of the excitement.
JM: What are your top priorities for improving DECA Inc.?
PE: My top priorities for improving DECA Inc. will be to go back to the platform. Working on increasing Memberships. Improving CLA, making it more fun for participants. Eventually I will be adding the Advertising track to this year’s CLA. I will be working on Bridging communication gap between the National Team and individual chapters because the communication right now is very vague
I would like to make next year’s ICDC more of a ‘Green Conference’
JM: How will you help chapters recruit and retain new members?
PE: Adding the Advertising Track to this year’s CLA will spark interest and appeal to new individuals who are not DECA members at the moment. Spreading awareness about the organization to our virtual Chapters making them feel like they’re part of DECA. Also emphasize on the benefits members will get out of Joining DECA aside from the traveling experience. Explain to them that DECA is a place to network with professionals, make new friends, become a more efficient leader, etc.
And the ADVICE that I have for chapters to retain their members is for each chapter to have a monthly bounding event. They can do things like going to the comedy club, going bowling, etc. Trying doing some thing fun that will make the members feel like they’re part of an organization.
JM: Where do you see DECA five years 5 years from now?
PE: With the recent name change, I think that our members, and our partners will recognize DECA more. I’d like to see the advertising track added along with many different tracks. I’d like to see more diversity in DECA; I’d like to see the organization expanded to students in other career fields.
JM: Did you do DECA in high school?
PE: I wish I did it in high school, I went to small high school in Texas, they didn’t have any kind of major organization such as DECA. But joining DECA in college has helped shaped who I’ve become today. Josh Shankle was the one who told me about DECA because he and I went to the same school.
JM: Name 5 different things about you that you’d like to share with the DECA members.
1. From Texas, Like anything fried
2. Scared of Spiders
3. Love sweet tea.
4. Play Golf
5. Addicted to shoes.
JM: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
PE: Get bachelors and Masters Degree. Love Texas, but will be open to travel to places such as Florida, New York, etc. to get dream job working at an advertising firm.
JM: You’ve definitely worked hard to be where you are at today, what advice do you have for members who wish to run for national office someday?
PE: Be prepared, don’t under-estimate the experience because you never know what to expect. Practice a lot, have your chapter members come up with questions that might be asked to you. Be prepared for caucuses. Most importantly, be confident in yourself.
JM: As President, what legacy would you like to leave behind once your term is over?
PE: As President, the legacy that I would like to leave behind once my term is over as President, I’d like to feel proud that I added new tracks at CLA and that our membership has increased significantly.
JM: Any Final Word...
JM: I must say that I love your poise personality. I wish you the best as President and in your endeavors. You have a great head on your shoulder with great goals and vision. Rhode Island will be rooting for you and your team this upcoming year.
Keep in touch.
~Like Paige on Facebook- www.facebook.com/decapaige
~Interview done by Jean Merlain.
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rideca-blog · 13 years
Welcome to Orlando
I'd like to welcome each and everyone of the participants who will be participating at this year's International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida brought to you by the Collegiate DECA. We would like to wish you the best in the track in wish you are competing in. Go Hard and Enjoy the sunny side of Orlando, FL. Please stay tuned and check back regularly for updates of what's going on at this year's conference. -Your State Team.
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rideca-blog · 14 years
Countdown til' ICDC
Three weeks and three days til' the opening ceremony at ICDC which is to be held in the gorgeous sunny weather of Orlando, FL. Bring your A game and let's win some medals.. If you would like to prepare for the competition, join us for our annual competition camp that is held every Tuesday Afternoon from 1:15- 3:15 at the CCRI Knight Campus in Warwick. See you there. Whoohoo!
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rideca-blog · 14 years
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rideca-blog · 14 years
Welcome to the official tumblr page of the Rhode Island State DECA. This page will keep you updated with everything going on in regards to RI State DECA. Check back for events, pictures, and comments of what's going on in real time. There is about three weeks left til' the official Opening Ceremony at this year's Collegiate DECA International Career Development Conference. This year it will be held in Orlando, FL. Stay tune for pictures, videos, and EXTRA.
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