riodragon · 7 years
Dark Souls Remastered: A Wishlist
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I just started playing the SoulsBorne subgenre this past year and it’s made me a fast fan.
I’ve beaten Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Demon’s Souls, in that order, and I am currently running through Dark Souls 3 on my twitch channel. Before that I have been open to the concept of Action-RPGs with more intensive melee combat than say, Skyrim. I played the Witcher Series, went back in Elder Scrolls…
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riodragon · 7 years
Rio Returns with Revengeance!
Heya guys, I’m Rio, and I’m back!
It’s been, wow… Almost 4 years since I posted on this blog, so, an update on my life first and foremost.
I got a new job in retail, been in it for just over 3 years now, started streaming on Twitch at my twitch channel for about 2 years now. Through that I finally got around to playing the entire Mass Effect Trilogy, Undertale, and recently been running through…
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riodragon · 10 years
Look on the bright side. They made Cars 3 so Disney didn’t have to. Incredibles 2 now, plz.
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riodragon · 10 years
I can attest to this, I've worked with him before on past projects and he really is an insufferable asshole. He didn't used to always be that way, but that's just who and what Jack Howarth (Ranmarotto) is now, which is painful for me to say because at one point we got along like best friends.
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I think this is enough hiding. I’ve had this shit go on for too long. I don’t fucking give a shit who sees it now. I know no-one’s going to believe me because these people are so “afamed” in the internet voice-acting community. I’m just going to get attacked again because they’ll see this and get me again somehow, and it’ll all just be a fucking joke again. I just want him and his friends off my back for good. Name: Jack Howarth Known Aliases: Ranmarotto, TheRealShenron, RanmarottoVA, FatTitsGuitar14, FattyGuitarVA Jack has been cyber-stalking and harassing me. Going as far to tell me to kill myself, on Skype and on Youtube video. ( Which he has deleted, but I have saved. ) for no particular reason other than that I prolonged a project known as “Fairy Tail Abridged” because of another cast member’s personal reasonings, Bullying me about my weight terribly, as well as my voice, calling me names and discouraging me about my voice acting by disliking my videos with numerous Youtube accounts along with numerous friends of his whom make accounts. Jack Howarth has been in numerous fandubs and parodies, one of them he makes, known as “Bleaching in the Name Of”, where he makes passive-aggressive attacks at my expense, as well as CryAniBridged’s “Free Parody”, not to mention numerous groups, with other voice actors whom also been a part of the harassment, including some, if not all of the cast of the Free parody. He thinks that all the stuff he’s doing to me is “Trolling”, but he has actually broken laws with how much shit he’s done to me. I could sue, but there are so many things I’d have to go through and mentally, nor financially am I prepared to do that. There have been other people whom have been subject to his harassment and bullying as well. So whatever you do, be on the look out. If you hear his voice. DO NOT CAST HIM. DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH HIM. HE IS A PLAGUE. IF HE IS ON YOUR SKYPE, BLOCK AND DELETE HIM. IF YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBE TO HIM, FLAG HIM FOR HARASSMENT AND BULLYING, AND PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS BECAUSE HE AND HIS FRIENDS WILL NOT CEASE AND DESIST AFTER MANY WARNINGS FROM MANY PEOPLE. PROOF IT’S HIM: Jack Howarth ( On FatTitsGuitar14 ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWndqCmGe40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wOPEnBrC7U Ranmarotto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBc-JpLo5QU ASSOCIATED FRIENDS TO BE CAUTIOUS AROUND AS WELL: http://www.youtube.com/EricDubyu http://www.youtube.com/HeleneDaviauVA http://www.youtube.com/CrucioThe3rd http://www.youtube.com/CryAniBridged http://www.youtube.com/BlackmageBrad http://www.youtube.com/Wilbwri
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riodragon · 10 years
So, what if you're a guy who apologizes all the time?
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Studies show that women apologize more than men, often for perfectly reasonable acts like, you know, taking up space. 
So watch this Pantene commercial here to inspire you to stop saying sorry for no reason. 
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riodragon · 10 years
When Wrestling becomes Soul Calibur.
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riodragon · 10 years
I'm more concerned about the fact that Stonehenge shifted a little... I- I think it's planning to jump him.
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riodragon · 10 years
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Anybody else remember this episode? In it, a female villain called Femme Fatale is stealing millions of dollars in Susan B. Anthony coins. Naturally, the Powerpuff Girls go to stop her. She then convinces them that men are all horrible because female superheroes aren’t as well known as male superheroes, even asking Blossom to name some to where her only answer is Wonder Woman.
They start acting bitter, refusing to do chores when the Professor asks and even telling the Mayor to save the town himself. Ms. Bellum and Ms. Keane talk to the girls and basically explain that being mean to guys won’t do anything and that isn’t the kind of message feminists should put out.
They proceed to beat up Femme Fatale while giving her a history lesson about Susan B. Anthony, the story where she voted and was found guilty because women couldn’t vote back then, but when the judge wanted to let her off easily because she was a woman, she forced them to take her to jail. The girls handle her and the lesson is that misandry will not stop misogny and we all should just respect each other.
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riodragon · 10 years
'You remember Fantastic Four...Motherfucker looked like The Thing.'
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riodragon · 10 years
And all of these illicit feels except for 'Kachow', and which one has a sequel, TWO SPINOFFS, and ANOTHER SEQUEL COMING?
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Pixar + last lines
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riodragon · 10 years
"Draw me like one of your completely ineffectual highschool girls!"
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My life everyday in highschool.  
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riodragon · 10 years
I want one. o-o
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My new wallet is the coolest fucking thing
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riodragon · 10 years
This is why I never trust anything from social media. This is done all the time. People pass off one image or .gif or another as legitimately related to an event, get riled up over them and never check facts or stop to think that MAYBE some of the information they get online is false.
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Hong Kong protester catching a tear gas grenade and throwing it back
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riodragon · 10 years
Somebody had blackmail on Rocket Raccoon.
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riodragon · 10 years
Pimp My Cyberpunk [Rio's Ramblings #7]
Pimp My Cyberpunk [Rio's Ramblings #7]
I’ve been watching Bubblegum Crisis, an old cyberpunky anime for the first time so I’m in a cyberpunk mood for the 5th time this year (it’s a rather frequent occurrence that typically lingers a while or fizzles just to resurface later). When it comes to cyberpunk videogames, there’s quite a few good ones, but none that quite scratch a particular itch of mine. I want to pimp my characters like…
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riodragon · 10 years
RioDragon Plays Far Cry 3 - Part 40
RioDragon Plays Far Cry 3 – Part 40
My Let’s Play for Far Cry 3!
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/riodragon Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=riodragon Twitter: https://twitter.com/RioTheDragonMan Google+: https://plus.google.com/105404551251286509625 Blog: http://riothedragontheman.wordpress.com/
—Donation Links— PayPal: https://www.…
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riodragon · 10 years
Rio and Lego Play Serious Sam HD TFE - Part 31
Rio and Lego Play Serious Sam HD TFE – Part 31
Let’s Play Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter with TheAlmightyLego!
TheAlmightyLego Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlmightyLego RioDragon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/riodragon Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=riodragon Twitter: https://twitter.com/RioTheDragonMan Google+: https://pl…
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