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#bodyawareness #bodyintelligence #slowdown #listentoyourbody #fullbodypresence #speedkills #overwork
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When you slow down life down, you speed up peace ✌ #inthemoment #atpeace #happytobealive #everythingisbeautiful #life #love #mywishforyou
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Today I resigned from the down-the-road-from-it-all abode that saw me greet the sunrise over the ocean from my bed every morning. I resigned my son from the school he had come to know and love, with its people who became like family. And I resigned from an organisation I had spent 2 years of my life giving to and taking from...giving my time, more precious than gold, and taking experience, more valuable than any theory or opinion. In the conventional sense of the world and its word, I had achieved what is popularly known as "success". Living in a high-end neighbourhood surrounded by fellow "achievers". Sending my child to a private school because we're one of few families lucky enough to escape the burdens of public education. Being globally responsible for multiple digital marketing and communications portfolios at a multibillion dollar multinational organisation. And yet there's nothing I want more than to roll it all up and return to sender, then ride my unicorn into the sunset, sporting a sign saying, "Turn back, dead-end." Without ever meaning to (cos I've always ever just wanted to ride that damn unicorn!) I've managed to check those little boxes made of ticky tacky, yet I've never spent less time with my son, myself, my loved ones, the world out there, or the life I was born to LIVE, not motion through. Screw success! I've spent a lifetime chasing happiness, and I've looked in ALL the places. I'm thankful that I found the note and could open the lock...it was nowhere other than wherever the hell I truly *wanted* it to be all this time. And that - cos I'm a Zen kinda gal, was right inside of me. For easy access and all that. Freedom 3.0. Cos I'm done playing the 18-4-43 game 🙏🦄🌠 #iquit #newbeginnings #livealittle (at Umhlanga,KZN)
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Add two parts WAKE UP to eight parts GO TO WORK. Depending on consistency, mix in a number of spoons of GO HOME to up to eight parts GO TO SLEEP. Rinse and repeat five times. Add one dash Saturday and one dash Sunday, and top with 20 slices annual leave, generously adding in another half a day on an annual basis. Place mixture in pressure cooker and leave for 43 years, letting off steam only when absolutely crucial. Do not leave the kitchen. Check obsessively for any visible signs of success.
Put on countertop and allow to cool down. Garnish with retirement. Realise you forgot to add spices. And that success tastes horribly. Chuck it in the bin.
#lifeisforliving #dontjustexist
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Part of me will miss being able to impulsively walk into a shop when at the mall and start buying random shit I *just that moment* figure actually, like, *need*.
Oh wait. That only ever happens when I’m trying to buy away my angst over having to be at the mall in the first place.
#Affluenza #ImOut #RiseoftheHumans
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"Most people believe that the caterpillar’s metamorphosis is a simple process that happens in stillness. But this is not the case. In the cocoon, the caterpillar is disintegrating all of its tissues that no longer serve it. And from that, a protein-rich murky soup is created to form wings, antennae, legs, eyes, genitals—basically all the new things that it will need to fly."
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