ridleysid · 4 years
“Exactly what the poster says, ‘Please withhold any alcoholic beverages from the premises’ ” Sidney repeats what’s written on the poster as though his question wasn’t entirely rhetorical. “I’m guessing they want us to talk or something. If you want booze at the party so badly, just sneak some in. I doubt the people chaperoning the party will really care. Hell they might even ask you to share some of it.”
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“What do you mean there is no drinking at the Fall Ball?” Dmitry raised an eyebrow, pretty sure he was being messed with. “What do you do then, sit around and play bingo?”
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ridleysid · 4 years
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Alice Oseman, Radio Silence
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ridleysid · 4 years
"Holy shit, people actually sleep here?” The question leaves Sidney before she can even think on her words. She was so used to everyone in the college running off spite and coffee that frankly she found herself surprised to see a person who was actually asleep. She stared in silence a moment before turning back to the table where she’d just dropped a ton of books and supplies for a project. “I’d love to take my racket to my room but I’m locked out. Sorry for waking you.”
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status: open !! location: bohn
D'Arcy  is  no  stranger  to  late  nights  and  the  caffeine  a  stressful  life  at  university  costs  ,  but  there  has  to  be  a  modicum  of  respect  despite  the  chronic  sleep  deprivation  .  A  loud  crash  rudely  robs  her  of  another  peaceful  slumber  .  She  throws  her  blankets  off  her  as  she  trudges  into  the  common  room  .  "  Please  ,  "  she  grumbles  ,  "  if  you’re  going  to  make  such  a  racket  ,  can  you  just  take  it  to  your  room  ?  "
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ridleysid · 4 years
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ridleysid · 4 years
Devil Dare Task 001
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What’s your muse’s financial situation?: “Decent? I guess. I’ve got some money in my savings account. I don’t like using it unless there’s an emergency though. I mostly use the money I get from my job which... Okay you don’t make much from taking tickets at a Drive-In. I’m paycheck to paycheck mostly. Unless my parents send me something but I don’t like taking money from them.”
What’s your muse’s parents’ financial situation(s)?: “For them I can actually say they’ve got it well off. They lived in good economic years, they saved well, my dad was an accountant and my mom was a teacher. So when they retired they got pretty good benefits. They’re not super rich but they’ve got it nice.” What’s on your muse’s birthday gift list?  List at least five: “What am I fourteen? I haven’t had a birthday list in years. I guess what I’d like right now is... A criminology book  would be rad. I could use more socks maybe with funky designs on them. A new hoodie or sweater, don’t tell my dad though he’ll think I’m freezing to death up here. You know those little gift cards that work anywhere? One of those would be nice so I can get some real food. And the complete collection of the Scream Movies. That’d be fun.” Your muse gets one wish from a genie.  What is it?: "Look I’ve read the genie stories, seen the movies and I know how genies work. You wish for one thing, anything and they fuck it, along with YOU, up. There’s no way in hell I’m making a wish with a genie.” She’d probably write up a contract with the genie to make sure she didn’t get ruined by the genie’s wish, then wish to know why her biological father had killed her family. What are your muse’s vices?: “I don’t sleep like I should. I prefer to drink coffee or soda over water. I tend to run into situations without thinking and I tend to run into those situations alone. Sometimes I smoke weed but that’s entirely recreational. If this is handed to the cops I know my rights.” What does your muse love about themselves?: “My style’s bright, I’m pretty damn intelligent, I can make people stop talking to me with three sentences and I just enjoy being me. I love myself in general, I love who I am both outwardly and inwardly.” What does your muse hate about themselves?: “I tend to overthink things. A lot of things. I don’t trust people easily or even like them and it gets lonely like that. I don’t really like being like that. But anyone will tell you it’s hard changing things.” What would your muse do with a million dollars?: “Finish college, save it, invest it. It’d be fun to blow through at first but it’s more important to save that kind of money. I might pay for some fixes to my car and buy a Nintendo Switch along with the new AC game.” What are your muse’s most logical fears?: “For my parents to die. Pretty basic I just don’t want to lose anymore people. I don’t have many people in the world. I’m also afraid someday I’ll grow up and become someone who believes they know everything. I don’t want to shut myself off to learning new things.” What are your muse’s most illogical fears?: “... You know the Kool-Aid man? He freaks me out. Okay so this giant man made of unbreakable glass,whose blood you can fucking see is breaking down walls trying to make you drink his blood. That’s terrifying, right?!” What makes your muse uncomfortable?: “Noise. Lots of loud noises and noisy people. I just don’t like noisy areas. I don’t like crowds either or talking about personal things with people I don’t know. Unless they’re my therapist, of course.” What calms your muse down?: “Weed. I’m kidding. Rainy days calm me down, so do long drives and quiet places with lots of books, so libraries. Exploring abandoned places helps me relax too.” Is your muse a follower or a leader?: “I don’t know if I’m a leader. If anyone followed me they’d probably find themselves at an abandoned place or somewhere dangerous. But I don’t think a follower. I like to do my own thing and if I don’t agree with someone I’ve got no problem saying it.” What is your muse’s biggest accomplishment?: “The fact that I’ve survived twenty one years. That’s it. What did you expect me to say something cheesy like graduating high school or some shit? I’m twenty one dude I don’t have many accomplishments in my life.”
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ridleysid · 4 years
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( Hunter Schafer & Trans Female) According to the school’s records, Sidney Ridley is a 21 year-old junior studying Psychology, and she lives over in Bohn. She is an Aquarius, so that must be why others describe her as free spirited, caring, distrusting and impulsive. When i see her, I’m reminded of speeding car trips late at night, horror movies playing on television screens in darkened living rooms and the dread of hearing something in the other room while exploring an abandoned building.  ( Keres, 24, They/Them, Central Time Zone )
Full Name: Sidney Ridley Nickname: Sid Gender: Trans Female Pronouns: She / Her Age: 21 Sexuality: Bisexual, Feminine Preferred Family: Alicia Ridley-Cooke(Adopted Mother), Jacob Ridley(Adopted Father), Richard Sayor(Biological Father, Deceased), Catherine Sayor(Biological Mother, Deceased), Lucas Sayor(Biological Brother, Deceased) and Krystal Sayor(Biological Sister, Deceased) Occupation: Psychology Major, Criminal Justice Minor, Part Time Weber’s Drive-In Attendant
Faceclaim: Hunter Schafer Height: 5 foot 10 inches Weight: 153 lbs Eye color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Tattoos: The date ‘May 22nd 2002′ on her right wrist. She’d like to get more. Scars: None
GO GO SPEED RACER! Do not get in the car with this girl unless you’re ready to go fast. She is a speedster and WILL take up racing challenges in her beat up old crap-mobile.
Lives off coffee, soda and whatever food that doesn’t require cooking
Surprisingly conscious of keeping fit and good facial care however.
Also adores playing with her makeup she loves really bright and out there makeup.
Imagine logical, down to earth Scully of X-Files meeting the chaotic energies of Shane of Buzzfeed Unsolved. That’s Sidney. She’s a skeptic and believes most everything has a logical explanation. But she’s also a big believer in the paranormal with a deep fascination for parapsychological study.
She loves traveling and exploring abandoned places. She specifically took up photography as a hobby so she could capture her explorations.
She’s not a fan of having her own picture taken or being on film which is why she prefers to be the one behind the camera.
Wanted Connections
Someone who will talk paranormal stuff with Sidney and will join her in investigating haunted hot spots or looking for cryptids in the woods.
Someone who will call Sidney out when she’s isolating herself cause she kind of does that a lot without even realizing it. They could just be friends or maybe more.
And they were roommates. Oh my god they were roommates. Just like it sounds. They’re roommates and this poor sap has to deal with Sidney who almost never sleeps.
Crush, imagine I Won’t Say I’m in Love just playing on repeat. Sidney likes this person romantically but is terrified of close relationships. Bonus points if they’re friends already so Sidney’s dying about her romantic feelings more.
Work out buddies with a friendly rivalry. These two work out together a lot and have little friendly competitions over who can run the longest, lift the most or whatever. They also go out for drinks or food after working out.
Enemies. For whatever reason Sidney doesn’t like this person. Maybe they annoy her or she thinks they’re spoiled or maybe both or neither of those things. For whatever reason Sidney and this muse do not get along.
Horror fans. Another fan of horror who Sidney can watch horror movies with or go to scare houses with. Also bonus points if they’re really into Halloween like she is.
Exploration partner. Someone who is willing to explore abandoned places with Sidney. Maybe they make videos of their explorations too with Sidney behind the camera.
Anything really. Honestly just give me everything you can for my sweet girl.
Orphaned at the tender age of three Sidney was adopted by a loving older couple. The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they decided to adopt the recently orphaned child to raise as their own.
For the first few years of Sidney’s life everything went well. She had a hard time connecting with other children yet she had her family and her pets. That’s all she felt she needed.
At thirteen she had discovered her identity and came out as a girl to her parents. Her parents were very accepting, they helped her begin her transition and legally had her name changed to Sidney. However in her small Texas town this didn’t make her many friends. In fact she was bullied a good bit for it. She tried to hide the fact that she was being bullied from her parents yet they could tell. They even suggested moving away. However Sidney was always the stubborn sort that wouldn’t run from her fears. So she refused.
High School wasn’t easy for her, her family made it easier and she made a few friends. Though they were fair weather friends at best. Sidney turned to books for an escape. She found comfort in the darkest subjects, always reminding herself that there was truth hidden in the dark. In these dark subjects is where she discovered the story of ‘The Sayor Family Massacre’
(TRIGGER WARNING FOR FAMILY MURDER) On May 22nd 2002 a man named Richard Sayor came home from work and began opening fire on his entire family. In the house lived his parents, his wife and their three children. The man killed his parents with a shotgun, then he killed his wife and their two oldest children with a kitchen knife. He was discovered by a neighbor, covered in blood and searching the house for their youngest three year old child.
Sidney brought the book she found the case in home to her parents to ask them about it. They remembered the case, telling her about how it was all over the news when it happened. When she asked what happened to the three year old they both fell silent. However she kept pushing them to know. Until finally her father told her, the three year old was the child they had adopted.
(TRIGGER WARNING FOR SUICIDE MENTION) This incident was what opened the flood gates for Sidney’s fascination to Criminal Psychology. She wanted answers, demanded answers for what had happened to her biological family. Why had her biological father done this? Why did he kill everyone he love and leave her with nothing? She wanted to ask him all the questions the burned in her chest. Yet her biological father had killed himself not long after his capture and her real parents could offer no answers that satisfied her. All she could do was hunt for the answers herself.
Sidney studied hard the rest of her high school years, when she was done she took the money in her college account and decided to head to Haddon University. She knew the dark story behind it’s scholastic background and thought what better place to further her desire for the truth. She hugged her parents goodbye then left for the long road trip to college.
Along the way she stopped at many places to snap pictures for her own little photo album. Including stopping at the home where her deceased family once resided. It wasn’t condemned or abandoned like she imagined it’d be. It looked like any regular home to her. How could something so horrible happen in a place that looks so kind? She hopes to find the answers at Haddon University.
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ridleysid · 4 years
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K.A. Tucker, Ten Tiny Breaths
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ridleysid · 4 years
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We are on the forefront of a revolution in which identity and expression will take priority over the labels assigned to us at birth; in which self-identification will take priority over perception; in which gender will fall away entirely.
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ridleysid · 4 years
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ridleysid · 4 years
Ghosts don’t terrify me. Humans do.
six word story // ivannequished (via just-six)
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ridleysid · 4 years
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ridleysid · 4 years
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ridleysid · 4 years
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me and my best friend explored this awesome abandoned two story house and it was awesome
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ridleysid · 4 years
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TRACK 2 / VALENTINE by monny.
Ok, this time I tried to make something a little bit tricky but simple. The title is only one word, and looks better if you keep it that way. Anyway, please don’t doubt to message me or come to me if you have troubles ♡
contained version.
400px post.
sidebar image ( 120 x 120 )
two free links
keep short the title and subtitle.
you can change the size of the title as you like.
fonts:  Shrikhand, Karla, Fredoka One.
pretty please:
Do not steal complete or in parts.
Do not use it as a base code.
Do not removed the credit.
But feel free to edit it as much as you want, keep the credit, please.
If you like what you see and you want to use it like or reblog.
massive thank you (credit) to:
base theme: @14kgolds​​  ·  icon: honeybee by suiomi
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ridleysid · 4 years
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  /  under the cut you will find 8 dash icons of hunter schafer. all icons were made by me, so don’t claim as your own or redistribute. please like or reblog if was helpful !!
Keep reading
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ridleysid · 4 years
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Like/reblog if you save any icon, DON’T repost it, DON’T claim it as your own, be honest! Give credit to @aquamaned on twitter
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ridleysid · 4 years
Ignorance is bliss
But bliss never got me anywhere
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