rileymccallan · 10 years
It's upsetting you which means it either has to do with me or Charlie. Unless I'm crazier than I think, I haven't done anything lately to make you upset, so it's the squirt. I'm sure she'd understand if you needed to talk to someone.
Dear Riley,
It’s not my business to share. 
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rileymccallan · 10 years
Out with it. What's wrong? 
Dear Riley,
Oh, right. Sorry, I spaced for a minute. And you’ll just have to wait and see, I suppose.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
You agreeing that you’re lucky. That’s pretty sweet. Are you secretly a big softie who just likes kisses, romantic gestures, and cuddles? 
Dear Riley,
What about that was sweet? 
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rileymccallan · 10 years
How do you go from being a pain in the ass to completely sweet in two seconds? 
Dear Riley,
I can’t blame her.
I am.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
You love him. It's understandable, Quinn. Just remember that your sister might, but I'm pretty sure she hates him a lot more. 
Consider? Really? You're lucky I like a challenge. 
Dear Riley,
She’s not getting abused. My fathers cruel but he isn’t a maniac. 
I’ll consider being patient.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
Signs of being abused in some way. Emotionally at the very least. 
I am sorry. I'm new at this whole dating thing. It's going to take me time to get this all right. 
Dear Riley,
Signs? Signs of what?
I don’t think the word ‘convincing’ is the most romantic you could have used. Maybe something along the lines of ‘If I actually am capable of making you swoon enough to fall for me’. Try something closer to that next time. Might work better in your favor.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
None taken. They kind of are. My father being in the Ministry doesn’t exactly help. He’s constantly trying to make us look like the perfect family, so everyone has to be perfection. It’s why Charlie struggles so much. She’s not a very social person, she likes to be off in her own world and not many people understood that.
You can, but I think it might be growing on me. Again, I don’t know. She’s been holding in a lot more than I thought she had been.
Honestly, I'm kind of surprised your sister has lasted this long. If it was me, I would have bolted a long time ago. Then again though, I've never had any family connection at all.
Well that's good. If I convince you to actually be with me, things will go a lot smoother. Don't you start being hard on yourself, Fabray. The only reason I even suggested anything about your sister is because I saw a lot of the signs in foster care.
Dear Riley,
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rileymccallan · 10 years
Your family sounds like a bunch of pretentious assholes, no offense. 
I just said that would be great. I just wanted to make sure you knew what you're getting into. I can still annoy you better than anyone else. Wait, what? Is everything okay with the squirt? 
Dear Riley,
My parents would hate it. They care more about how it would make the family look than their children actually having friends. 
I do. Why, do you not want to with me? But the vacation may be Charlie and I looking for our own place. I’ll explain when I see you this weekend. 
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rileymccallan · 10 years
I'm pretty sure the Berry men would die of happiness with so many people. Plus, you can always share my bed. 
You want to vacation with me? Really? That would be great, but are you sure you won't wind up wanting to kill me four days in? 
Dear Riley,
Funny. Rachel invited Charlie over the summer and Charlie invited me..so if there’s still room…
Or if you wanted, you and I could split our vacation? My family has a vacation home in Liverpool. They typically only use it when dad needs good family press, so we should be safe to sneak in during summer.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
It's okay. Things happen. Nope, technically I'm still a child of the state, but Rachel's dads' give me a place to go every break. 
Dear Riley,
It isn’t okay, no one should ever feel like that. I’m still sorry you had to go through all of that so young. Do you have adoptive parents now?
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rileymccallan · 10 years
Thanks, but it's okay. I've kind of dealt with it. I only said it to prove that you can see yourself a certain way, but it doesn't make it true. When I was younger I did. I got into a lot of trouble because I would always run away from whatever family I was put with to go out looking for them. After so many years of turning up nothing, I gave it. If they ever want to know their kid, then they can look for me. I'm done with doing all the work.
Dear Riley,
Riley…I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I think you’re worth everything. You can’t really believe that. I’m sure that life was just…I’m sure they had a real reason, okay? Did you ever try and find them?
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rileymccallan · 10 years
That's a lot more than I'd give myself since my own parents didn't even want me. I grew up in foster homes until I came to Hogwarts and met Rachel. If I went off of what I saw myself as based on my fucked up childhood, then I'd never think I was worth anything. 
Dear Riley,
You’re..pretty beautiful. And kind. And you see things that most wouldn’t bother looking for. You’re not like anyone You’re better than anyone I’ve ever met, despite being a pain in my butt. You’re just as confident, if not more than me. You’re special While everyone else passes judgement because of what others say, you’re more understanding and would rather see for yourself. A quality most people don’t have. This is stupid.
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rileymccallan · 10 years
I know this might pain you deeply since most of the time you've called me much more colorful things, but give it a try. 
Dear Riley,
You’re not seriously going to make me do this, are you?
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rileymccallan · 10 years
How do you see me? If you had to put it into words, what would you say?
Dear Riley,
I still say you think to highly of me. 
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rileymccallan · 10 years
No, I see you just right. I heard once that finding the right person isn't about them thinking that you're perfect, but about them seeing you the way you want to be seen, and through that you becoming the person you want to be. Yeah that's right Fabray, I can be deep. I'm like an onion without the smell and tendency to make you cry.
Dear Riley,
You think far too high of me, do you know that?
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rileymccallan · 10 years
You're confident, stubborn, gorgeous, smart, a pain in the ass, and incredibly defensive, but beside all of that, you also haven't even began to tap into your potential. You're this amazing and you're not even letting yourself be completely happy. I know that you're holding back, and you're terrified of something that I can't really tap into. You make me smile, and I just love being around you. It feels right, and I'm not going to turn my back on that.
Dear Riley,
Why? What makes me so different?
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rileymccallan · 10 years
I know what it's like to be left. I wouldn't do that to anyone. You've heard the rumors about me. I rarely even give people a chance to get close. I prefer people to think I don't give two fucks about them because it's easier that way. You're one of the few people I let in. I like you, I have actual feelings for you which means that I'm not going to just turn my back on you. I'll probably fuck up here and there, but I'll always grovel with flowers and a new book for you to stick your nose into. I'll sleep in the dog house, but I'll always be waiting to just be let back in. I have commitment issues, abandonment issues, and hell probably a lot more people just haven't put fancy names on yet, but I'll be here. I stayed by you when we were barely even nice to each other. I'm definitely not going to bolt now.
Dear Riley,
Everyone does eventually. It’s a fact of life. Finn was the last person who hadn’t turned their back on me, and we both saw how that went. 
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