ritaflip11 · 10 years
How to Fix a Dog Who Jumps Up
Even though you love your fur baby and love that they wiggle with excitement when your get home, dogs should never be allowed to jump up on people to say hello. It is a habit that is not easily fixed once it has been learned. Some people don't love dogs as much as you do and being mauled by one as soon as they walk into your house could be stressful. So before your boss, with an irrational fear of dogs, comes over for dinner, take a look at this video to help curb your pups enthusiastic hello. 
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
Two churches located across the street from each other. At least the Catholics have a sense of humor.
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
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Happy Tongue Out Tuesday 😝 ❤️ Dolly
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
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How to Keep your Cool Pup Cooled Off
As spring turns to summer, in some parts of the country, temperatures begin to rise. Dog owners need to keep a close eye on their pups so they don’t over heat.  Heatstroke can occur in dogs just like it can in humans. If left unchecked heatstroke can cause brain damage and be fatal. Take a look at these 7 helpful tips on how to keep your dog cool this summer.
    1)   Keep them hydrated: Make sure your pup has access to water all day long.
2)   Keep them in the house on sweltering days: If you need your a/c on so does your pup.
3)   Lighten their load: Shed your pup out for summer; possibly even a buzz cut. It may not look good, but can help them keep their cool on the hottest days.
4)   Pup Popsicles: Take your pup’s favorite treat and put it into an ice try. Freeze water around the treat and voilà you have a pup Popsicle.
5)   Visit the dog beach: Many communities have dog beaches open to the public. Find one and take your dog on a little beach retreat.
6)   Poolside pups: Can’t make it to the beach, invest in one of those pricy kiddie pools you can get at Menards for a whopping 12.99. Your dog will love you for it.
7)   Leaving the windows open ain’t going to cut it: On a 78 degree day a car parked in the shade will reach 90 degrees; one parked in the sun will reach 160 degrees.  So lets use our brains and not lock animals up in cars this summer. Keep Fido at home in the A/C he will thank you for it.
Check out this blog from the Human Society for additional info on cooling down your pup. 
  Keep a close eye on your pup on hot days; heatstroke is not uncommon. Watch out for the signs of Heatstroke, so you can catch it early and save a life.
  Signs of Heatstroke
  ·      Panting
·      Exhaustion
·      Anxious behavior
·      Abnormal behavior
·      Staring
·      Hot, dry skin
·      Fever
·      Vomiting
·      Elevated heart rate
·      Collapse
  If your pup exhibits these signs you need to start to cool him off immediately.  Have someone call a vet. Cover your distressed pup with towels soaked in cold water. (Do not poor cold water all over your dog; the sudden change in temperature can cause your dog to go into shock). Once you arrive at your vet’s office he/she will continue to bring down the dogs core body temperature. Your vet may I.V. fluids to counteract shock, or provide them with medication to prevent any brain damage.
  Keep these tips in mind this summer as the heat index rises. Keep your dog safe so everyone can enjoy the summer sun.
  Stay cool Pups,
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
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Dog Parks: You’re doing it wrong.
I go to the dog park to have fun & blow off some steam after a long day of napping. Nothing irritates me more than humans who don’t understand simple dog park etiquette. So, as always I’m here to help (they should make me a service dog for all that I do for you people). Here’s a list of 5 things to keep in mind on your next dog park adventure.
Don’t bring puppies- It’s a dog park, not a puppy park (or kid park for that matter). Keep pups under the age of 4 months at home. Some dogs are aggressive when they play & may not realize that your puppy only weighs four pounds. It’s not their fault you brought a puppy to a dog fight.
Don’t bring a dog that is a scaredy cat- It may seem like a good idea to introduce your timid dog to other pups at the park, but it’s not. Trust me, it will only make things worse. Dogs who are timid when meeting new animals tend to be submissive and & cower. Other aggressive dogs may take this as an opportunity to show just how dominant they are. God forbid a pack of them decide to gang up on your pup. Introduce your timid pup to a small group of trusted dogs at first, then make your way to the big leagues.
Don’t allow your fur kid to bully- No one likes a bully & just because they are dogs it no different. A 15lb pug has no chance against your 170lb mastiff. Keep that in mind & be sure you can recall your beast when he is getting a little carried away.
Don’t bring treats- This is the first & only time those words will ever come out of my snout, but it’s a bad idea. Unless you like being mauled by 30 dogs at once; keep the treats in the car till for after. This goes for toys as well, some dogs get obsessive about balls (I mean toss them in the loonie bin kind of crazy)
Don’t bring intact males or females in heat- This may seem obvious but, some humans aren’t the sharpest shar pei in the shed. So let’s keep the Marvin Gaye music in your own dog house & keep the dog parks a PG zone.
Now you know & we can all enjoy ourselves a bit more next time we hit the parks.
Remember; DO have fun,
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
6 Tricks to Silence a Yippy Pup
Communicating is key, but sometimes silence is golden; dogs don’t always get this.  Keep in mind that some dogs are bred to bark; what type of dog you get will affect just how talkative they are. Dogs bark for many different reasons like to protect their family from intruders, to ward off threats, to chat with the dog two houses down, to gain attention, because they are excited and my personal favorite is barking when Ma walks out of the house without me (I wanna come too).
First try ignoring the issue. Don’t tell him no, don’t look at him, don’t touch him. Pay no attention to his antics. The only way this option will work is if you are willing to wait it out until he actually stops. Once your pup gets tired of no one paying attention to him, he will stop. Then you reward him.
Desensitize your pup to the problem. Noble dogs will bark to protect their home from intruders. To help this knightly pup take a vow of silence, allow them to be exposed to whatever he reacts to. Say its people walking past your house; have someone walk past your house and while they are walking by spoil your pup with his favorite treat. Repeat this each time people walk by, he will start to associate people walking by with treats.
Simply remove the problem for your pup. If he tries to scare off all the neighborhood dogs while in the yard, bring him inside. Seems simple, but over time your dog will learn that barking at dogs keeps him from getting to play outside.
Tell your pup to shut-up… ok maybe not shut up but teach him the command “shhh”.  If your pup already knows how to bark on command ask him to speak, once he does tell him “shhh”, withhold the treat until he is done barking.  Once he is silent reward your pup. Repeat these steps till he learns what “shhh” means. Next time he sounds the alarm ask him to “shhh” and reward him for listening.
Distractions can be, well, distracting. When your dog starts to serenade you interrupt his thought process by distracting him. If your pup barks from his kennel to be let out try creating a loud abrupt noise. Drop  a heavy book in the next room. The noise should stop your pup from barking. Be sure he doesn’t know it’s you making the noise. He will be more distracted by the fact that something big doesn’t want him to make any noise.
Finally a bark collar. Not everyone’s favorite training tool but it is very effective. Sometimes you don’t have months to train your pup not to bark (close quarters like an apartment may not allow for them to take months) and this is truly the quickest way for them to learn, there is no room for human error here.  Each time your pup barks he is disrupted by a small electric shock. The fact that the shock is instant each time they start to yap they are corrected. The shock will not hurt your pup and they have even developed collars that sprays your chatter box with a citronella mist each time they bark. 
Check out alternative citronella collars here
***Remember yelling at your pup can seem like you are joining in on a barking goodtime & trying to sooth him by petting him will only teach him to bark for attention.
  Ma wants me to “Shhh” now so well chat later,
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ritaflip11 · 10 years
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How to Train Your Dog to Hunt Sheds
All dogs love a job and bones...  Some dogs become Frisbee dogs others perform on the agility course, but for pups wanting to try something a little different shed hunting is safe bet.
Train your pup to hunt sheds with these 7 easy steps:
First you have to get your pup excited about antlers (which is normally pretty easy to do since dogs love the taste). Start by giving an antler to your pup just to chew on and get a desire for it.
Once your pup wants the bone you have to teach them to retrieve it. One way to do this is to play a simple game of fetch with the antler. Be sure you use a new command to differentiate between fetching a ball and a shed. Mom uses the phrase “get the bone”.
After your dog associates the phrase “get the bone” with retrieving a shed he is ready to hunt for it. Starting off indoors helps eliminate any similar smells or outside distractions. Put your dog in another room and then place the shed on the floor in the middle of the room. Call your pup over and command him to “get the bone”. Your dog should immediately look around for the shed. Once he retrieves it and brings it to you pick up the shed. Each time your dog brings you the antler be sure to over reward with treats and love to maintain their interest. This is my favorite part of shed hunting.
Next you will need to start moving the bone around, not quite hiding it though because your dog will still be learning he needs to search for the antler. Once he is hunting for the bone in new spots you can move forward.
Now the real fun begins. You get to play a mini game of hide and seek over and over and over again. Hide the bone anywhere in your home and command your pup to “find the bone”. Start with easy hiding spots to build his confidence. You never want to end a training session with a stumped pup. Ending without reward will create a shed sour dog.
Once your pup is a pro indoors you can move outside. Try different terrains out to test your pup’s skills.
After months of this it may be time for a field trial. When you take your dog out for the first few times make sure you pack an antler to hide so they keep interest. Hunting all day with no reward will make your pup discouraged.
Finding your first shed may take months or even years. It isn’t a sport you can dabble in for a few weeks. This is a skill your that will last a lifetime that you and your pup can do together while enjoying the outdoors.
Check out these sites to purchase antler dummies, scents and training kits:
Shed Dog Trainer
Shed Dog Training by Dokken's Oak Ridge Kennels
Dog Bone Hunting
Happy hunting friends,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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5 Tips to Train an Old Dog New Tricks
Everyone always wants to know how I have learned so many tricks. Other than being a genius of course, here are 5 basic rules Mom is always sure she sticks to when teaching me a new skill.  
Be Consistent: Remember that us pups don’t speak English so when we are learning something new it helps if you only use one word and repeat the same hand signal.
 Baby Steps: When your pup is learning a new trick you have to remember to reward every attempt. If you want to teach your dog to wave hello; be sure to reward anytime he even lifts his paw with the command. Not rewarding these attempts will give your dog no reason to try for the real deal. This will leave your dog bitter and confused when learning something new.
Saying No Has Its Place: When your dog is trying to figure out what trick you want he will get flustered and start trying every trick in his book to please you. Simply saying “no” to each incorrect attempt will allow him to realize that is not what you are asking for and that you’re not just withholding treats from him to be a jerk.
Jackpot the Ah-ha Moments: When your pup does take a giant leap in the right direction be sure to make a huge deal out of it. Give handfuls of treats and use the highest voice you think possible. Make sure they know they have done well!
Make Sure It’s Always Fun: Your dog will only try to learn what you want if the process is fun for them. Keep energy high and exciting with a favorite treat or toy.
Stick to these 5 rules and you’ll have a pup doing back flips in no time.
Off to practice my mad skillzzz, peace,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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This could save your dogs life someday!
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
Share your favorite rescue shelter that you would like to see Bark Box support and you could win!
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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Food for Fido: Gourmet Dog Treats
My Mom is a great cook (I should know, I’m the best beggar in the Midwest) and this week she cooked something special up just for me.  For this Paws and Applause Review we are showing off our Mutt Meatballs.
When Mom cooks I swarm her feet like a shark just in case something were to fall. I wouldn’t want her to slip… The smells are always inviting and make my mouth water. Normally I have to wait patiently for someone to be full in order to score a scrap or two, but not this time. No, this time it was all for me. The people at Your Dog’s Diner have created a line of dog treat mixes for you to cook at home. So far they have pancake mix, soup mix and meatballs mix. Although I’ve only had the meatballs they all sound delicious. The mix is made from organic rolled oats, organic spinach flakes, organic red bell pepper, organic parsley and organic basil (whoa! That’s a lot of organic for one dog to list).
So once you are ready to become the Emerald of dog treats you just add in one egg and one pound of lean ground meat of your choice. Mom chose ground moose meat for mine, a little exotic and super lean (plus that means one less pound she has to eat of Dad’s moose).  She also added in a tablespoon of olive oil to help the meatballs stick together, while promoting a shinny coat for me. Once everything is mixed just roll into balls and place on a greased cooking sheet. The smell of these treats baking is tempting even to Mom.  
Knowing what goes into my food makes everyone feel at ease. The mix makes 40 meatballs and only costs 7.99. Plus they are super yummy and I can’t get enough.
5/5 Paws for Your Dogs Diner and their Mutt Meatballs.
Check them out at http://yourdogsdiner.com
Now start cooking people,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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Snow Pup❄️
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
A Whole New Reason for Dogs to Chase the Mailman
Who doesn’t love finding a big brown box waiting on their doorstep? Well news flash, pups love it too! That’s why this week’s Paws and Applause Review is on Bark Box.  
Mom says the big trend now is treats delivered to your door. Ingenious if you ask me. Bark Box is the most popular and seems to be the best bone for your buck. Each month I receive a box full of treats and toys. It’s even addressed to me. Every time I rip open that box it is something new and exciting. All the gifts are picked just for me based on my size. A few things I have loved are; doggie beer, cigar chew ropes, bully sticks, and glow-in-the-dark balls.  Many of the treats are organic or grain free, something I know hipster pups would approve of. The best part about choosing Bark Box is that 10% of the proceeds go straight to dogs in need.
The subscription can be anywhere from one month to six. Prices vary based on how many months you agree to ($19-$29) and shipping is always free. In my opinion a wiggling butt is priceless.
Bark Box delivery day is always my favorite. Mom needs to stop shopping online though; it’s always disappointing that those boxes aren’t full of toys.
I give Bark Box 5/5 paws. I can’t wait to see what comes next month.
To get $5 off your first month you can use the coupon code: BARKTHERAPY ($15 will also be donated to the Bark Therapy Dog Program)
I’m off to pop open some doggie beers, see you soon,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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Does your pup have foul breath? Then this post is for you.
February is National Pet Dental Health Month
Here are 5 tips to make sure your pup gets what he needs to stay fresh.
A cleaning routine for your dogs teeth is important: Be sure to use a brush that is comfortable for your pet, as well as toothpaste and washes designed specifically for dogs.
Have a vet clean their choppers annually: Just like people pups need yearly checkups to get what regular brushing leaves behind.
There is a reason for all those rawhides: Chewing on bones, ropes and rawhide stimulates the gumline working as a natural floss that is fun for dogs
You are what you eat:  Be sure your pet is receiving acquitted nutrition. Foods that are hard to crumble tend to leave the mouth cleaner then others.
Dental treats are every dogs favorite technique: These treats stimulate chewing specifically for cleaner mouths. 
Here are a few of my favorite fresh breath products
C.E.T. Enzymatic toothpaste
C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews for Dogs
Nylabone Dental Dinosaur Dog Chew
Kong Dental Stick
Take a trip here for the full article
Remember to keep your pup fresh (otherwise all the dogs at the park will call him names)
With Love,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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Don't judge me....
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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The value of a good toy can never be underestimated. That is why this Paws and Applause Review is celebrating one of my favorite toy gurus; Kong.  For as long as I can remember (in my extensive two and a half years of life) I have had Kong toys. From my puppy pink Kong to my new dodo bird, I have never been disappointed.
Now I’m pretty dainty with my toys, I like to savor the fun, but my friends who come to play are not always as nice. Whether they enjoy ripping off limbs or pulling the stuffins out, Kong always slows them down.  They are the only brand, puppy Agnes, hasn’t found a way to shred.
Like all pups I enjoy a good squeaky from time to time; you know the kind that really gets you excited. But I’m not sure Mom always appreciates the song of my people. The top dogs at Kong have come up with something we both can love, a line of toys with an off/on squeaker switch. Brilliant aren’t they.
Kong has a large variety of products for pups in any stage in life. While the price can be steep; the toys can take a beating. I still have every Kong toy Mom has ever brought home.
This is why I give Kong 5/5 paws up. Keep up the great work guys.
Now to con Mom into a trip to Petsmart….
 Until next time, squeak on my friends,
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ritaflip11 · 11 years
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