rigell22jlnn · 2 months
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Good morning my lilsunshine 🧡🧡
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rigell22jlnn · 4 months
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rigell22jlnn · 7 months
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My chenle looks amazing on his birthday live
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rigell22jlnn · 7 months
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Why are these cuties sooooo cute
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rigell22jlnn · 7 months
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This man is my man
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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Blonde chenle 🔛🔝
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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From chenle to lilsuns
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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Thank you @jenobubbles and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
Wow, Tumblr has something like this
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Jeno looks majestic in this pic, more than his boom era
Jeno sg rank by me:
🥇2024 (new)
🥈2021 (=)
🥉2020 (-1)
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
I Forgot to ranking chenle's sg
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Chenle's sg rankings by me:
🥇2023 (new)
🥈2022 (-1)
🥉2020 (-1)
2021 (-1)
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
Miss my chenle 😕😕
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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Guess who??
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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My jenle heart
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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Jeno looks majestic in this pic, more than his boom era
Jeno sg rank by me:
🥇2024 (new)
🥈2021 (=)
🥉2020 (-1)
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
Missing daegal and her father
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
If you guys want an account or 2 for voting dreamies on Mama please DM me okay 🧡✨️
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
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Don't forget to vote dreamies on m a m a guysss 🧡
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rigell22jlnn · 8 months
Satan Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Satan was born from a combination of Lucifer’s intense wrath and him tearing off his wings, this gave Satan flesh for a body
2. Physically, Satan is the youngest but he is ranked fourth as he is fourth strongest of the seven brothers
3. Satan often fears he is nothing but a lesser copy of Lucifer
4. Satan’s wrath was so out of control after his birth his brothers did anything they could to stop his rages, including tying him in chains and stuffing him in a locker, knocking him out, or holding him underwater until he passed out
5. When Satan discovered cats he burst into Levi’s room demanding to know more about this
6. Satan believes Leviathan is mature in the way he focuses on other people’s opinions
7. Satan has always been a demon and accepting wrath as part of who he was so he did not struggle with his sin like his brothers did
8. Satan treasures the first things his brothers ever gave him
9. Satan’s tail is spiky and you can be injured touching it if you aren’t careful
10. Satan gets angriest over petty inconveniences
11. Simeon believes that Satan always only wearing one sleeve of his jackets is his way of rebelling
12. Satan has a tendency to overthink things
13. Satan does his best to avoid arguing with his brothers even when they annoy him
14. Satan is compared to a cat by his brothers due to his tendency to show up in completely random places when you least expect
15. Satan has connections in almost every industry as he’s easily able to socialize and make friends
16. Satan claims his books are organized in a way he understands
17. Once Satan’s books collapsed on him and he stayed there for several days relaxing
18. Satan enjoys the fine arts and likes going to art museums
19. Satan enjoys theatre and the opera
20. Satan easily gets his hands on rare and cursed objects to the point it impresses Lucifer
21. Satan has successfully cursed Lucifer several times. The worst of them being when he transferred his pain from Solomon’s cooking to Lucifer.
22. Satan originally looks down on manga but changes his mind after reading a bunch of manga Levi switched out in his room as a prank
23. Satan loves watching dramas and mysteries, especially Mid-Fall Murders
24. Due to watching crime shows regularly Satan believed that when dining in the human world you tell the waitress you’d like “the usual” and they’ll know what you mean
25. Although originally Satan complains he’s never beat Diavolo in chess, it’s implied he finally beats him in season 3
26. Satan has a major inferiority complex when it comes to Lucifer which causes him to often doubt himself
27. Satan is subscribed to Monthly Devil Architect’s Digest
28. Satan was once cursed to see everything as cats, he wasn’t the least bit bothered
29. Satan gifted Lucifer a scarf that was cursed to grow eternally
30. Satan doesn’t seem to realize how terrifying his anger is when he is visibly confused as to why his brothers are hiding
31. Satan has hoarded cats in the past and is no longer allowed to have any
32. Satan feeds a local cat he has named Sir Cat
33. Satan gives MC instructions on feeding many of the cats who come by serenity manor
34. When attempting to turn Simeon’s cafe into a cat cafe he “borrowed” a bunch of cats from witches. He was distressed when they were all returned to their owners.
35. Satan once fell asleep with a cat in public and ended up covered in Hell Zakura petals. Solomon thought it was cute.
36. Satan cursed a pizza deliverer for putting pineapple on their pizza
37. Satan desires to be on the receiving end of a loving headbutt by a cat in full force
38. Satan checks cat blogs before he goes to bed as they give him energy for the next day
39. Satan has to be told to stop using cat stickies as he puts them everywhere
40. Satan covered his and Belphegor’s laptops in cat stickers
41. Satan enjoys classical music, symphonies, and Ska music
42. Satan prefers food chunkier than smooth because it has more bite to it
43. Satan enjoys the bitterness of Dark chocolate
44. Satan has said his type is someone he can have a mutual understanding with when it comes to anger
45. Satan has had things thrown at his head multiple times in the game, some of these items include a pillow, a piece of trash, and a pile of pancakes
46. Satan hates baby talk, more specifically when Asmodeus uses it
47. Satan has inherited some of Lucifer’s memories and emotions
48. When Satan was cursed to stay close to Lucifer he would just stare and growl at Lucifer from the corner of the room
49. Satan’s antagonistic behavior towards Lucifer is somewhat compulsive as even he wishes he didn’t dedicate so much time to Lucifer but cannot stop himself
50. Satan let’s Belphegor sleep on his lap even though it annoys him
51. Satan learned how to read ancient human text from Solomon
52. Satan considers Mephistopheles an ally since they both dislike Lucifer
53. In a love survey on B’s Log Satan says he wants to “bind and monopolize” his lover and is the active one pursuing love
54. Satan cherishes relationship anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
55. In a relationship with obstacles, Satan chooses to face the difficulties with passion
56. When it comes to a lover, Satan said he would get jealous easily
57. Satan originally did not understand humans and assumed they’d all be fine receiving expensive items and gems as gifts and was angry when MC did not
58. Satan has ranked his favorite cat positions as stalk-straight tail, slow blink, making biscuits, head butting, and bellyflops
59. Satan secretly dislikes Green Peas
60. Satan is annoyed by the RAD Newpsaper Club account and has the notifications for it turned off
61. Satan says he tends to sleep on his stomach to avoid being hit in the face when his books randomly come avalanching down on him
62. Satan starts all his baths by washing his left arm
63. Satan’s daily activity is petting a cat
64. Satan’s dream is to have a cat
65. On sleepless nights, Satan calls MC because he finds their voice soothing
66. Satan’s motto is “Wisdom is the treasure of all generations.”
67. Satan’s rage emits so much energy it’s too much for humans to handle and can shake buildings and break things without getting near them
68. Satan sends cursed chain mail to Lucifer daily
69. When Mammon could only speak cat, Satan was called to help and he spent the day happily playing with cat toys with Mammon
70. Satan became enraged with Raphael when he was compared to Lucifer
71. Satan is very knowledgeable when it comes to the constellations and the specific stars among them
72. Satan believes Easter is the perfect excuse to throw eggs at Lucifer
73. Satan looks forward to fall as he believes it’s the best season for reading
74. Satan has trouble eating something if it looks like a cat
75. Satan always has a bag of cat treats with him wherever he goes
76. Satan seems to remember exactly where he left off in a book when he falls asleep reading. In an interview with B’s Log he says “Yesterday I was in the mood for The Complete Book of Cat's Paws, but I fell asleep on the Havana Brown page, around line no. 27.”
77. Satan sometimes hums the theme song to mid fall murders
78. Satan’s compliments often sound more like insults
79. Satan originally took Levi to be a nobody with no powers.
80. Satan once used Diavolo as a hostage
81. When Satan wanted to get MC a gift he offered to kill someone for them
82. Satan enjoys a railroad building mobile app
83. In the baseball game in the anime, Satan’s team lost 0 to 666 but Satan still claims it’s the game where he trumped Lucifer
84. Satan owns a book that can enter the memories of whoever first opens it
85. Satan built a life like snow sculpture of Lucifer out of spite, knowing Lucifer would feel uncomfortable
86. Satan once decorated the backyard with cat towers hoping it’d become a cat colony
87. Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
88. Satan is the one who introduced the idea of second-hand/used bookstores to the Devildom.
89. Satan has a collection of priceless jewels that are rare in both the human world and Devildom. It’s not stated how he got his hands on them but he is alluded to being very wealthy by Leviathan
90. Believing they were lost deep in the forest, Satan initiated sex with MC but they were immediately after found by Beelzebub
91. Satan said if he was in a horror movie he’d be the silent killer “helping” the detectives and frame Lucifer for all the murders
92. Satan once got into a fight with Beelzebub over who liked Devilcat most
93. Satan once went to a riddle event with Solomon and MC
94. Satan bribed Barbatos with rare tea to let him go to the human world alone
95. In an interview with B’s Log he said his everyday small happiness is gaining new knowledge
96. Something Satan believes is absolutely not allowed in front of him is disrespecting cats and is quoted saying “Dare to make disrespectful remarks about cats in front of me. I’ll **** and **** your ****.” — B’s log
97. Satan’s three rules for his daily life are — Read books, play with cats, and make time for yourself
98. When asked if he prefers mature or child-like people, he states he prefers mature people and then immediately references Simeon
99. Satan is skilled with cooking stews and enjoys working with the variety of spices and herbs Barbatos gives him
100. Satan believes his composure makes him “cool” and that he only “very, very occasionally” loses his temper
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