riding-the-snake · 3 years
i love this poem
it reminds me of One-Eyed Willy the Pirate...from the goonies
Skeleton King
He cradles his cup like
an upturned skull,
sips the soulful warmth with a fatherly finesse,
and toasts his feet –
the ones he can’t see but knows
are there, under the table.
He’s been tied, in his chair,
to his tiredness, shackled
to his indisposition;
it’s too much
to move,
to nourish, or even
to age through the minutes until the vines of time have
spiralled sentiently around his ankles
and bloomed with white flowers through the trellis
of his skeleton.
So far has he walked.
He is bone tired,
of an earthly exhaustion, and
he deserves this rest,
has earned every molecule of
steam that dews his face
and forms that fog of distraction
from the sharp clarity of the deprivation
between his walls.
And he deserves to be left
to be forgotten and untroubled by
the unrelenting
world outside his window,
where the wheels grind the stone
and the stone grinds to dust
and the dust never settles.
Such is the luxury of his solitude:
these moments could be his last
to share with the moon,
but he will keep them to himself.
His remains will be King
of the Empty Room.
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
that’s pretty much amazing
i didn’t know that was a thing:  christ wound feminizing?  huh.  neat.
actually jenny holzer wrote “someone wants to cut a hole in you and fuck you through it, buddy!” about the wounds of christ
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
you sweet precious thing
joz has no idea how lucky he is
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
dogs and cats
dogs are great
my cat always forgives me though
she teaches me about love and life too
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
that is my wedding dress...
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Alberta Ferretti Spring 2021 Ready-to-Wear
Milan Fashion Week
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
you see?
that’s how Pepe LePew came into being:  he was brought up with pussycats. 
This much cuteness should be illegal
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
beauty more than skin deep
anna is cool
she’s just young...and i don’t mean that...i mean...she’s going through stuff we can relate to and understand...if you just take the time to do so.  and not be afraid of the pain.
we can help her.  i can help her...and she can help us.  she’s already been helping us...and me.  i’m glad for whatever role she’s playing.
i’m only sorry it’s so painful for her.  i don’t like wounding innocent beasts.  she’s so innocent...even if she doesn’t know it.
did you know innocence doesn’t equal virginal?
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
Angry people want you to see how powerful they are. Loving people want you to see how powerful you are.
Chief Red Eagle (via perfectquote)
you are powerful
both of you
or i you wouldn’t hold my interest
i’m not desperate for love
i turn down opportunities...often
i’m a strange creature
get to know me better
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
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by one_becky_blue
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.
(via amargedom)
if you keep asking me to go
i will
are you ever going to want to learn from me?
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
tell me about it!
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
“She was… She was all things Alluring and sweet A handful with cold feet She was maddening Gladdening and angling Haranguing and even saddening She was sensual and submissive Not a pushover on any issue But she craved surrender and to give She was full… Of life and love And thirsty for so much more She was hard and stoic She built walls never broached But she dreamed they’d fall, fall, fall She needed to be needed To be tamed, leashed and a master heeded Until she’d purr, kneel and crawl She couldn’t feel truly alive Until she was tested by fire Captured, stinging her flesh a sinful choir She was so complex Any man would despair or easily vex But she was craving far more than deviant sex She wanted at those inflection points Not to be courted, but to be owned She could be the queen on sins throne To be put on a pedestal Coveted, toyed corrupted Until she was filled as a precious vessel But at the end of the day She needed much tenderness Understanding and love was her quest Only a madman Could pursue her to Gehenna But if he did, she’d revere him forever”
— PoeticSir
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
Please, don’t give up on your dream. Ever. If plan A doesn’t work out, then go for plan B. If plan B doesn’t work, then it’s plan C. There are unlimited routes that you can take to get to where you want to go, and reach for your highest calling. It’s not a matter of whether you can get there, whether it’s achievable, or whether it’s even possible, but rather if you can navigate yourself around the patches of life. Don’t let them stop you. You just have to find the path that takes you there. -Nicole Addison
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
yeah, i wanna fuck… but… i wanna talk too
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
it’s hard to be patient
i took so many walking journeys growing up.  in jamaica, i took them alone or with a friend.  always a boy.  i only had one female friend there, in school, and she lived way out in green island.
i took many walks alone.  that yearning, when you’re tired, hungry, thirsty and just want to be at rest...i hope Sox lived a good life.  he was such a good dog.  Jamaican dogs...they’re different.  so...that wanting to be home at the end of the journey is a real thing.
then you want to go out and do it all again...
Just when you think you’re not getting anywhere, just remember that you actually are. You’re working your way there, one step at a time.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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riding-the-snake · 3 years
I do wonder if he will,
after he’s been with her.
Own it ~
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