riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
“Priorities, Jackson. Good to see you’ve got them all lined up.” The others narrowed eyes didn’t bother him, nor did they take away from the amusement on his features. “Such a shame.”
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Jackson stopped, narrowing his eyes at the comment. “I didn’t want to get my shirt wet,” He protesting his stance. “Turns out they weren’t actually in trouble..” He mumbled.
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Oh right, sister in law. How could I forget.” He chuckled lightly, the slight roll of his eyes meant merely for the idea of mourning the dead, rather than the words that spilled from his wife’s mouth. “They’re mourning her because it gives them a reason to be part of it. Nothing more nothing less. And you should know by now if anyone would even think to tarnish your memory I’d make their remaining days a living hell.”
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         “Do you know how much I love that you’re not here to check up on me or say sorry for my sister in law dying? Honestly, she was a basic bitch. I don’t know why everyone is mourning her. No one even liked her when she was alive. When I die please promise you won’t let such false people walk around and tarnish my memory.” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Afraid of you? You should likely hope not, I don’t suppose any career in your field would be all that fruitful should you only be published out of fear. I’ve heard it all, actually. Doesn’t mean I’m going to heed it. Who ever had a good time being careful? Optimism looks good on you, though I’d have to burst your little bubble, but that isn’t likely to ever happen.”
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“That must be why they published my poems– and here I thought it was because they were afraid of me. You have heard be careful what you wish for, right? Give me a few more years and I’m sure I’ll be seated at the table with the devil.” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Convincing?” He quirked his own brow at her sudden decision to jump right on into conversation, something he’d put lightly. “It would have been a waste of her time, it was an awful struggle to listen to her. Don’t consider me giving her that wastes time back to her before she lost it a favor? Had it been all that important, I’m sure she wouldn’t have been so quick to take my advice.”
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Alexsiya listened to the exchange with a raised brow, resisting the entirely too strong urge to roll her eyes. “Charming. I applaud you for that mildly convincing performance.” She bit back a grin. “I don’t think it’s considered a favor to not listen to someone. What if she had something incredibly important to say? Highly doubtful because she didn’t seem all too bright, but now you’ll never know.” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Ooohh, karma.” He cooed, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen that old friend. Maybe a catch up is in order.” Shoulders pressed heavily against the tree he stood by, fingers dug through his jacket pocket for the pack of cigarettes and lighter that never left his possession. 
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Tobias couldn’t contain his chuckle as he listened to the other man, glad he had brought his book instead of trying to engage in more pointless conversations. “lets hope they repay you before karma does,” the now-younger witch said, not glancing up from the words on the page. 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“He should only be so lucky. I just didn’t care enough to pay that much attention, you’re going to have to ask someone else for a recap.”
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           “You don’t remember shit either? Perhaps Damien’s last deed was to give us all a memory wipe.” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“That might make some actual sense, I mean who wouldn’t have daddy issues if Lucifer was your creator and you were left in hell for countless years.” He droned on, though there was no real malice in his voice; more boredom than anything. His time spent being tortured had really only refines his own affinity for the practice. “Oh fuck no. If I were to bring anyone back from the dead, it sure as shit wouldn’t be Ghandi.”
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      “You know some people would say that you have some serious daddy issues, right?” Perhaps it was not the smartest idea to toss shade around with a demon but what was the worst that could happen? Death didn’t seem like that terrible of an option right about now. “And who would that be? You managed to bring Gandhi back from the dead? Are you playing Jesus now?”
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“I figured you were a visual learner, but if I’m going to create a remake of this masterpiece, I’m going to have to kill a few more people first. ‘Fraid I only use a seriously specific type of paint.”
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“That might help, yeah. Go on” he knew the other was shitting him, but he could play along. 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
“A regular ol’ rave party.” He could have laughed, “Must just be my endearingly friendly features, can’t say I honestly blame her. I’d confide in me if I was stupid too.” 
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Watching the two Avery felt a bit awkward as she stood nearby. Eventually though one of them left and it was just the boy who remained. “That looked fun,” she commented lamely wondering if perhaps she had just kept quiet.
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“I honestly really really tried to pay attention.” Ash admitted, though most definitely not as genuinely as it sounded, “then I actually listened, and realized that I am most definitely not the right person for you to be talking to right now. Consider this a favor.” A smug grin grew on his features, knowing full well that favors were never granted without further payment later.
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“I could weep, Lia. Do you have any idea how much I love the fact that you’re threatening me instead of trying to cry on my shoulder? This is basically foreplay six feet under.”
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            “Look if you have a hangover then you should just get going – before I replace the punching bag with you.”
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Hey, the less you remember the better it all looks on my part.”
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        “Yeah you’re going to have to tell me more if you want me to even remember that night. I was higher than a kite on a clear day.”
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Drama. Death. More drama.  You want me to paint you a picture?”
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“Anyone want to fill me in what I missed for the past couple of days – or no?” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Always so poetic. Honestly, I could listen to you bitch for the next thousand years in hell, Wish. It might even take away from the torture.”
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“— too early for drinking? Is that a thing? It’s five ‘o’ clock somewhere, so everyone can take the judgement and shove it up their ass with the stick they have up there.” 
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Please, for the love of all that is holy. Take your clothes off to save her. I’m sure she can spare those extra twenty seconds it’s taking you.” Ash chuckled, an unlikely choice, and admittedly not the perfect place to find amusement, but he was who he was and he made no apologies. “Average person takes about sixty seconds to fully submerge before you lose your window to help..-- I’d say you’ve got about fifteen seconds left..”
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“I’m going to get you�� just hold on.”
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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riverxfwoe-blog · 8 years
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“Ah you must be under the impression that it changed anything.” It didn’t bother him, not in the least, that she couldn’t place him. Hell, maybe he could use that to his advantage somehow. “Does it matter? I could tell you any name under the heavens, and you’d have no choice but to believe me.”
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         “Ah you must have forgotten that i suffer from memory loss. So who are you?” Eliza was determined to carry a year book with her at all times. It was literally going to be attached to her hip considering how many of these strange interactions she was having. The female was way too drunk to even bother. 
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