rippledawn · 25 minutes
Man this guy really doesn’t know how to pronounce names
Pai-jor, battle, honestly shameful 🙄
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rippledawn · 2 hours
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rippledawn · 4 hours
my first night in germany i was invited to a small town's annual festival celebrating the consecration of their church. there i quickly learned that every single german knows the words to "Hit the Road, Jack." even if they don't speak english they know the sounds. ever heard a biergarten full of people chanting words they don't quite know? fucking uncanny is what it is
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rippledawn · 4 hours
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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rippledawn · 4 hours
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rippledawn · 4 hours
I've noticed at a lot of the social stuff I go to now, I'm one of the few there who doesn't drink, and I was reminded of the smoking poll. So now I'm curious.
(See below poll for some notes)
*"regularly" meaning you drink even when there's no occasion to motivate it. Basically, not just social drinking.
**If you've had alcohol before but don't drink anymore for any reason, choose no.
This is a ZERO JUDGMENT poll! Every answer is equally valid, and you DO NOT have to explain your answer if you don't want to!
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rippledawn · 4 hours
Queer as in an "identity is fluid and descriptors can be imprecise so I prefer a more general term" sort of way but also queer in a "What are you, a cop?" sort of way.
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rippledawn · 4 hours
I like the expression new-fangled. I don't know what it means for something to be fangled, but I sure as hell know it was recent
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rippledawn · 5 hours
I wish it was easier to talk about mobile phone addiction without sounding like a boomer
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rippledawn · 5 hours
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rippledawn · 5 hours
Not telling your kid they have a learning disability, chronic illness, mental illness etc. so they can “feel normal” actually does the opposite. They will not feel normal if they do not have the context to understand that their normal will be different from that of their peers.
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rippledawn · 5 hours
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rippledawn · 5 hours
Prompt: Ava learning to write 📝
what if Ava starts out by tracing Beatrice's writing? so like: Beatrice happens upon her one day, Ava at the table, her tongue peeking out from between her lips, brow furrowed as she does her best to trace the pencil over the items Beatrice had added to their grocery list. Beatrice doesn't say anything, but she takes to writing things down more from then on.
it's not hard - Beatrice writes most things down by hand anyway so it's easy to just add on to what she's already doing. she writes down recipes onto the rainbow-colored notecards Ava had found at the bar that Hans said had been left behind by an old co-worker; writes down how to do the laundry on a sticky note she places by the washing machine; keeps a notebook on the coffee table that lists the training they've done each day; writes down passages from books they read together.
she doesn't realize how much of a habit it's become until she comes back from work, Ava still at the bar on the closing shift, and finds two pieces of paper on the kitchen table. they're near identical, but she knows only one was written by her own hand.
at first Beatrice doesn't remember - she writes so much these days - until she reads the words and then she does: how she'd written this out this particular poem before in the morning while Ava had been at the pool. how she'd written it down to save it, because the book the poem was from had to be returned back to the library.
she reads over the words and blushes; wonders why she'd written this particular poem down. it wasn't anything practical, wasn't anything educational in neither content nor technique. just a poem about summer, about the sun; about love.
but from somewhere deep inside her comes the answer, unbidden and quiet: it had made her think of Ava.
a simple truth, captured on paper, written by her own hand.
traced over, Beatrice can see, with pencil, carefully. then written on its own on a separate paper in pen.
why go through the trouble? a part of Beatrice thinks, why waste paper on this? there were many other things Ava could have used for practice; she didn't have to spend time on this.
Beatrice wonders what Ava had thought of while she was writing it, what she'd thought of as she'd traced each letter, had written out each word, each phrase. wonders if Ava had thought of her; if Ava thinks of her, like Beatrice thinks of her.
she lets her fingers trace over Ava's handwriting, steady and clear. thinks she knows the answer.
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rippledawn · 5 hours
post suck? unfollow. but not me- someone else, to blow off steam. stay with me
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rippledawn · 5 hours
First aid training is actually very serious and I get what this bullet point is saying about hypothermia but this legit fucking took me out:
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rippledawn · 5 hours
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rippledawn · 5 hours
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if i answer wrong theyll fucking kill me
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