rirnjobs · 6 years
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summer bubbles n cakes
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rirnjobs · 6 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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Yosuke Onishi
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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just playing!
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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clawing at the bark / carving out the sap
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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[1972] ////salvador D A L I
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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2 week old selfies
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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proposition to start the new color standard at bgp
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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If your nude photos are posted online without your permission, Microsoft and Google want to know.
For years, most victims of revenge porn — people who have had their nude photos shared online without permission — basically couldn’t do anything about it.
According to one study, over 50% of all adults engage in sexting, and 70% admit to having received a nude photo online or over the phone.
And yet, despite the fact that we all (or at least more than half of us) do it, there’s still this weird, persistent, harmful notion that if your naked pictures get leaked or shared maliciously by an ex online, it’s your fault for taking them in the first place.
It’s completely backward, but sadly, the law seems to at least kind of agree.
As of September 2014, New Republic found, putting someone else’s illicit photos online without their consent was illegal in just 16 states, though laws have been proposed in more states. Not only is it typically impossible to prosecute the perpetrator, they note, it’s impossible to legally compel websites to take the images taken down most of the time.
But thankfully, Microsoft and Google — which operate two of the biggest search engines on the web — don’t think it’s your fault. And they’re finally saying “Enough is enough.”
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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rirnjobs · 7 years
hi there friends 💖 hate to do this, but i got into a fender bender recently that resulted in $1k worth of damage (i drive a '93 toyota 4runner, i bumped my little brother's friend's brand new honda civic backing out of my driveway) and then lost my wallet with my cash tips in it from a week's worth of work 😪 i'm in a tight bind and picking up shifts as i can but i just switched jobs & got this news today as i was freaking out about how i'm going to pay for a parking ticket i got within 2 mins of my meter expiring in san francisco basically i'm down on my luck and any financial support right now would be amazing, especially since paypal is my main way of paying for life until my new debit card comes in the mail will gladly take requests, private sets/cam shows, etc. donate button is on my page, or send on paypal to [email protected] thanks y'all 💖💖
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rirnjobs · 7 years
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Flowers on fuzz.🌺💮🌼 [Don’t remove the caption]
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