risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
How to Stop Worrying
1. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. In reality, few of our worries actually become a reality. However, if you prepare in advance for things going wrong, you’ll have strategies available to cope and survive.
2. Write a list of everything you think you need to do, and then tick them off as you work through the list. That will help you feel more organised, and much more in control.
3. Do something to distract yourself – so your anxious thoughts don’t grow bigger in your mind.
4. Share your feelings with someone who understands and cares. They’ll offer you support – and you’ll gain perspective, too.
5. Confront the problem head often. It’s often the uncertainty that worries us the most – so face up to your worries – and take the steps you can.
6. Choose to do something that help you to calm you – like listening to your ipod or chilling with a friend.
7. Choose to be thankful. There are so many things to be grateful for. Compose a list of those, and you’ll find your worries fade.
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
hey no offense but i’m just like, really proud of you for being here right now. I know it might be hard but it’s gonna be okay. everything will be okay.
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
Yes, you. On the other side of the screen.
You made it this far. You made it all the way through 2015.
You’ve been through lots of shit, and lots of awesomeness.
You’ve changed, you’ve grown.
You tried new things, you saw a lot.
You were sad, you were happy. 
You were worried then carefree, stressed then relieved.
You could have gotten married to someone very special.
Or made a friend that now means the world to you.
Or gotten a promotion in your work. Or finished college/high school.
You might have changed someone’s life for good, and you don’t even know.
Anyway it is, or was, I’m proud of you.
Next year will be a better year. I believe in you.
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
it’s okay to eat more
there is nothing wrong with eating more
it’s normal to eat more
you’re doing yourself good by eating more
you are not greedy for eating more
it’s fine to eat more
nothing bad will happen if you eat more
you are allowed to eat more
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
You can tell a girl she’s smart her whole life, encourage her in school, buy her a chemistry set, send her to math camp, help her apply for college scholarships in STEM fields, and she’s still eventually going to walk into a classroom, a lab, or a job interview and have some man dismiss her existence, deny her funding, pass her over for a promotion, or take credit for her work. How about you work on getting those assholes out of power and quit telling me not to call girls pretty.
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risefrommyashes · 9 years
Notes to Thirteen Year Old Girls
When your best friend tells you all she had for breakfast Was a packet of Splenda and a Diet Coke, And she tells you that she’ll stop after she loses five more pounds, Do not believe her. Tell her mother. It does not matter how angry your friend gets. The pain of that will always be preferable to the pain Of seeing your best friend in four years Weighing as much as she does now Half-dead in the hospital.
When your father sneaks into your bed in the dead of the night, And he tells you that this is how fathers love their daughters, Do not believe him. Tell your English teacher. She will have read millions of stories of girls like you. There is a one in six chance that she will be a girl like you. There is a five in six chance that she will know what to say to you. There is a six in six chance that she will help you.
When your veins whisper to you in the moonlight And say that there are so many nightmares inside you That could be free If you would just open your arms, Do not believe them. Tell your school’s guidance counselor, No matter how scared you are Because whispers are liars, And opening your arms will only open the passage For more nightmares to climb in.
And when the therapists say that you are better, Totally better, And you don’t need to worry about the sadness again, Do not believe them. Always be cautious, because sadness has a way Of sneaking up on you When you’re not looking. Be careful. Be careful.
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risefrommyashes · 10 years
bodies require food bodies require rest bodies require attention bodies require patience
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risefrommyashes · 10 years
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risefrommyashes · 10 years
*goes to bed at 2am instead of 5am* wow, my life is so in order right now.  i’m making such good decisions for myself and my body and my soul and im so in love with myself for doing this
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risefrommyashes · 10 years
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risefrommyashes · 10 years
Recovery is always an option.
You are never “too sick” to recover.
You are never “not sick enough” to recover.
Recovery is hard, but it is worth it.
You have more strength than you could ever imagine.
You can get through this.
You can get better.
You are worth more than your mental illness.
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