rikinikigrl229 · 11 months
"An Update on 'Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story' Ft. Niki - Your Feedback Matters!"
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I've been giving some thought to my Niki fanfiction on Tumblr, and I wanted to share something with you. I haven't been receiving the feedback I was hoping for, and it's making me reconsider continuing the story. If you would like me to keep writing, please let me know. On another note, I've already written 12 chapters, so it might be a good time to stop. Thank you all for your support and love.
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:12
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Hey, fam! 👋 How's everyone doing? I'm feeling great! 😄 Just wanted to say a big thanks for all the love on my story! 🙏💖 But hey, can you also hit that follow button? It'll totally motivate me to write more chapters. 📚✍️ Hope you're all digging it! Take care and lots of love! 😘🤗
Next Day - Riki's POV in His House
As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Riki awoke with a heavy heart. The weight of the previous night's events still lingered, casting a dark shadow over his thoughts. How could Lavanya betray him like this? The anger inside him surged, fueled by the deep hurt he felt. The memories of seeing her lips locked with another man replayed relentlessly in his mind, stinging like an open wound.
"Why would she do this to me? Was our love just a game to her?" Riki's voice trembled with a mix of rage and pain as he paced around his empty house. The walls echoed with his bitter words, his heart raw with emotions that threatened to consume him. In his despair, he convinced himself that Lavanya must be reveling in her newfound happiness with that guy, completely indifferent to his anguish.
But as the tears streamed down his face, a flicker of doubt emerged. Had he been the one at fault? Did he not give Lavanya enough time or treat her the way she deserved? Riki's self-doubt mingled with his anger, creating a tumultuous storm within him.
Yesterday - Lavanya's Encounter in the Hotel
Lavanya arrived at the hotel room, her heart pounding with trepidation. To her shock, the room was empty, devoid of any sign of Riki's presence. The suitcase that once contained his belongings was conspicuously absent, amplifying her anguish. Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, she sank to the floor, tears streaming down her face. In that moment, she longed to explain to Riki that what he had witnessed was a terrible misunderstanding, but fate had conspired against her.
Her phone rang, and as Lavanya answered, her friend Maki's comforting voice reached her ears. She poured her heart out, recounting the painful events of the previous night. Maki, wise and understanding, suggested that Lavanya return to Japan and stay with him for a few days. It was a chance to regroup, gather her shattered emotions, and find solace in the company of a trusted friend.
Lavanya agreed, booking her tickets back to Japan, hoping that distance would bring clarity and a chance to set things right with Riki. With a heavy heart, she packed her belongings, leaving behind the traces of a broken dream.
Meanwhile, Riki's Return to the Office
Back at the office, Riki sought refuge in his familiar surroundings. The weight of the recent events burdened his soul, leaving him weary and crestfallen. Lost in his thoughts, he found himself recounting the heartbreaking story to his trusted confidant, Sunghoon.
As the tale unfolded, Riki's voice trembled with a mixture of sorrow and anger. Sunghoon listened intently, absorbing every detail, and when the narrative reached its painful climax, he leaned in, his voice filled with a mischievous suggestion.
"Riki," Sunghoon began, a hint of cunning in his eyes, "why don't you make Lavanya jealous? Flirt with your new secretary, Jia. Show her what she's missing. And with the upcoming party, orchestrated by Jay himself, Lavanya will be there too. It's the perfect opportunity to ignite that spark of jealousy within her."
Riki's eyes widened at the audacity of Sunghoon's plan. It was a risky proposition, fueled by emotions that threatened to consume him. Yet, a small glimmer of hope stirred within him. If he could make Lavanya feel a fraction of the pain he had experienced, perhaps she would understand the depth of his love.
And so, with a determined gaze and a heart laden with both
vengeance and longing, Riki nodded, accepting Sunghoon's advice. The stage was set for a grand showdown, where emotions would clash, and the lines between love and manipulation would blur.
Japan, a land far from Lavanya's hometown, would witness the unfolding of a tale that tested the boundaries of trust and resilience. Their paths were diverging, taking them on separate journeys. Would destiny conspire to bring them back together, or would the wounds inflicted upon their fragile hearts prove irreparable?
Only time would unfold the next chapter of their tempestuous love story, where the boundaries of passion and pain danced upon a delicate precipice.
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:11
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Hey, fam! 👋 How's everyone doing? I'm feeling great! 😄 Just wanted to say a big thanks for all the love on my story! 🙏💖 But hey, can you also hit that follow button? It'll totally motivate me to write more chapters. 📚✍️ Hope you're all digging it! Take care and lots of love! 😘🤗
As Riki retreated from the party, his mind became overwhelmed with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. He found it impossible to focus on anything other than Lavanya. "Why can't I concentrate?" he muttered in frustration. "Why do I keep thinking about her? Are Jay and Lavanya dating? Does Lavanya really not like me anymore? Has she moved on from me? Lavanya, what have you done to me? I regret breaking up with her for such a silly reason."
Sitting alone in his office, Riki replayed memories of his time with Lavanya, wondering how everything had changed so drastically. He questioned whether he had made a mistake and if there was any chance for them to reconcile. Regret gnawed at him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost something precious.
Just as Riki was deep in his thoughts, a sudden knock interrupted his introspection. Startled, he called out, "Come in."
The door creaked open, revealing a young woman named Jia. She introduced herself as Riki's new secretary, taking on the role previously held by Sara, who had left the country. A brief flashback flashed in Riki's mind, reminding him of Sara's misguided advances toward him while he was still in a relationship with Lavanya. He had harshly rejected her, causing Sara to leave the country in embarrassment.
Riki observed Jia, trying to focus on the present moment. "Hello, Jia. Please have a seat," he gestured, a touch of weariness in his voice. He couldn't help but wonder if Jia had similar intentions as Sara, although he hoped for a more professional working relationship this time.
Meanwhile, Lavanya couldn't stop thinking about Riki either. "Why am I thinking about him? Does he have a girlfriend now? He's so handsome, kind, funny, caring, cute, and warm. Imagining him with another girl makes me tear up, but I shouldn't cry. He wanted to break up because he wanted to marry me, and I'm still too young for that," she reasoned with herself.
The unexpected encounter at the party had stirred up memories and emotions she thought were buried. As she mused about their past, her phone buzzed, startling her out of her reverie.
Lavanya glanced at her screen to see Riki's name flashing across it. Surprised yet curious, she answered the call. Riki's voice, tinged with hesitation, came through the line. "Lavanya, can we meet? There's something I want to talk to you about."
A mix of apprehension and intrigue swirled within Lavanya. She agreed to meet Riki at the place they first met—a small café with a cozy ambiance that had once been the backdrop of their budding romance.
They sat across from each other, nervously sipping their coffees. The air was heavy with unspoken words, both longing for resolution. Finally, Riki broke the silence, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability. "Lavanya, I've been thinking a lot about us. I regret breaking up with you for such a silly reason."
Lavanya's heart skipped a beat, unsure of how to respond. She had carried her own regrets and questions, yet Riki's confession left her torn between hope and caution. Slowly, she replied, "Riki, I've thought about our past too. It wasn't easy for me either. But we've both changed since then."
Their conversation continued, with both pouring out their hearts and acknowledging their mistakes. Surprisingly, Lavanya found herself agreeing when Riki tentatively asked, "Can we try again? Can we be back together?"
Days turned into weeks
 and Lavanya and Riki rekindled their relationship. Determined to move forward, they embarked on a journey together, planning a trip that would take them to the breathtaking landscapes of Australia and the vibrant cities of China. The adventure allowed them to reconnect, creating new memories and reinforcing their bond.
In China, they attended a lavish party, surrounded by an atmosphere of excitement and celebration. However, misunderstandings and jealousy once again threatened to cast a shadow over their happiness. Riki, observing Lavanya engaging in a friendly conversation with a handsome young man whom he thought was just a friend, was taken aback when he witnessed them kissing each other. Overwhelmed with jealousy and anger, his mind raced with assumptions and misguided interpretations.
Caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, Riki confronted Lavanya, his voice filled with accusation. "Who is he? Why were you kissing him?" he demanded, his anger clouding his judgment. Lavanya, desperate to explain the situation and clear any misconceptions, pleaded with Riki to listen, but he stubbornly refused to hear her side of the story.
Riki, filled with hurt and confusion, left for Japan without informing Lavanya, leaving her heartbroken.
The chapter ended with a cliffhanger, leaving their relationship hanging in the balance. Would they be able to resolve the misunderstanding and salvage their love? Or would the cracks deepen, irreparably damaging what they had fought so hard to rebuild? Only time would tell as their fates remained uncertain.
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:10
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Hey, it's been a while since I uploaded a chapter! 🎉📚 Thanks for your patience, amazing fans! ❤️ Your support means the world to me. Here's a new chapter, full of twists and turns! 📖✨ Enjoy and let me know what you think! 😊🙌 
Jay reached out to Lavanya with a warm phone call, extending his invitation.
"Hey, Lavanya," Jay greeted warmly.
"Hello, Jay. How are you?" Lavanya replied.
"I'm doing well. How about you?" Jay inquired.
"I'm also good," Lavanya responded.
"I'm glad to hear that. By the way, there's a party you must attend," Jay informed enthusiastically.
"Sure, I will come," Lavanya agreed with a smile.
As Jay extended an invitation to Lavanya for a party, his excitement couldn't be contained. He looked forward to introducing her to his friends and sharing the joyous atmosphere that had developed through their friendship. Little did he know that this gathering would unexpectedly bring tensions to the surface.
The venue buzzed with music, laughter, and conversations among friends. Jay eagerly led Lavanya through the crowd, introducing her to his close-knit group. As they approached Riki, Lavanya's ex-boyfriend and Jay's friend, Jay couldn't help but notice the apprehensive expression on Lavanya's face.
Riki's eyes widened when he saw Lavanya, and they made eye contact with each other.
Lavanya's thoughts raced as she observed Riki's presence. "What is Riki doing here? He looks so good in his black tuxedo and pants. I bet he has a girlfriend now. Why am I crying? He wanted this. I should stop crying," Lavanya reasoned with herself, wiping away a tear.
Jay, concerned, asked Lavanya, "Hey, Lavanya, why are you crying? Is everything alright?"
Jay embraced Lavanya, and she replied, "Jay, I'm fine. It's just that something got in my eyes."
Relieved, Jay introduced his friends, saying, "By the way, let me introduce you to my friends: Jungwon, Heesung, Jake, and Sunghoon."
Lavanya greeted them, saying, "Hi, I'm Lavanya."
Sunoo, smiling, responded, "Hello, Lavanya. I'm Sunoo."
Lavanya couldn't help but think to herself, "OMG, Sunoo is so cute. Lavanya, stop thinking that. Stop."
Jake, with a bright smile, introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Jake. Nice to meet you."
Lavanya asked, "Jake, are you Australian?"
Jake chuckled, "Yes, finally someone who thinks I'm Australian and half Korean. Everyone always assumes I'm British or American. I don't know why," he jokingly fake cried.
Heesung interjected, "Stop it, Jake. It's embarrassing. Hi, I'm Heesung. We've heard a lot about you from Jay."
The group nodded in agreement, and Sunghoon added, "Hi, I'm Sunghoon from America."
Jungwon chimed in, "You're not from America; you're fully Korean."
Lavanya smiled at the banter and introduced herself, saying, 
"Hiii. By the way, you are all really handsome ."
Jungwon returned the compliment, "Thank you, Lavanya. You're beautiful too."
Meanwhile, Riki couldn't help but feel jealous as he watched Lavanya laughing and enjoying herself with everyone. He couldn't understand what was so interesting or funny, and her frequent blushing puzzled him.
Amidst the conversations, Sunoo turned to Lavanya and asked, "Lavanya, do you think mint-choco is nice?"
The group shook their heads in disagreement, but Sunoo continued,”Are you all Lavanya ?"
Sunoo's sassy tone made Lavanya chuckle, and
 She replied, "Mint-choco is not my favorite, but it is nice."
Sunoo's eyes lit up, and he smirked, saying, "See, she agrees."
Riki's jealousy and anger reached their peak. Unable to bear it any longer, he abruptly grabbed Lavanya's hand and pulled her away from the party, leaving Jay and the others bewildered.
Lavanya's heart raced as Riki dragged her outside, away from the vibrant atmosphere she had been immersed in just moments ago. She tried to gently pull her hand away, asserting her independence, but Riki's grip remained tight. It was evident that he was struggling with his own emotions, but his actions were misguided.
"Lavanya, let go," she said firmly, her voice tinged with frustration. "We broke up for a reason, and I'm here to enjoy the party with Jay and the others. So, let me go, Riki."
Riki's grip finally loosened, and he took a step back, visibly conflicted. Lavanya went back inside.
Jungwon, sipping on his drink, asked Lavanya, "What's up with you and Riki?"
Lavanya hesitated for a moment before confessing, "Um, he is my ex-boyfriend."
The revelation shocked everyone, causing Heesung to cough on his drink. Sunoo exclaimed, "What? He never told us he had a girlfriend."
Lavanya couldn't help but think, "I guess I wasn't that important to him."
Apologizing, Jay said, "Sorry, Lavanya. I shouldn't have invited Riki and made you uncomfortable."
"It's fine, Jay. You didn't know. He's my past now," Lavanya assured him.
Riki approached them and said to Jay, "I have to go. Something important came up at work," glancing at Lavanya.
"Oh, okay. Bye, Riki," Jay bid him farewell, still puzzled by the situation.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:9
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First Person POV (Lavanya)
As I walked through the bustling aisles of the department store, my mind still filled with thoughts of the organization and the impact we were making, I noticed a young boy browsing through the toy section. He looked lost in his own little world, mesmerized by the colorful displays.
Curiosity piqued, I approached him with a friendly smile. "Hey there! Finding something interesting?"
Startled, the boy turned to face me, his wide eyes meeting mine. "Oh, um… Hi," he replied, a hint of shyness in his voice. "I was just looking at these action figures. They're so cool!"
I glanced at the action figures he was pointing to, recognizing some of the popular superheroes and characters. "They certainly are! Do you have a favorite?"
The boy's face lit up with excitement. "Spider-Man! He's the best! I wish I could have all these toys, but they're so expensive."
His words tugged at my heartstrings. I remembered feeling the same way as a child, yearning for toys that seemed out of reach. "I understand how you feel. Sometimes, things can be expensive. But you know what? There are other ways to have fun without spending a lot of money."
He looked at me, his curiosity evident. "Really? How?"
"Well," I began, "my friends and I organize events and activities for a good cause. We're always looking for young volunteers. Would you be interested in joining us? You can make new friends, have fun, and maybe even make a difference."
His eyes widened in amazement. "That sounds incredible! I've never done anything like that before."
I smiled warmly. "It's never too late to start. What's your name?"
He hesitated for a moment before responding, "Jay. My name is Jay."
"Well, Jay, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said, extending my hand. He cautiously reached out and shook it, his excitement shining through.
Over the next few weeks, Jay became an integral part of our organization. He brought an infectious enthusiasm and a fresh perspective to our team. Together, we brainstormed ideas and worked on various projects, from creating handmade crafts to organizing mini-fundraising events for kids.
As our friendship grew, Jay opened up about his own struggles. He had recently moved to the city and found it challenging to adjust to a new school and make friends. Being a part of our organization gave him a sense of belonging and purpose, just as it had for me.
Third Person POV (Jay)
Jay couldn't believe his luck. Meeting Lavanya had changed his life in more ways than he could have imagined. He had found a place where he belonged and people who genuinely cared.
As days turned into weeks, Jay's friendship with Lavanya blossomed. They spent countless hours discussing their dreams, their favorite hobbies, and the projects they were working on. Lavanya became his mentor, guiding him through the ins and outs of organizing events and helping him develop new skills.
With Lavanya's encouragement, Jay took on more responsibilities within the organization. He discovered a talent for graphic design and started creating eye-catching posters and flyers for our events. He also helped manage the organization's social media presence, engaging with the online community and spreading awareness about our cause.
But it wasn't just about the work. Lavanya and Jay shared laughter and made memories together. They explored new places, discovered hidden gems in the city, and even had impromptu dance parties in their spare time. Their friendship brought joy and light into their lives.
Through their collaboration, Lavanya and Jay discovered the power of teamwork and the impact they could have on
others. They saw the smiles on the faces of the people they helped and realized that making a difference, no matter how small, was incredibly fulfilling.
As time went on, Lavanya and Jay's friendship continued to thrive. They faced challenges together, celebrated victories, and inspired each other to reach for the stars. Their bond became an essential pillar of their lives, giving them strength, support, and a sense of purpose.
Little did they know that their journey was just beginning, and the impact they would make on the world would extend far beyond their expectations. Together, Lavanya and Jay would continue to uplift others, spread kindness, and create a community that would inspire change for years to come.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:8
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Over the next few hours, the meeting went on as we discussed fundraising ideas and how to reach out to potential donors. We talked about organizing events like bake sales, charity runs, and auctions. We even discussed the possibility of partnering with local businesses to raise funds.
As we continued to brainstorm, I found myself getting more and more excited about the project. It was amazing to see so many people come together for a common cause and work towards making a difference in the community.
After the meeting, Priya approached me. "Hey, Lavanya, I wanted to thank you again for all your help. You've been amazing."
"It's no problem," I said, feeling a sense of pride at having contributed to such a great cause.
"We couldn't have done it without you," she said. "And I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in taking on a more permanent role with the organization."
I was taken aback by the offer. I hadn't really thought about becoming more involved with the organization, but the idea of being part of something so meaningful was tempting.
"What kind of role are you thinking?" I asked.
"I was thinking that maybe you could be our tech coordinator," she said. "You've been doing such a great job with the website and social media, and I think you could really help us take things to the next level."
I thought about it for a moment. It would mean taking on more responsibility, but it would also mean being part of something that was making a real difference in the world.
"I'd be interested," I said, smiling.
"That's great!" Priya said, giving me another hug. "I'll send you some more information about what the role would entail, but I think you're going to be perfect for it."
Over the next few days, Priya sent me more information about the tech coordinator role, including a list of tasks and responsibilities. I was a little intimidated by the amount of work that would be involved, but I was also excited about the opportunity to make a real impact.
I started working on some of the tasks that Priya had assigned to me, including setting up a donation page on the website and creating a social media campaign to promote our upcoming events.
As I worked, I found myself getting more and more invested in the organization. I was excited to see it grow and make a difference in the community, and I felt proud to be a part of it.
One day, as I was scrolling through social media, I saw a post from a friend of mine who had attended one of our charity events. She had posted a picture of herself holding a sign that read "I support Priya's organization," and had tagged our social media page.
Seeing that post made me feel like all our hard work was paying off. We were making a difference in people's lives, and it was amazing to see that impact firsthand.
Over the next few weeks, the organization continued to grow. We held several successful fundraising events, and we even managed to secure a few more big donations from local businesses.
As we continued to expand, I found myself taking on more and more responsibility within the organization. I was managing the website, social media, and coordinating volunteers for our events. It was a lot of work, but it was also incredibly rewarding.
And through it all, I couldn't help but think about how different my life would be if I hadn't run into Priya in the park that day. She had given me a purpose and a sense of direction at a time when I had felt lost and adrift.
I knew that I would always be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something that was making a real difference in the world.
If you want Riki and Lavanya to get back together and be happy in the end, don't worry, they will. However, they will have some challenges along the way. To keep up with my story and find out what happens next, you can follow me on Wattpad, Quotev, or Tumblr. My username is RikNikiGrl229. Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you.
#niki #enhypen niki #enhypen ff #enhypen nishimura riki #enhypen #riki nishimura #riki imagines #riki enhypen #enha
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:7
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CH:7 How Helping Others Can Heal Your Own Pain
The next few weeks were a blur of sadness and confusion. I threw myself into my work, hoping that it would distract me from the pain of losing Riki. But no matter how busy I was, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from my life.
One day, as I was walking through the park, I ran into an old friend from college. Her name was Priya, and she was one of the most positive and upbeat people I had ever met.
"Hey, Lavanya!" she exclaimed, giving me a hug. "Long time no see!"
We chatted for a few minutes, catching up on each other's lives. Priya told me about her job as a graphic designer .
"Hey, Priya," I said, returning her hug. "It's good to see you."
"What are you up to these days?" she asked.
"I've been keeping busy with work," I replied, not wanting to delve into the painful details of my recent breakup.
"That's great! What kind of work do you do?"
"I'm a software engineer at a tech company," I said.
Priya's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's awesome! I've been looking for someone to help me with a project I'm working on. Do you think you could spare some time to give me a hand?"
I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to take on any extra work. But then I thought about how I needed something to distract me from my breakup, and helping Priya might be just what I needed.
"Sure, I'd be happy to help," I said, smiling.
"Awesome! Let's grab some coffee and I'll tell you all about it."
Over the next hour, Priya filled me in on her project. She was starting a nonprofit organization that aimed to provide education and resources to underprivileged children in the community.
"It's something I've always been passionate about," she said. "And I think it's really important to give back to the community."
I was impressed by Priya's dedication and enthusiasm. "It sounds like a great project," I said.
"But I need some help getting it off the ground," she said. "I'm not very tech-savvy, and I could use some help with the website and social media."
"I'd be happy to help with that," I said.
Priya grinned. "That's awesome! Thank you so much, Lavanya. I really appreciate it."
Over the next few weeks, I threw myself into Priya's project. It felt good to be doing something positive and meaningful, and it gave me a sense of purpose that I had been missing.
As I worked on the website and social media, I found myself becoming more and more invested in the project. I was excited to see it grow and make a difference in the community.
One day, as I was finishing up some work on the website, Priya called me.
"Hey, Lavanya, I have some great news," she said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"We just got our first big donation!" she exclaimed. "It's from a local businessman who believes in our cause and wants to help us get started."
"That's amazing!" I said. "Congratulations!"
"I know, I'm so excited," Priya said. "And I wanted to invite you to our first official meeting. It's next week, and we're going to start planning out our next steps."
"I'd love to come," I said, feeling a sense of excitement building within me.
Over the next few days, I found myself looking forward to the meeting with a sense of anticipation. It was the first time in weeks that I had felt excited about something, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for Priya's
When the day of the meeting finally arrived, I arrived at the designated location feeling nervous and excited. As I walked in, I saw Priya sitting at a table with a few other people.
"Lavanya, you made it!" she exclaimed, standing up to give me a hug.
"Of course," I said, smiling.
As I took my seat at the table, I looked around at the other people in attendance. There were a few other volunteers, as well as some community members who were interested in getting involved.
Priya began the meeting by thanking everyone for coming and giving an overview of the organization's mission and goals. Then, we started brainstorming ideas for fundraising.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you.
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Niki Enhypen FF CH:6 The Challenge of Different Relationship
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The following weeks were a whirlwind of excitement and uncertainty. Riki and I went on several dates, each one better than the last. We explored the city together, trying out new restaurants and visiting local attractions. Riki was kind, thoughtful, and funny, and I found myself falling for him more and more each day.
But there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. As much as I enjoyed spending time with Riki, I wasn't sure if I was ready for a serious relationship. I had just graduated from college and was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. The idea of settling down and getting married felt like a distant dream.
Riki seemed to sense my hesitation, and he never pushed me to commit to anything. He was patient and understanding, always willing to listen to my concerns.
One evening, as we sat in a quiet corner of a coffee shop, Riki brought up the topic of marriage.
"Lavanya, I know we haven't been together for very long, but I want you to know that I'm serious about us," he said, taking my hand in his. "I can see a future with you, and I want to make it official. Will you marry me?"
I felt my heart skip a beat. I had known that this conversation was coming, but I still wasn't prepared for it.
"I...I don't know," I stammered, pulling my hand away from his. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment."
Riki looked disappointed, but he didn't push the issue. "I understand," he said quietly. "I don't want to pressure you into anything. Take all the time you need to think it over."
As the weeks went by, Riki and I continued to see each other, but the tension between us was palpable. We both knew that we wanted different things, and we didn't know how to bridge the gap.
One evening, as we sat on my couch watching a movie, Riki turned to me with a serious expression on his face.
"Lavanya, I need to be honest with you," he said. "As much as I care about you, I can't continue to see you if you're not interested in getting married. It's not fair to either of us."
I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. I had known that this conversation was coming, but it still hurt to hear it.
"I understand," I said softly. "I don't want to hold you back from what you want."
Riki took my hand in his. "I want you to be happy, Lavanya," he said. "If that means going your own way, then so be it. But know that I'll always care about you, no matter what."
With a heavy heart, I watched as Riki gathered his things and left my apartment. I knew that our relationship was over, but I couldn't help feeling like I had lost something special.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Niki Enhypen FF Ch-5 Finally Dating
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I felt a warm sensation spread through my body at Riki's words. I had never felt this way before, and I wasn't sure what to make of it.
"Thank you, Riki," I managed to say, feeling slightly flustered.
Riki smiled at me, and I felt myself melting under his gaze. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" he asked.
I nodded eagerly, and we stepped out onto the balcony. The air was cool and crisp, and I could feel the stars above us.
Riki took my hand in his, and I felt a jolt of electricity pass through me at his touch. We walked in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the view and the quietness of the night.
Finally, Riki spoke up. "Lavanya, I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but I really enjoy spending time with you. I find myself thinking about you all the time, and I can't help but feel that there's something more between us."
I looked up at Riki, my heart pounding in my chest. "I feel the same way," I said softly.
Riki smiled at me, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "Then let's see where this goes. Would you like to go out with me sometime, just the two of us?"
I nodded eagerly, feeling a wave of excitement wash over me. "Yes, I would love that," I said.
Riki leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips, and I felt myself melting into his embrace. We stood there for a few moments, lost in each other, before finally pulling away.
As we made our way back to the party, I couldn't help but feel that my life was about to change in a big way.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Niki Enhypen FF Ch-4The Unexpected Invitation
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A few days after our text conversation, Riki surprised me with an invitation to a dinner party at his house. I was hesitant at first, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or seem too eager, but Riki assured me that it was just a small gathering of friends and colleagues.
I agreed to go, feeling both nervous and excited. I didn't know what to expect, but I couldn't resist the chance to see Riki again.
On the night of the party, I arrived at Riki's house and was greeted warmly by him and his guests. There were about a dozen people there, all dressed in formal attire and sipping on glasses of wine.
As the night wore on, I found myself drawn to Riki, eager to talk to him and get to know him better. We laughed and joked together, and I felt a connection growing between us.
At one point, Riki pulled me aside and led me to a balcony overlooking the city. The stars were shining bright, and the view was breathtaking.
"Lavanya," he said, turning to face me. "I'm so glad you came tonight. I've been wanting to see you again." I felt my heart skip a beat. "Really?" Riki nodded, his eyes fixed on mine. "Yes. There's something about you, Lavanya. Something special."
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story CH3
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Ch3 -Developing romantic relationship
Over the next few days, I couldn't stop thinking about Riki. Every time I walked by the café or went for a jog in the park, I found myself hoping I would run into him again. But he seemed to have disappeared into thin air.
I tried to focus on my studies, but my mind kept wandering back to Riki. What was he doing right now? Was he thinking about me too? I knew it was foolish to obsess over someone I had only met twice, but I couldn't help myself.
One day, I decided to text him. I didn't know what to say, so I just wrote, "Hey, it's Lavanya. How are you?" To my surprise, he responded almost immediately. "Hey Lavanya! I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you?"
I smiled to myself as I typed out my reply. "I'm good too. Just studying for exams. How's your training going?"
Riki was a competitive runner, and he had mentioned during our last conversation that he was training for a big race. I was curious to know how it was going.
"It's going well, thanks for asking," he replied. "I've been putting in a lot of hard work, but I think it's paying off. I feel like I'm getting faster every day." I congratulated him and we chatted for a few more minutes before saying goodbye. It was a short conversation, but it made me feel happy knowing that Riki was still out there somewhere.
Over the next few weeks, Riki and I continued to text each other regularly. We talked about everything from our favorite movies to our career aspirations. I learned that Riki was a graphic designer who worked from home, and that he loved to travel whenever he had the chance.
I was surprised by how much we had in common. Even though we had only met twice, it felt like we had known each other for years.
One day, Riki texted me and asked if I wanted to go for a jog with him. I was hesitant at first - I wasn't much of a runner - but I decided to take a chance.
We met up at the park and started jogging together. At first, it was a little awkward - we didn't have much to talk about besides the weather - but as we got into a rhythm, the conversation flowed more easily.
We talked about our families, our hobbies, and our dreams for the future. It felt like we were getting to know each other on a deeper level.
As we jogged back to our starting point, Riki turned to me and said, "You know, Lavanya, I really enjoy spending time with you. I feel like we have a real connection."
I felt a flutter in my chest as I looked up at him. "I feel the same way," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Riki smiled at me, and for a moment, it felt like the world had stopped spinning.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft-Niki of Enhypen CH-2
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Ch2 - The Second Meeting
Over the next few weeks, I couldn't help but think about Riki. Every time I went to the café, I hoped he would be there. But I never saw him again.
One day, as I was walking back to my apartment after class, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Riki jogging towards me.
"Lavanya!" he said, smiling. "It's good to see you again."
I was surprised and a little flustered. "Hi, Riki. What are you doing here?"
"I was out for a run," he said, his eyes sparkling. "
"I like to jog through the neighborhood sometimes. It's a good way to clear my head and get some exercise."
I nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. I was still wearing my school uniform, which wasn't exactly the most flattering outfit.
"What about you?" Riki asked. "What have you been up to?"
"Just studying," I said, shrugging. "Trying to keep up with my classes."
Riki nodded sympathetically. "I remember those days. It can be tough, but it's worth it in the end."
We chatted for a few more minutes before Riki said he had to get back to his apartment. He gave me his phone number and told me to call him if I ever needed anything.
I thanked him and watched as he jogged away, feeling a little giddy. It was strange how much of an impact Riki had on me. We had only met twice, but I felt like I had known him for years.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft-Niki of Enhypen
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Chapter 1: The Meeting
I stepped into the bustling café in downtown Tokyo, my eyes scanning the crowded room for an empty seat. My stomach grumbled as the delicious aroma of coffee and baked goods filled my nostrils. I had been so busy with my studies that I hadn't eaten anything all day.
Finally, I spotted an open table near the window and made my way over to it. As I sat down and started to unpack my books, I noticed a man sitting at the table next to me. He was tall and well-dressed, with short black hair and piercing dark eyes. He was typing furiously on his laptop, completely engrossed in his work.
I tried to focus on my own studies, but my eyes kept drifting over to him. There was something intriguing about him, something that drew me in. I couldn't help but wonder who he was and what he was working on.
Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting his work. He answered it in Japanese, speaking rapidly and with great intensity. I couldn't understand what he was saying, but his tone was urgent and his expression was grave.
When he hung up the phone, he let out a deep sigh and closed his laptop. He looked over at me and offered a small smile.
"I'm sorry if I was being loud," he said in English. "I had a work emergency."
"That's okay," I replied, relieved that he spoke English. "Are you okay?"
He nodded. "Yes, thank you. I'm Riki, by the way. And you are?"
"Lavanya," I said, extending my hand. "I'm here studying at the university."
Riki shook my hand, his grip strong and firm. "It's nice to meet you, Lavanya. What are you studying?"
"International business," I said. "What about you?"
"I'm a CEO," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Of a famous company in Japan."
I was surprised. "Wow, that's impressive. What kind of company?"
"Technology," he said, still smiling. "I'm sorry, I can't say more than that. It's confidential."
"That's okay," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed for prying. "It must be exciting to be a CEO."
Riki nodded. "It has its moments. But it can also be stressful. Sometimes I wish I could just escape to a café and forget about work for a while."
We both laughed, and I felt a warmth spreading through me. There was something about Riki that made me feel at ease, like I had known him for a long time.
We chatted for a few more minutes before Riki excused himself, saying he had to get back to work. As he walked away, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. I had enjoyed our conversation and wanted to get to know him better.
But as I turned back to my studies, I reminded myself that I had come to Japan to focus on my education, not to get distracted by cute CEOs in cafés.
Please remember that this story is my own, but I'm sharing it on different websites. Also, if you like K-pop edits, you can check out my Instagram or YouTube accounts by searching for CrazySinger22. I hope you enjoy this story and please vote for it. If you like my work, please follow me. Thank you
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
It is so cute and funny at the same. Niki looks so Adorable😍😍
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
BTS J-Hope Thunderous edit
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
Niki Enhypen High School Friends
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Riki and Lavanya met in high school and became good friends. Over time, their friendship deepened into a romantic relationship. They were the perfect match, complementing each other in every way. Riki was the joker, always making Lavanya laugh, while Lavanya was the voice of reason that kept Riki grounded. They supported each other through thick and thin and soon fell deeply in love.
After graduation, Riki and Lavanya went their separate ways for college, but their love for each other never faded. They made time to visit each other often and kept their relationship strong through long distance. Eventually, they both graduated and started their careers. Riki proposed to Lavanya on a trip to Paris, and she happily said yes.
They had a beautiful wedding surrounded by their family and friends, and started their life together as a married couple. They faced challenges and obstacles, but they always stuck together and found a way to overcome them. Through it all, their love for each other
The End.
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
BTS Forever💜💜
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