rinigmatic · 9 years
     Consciousness came to Rin in small doses. Normally, he'd have been up and at 'em before the sun was even in the sky, but things were different when he'd had a bit too much to drink the night before. He was aware of a voice, but only vaguely, because it entered his dream in a way that only sort of tipped him off to the fact he was waking up. For the most part, the voice blended in with the atmosphere of his dream. His brows twitched, and his fingers tightened in response to his dream. They closed around something firm and warm, something like an arm that wasn't his own, and he started to pull himself out of his sleep.
     He blinked his eyes open, but shut them tight just as quickly. The soft light hurt, and his head was just aching... How much did he drink last night? Grimacing, he inhaled a deep breath, lifting a hand to rub his eye. He was so hung over it felt like there was an actual weight on his chest...
     ...No, wait. Shit.
     Rin forced his eyes open to make sure there really was someone in his bed, and, if there was, who the hell he slept with last night. Looking down, all he saw was a head of horribly messy, orange... hair... Rin forgot to breathe. No, no, hell no. Panic rose in his chest. What should he do? How was he going to play this off? He might as well just roll right off the edge of this bed and lay under it for the rest of his life. If he slept with Momo...
     "...fucking..." His voice was barely above a whisper, but it still felt too loud. He brought his hand up to cover his eyes. Well, that was the end of Rin Matsuoka.
{ between the sheets }
     Unsure of whether or not it was his own drunken perception or his physical reality, Momotarou resigned himself to whatever force of nature was pulling him into a warmer state of being. It took the younger roommate a few moments to realize that the aforementioned force of nature was his own redheaded companion, and that the warmth that he felt was due to the embrace said roommate had pulled him into. He couldn’t help a content smile from spreading across his lips; soberly and drunkenly, the ginger was first and foremost a creature of affection. it wasn’t long before he made his own snuggly adjustments, cheek nuzzling into the redheads t-shirt clad chest.
     ”Mmph..” In his mind, the young Mikoshiba had half-formed a retort to the other man’s snarky comment. Perhaps it was because he was so drunk, or just so comfortable; before he’d even thought to utter it, he’d no sooner fallen fast asleep, fist clenching the folds of cloth at Rin’s torso that made up his shirt.
     It was the kind of morning that people who hadn’t spent the previous night getting belligerent woke up early just to enjoy. A soft light had filled the room, accompanied by the occasional chirp and burst of song from whatever birds dwelled in the tree’s just outside of Momotarou’s bedroom window. The redhead had never really noticed, or appreciated the birds on more sober mornings; either sleeping through or ignoring their song completely. When he was hungover, on the other hand…
     ”Shut… the fuck..” He couldn’t even finish the sentence; the sound of his own voice was making his headache worse. He trailed off with a groan, burying his head into the warmth of the pillow underneath him.
     Another moment, and Momo would wonder just why his pillow was so warm- was that cologne, or sake, or both that he smelled? Opening his eyes was a last resort measure; in his half asleep state it seemed perfectly reasonable to spread his fingers in order to determine just what was so different about his sleeping arrangements. Like a running checklist, the young man made an attempt at taking a physical inventory of his surroundings.
     Blanket… sheet.. pillow.. body...?
     … Wait.
     ”… huh?”
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rinigmatic · 9 years
anonymously send the mun what you really think of them.
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rinigmatic · 9 years
     Rin couldn't stop worrying that now that he'd gotten Nagisa in bed, he'd just quickly get up again. It was like trying to get a kid down for a nap... Or so he assumed. He'd never actually tried to get a child to go to sleep. But it seemed like Nagisa wasn't ever going to relax, and it was making Rin feel a little stressed. So when Nagisa responded with a quick exclamation, Rin's head snapped up to look at him. Oh god, he messed up... Oh, he just wanted him to sleep in the bed. Alright, he could do that. "Sure, Nagisa."
     Rin exhaled as he approached the unoccupied side of the bed, pulling the covers back. He was about to slip in when Nagisa spoke up again, and his words brought a red tint to Rin's cheeks. "W-Well, don't say things like that...!" He turned away, thoroughly embarrassed, but went ahead and undid the button and zipper on his slacks. Once he was in just a tank, boxers, and his socks, he felt more comfortable, but strangely nervous. He climbed under the covers to lay his head on the pillow, turned on his side toward Nagisa. Hopefully the boy would relax and they could both get some sleep, but Rin wasn't going to complain if he needed him again. He knew that even if it would cost a whole night's sleep, he'd do whatever Nagisa wanted or needed from him. Whatever it took, he was there for his friend.
the night shift
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rinigmatic · 9 years
     Rin's full, undivided attention was on Nagisa the moment he gave the command. His eyes were less kind but not at all hostile - shrouded with a thin layer of lust. They ate up every newly exposed centimeter of the boy's thin body more and more eagerly, and a hint of a smirk crept into his lips when Nagisa seemed to be purposefully teasing the prince. It was very bold of him to keep the prince waiting, but he liked that. "Good," he said with a soft breath, slowly rising to his feet. With Nagisa's slender frame unclothed, he was even smaller compared to Rin's strength and his layered clothes. Rin couldn't help wanting to pull him in and hold him, but he resisted. Now wasn't the time.
     The prince took Nagisa's thin hand in his own and held it at Rin's shoulder level while he leaned in to press a rough kiss to his lips. His fingertips traced Nagisa's collarbone, then trailed ever so slowly down his chest, brushing over his nipple. His skin was so smooth it was nearly irresistable, and Rin let his hand rest on his waist. "Now..." he murmured against Nagisa's plump, wet lips. His own clothes were starting to get uncomfortable as his excitement grew. He placed Nagisa's hand at his shoulder and let go. "Undress me."
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rinigmatic · 9 years
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05.06.2015 - Colored my sourin sketch today! :) 
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rinigmatic · 9 years
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rinigmatic · 10 years
// I STILL EXIST I'll be getting on here a lot more once I can finally get a new laptop. Please bear with me I'm so sorry ugh
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rinigmatic · 10 years
// HUFFS. My new job and my classes keep me really busy and really exhausted but I don't want to miss out on Halloween fun so I'm going to try to be at least a little more active, sobs. Does anyone want to RP Halloween things with me?
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rinigmatic · 10 years
     Spending four hours of his day studying felt excessive to Rin. He got fantastic grades already, so why add on extra study hours? He'd be willing to help Makoto though - just not for four hours. "Mm. I don't think I need to study that much, but I can study with you for a little while."
     Setting the package of boneless chicken breast on the counter, Rin glanced at Makoto. "It's not a big deal, it's only chicken." It wasn't hard to cook, and it wouldn't take long. He grabbed a knife to slice open the plastic around the meat, then prepared a pan with butter and a bit of garlic. "Pasta is just a bunch of carbs, we need protein," he insisted, lightly bumping elbows with Makoto on accident as he began to cut excess fat from the chicken.
{ closer }
     Makoto stirred his pasta gingerly, trying to ignore the lightly electric feeling rush over his skin as Rin stood close. "Well, that’s cool. Hey, have enough energy to study? They say you should devote four hours a day to studying, y’know. It seems like a lot, but it could help! Obviously we’d take breaks, but yeah!"
     He frowned. He thought Macaroni-n-cheese was a decent quick meal. Makoto felt it was warm enough in their tiny apartment. He didn’t want to over do it by cooking and having the kitchen go at full blast. “Don’t kill yourself Rin. If you’re too tired to go out, you’re too tired to cook! One night of breaking our swim diet won’t kill us.”
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rinigmatic · 10 years
     Rin nodded in agreement. He could spare a few seconds to let Makoto change his shirt. He stood where he was to wait for him, telling himself to keep his gaze elsewhere. Just don't stare, Rin. Don't look.
     He looked. Just the brief glimpse of Makoto's toned muscles and bare, broad shoulders was like an arrow through his heart. There was no way this guy was real. How could someone be so perfect? He averted his eyes, looking instead toward a shelf of books on world history. When Makoto was finished, he turned toward him again. "Alright. Ready?" He was getting hungry, and that Chinese food was sounding better and better. "My car is over at my apartment down the street, but we can take your car. Whatever you want."
{ librarian }
{{ (´ヮ`)— Well, that was a relief. He always seemed to make a big deal out of nothing—especially when it came to things like just the shadows in the dark and yes, he had a night light for a while, until he realized that the creepy shadows were from the night light. That went in the trash, though his irrational fear of the dark wasn’t fun when he lived alone.
Nodding to Rin with a smile, he glanced down to the university shirt. “Ah, can you give me a few seconds?” Makoto made sure there wasn’t anyone in the library as he ducked down to grab his normal shirt, tossing the other one off over his head—it was his last one. The other spare he had was scratched to hell by his kitten when he left it out, and he really didn’t feel like asking for another. The mere seconds of exposed skin were quick—for some reason he just really did not like being exposed in broad daylight in public. 
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rinigmatic · 10 years
     It was hard for Rin to understand what Haru was going through when nearly all of his life, he'd known what he wanted. He found a dream when he was young, and it was still his dream as a teenager. He'd been working toward it for years, and it filled him with purpose and hope and everything he wanted Haru to feel, too. It was hard for him to think that Haru could be so lost; he wanted everything good in the world for him.
     He watched his friend with soft eyes, listening patiently and quietly as he spoke. He'd misunderstood Haru again, as he had so many times before, and now he was going to make up for that. Now, he was going to learn what it was that Haru was dealing with. His chest ached, though, and he wanted nothing more than to solve all of Haru's problems with a wave of his hand. If only he could.
     His hopes rose when Haru mentioned going to the same university as Rin, but it didn't last long. He swallowed a lump in his throat. He couldn't expect Haru to stay with him, of course, but he would be so happy if he did. "...Yeah, I get it," was all he could really manage at first. He didn't get it, not really, but he did realize that he wasn't getting what he wanted. "You'll figure it out, Haru. I know you will."
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       "Don’t beat yourself up over it." It was Haruka’s fault anyway, for not actually voicing his emotions. He was getting better at keeping things inside and even Makoto was failing to grasp exactly what he wanted in life. 
       Truth was, didn’t Haruka sometimes feel uncertain himself? Even now, while he felt relieved, was there not a part of him that was also worried? He did just throw a very important match and failed people’s expectations. Though those people did not understand what he wanted, they still invested emotions into him. He should have…Perhaps, respected them a little more. 
       The idea of swimming professionally made him panic. His connection with water slipped away, until what was once a friend and constant companion turned into a dangerous thing that he did not recognize. "I tried. If I chose to swim professionally, maybe we can go to the same university…" There was a part of him that really wanted to stay by Rin’s side. "I just can’t, though, Rin."
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rinigmatic · 10 years
GIVES U MY URL ㅇ ㅅ ㅇ ~!!!
opinion on.
character in general. Sousuke is one of my favorite characters of all time. He's so beautiful and has so much character and i just, augh, i love Sousuke.how they play them. YOU ARE A REALLY AMAZING SOUSUKE, I'VE ADMIRED YOU FOR QUITE A WHILE. you write really well, and you've got a good grasp on Sousuke's personality and you just do him so much justice and i'm dying to RP with you :')the mun. i don't know much about you but you seem sweet!! i'd love to have you on skype or something u3u
do i.
rp with them. no :'((want to rp with them. HELL YES
what is my.
overall opinion. you're amazing, i'm amazing, let's be amazing together
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rinigmatic · 10 years
send me ‘♚’ and I’ll generate a number between 1 - 50 using this number generator.
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 It wasn't meant as anything other than a promise of greatness; Rin was unaware of how flirtatious it could sound. "If you stick with me, I can take you higher." 
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rinigmatic · 10 years
     He met Rei's gaze as he pulled back to look at him, his own crimson eyes soft and tired. As Rei spoke, however, his brows furrowed and he grimaced, nearly blushing. How could he ask him something so awkward? "Rei, you... It's fine, shut up," he murmured, turning his head slightly to look off at nothing.
one night
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rinigmatic · 10 years
     Rin's face brightened as Haru pointed out the gear that would allow him to breathe underwater, eyes alight with excitement, lips pulling upward into a grin. He could swim with a human! It felt like such a triumph for his kind, like he was some sort of hero: Rin Matsuoka, merman champion of coexistence.
     "Yes!" he said, his competitive spirit showing in a sharp-toothed grin and a fire in his red eyes. He looked up at the boy towering over him, wishing he could stand to be at his level. "I won't take it easy on you, Haru."
}things aren't always as they seem{ //merman!AU
"No." Haru sighed as there was still no waves in sight as if the ocean was somehow asleep, he longer for the waves as he gazed over over the horizon. "But I can dive so I can swim with you." Haru pointed out scuba gear he had rented. "With this I can breath under water."
He stood to put it on his back. “Shall we swim together, Rin?” Haru said with a very light smile on his face, almost too faint to see at all. He grinned, “We can even race if you want to.” He had a feeling that he had no chance against a merman though, since that was how Rin spend most of his time.
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rinigmatic · 10 years
// oh my god IM STILL ALIVE I SWEAR I'm so terrible because I should be making time for some replies but instead I play fire emblem awakening and I'm so sorry..... Today's my brother's birthday but maybe I'll make time for a few replies!
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rinigmatic · 10 years
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decorus-delphinidae replied to your post “// i just wanna throw in my two cents (which is rare for me to do on...”
Haru's so scared. I think he needed to hear that Makoto was already planning. Even then, Haru's not ready for this kind of change, imo.
// he did need to hear all of that, definitely, and it's fine to be scared, but o m g he's not going to ever be ready if he just puts it off and doesn't work toward anything, you know? i just don't like seeing any part of the fandom acting like his behavior is acceptable and babying him
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