riyajblog · 2 years
strong roots
Strong Roots
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen abdul kalam (1931-2015) was one of the pioneers of aerospace engineering in India. For a major part of his life he worked as a scientist in India space programmes. Some of his famous works are India 2020, Ignited Minds, Wings of Fire. He was the President of India form 2002 to 2007.
Strong Roots is an extract from Dr. abdul kalam’s autobiography Wings of Fire. In this extract, he talks about his childhood in his hometown. The piece presents a delightful sketch of the author’s early life and development of his spiritual growth.
I was born into a middle class Tamil family in the island town of Rameswaram in the erstwhile Madras state. my father, Jainulabdeen, has neither much formal education nor much wealth; despite these disadvantages, he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit. He has an ideal helpmate in my mother, Ashiamma. I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day, but I am quite certain that far more outsiders ate whit us then all the members of our own family put together.
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