rien-deer · 1 year
One Piece Gem AU
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I think it would be really fun if ace and luffy’s fusion was a Rodeo Clown lookin guy :) I think he would be a very performative guy.. like he would use himself as the butt of the joke most times.. . Because he may not,,, have the best self esteem…..
For those who dont get the “I lie to myself” reference
Idk how i made sanji look so soft, but youre welcome.
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rien-deer · 2 years
I've been IA because of school and other interests. This blog was meant to be a One Piece-centered blog where I dump any random thoughts and share art so... if i ever drift from this side blog then it's because OP is more of a past interest ;v;
But anyways, I still want to draw OP stuff, i have a lot of characters I'd still like to draw
I wanna draw Uta (i hold her hand), and Caesar, and Shuraiya !! i love Shuraiya, huhu, i wanna make art of heems :3
anyways, thats the PSA lol
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rien-deer · 2 years
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My Boyfriend !
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rien-deer · 2 years
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I need money for school so im dropping my ko-fi.
this >here is my kofi<
My goal is at least $100 and I need it by Tuesday aha.
If you donate $5 or more, I'll doodle whatever you want, leave your request with the donation and I'll post it asap. :)
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rien-deer · 2 years
Don’t you know it’s rude?
Back again with some goofy stuff with Ace 👀 
While having a dinner party with Whitebeard’s favorite sons, you notice Ace’s plate looks much tastier than your own.
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You’re used to Ace falling asleep mid-meals and when everyone gets together, stopping mid-chew or mid fork lift.  Whatever Thatch had done for him today was unfair compared to what you were eating - everyone had the same spread with extras to yank from as they pleased, but the meat on Ace’s plate just looked… marbleized better. If there were different cuts of meat, Ace got the more expensive one.
You gestured to Marco next to you, “look at that shit, he’s got -” you threw your hands up, before crossing your arms with a huff. “Matchstick over there has the literal primest cut of meat, and we have… lack thereof.” Marco shrugs, continuing to eat, reaching over the table and yoinking a piece of meat straight from Ace’s plate. “Or you could stop complaining and just take some, yoi.”
Ace wakes up and continues eating as if nothing happened, barely noting that a piece of his food is gone. You wrinkle your nose, continuing your own munching, the conversation still roaring around you as you watch…
And you watch…
And you watch…
And right back to sleep.
It was incredible that despite how loud everyone was, and how delicious the food was, he could just pass right out mid-conversation. You stood up to get yourself slightly better leverage and leaned over to snatch at a piece of meat that he hadn’t attempted to pick up yet. It was funny, but your heart was pounding away in your ears. Before you could quite get a grip on the piece of meat, Ace’s fork stabbed it right between your grasp, flames licking at his fingers.
“Now now darlin’, hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to steal a man’s food?”
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rien-deer · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well💕 If you are okay with it, and you have the time, I just can't stop thinking about a scenario where Ace is feeling insecure about himself and he feels like his s/o is burdened by him, and his s/o comforts him and tells him how much they love him💕💕 Sorry if it's a little vauge! I've been craving for Ace angst fluffs for a long time (I'm sorry if there was already a post written about this!) Thank you so much💕
Characters: Portgas D. Ace (One Piece)
Warnings: Self deprecation
Genre: Angst
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There were often times when Ace sat alone and pondered the thought of how you would be so much better off without him, when he wondered why it was him out of everyone you could have chosen. He trusted that you loved him, but there was always that nagging voice in the back of his mind who told him that it was out of pity. 
They know how sad you look all the time and only want to make you feel a little better about yourself. It’s to boost their own ego. Don’t they want to feel like they’re the hero?
He’d shake the intrusive voice from his head while he wiped a tear from his cheek. He was crying? How pathetic. He thought to himself. Ace couldn’t believe he was crying over something so stupid. 
“There you are!” he could hear the smile in your voice as you approached him and he recoiled. If he was being honest, you were the last person he wanted to see right now. After all, he wanted this time to himself to consider if being with you was the right thing. This wasn’t for him, it was for you. You deserved so much better. You had to know and understand that. 
But still, you came up to Ace without a care in the world, with that wonderful grin on your face whenever your eyes met with his. You stood beside him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. A customary gesture. Though, when you saw him flinch away from your touch, your face dropped, as did your shoulders, and the smile you once wore. 
“Ace? Are you okay?” your words were laced with worry and your doe eyes looked up at him with anticipation for what he was going to say. 
He took a deep breath. “I’ve just been thinking about us.” 
You spoke slowly. “What… about us?” 
Ace scratched his head and sighed, mostly to himself as he was trying his best to put this gently. It took a moment for him to talk again but in those moments, he could tell just how worried you were because he knew you were thinking the worst. “I think we should break up…” 
You chewed your bottom lip between your teeth. “Why? I thought we were doing just fine?” 
“You don’t understand how much better you deserve.” 
He watched your entire body relax and your eyes soften. “Ace,” you placed your hand on his warm cheek and he melted into your touch. “You’re doing it again. Don’t project the feelings that you think I should have about you. You understand how happy you make me.” 
“There’s no buts. Ace, I am so ridiculously in love with you and the fact that you can’t see that just means that I guess I’ll need to show it even more than I already do.”
“I do see it and that’s the problem. It’s not worth it…” 
You laughed softly to yourself. “Please, Ace. If I thought this wasn’t, I wouldn’t have continued being by your side after all these years. I promise that you’re worth it. You’re worth every moment of my time and there’s no one that I would rather be spending it with than you.” You gave him a loving kiss on his lips that he melted into just as much as he did with your hand. 
“I don’t want you to think otherwise.” you say against his lips.
He was grateful. You always lifted him back up again when he was in this kind of mood. More than once has he wanted to break up with you for feeling so inferior as a person. But you were there for him to reassure him that you were there for a reason. That reason being him.
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rien-deer · 2 years
Ace definitely tries to use his narcolepsy as an advantage to faceplant into your boobs, he’ll pretend to still be asleep a little longer just to enjoy their softness but that get ruined after y/n goes “ace I know your awake” cause that fool always has a big smile and sighs when his face is in your chest. He just groans and try’s to bury his face further into your chest, earning him a smack across his head by a red faced y/n.
I love this XD ace 100% does this.
the first time it was on complete accident. like usual his narcolepsy hits out of nowhere and he just fell forward. you quickly sprung into action, catching him. his head ended up being nestled against your bosom and a blush creeps up to your cheeks, but you didn't have the heart to move him off. so you just let ace rest against your chest, your hands absentmindedly running through his thick black hair. if it was even possible, he snuggles even closer to you in his sleep. thatch and Marco definitely give you teasing looks.
when ace wakes up, he's confused like usual. he registers the softness he's resting on and feels something running through his hair. it felt nice, making him relax even more in your arms. he tilts his head up and sees you. you look down and go 'oh you're awake,' and pull away. then ace realized he was resting against your chest and his cheeks grow pink, rubbing the back of his neck. 'ah thanks for letting me use you as a pillow.'
ever since ace slept against your chest, he can't stop thinking about it. your chest was just so soft! the perfect pillows for him. he wants to bury his head in your chest and stay there with you scratching his scalp. so he figures to just repeat what he did under the guise of his narcolepsy striking once again. and for a while, it works. he pretends to fall asleep, falling into your chest. he's just so comfortable. but you catch on that ace wasn't actually sleeping, the biggest clue was his big, dopey grin on his face. your cheeks burn and you smack the back of his head. he whines, burying himself deeper into your chest.
'ace get off I know you're not sleeping.'
'dont wanna,' he mumbles. 'you're soft and nice and warm.'
you resembled a tomato. you hear the crew laughing behind you. so you just resign to being ace's pillow because this boy is adamant on using your chest as his resting place.
but don't worry, it goes both ways! use his tiddies as pillows too! just curl up against him, head resting over his chest, ace loves it. so really, you both are pillows for each other.
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rien-deer · 2 years
Ace would totally forget you guys are dating if he was drunk LMAO just imagine he's like trying all his pickup lines and poking your cheek, complimenting the fuck out of you and asking "lemme take you out" ;)
"ace. we're dating"
*cue thatch and marco laughing their asses off*
and then his eyes brighten and kisses all over your face like "REALLY?? i've gotta tell this to pops then!"
pls he's so cute I love ace so much. just funny, sweet scenarios with him :))
yes ace would forget he's dating you when he's drunk XD. drunk ace looks at you and in his head goes 'oh my god she's just so beautiful and amazing and wonderful-' just full on going through the list of things he loves about you. he's not just drunk on alcohol, he's drunk on you. he can't focus on anything else but you.
he's trying to smooth, but he's clumsy yet also adorable. 'you're real pretty you know that?'
you smile, resting your cheek against your hand. 'oh yeah?'
'yeah! prettier than anything in the world! and and, your eyes shine like the stars!' he waves his hands to the sky.
you chuckle. 'im flattered.'
he leans forward, a sweet smile decorating his face. 'wanna go out with me?'
you burst into a fit of giggles. 'ace you goof, we're already dating!'
it takes a moment for him to understand what you said. he lights up and if he had a tail, it would be wagging. he's dating you? really? he's just so happy! he smothers your face in kisses, pulling you onto his lap.
'I'm the luckiest guy in the world!'
and then he promptly passes out against your chest.
also, ace is the type of drunk to go 'are you single' to his s/o and he would cry when you say no (of course you're not single, you're dating him)
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rien-deer · 2 years
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i’ve never seen a man more homosexual
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rien-deer · 2 years
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Oh... how I missed you.
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rien-deer · 2 years
i wanna draw so bad, i wanna share more one piece fanart T.T
but dead week is next week and i have a looot to do... pain!!! BUT SOON! I WILL BE FREE! EVEN IF I GOTTA RETAKE BIO 😭😭😭
i just want summer breeeaaakk Q_Q
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rien-deer · 2 years
By me
I did this to ease my pain 😪 🤧
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rien-deer · 2 years
bitches be like “i’d die for this character” and it’s a character who’s already dead
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rien-deer · 2 years
Hi Franky!!
Is it possible to see a head cannon of the straw hats or wbp’s as what they are like as an older brother/sister to the reader? I haven’t seen or found anything along these lines really and I think it would be really fun to read and connect to!
I will try my best <3
Franky - Big brother/uncle vibes as it is. - Would try and teach you so much - Would throw hands for you but also teach you how to fight too - Would want to impart all his wisdom onto you. Usopp - NERVOUS always nervous he'll mess up - Tells you so many stories - Wishes with all his heart you'll look up to him - Always tries to give the best advice, might not always work Nami - Acts annoyed all the time but really she adores you - Has always been the younger sibling so was a dynamic shift for her - Spoils you rotten because she loves you so much - Passes on her navigation skills - Will fight a bitch for you for any minor inconvenience. Jinbei - More of dad/uncle vibes but feels young and alive when seen as an older brother - Also good with advice - Never steers you wrong - tough love though - But is gentle when needed Luffy - Only ever been seen as the younger sibling - Shows you dumb and gross tricks - Takes nothing seriously and you guys just mess around and annoy the rest of the crew - Will help you fight your own battles and be there to fight them for you if needed. Zoro - Is the bad older brother who plys you with drink - you and Zoro bully Sanji as a team - He doesn't let you touch his swords but he will get you your own and you'll learn how to sword fight - More tough love but also encouragement. Sanji - GOD, HE TRIES SO HARD TO BE EVERYTHING HIS BROTHERS WEREN'T - perhaps tries to hard and becomes full on and maybe has toxic positvity - SO OVER PROTECTIVE - Does not think anyone is good enough for you ever Robin - You learn alot from Robin - good, kind, wonderful teacher - teaches you all the fun pranks - gives you valuable life skills Chopper - OH LORD, THE PRESSURE TO BE A BIG BROTHER - PLEASE DON'T PRAISE ME ASSHOLE - Teaches you first aid - TOO soft with you. Brook - Bad habits and good times - Lets you get away with alot - Is so touched you see him as an older brother - Just wants to be 'cool' and 'fun' though ------------------------------------- Izou - 'Do as I say not as I do' - Will teach you many things - Pretends to be annoyed all the time but is really proud of you - Shows you how to fight - Big found family vibes as well as having his own blood relation sibling. Ace - He is so used to being a 'big brother' that he falls into it so naturally - Shows you cool stuff - a little tough love when it comes to teaching you how to look after yourself - Teases you playfully - Always a shoulder to cry on Marco - Gives off too many uncle vibes to be a big brother - when he tries he kinda becomes too slack and an awkward role model - Just wants you to have fun and a good time - Shows you how to express yourself though - Always a good person to run to when your sad Thatch - FEELS YOUNG AND HAPPY YOU CONSIDER HIM AN OLDER SIBLING - Shows you how to cook - wants to impart all his wisdom even if you don't want to listen - "How you doing kiddo?" -WHACKS YOU ON THE BACK- - cries with you
@undercoverweeeb @acesmarigold @sugxrslushy @thatsprettycoolbro @kaizokuwritings @slut4animedilfs @sanjithesimp @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @angeltani @mimi-ya @aifozu @simp4ace @useless-potatho @iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast @gonuclear @secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @saisei-no-hano @rae-vynn @childofblackmaria @rosiinante @donivanessdoodles @my-muses-in-op
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rien-deer · 2 years
OMG OMG congrats on the event! May i request sfw 29 and 33 with the ASL pirates and maybe odio? with gn pronouns! It’d be fun to see, hahaha. thanks a lot and I hope the event goes smoothly! Take care of yourself, sending you a big hug 🤗 -💕
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the boyfriend series.
asking for a “bite” & calling them weird pet names
[ace, sabo, and luffy]
content warning: gn!reader, no pronouns used, pet names used
special note: thank you so much, my heart anon! i appreciate the kind words, and i return a hug 🫂. also, i was running low on ideas for weird pet names lol!
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✩ he doesn’t mind pet names at all, if anything he adores them because he thinks it’s your way of showing your love even further. calls you pet names as well, obviously if you’re comfortable with them because he can get a little too creative as well.
✩ “hey sunshine,” you call out to which he whips his head towards you immediately in surprise at the new term but nonetheless smiles because he low key likes it.
✩ deciding to bring it up a notch, “what are you doing,” “hm? oh! i’m-“ “-my sweet nest.”
✩ literally stops and stares at you in complete confusion.
✩ “did you just call me a nest? what the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asks, eyeing you up and down. “it just means you’re my sweet nest! isn’t that right sugar gator?” you question him once more causing ace to malfunction.
✩ “i’m what now? a sugar gator??” he questions, extremely bothered by the new pet names you've given him.
✩ in the middle of eating his meal, you come up to sit by him. "can i have a bite?" you ask pointing at the burger that was halfway gone.
✩ gives you a big grin and nods. taking the burger off of his plate, he watches you closely for your reaction.
✩ as soon as you take a 'bite' his face drops.
✩ the life is sucked right out of his eyes. he still wanted that burger but you ate it all in one bite... it's okay though...
✩ "that was delicious! thanks, pickle~" you coo while petting his head which causes the freckled face boy to flinch.
✩ quickly finishes chewing before speaking up, "is everything okay? why are you calling me all of these weird things? did i make you mad? is that why you ate my burger?" he asks question after question.
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✩ to be honest, i don't really see him as the type to use pet names on the daily but he doesn't mind if you want to use them.
✩ “i’ll see you later,” he says walking over to give you a kiss. “‘kay, bye love!” you bid goodbye with a smile to which he returns a grin.
✩ “did i ever tell you about how ace, luffy, and i made a hideout?—“ “yes, you did catcake.”
✩ goes silent and stares at you.
✩ “what do you mean by catcake? do you want cake right now?” he questions, brows slightly furrowing in confusion.
✩ you and sabo are in the canteen, enjoying your dinner. he happened to have some strawberry shortcake, and obviously, you want a taste.
✩ poking at his shoulder, he turns to look at you curiously. “can i have a bite?” you ask whilst pointing towards the plate of cake.
✩ “so you did want cake, after all, i don’t get why you said catcake earlier though. but yes,” he replies as you eagerly scoot the dish towards you.
✩ he smiles, watching you take a bite—oh. that’s one huge bite…
✩ you hum delightfully and turn towards the blond, “strawberry shortcake is the best! thanks, catnip tree~”
✩ rbf activated.
✩ “do we have a cat that i do not know of? what’s it with you and cats? seriously. that was the last slice of strawberry shortcake too, i thought you wanted a ‘bite’ not the whole thing. otherwise, i would’ve said no.”
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✩ good luck with using pet names with him. doesn’t respond 60% of the time because his name is luffy, not anything else.
✩ “morning, captain.” you greet, earning a wide grin from luffy, “morning!”
✩ you guys should be docking at the next island pretty soon, so you approach luffy who was currently sitting on top of sunny’s head. “hey, boo wanna go exploring on the next island together?” you call out towards the captain.
✩ “huh? exploring? yeah! wait, are you trying to be a ghost and scare me?" he questions, giving you an unimpressed expression.
✩ will talk to you for five minutes straight about how to scare someone, "you have to hide so they can't see you, then you jump out like boo!"
✩ you purposely wait for luffy to get down to his last piece of meat, wanting to get him real good.
✩ before he can devour the meat you speak up, "hey, poopsie can i please have a bite?" you plea as his gaze alternates between you and the piece of heaven in his hand.
✩ "okay!--poopsie? do you have a stomachache?" he asks, suddenly looking at you in concern. debates on if he should call for chopper.
✩ you shake your head and lean in towards him, motioning for him to bring the meat towards your mouth.
✩ subconsciously feeds you while talking, not noticing that you took a bite way too large for his liking, only noticing when the weight in his hand feels light.
✩ looks down at his hand in complete misery. words cannot explain how shocked and devasted he is.
✩ you betrayed him. apologize.
✩ "sanji!"
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all rights belong to ascexy on tumblr.
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rien-deer · 2 years
Thinking about ace getting hit with some sort of spell that turns him back into a kid. You see just how bitter and angry he is, but deep down he was hurt and wanted to be loved. Ace avoided everyone on the ship, but you were nothing but kind and patient with him. And the whole crew too. By the end of the day, kid ace grew attached to you. When it was nighttime and you both were getting ready to sleep, you played with his hair to soothe him. Ace just looks at you.
'Why are you doing this?' He asks quietly.
'Because you deserve to be loved,' you answer easily. He looks away, almost wanting to deny it but says nothing. He falls asleep with his hand being held in yours. He looks so innocent, curled up next to you.
The next day you wake up to find that ace returned to normal. He was looking at you with a loving smile. You think back to his younger self and start choking up. He panics, not understanding why. He has no memories of him turning into a kid.
'Baby, what's wrong?'
You shake your head, cupping his cheeks and giving him a kiss on the lips.
'I love you ace, more than anything in the world,' you whisper. You needed him to know this, to know how loved he was. And if he'll let you, you'll spend every day of your life reminding him.
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rien-deer · 2 years
Marco : How long does a deodorant stick usually last you?
Ace : Usually only 3 or 4 bites
Marco : Why do I even bother
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