rikkiatilocki · 9 years
Alexis Bledel Gif Hunt
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Gif Count: 250
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rikkiatilocki · 9 years
( lily collins as rosie dunne gif hunt. )
under the cut you will find 156 textless, small/medium, hq gifs of lily collins as rosie dunne in love, rosie. there shouldn’t be any repeats but i apologize if you found some. none of them belong to me so full credits to the original creators and owners! please like/reblog if you found this useful.
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rikkiatilocki · 9 years
↳ Under the cut, you will find #194, mostly HQ small/medium gifs of LILY COLLINS WITH LONG HAIR as requested by anonymous. None of them were made by us, so credit goes to the rightful owners and if you would like any removed please don’t hesitate to contact us! Please reblog if you're an RPH, or like if you use them, thanks!
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
do you have any morel inks about what's happening in mexico? im part of a club at my school where we focus on international affairs and problems and id like to present something about it but i feel like i dont know enough yet
yes absolutely
What is happening in Mexico? 
How it began
On September 26, students our age (~19-22) were attacked by the local police and gangs in Iguala, Guerrero in Mexico. They were studying to become teachers at Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa. I have read many articles about how the students were in the town to ask for money to help pay tuition, to protest discrimination of rural school teachers, to travel to commemorate another student massacre of 1986, etc., so I am unsure of what is what here. But the students were on the buses and police blocked their way to get the students out. When they did, they opened fire on the students at once. Some students threw rocks back in self-defense, but the students were unarmed. Six people died and 17 were injured. Three students died, a taxi driver, a woman in a taxi, and a football player that was just 15 years old (x). The injured were taken away by an ambulance, local journalists came, etc but it was not over as more men came in plain clothes and rifles (x). These men are apart of Guerreros Unidos and work for the Beltran Leyva cartel. The students were forced into police vans and have since disappeared. 43 students are missing.
Some of the students escaped by hiding in nearby houses. One terrified student tried running away, but he was found later yet with his eyes gouged out and his face completely sliced away to the bone. A YOUNG MAN only 19 years old suffered through this. (As a warning, be aware that there are photos online and that while searching deep through articles and tags, they are present.) A survivor of the attack says this is “symbol of the cartel assassins” (x).
22 local policemen have been detained for suspicion of working with Guerreros Unidos. This is how authorities were then tipped on what has happened to some students. (x) (x)
The Mass Graves
~ More than a week later, on Saturday, authorities found mass graves nearby that has 28 burned remains with the tips (x). We fear that this may be some of the students. We won’t have DNA analysis to confirm anything for another two weeks, if not longer.
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MORE mass graves were found yesterday, but it is still unknown about how many remains these graves have (x). 
Keep in mind that the CITY MAYOR AND HIS WIFE are on the RUN. No one knows where they are. 
We still don’t understand the reason behind this violence. Why kidnap and kill these young men? There are several explanations online, but how do you explain something like this? One story is that the mayer’s wife was giving a speech that day and did not want to be disrupted by the students. Keep in mind that the wife is the head of the city’s family welfare department and also has family connections to cartels (x). There are other alternatives online, but I don’t know. I just don’t. 
You cannot be silent about what is happening in Mexico
You can’t. You just can’t. Social media has a big impact and this story has to spread. In the last 24 hours I have seen an incredible boost in coverage about Ayotzinapa.
On Wednesday, thousands protested the disappearance of the students in Mexico.
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Amounting pressure is being put on the Mexican government to find the missing students. There is also added outrage and demand ‘to punish politicians linked to organized crime’. It is no shock when considering the police corruption and brutality in Mexico. As Mexico bleeds, we all bleed. 
Americans cannot ignore the violence of drug cartels and place it as just a problem in Mexico. There is too much innocent bloodshed. And because BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars are collected in the United States by Mexican drug cartels, it is a shared responsibility (x). CHILDREN ARE DYING. Do not skim over these articles, do not just read them and do nothing, you have to act and spread the information. Do not be silent. Please, please, please help and pay attention. 
Mexico missing students: Nationwide protests held | BBC
Mexico relatives search for students in Guerrero | BBC
Mexico missing students: New mass graves found in Iguala | BBC
There’s little mystery to this mass grave: Mexico’s drug war is killing children | The Guardian
Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico? | CNN
Mexico Drug War Fast Facts | CNN
Iguala, Guerrero, tiene un viernes violento con ataques y muertes | CNN (Español)
Survivor of Mexico Student Massacre: ‘It Was Terrifying’ | NBC
Anatomy of a Mexican Student Massacre | The Daily Beast
The Apparent Massacre of Dozens of Students Exposes the Corruption at the Heart of Mexico | TIME
43 Missing Students, 1 Missing Mayor: Of Crime And Collusion In Mexico | NPR
TUMBLR TEXT POSTS (these have better information than I can explain)
free-clementine | Nobody even cares what’s happening in Mexico.
thinkmexican | Mexico Takes to the Streets for Students of Ayotzinapa
animalsandtrees | In Mexico
riseandshinecourage | Please, stop to read this.
there are more and more if you just search
If there any corrections that need to be included, please just add them in.
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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A Personal Message To Fight the New Drug
As you can probably imagine, Fight the New Drug gets thousands of messages and emails from people all over the world, sharing their stories about how pornography has affected their lives.
Some of them are heartbreaking stories of damaged lives and relationships.
Some of them are positive stories of how an addiction was overcome.
Some of them are just simple shows of support to the movement.
Recently, we received a pretty heartbreaking story, sent to us by a twenty-something girl. Her story is one of a childhood scarred by her father’s porn use and a developing sense of confusion about sex and intimacy that porn creates.
We wish we could tell you that this a rare story from the occasional inbox message we receive. It’s not. This is one of the thousands of emails we get and the vast majority of them are just. like. this. one.
Fight the New Drug,
I would really appreciate if you could publish this anonymously. It’s my story. Thank you for everything you do.
I barely knew how to speak when I was first exposed to this human filth. My parents divorced when I was four and after that I would spend most weekends and some holidays with my father. I loved and adored him, and we would sleep in the same bed most of the time. Most nights, when he thought I was asleep, he would watch porn on TV. Hardcore porn. To this day, I remember with graphic detail what he was watching. Everything was dark. I didn’t know what it was but I was so shocked and scared. I didn’t let him know I was awake, because even then I could understand that I wasn’t supposed to be watching that. I used to roll around and pretend I had been woken up, but still he never once turned off the TV. He would just say, “Don’t bother, it’s nothing, go to sleep.”
What I saw on the television was the first perception I had of sex. I now know that his addiction blurred any normal perceptions one might have. It made my father totally blind to my pain and to the ones around him.
I grew up feeling guilty and dirty. Sometimes I would say shocking things to other girls, just to see how they reacted. I felt that I was dirty and they were innocent. Sometimes I would draw naked women and then smudge everything out so that nobody would know.
As an adolescent, I dreaded the way my body was changing, the way it was growing to resemble the bodies of the women my father loved and failed to hide from me. I couldn’t see how he didn’t ever think that these girls were like me: somebody’s daughters. Did he want me, his daughter, to behave like that? Did he have no empathy for women at all?
As I grew up, I began to fight and yell at him that only perverts do what he does. Then my grandmother would tell me, “That’s what real men do! He is not a homosexual that’s why!” There was nowhere to go. I didn’t want to tell my mother anything because I didn’t want to upset her. In my head I felt like I was protecting her, I felt I had to be strong enough for everybody.
When I visited my father, I would dress as childish and covered as I could. I just didn’t feel safe with him. It hurt more than I can express with words, the thought that this was the man that was supposed to protect me from perverts, from predators, and from the world; yet instead I felt I needed to hide myself and protect myself from him. We used to walk on the beach and he would take his camera out and take pictures of sunbathing women before they could notice him. No amount of porn or real women was ever enough for him. Thus I grew up feeling that a “real man” was somebody unable to control any urge.
I also grew up feeling that any woman was more important to my father than me; all she had to do was show her body and I would just disappear from his conscience. He would instantly go from being present and caring to treating me like a nuisance to be disposed of. Growing up I never had any notion of romance, marriage, or the possibility of happy monogamy. I thought all these things were a huge lie and thought I knew the truth: sex was everything and love was just a nonexistent idea between a man and a woman.
I had my first boyfriend at age 17 and we went much further than I wanted. I hated it and felt dirty for days. Why did I do it? Because we were in the same social group and I was afraid that he would embarrass me by telling everybody that I was a virgin, like being a virgin was such a bad and shameful thing. That’s how skewed my version of sex and intimacy was. And who could I tell? Everybody thought that porn was sexy, that it was cool, or a good subject for joking. I saw that other men admired my father for being so “sexual” and for being able to get so many women. The society that we lived in told him that he was “a real man”, and told me that I must be too sensitive.
Then, lucky for me, I started associating with women who fought; who courageously expressed what they really thought and felt, no matter how unpopular it made them. I confronted my father and said all I wanted was to hear an acknowledgement, a simple apology for what he had put me through. He denied everything.
The last time I was in his house I discovered porn and I erased everything. All he had to say about it was that he was angry because “I trespassed his private files.” He finished by telling me, “Why is it your concern what I like or not?”
He is a lonely man now. He calls me often to try and get me to talk to him. I miss having a father. We traveled together so many times growing up and I played with him often as a child. But I cannot forget. Everybody has to live with their own choices. And he does. I now haven’t seen him for over a year.
So few people know about my struggles. If I had grown up with an alcoholic father, oh how easy it would have been to speak about it. Everybody knows what that is and everybody can be sympathetic. But this? You have to hide and feel shameful. You feel that people don’t understand. How can you explain it?
Isn’t this a heartbreaking story? 
Unfortunately, this is what porn does. It can create an obsession with something that is not real and lead people to isolate themselves or loved ones. 
Share this story to show support for the brave Fighter that shared her story with us to help raise awareness on the harmful effects of pornography.
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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The Male Story: A 21-Year-Old’s Email To Fight the New Drug
A few weeks ago we posted a personal message to Fight the New Drug from a girl whose life was affected greatly by her father’s porn use. Along with science and research, we use personal accounts of how porn damages lives and relationships because they are powerful reminders of just how harmful of a drug porn really is.
Just this past week, we got an email from Alex*, a Fighter who wanted to share his personal story with us. After reading it, we felt it was a perfect representation of all the thousands of emails we have received from guys just like him. From the personal accounts we have received and the science we know, this story seems to be typical of what inevitably happens to male teenage porn addicts.
Fight the New Drug,
I’ll try to make this short. Hopefully it is meaningful to some people. I don’t expect anyone to change his or her ways because of me, but I’m hoping they will AT LEAST consider reading my story and consider fighting this nasty drug/addiction. Why is it called a drug? Let’s just say it controlled my brain just like any addictive drug would. 
The first time I saw porn, I was around the age of 9. Flipping through the TV channels late at night with a friend of mine… and BAM.. PORN. I can still even remember the channel it was on. Needless to stay, my young eyes were glued to the screen. 
After that night I didn’t really think too much about it, honestly. Being so young, I wasn’t too sure what the feeling I got really meant. But a few years later I stumbled upon another porn clip on TV and I got that same excitement. Now being at the age of 12, I knew what the feeling meant. And that is when this terrible addiction/drug took over most of my life. This was around the time when the Internet was getting very popular, so one day I thought to myself, “Lets try searching naked girls online”. This is when the addiction got worse. 
At 12-years-old, I didn’t really know what female bodies looked like without clothes. And after seeing all the images of naked women, I couldn’t stop. Almost everyday for about a year, I looked at pictures of naked women. Let’s just say the Internet didn’t help my addiction at all. It was always there and always available.
As I got older, around the age of 16 or so, I moved from pictures to videos of porn. Little did I know that this was going to screw up my brain and future relationships. You see, with porn you can watch any type of porn you want, whenever. THIS IS BAD. In real life, sex is not like porn. You can’t stop and rewind. The type of porn I really got addicted to at this time went beyond seeing just a man and a woman. This really elevated my brain and excitement for the wrong reason. I went on watching this type of porn for years. 
Now I’m going to tell you the final part of my story and how porn ruined my love life/sex life. When I was 19, I had my first sexual encounter with a girl. Well here is when all my “fun and exciting” times with porn put a huge dent in my life. I’m sure you all know what I’m going to say…but, yes it’s true… I wasn’t able to get an erection. Those 7 years of watching porn made my brain think that porn was all I needed to get that excitement. After that night, the girl thought it was her problem, not mine. She thought she wasn’t good looking enough, sexy enough, etc. It broke my heart. I was 19 years old and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get aroused. I thought something was really wrong with me, when really it was because of the drug: porn. 
I hoped that it was just a one time thing and tried to convince myself that I was just nervous for my first time. I tried to not think about it.
Long story short, I went on to have this problem with every girl I had sexual interaction with from that point on. I had to stop them every time because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get aroused. It was so embarrassing for me. I felt as if I was never going to be able to have kids or to be able to have a healthy/loving relationship.
At the age of 20 years old, I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to stop watching porn. I joined a group on Reddit called “No Fap”. They challenge people not to watch porn, kind of like Fight The New Drug in a way. They even give you a badge which tells you how many days you have gone without watching porn, kind of like a sobriety chip. I felt the positive challenge and as I watched my number get higher each day, it made me even more motivated to stop watching the drug. 
Today is exactly my one year mark being porn free. No porn for a full year. That’s why I decided to write you today. My life has changed. Not only has my love/sex life improved but also my attitude towards life. I am able to finally get my brain back on course and see that addictions can ruin you.
My mind was addicted to the fake women online. That isn’t reality. IT’S FAKE REALITY. PORN IS A DRUG AND IT WILL RUIN YOU. I ask all you guys out there struggling, PLEASE give it a shot and stop with the porn. It will help you in the long run as it did for me. 
Alex’s* story is sad but extremely common. Pornography rewires the brain and in turn has a huge effect on the ability of young men to get aroused. Previously, erectile dysfunction was unheard of in men younger than 40 years of age. But now, due to the amount of porn being consumed by teens today, erectile dysfunction is being found in males as young as 15-16 years old.
Gary Wilson, author of “Your Brain On Porn”, recently said in an interview, “By the time they find real partners, perhaps as much as a decade later, some guys discover they have trained intensely… for the wrong sport. (These young men) had simply conditioned their sexual response to screens, isolation, constant novelty, shock/surprise, fetish porn and watching other people have sex. Their erection problems with real partners resolved only months after they quit porn.”
This is just one of the many issues that porn use causes. Porn also creates a tainted and warped idea about sex and intimacy that has a big negative effect on actual relationships with real partners. Bottom line: it’s just not worth it.
Share this story so we can continue to shine a light on the harmful effects of pornography. Alex* shared his story with us because he wants to help guys like him realize that porn is not cool and not worth it. Show support for him and this movement by sharing this true story.
(*name changed)
If you are worried you may be struggling with an addiction to pornography, we recommend you check out our Fortify Program, an online video-based recovery program that is free for anyone under 20 years old. Check it out at: www.fortifyprogram.org.
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
Making up a password for the darkroom
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Fun fact: I made this gif! I’m ever so proud of myself.
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
When I can't think of a comeback:
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
When you underestimate the power of your antagonist and realizes later that your hero is still unprepared/weak so your final battle turns out unrealistic
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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How I feel when walking through large groups of people…
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
Whenever I'm giving an in class presentation
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rikkiatilocki · 10 years
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