ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 7: Free Day
Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase (Part 1)
(Part 2)(Part 3)
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
Lost In Time
Summary: Reappearing in the world many years after he faced a Time Demon, Rip is surprised by how things have changed but where is Gideon and the Waverider? Author’s Note: Day 6: “Live the next day” – Rip is still out there, so how does he re-join Gideon? Perhaps he’s got something up his sleeve that he’s working on.                                ********************************************* The world around him filled with blinding light, before it faded to nothing. Rip lay in the darkness, floating in a sea of nothing unaware before consciousness rushed back upon him. Gasping Rip opened his eyes and sat up sharply, confused to find he was in a room which had light peach curtains that matched the bedspread covering him.
“Well, it’s about bloody time,” a familiar voice made Rip turn to the man walking into the room, “You’ve been taking up space in the spare room for long enough.”
“John?” Rip frowned.
Self-professed Master of the Dark Arts, John Constantine nodded, “So no amnesia. I lost that bet.”
“Where the hell are we? Rip demanded, “Because this is not the Mill House, unless a spell went very, very wrong.”
“This is our spare room.”
Before John could answer a woman called, “Is he awake?”
Rip stared confused at the woman who appeared, recognition hitting him after a moment, “Miss Tomaz?”
“Zari Tarazi,” she corrected before explaining, “You must have known the other version of me.”
“The other…” Rip let out an annoyed huff, “They changed time again, didn’t they?”
John and Zari swapped a look before John noted, “There were circumstances.”
“Bloody arrogant as always, thinking they know best,” Rip snapped before rubbing his temple, “Okay, other things to think about just now. Where is my ship? I need to let Gideon know I’m alive, even if the lecture will take several hours not to mention the medical exam.”
John and Zari glanced at one another again before John noted, “The lecture can wait. You’ve been unconscious since you appeared in my living room three days ago.”
“Three days?!!!”
John nodded, “Yes, so slow down a bit. Get your strength back.”
“Have a shower, get dressed then have something to eat,” Zari added.
With a smile, Zari disappeared, and Rip turned to his friend, “She is very different from the women you normally hook up with.”
“We’re trying to make a go of it,” John shrugged, “Seeing how it goes.”
Rip looked around the room thoughtfully, “And how long have you been seeing how it goes?”
John shrugged, “Ten years or so.”
Laughing Rip managed to stand, “So not long then.”
Rolling his eyes, John left him to freshen up.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
Back To The Beginning
Summary: Overwhelmed by the new world he’s in and all that is expected of him, Michael is surprised to find a familiar man injured near his hiding place. A man who seems very familiar to him. Author’s Note: Day 7: Free Day – You’re free to give us anything you like, so let your imagination run wild. Based in the same universe as my story ‘Worth Something’.                                ********************************************* It was a warm sunny day and Michael smiled to himself as he walked away from the house towards the lake. He’d found the spot concealed beneath the trees where he could hide away during the first few days that he’d been at the Refuge. Settling into his space, he pulled a bottle of water out of his bag and set it in the shaded nook to keep it cool. Next came his book, then his notepad to write the questions he had on what he was reading, while the cookies he had taken from the kitchen were left in the backpack which he hung on the small branch beside him.
Michael liked the house, he liked Miss Xavier, he was even beginning to like some of the other kids and the things he was learning were beyond anything he could have dreamed just a few months ago but…
They expected so much of him, so much he didn’t know he could live up to. Time Master Druce especially had high expectations and Michael felt nervous every time the man visited. Druce had save his life, had brought him here where he had a home and Miss Xavier, so Michael didn’t want to disappoint him.
He’d been taken to the Time Master Academy a few days ago, and it was incredible but overwhelming.
Which was why he was here to hide away today.
He had a feeling Miss Xavier knew he came here because there were always bottles of water as well as cookies waiting for him to take but she never said anything.
He remembered being in London before he came to the Refuge, the crowds, the noise, the smell, the cold, and the hunger. It seemed like a dream sometimes.
Miss Xavier especially was someone he never knew could exist. She was stern and didn’t let them away with anything, but she was also kind and caring. He spent time with her making cakes every Saturday, which he had come to love doing and noticed that she made sure to spend some one-on-one time with each of the kids in the house at least once a week.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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RipFic Round-up
Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021 has produced a huge number of new RipFics and I’m so impressed with the Rip Fans this year. 
As always, let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Day 1 - Time Wants to Happen
Time Masters and Amazons by @singledarkshade -  Rip is sent to Thermiscrya to retrieve a suspicious pod released by Time Pirates. Time Wants to Happen by @kitkatt0430 -  The first lesson Time Masters in training are taught is 'time wants to happen'. Made in China by @theadrogna -  Rip heads to Bronze Age China to deal an anomaly and finds rather more than he bargained for, including a female General and some old enemies. Untitled by @yesmissbzzz & @riphuntertimemasterlegend​ -  the most difficult, dangerous, and important mission of all time.
Day 2 - Have You Two Considered Couple Counselling?
Forgotten Memories by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  When a presumed dead Rip Hunter shows up alive, he finds out Gideon is human and missing. Two Weeks, Three Days... by @kitkatt0430 - Rip can count the amount of time Leonard Snart’s been alive again down to the minute. Stuck Together by @singledarkshade - When a mission goes wrong, Rip and John need some help to break a curse leading them to Miranda. Non Quoque Hic Asylum Est by @theadrogna -  It’s tough when your husband is a time traveller, but at least he can protect your past self if necessary.
Day 3 - I’ve Seen Darker Days
Alone by @singledarkshade -  He hoped Gideon had been listening when the signal went out, as brief as it had been, and it reached her otherwise he would probably die here. But as the last of the Time Masters, maybe it was time. For Victory! by @kitkatt0430 - “We can still do this. We can come together and win. I’ve seen darker days than this.” The Fight in the Dog by @theadrogna -  Rip and Jax find themselves fighting for their lives when they’re captured and thrown into an alien gladiatorial arena. Untitled by @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  He couldn’t move his legs, that was the first thing he noticed as he sluggishly awoke. Are You Afraid of the Darkness? by @promptsforyourwhumpfic - 
Day 4 - One Person Acting Alone Can’t Save the World
Home is Where Your Family Lives by @kitkatt0430 -  Rip Hunter wakes up in a hospital. No idea who he is. Which should probably worry him a lot more than it does, but it turns out he’s got family here in the early twenty-first century to look after him. Life Lessons by @singledarkshade - “There are times when it will be required for you to work with your fellow Time Masters to complete your mission.” Sullen and Sarcastic by @theadrogna -  When Rip has an accident with the timedrive, the crew of the Waverider have a seriously difficult teenager to deal with.
Day 5 - Time Changes, People Don’t
Guiding Force by @incendiaglacies - A Flash AU where Barry has Rip Hunter to mentor him. Edge of a Blade by @singledarkshade - A year after losing Miranda, Rip is trying to help his son with his grief. He hopes ice hockey will bring Jonas back out his shell but it also may help Rip as an old friend is the assistant coach. Untitled by @slothsareeverything - Short fic The Lost Centurion (chapter 15) by @theadrogna -  Roman AU in which Rip is a Roman Centurion, captured by the Waverider tribe. Midnight by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  The door of Midnight opened and another beautiful woman walked in.
Day 6 - Live the Next Day
Muscle Memory by @oasis-wasteland -  For Joe West, a strange man appearing out of no-where in the middle of Central City, is almost a normal week day. The Director by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend - The Waverider was the crown jewel of the Time Museum. Ghosts and Demonologists by @theadrogna -  Rip awakes on the Waverider following his decision to overload the time drive. The only problem is that no one but John Constantine can see or hear him. Lost in Time by @singledarkshade -  Reappearing in the world many years after he faced a Time Demon, Rip is surprised by how things have changed but where is Gideon and the Waverider?
Day 7 - Free Day
Back to the Beginning by @singledarkshade -  Overwhelmed by the new world he's in and all that is expected of him, Michael is surprised to find a familiar man injured near his hiding place. Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase by @theadrogna - The Lego Legends struggle with weird anomalies.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
Day 7 | Free Day
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Oh boy…. What a awesome week I had. I’ve joined a great community of Rip Hunter lovers and they do an amazing job to appreciate this awesome character. At the moment I’m not quite good in writing FFs in english, so I decided to make an FMV like the good old times. How I missed them. 
I guess it went pretty well. Hope you’ll enjoy watching it. 
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 7: Free Day
Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase (Part 3)
(Part 1)(Part 2)
Plus bonus after credits scene!
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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2021 RipWeek Day 7: Free Day
I’m disappointed I could only do the last day, but I was away (and with terrible internet) and could barely get things to post on my main blog.
RipWeek looked like a lot of fun this year, and I’m definitely looking forward to it if there’s another for 2022.
(Like always, Requests are open for lgbtq+, character, and fandom moodboards!)
*please don’t repost*
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 7: Free Day
Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase (Part 2) (Part 1)
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
It’s the last day of Rip Hunter’s Appreciation Week.  It’s a “Free Day”.  Which means I have no idea what to say.
I suppose maybe I’ll go with some honesty.
I have to admit, as much as I complain about Legends of Tomorrow as it is today (…Gary is an alien and eats people now?!  The fuck??), if my favorite character was still on the show I would be watching every week.  I’d probably even convince myself that it wasn’t an incoherent mess.  I’ve done it before for objectively worse shows.  (See: Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda.)
It’s also true, I suppose that if I started watching the show in season 4, I might be able to enjoy it with a fresh mind.  Maybe I’d even enjoy it, since my expectations would be based on what is in front of me rather than the very different show that it was at the beginning.
But I started watching in season 1, and I grew attached to that version of the show, flaws and all.  I grew attached to Rip Hunter as the lead character that best embodied both the flaws and the strengths of that kind of story telling.  He’s a messy guy: he’s brave, smart, sometimes even sweet, he cares about the team and can’t kill an unarmed enemy.  He’s obsessed, harsh, and apt to lose sight of the greater issues until someone else reminds him of who he really is.
We met Rip in the pilot, but we couldn’t know him then.  There was too much to unfold and analyze as the series continued, and it took until Legendary, or even season 2′s “Out of Time” before we really got the full picture.  And even then, there was more to explore.
I think if he’d stayed, season 4 and onward would have had to be different.  Rip is a catalyst character.  His motivations are always tied to the general metaplot, and his actions invariably move the story forward.  I might have liked to see it.  Rip and John might have had a lot to talk about, when it came to grief and guilt and failures that haunt.  I would have liked to see his reaction to the two Zaris, to Behred.  Maybe he could have been useful when Sara developed her power.  Or maybe he could have been amusingly useless.
But then, I can’t see Rip being on board with a magical creature themepark.  And I’d like to think he wouldn’t have run the Time Bureau into the ground.  Maybe that’s naivety, but the advantage of not having my favorite on the show anymore is that I can project my own opinions on him without being proven wrong.
It’s probably for the best.  It certainly freed up my Tuesday/Sunday evenings.  I would like to see him again at some point, but until then, I’m happy to provide my own version of events.
Rip Hunter with a bunker in Arizona, with Kendra Saunders, Jefferson Jax, Booster Gold, and anyone else that comes to mind is a scenario that I’m happy to work with.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Day 7. Free Day
Aaaaaand it's a wrap! *cries* I have no idea for what to do this day and I was thinking in just talking about how much I love Rip, but then I decided to finish with a joke.
Why I just can't get your magnificent nose right, Rip? WHYYYYYYYY?????
It was fun except of the part that I was never really satisfied with his nose... I really like interesting noses, yes... and Arthur Darvill nose is one of the most interesting noses I've seen.
Thank you for the likes and the reblogs in all this week! I am sure I won't get tired of Rip and Arthr soon, so expect more fanwork time by time.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Day 7: Free Day
“I wish that I could be the guy that you want me to be, that Rip, but I am not.”
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Rip Week Day 6 - Live the Next Day
Ghosts and Demonologists
Rip awakes on the Waverider following his decision to overload the time drive. The only problem is that no one but John Constantine can see or hear him. Luckily ghosts are John’s speciality so he and the Legends embark on a mission to help Rip.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
So today’s theme for Rip Week is “Live another day”.
Now, I COULD make a long and hopefully reasonably eloquent about how powerful season 1 was in terms of a character study of the grieving process, and how the moment where Rip says goodbye to his family in the bright light of the sun in order to go back to his new life and new/rediscovered quest with the new family that he made was incredibly touching.
I could talk about my high hopes that season two would allow us to see a Rip Hunter who has, if not grown past his grief, at least come to terms with it.  Ideally a Rip who would then be able to help Sara with her grief over Laurel, or MIck with his grief over Len, while discovering how to be his own person.
I could talk about how season 2 gave us a fascinating character study of Rip, dissecting who he could be without his baggage and pain (Phil), or who he might have been if he had lost sight of his humanity and compassion (Evil-Rip), and how I was looking forward to seeing a Rip move on from those experiences.  Especially now that he’s relinquished his role as leader.  I was looking forward to seeing his new start.
I could even talk about season 3, and how the Rip that created the Time Bureau and recruited Ava (and presumably Gary and the others) wasn’t quite the direction that I’d have taken the character, but I was interesting in exploring those missing five years, and seeing how he might revert or evolve now that the Legends and their…humanizing influence are back in his life.
…it’s possible that I’m still a little bitter.
So instead I’m going to share something I’ve already shared.  The exact mechanism by which I presume Rip survived the events of season 3.
1.  In Return of the Mack, Rip possessed pellets that could freeze time in a localized area.
2.  Rip has set off the time drive before.
3. Eobard Thawne’s time sphere was created from Rip Hunter’s designs (per the Flash season 1 finale) and had presumably been abandoned after Eobard met an end in Aruba.
So.  By now Rip realizes that he’s alienated his team, again.  Ava is justifiably angry about her origin.  The Time Bureau and the Legends appear to be in good hands.  
Rip takes the Time Drive to Mallus.  He sets it off, but as he does, ALSO sets off a time pellet.  He slinks off to Eobard’s time sphere (or possibly a spare time courier, but I’ve always liked the retro look), and goes off to a new project.  Time’s large after all, it can afford to have multiple protectors.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
It’s day 6! Rip is obviosuly still alive and I have two headcanons as to how he reunites with Gideon.  1. The time drive spits him out in the 60´s again and he becomes Phil Gasmer agian, but this time he finishes the movie and that’s what get’s her attention. Then there is some highjinks with trying to get him back again, or 2. He just shows back up at the waverider out of nowhere, suprise bitch style
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(and the throws the legends of his ship and flies into the sunset)
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Day 6: “Live the next day”
First part there
Sorry for not getting the prompt exactly "How he got back", but I wanted to draw some Timeship.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
Fic: The Director
Title: The Director
Summary: The Waverider was the crown jewel of the Time Museum. How it came to be there was a mystery, and stealing her back would be an even harder task.
Day 6 of Rip Week: “Live the next day” aka Rip Hunter lives. Collab with @riphuntertimemasterlegend
Word Count: 6K
Read AO3
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