rizrahman7 · 3 years
"Stim gila bila wife cerita dah rasa 2-3 batang sebelum kawin. Untung sape yang dah pernah rasa body wife aku sebelum ni"
“Sebelum kawin lagi aku dah main dgn bini aku. Masa 1st time dulu, dia mengaku pernah main dengan sepupu dia & member office dia. So aku terima dia seadanya sebab aku pun bukan baik sangat. Tapi syok jugak bila fikir wife pussy bini aku ni dah 2 orang bedal”
“Sebelum kawin wife aku nampak alim, muslimah bro. Pakai baju pun longgar-longgar, tak nampak bentuk badan. Lepas malam pertama, baru aku tau wife aku dah tak dara rupanya. Bila aku tanya rupa2nya dia dah pernah bagi dara dia kat abang angkat dia. Mula-mula aku tak tau nak respon macam mana, tapi aku rasa horny bila main dengan wife, di sebalik perwatakan muslimah, tubuh badan dia dah dinikmati orang lain sebelum aku.”
Ini pengakuan dari pelbagai sumber, Mewe, Swingthat. Ada belasan story lagi, cuma tak dapat nak share semua. Thanks bro yang sudi share.
Adaa tak para suami alami perasaan yang sama bila dapat tau wife dah tak dara pada malam pertama? Ada sesiapa para husband nak share tak ur story?
.da tak para suami alami perasaan yang sama bila dapat tau wife dah tak dara pada malam pertama? Ada sesiapa para husband nak share tak ur story?a tak para suami alami perasaan yang sama bila dapat tau wife dah tak dara pada malam pertama? Ada sesiapa para husband nak share tak ur story?
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
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My new story on Wattpad
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
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Story baru update kat situ
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
Riz Story : My wife.
Hai, hari ni aku macam nak story sikit pasal wife aku. Masa aku nikah dengan dia, malam pertama lagi dia dah tak ada dara. Ya aku tau la sebab aku yang ragut dara dia hehe. Tapi masa tu dia masih tunang orang lagi.
Kisah ni berlaku 11 tahun lalu. So macam mana aku mula, wife aku dulu dia cikgu sekolah di area Nilai, kami kenal di kelas seminar marketing. Dia memang cun. Asal Kelantan. Umur 3 tahun lebih tua dari aku. Masa tu dia dah berumur 27 tahun, aku 24 tahun. Kelakar beb masa awal-awal dulu aku panggil dia Kak sebab beza umur kitorang.
Ya, dia masa ni dia dah bertunang dengan orang lain sebelum aku kenal dia. Tunang wife aku ni, diorg ni lepas tunang jarang jumpa sebab nak jaga pergaulan sebelum nikah. Setau aku, wife aku cerita, tunang dia tak pernah sentuh dia. Kira diorang jaga batas-batas pergaulan sebelum kahwin
So dia plan nak cari duit untuk kahwin, nak buat bisnes sebab lagi setahun nak kahwin dengan tunang dia, dia nak kumpul duit kawin dia pun plan untuk buat bisnes income tambahan.
Konon-konon belanja kawin RM20,000 dia nak kumpul sama-sama dengan tunang dia. Tapi yang aku nampak cuma dia je yg ada effort untuk kumpul duit kahwin. Tunang dia harapkan gaji tak seberapa.
So aku offer untuk tolong dia. Kira aku tolong dia untuk buatkan marketing untuk bisnes dia. Masa awal-awal dia memang kerek gila. Biasa la awek cun. Jual mahal, tunang orang pulak tu.
Aku tolong secara percuma. Ya sebab aku syok tengok dia hari2. Yelah awek cun mintak tolong. Macam korang la bila awek minta tukarkan tayar tepi jalan. Sampai empat2 tayar korang tukar kan? Hahaha
Dia bagi syarat kat aku, 1) ingat dia tunang orang, jaga batas-batas. 2) Kalau nak jumpa tempat terbuka & waktu siang 3) Dia minta rahsiakan aku tolong dia, dia takkan bagitau aku tolong dia kat tunang dia, mak ayah dia & kawan serumah pun dia takkan bgtau.
So aku ok je syarat dia sebab aku suka kat dia walaupun dia tunang orang. Tak dapat jadi awek jadi kawan pun ok la. So masa tu memang niat aku just berkawan je.
Sepanjang aku jumpa dia, biasa la aku buat lawak punchline, bagi ayat sikit, sekali-sekala bagi ayat-ayat double meaning macam  “Seronok la orang tu malam pertama nanti”. Dia senyum je. Kadang2 gelak je layan lawak aku.
Selalu sangat bila duduk berdua dengan dia,aku perasan sesuatu. Walaupun dia tudung takdelah tudung labuh. Tutup bahagian dada tapi tetap tak dapat sorok kemekaran di dalam baju kurung & blouse dia. Keras encik zakaria aku ni. Tak tenteram aku time duduk sebelah dia. Bila balik rumah memang jadi modal la aku menembak. Bila aku sedar realitinya dia tu tunang orang. Murung aku balik.
Selepas 3 bulan, jualan produk dia secara online nampak hasil. Masa tu aku bagitau dia tak dapat nak jumpa dia siang-siang, sebab aku dah start ambik Degree PJJ kat UKM. Mula-mula dia frust jugak sebab kalau aku takde tak dapat nak tolong dia.
Last-last dia setuju untuk jumpa aku waktu malam. Aku bgtau dia aku boleh hantar & ambik dia kat rumah kalau dia risau nak keluar malam sorang-sorang. Dari situ dia dah start longgarkan syarat ketat dia sebelum ni.
Dalam 5 bulan,aku dah berjaya tolong dia kumpul duit kahwin RM20,000. Masa tu dia happy gila. Yelah kalau harap gaji bulan dia, mungkin setahun baru boleh kumpul RM10,000.
So dia cakap dia nak bagi aku hadiah. Dia tanya nak hadiah apa? Aku cakap aku nak tidur dengan dia. Tapi aku cakap dalam hati je la hahaha..
Aku dengan gentlemen aku cakap aku tak nak apa-apa. Dia tetap push aku dengan suara manja dia ‘ala bagi la tau nak hadiah apa?”
So aku bagitau dia, why not kita berdua pergi bercuti. Kita dah try hard smpai boleh dapat sales macam ni. Bercuti kat pulau ke, don’t worry kita pergi duduk bilik asing-asing.
Nak tau apa jawapan dia? Tunggu next part, kalau ada yang sudi nak baca aku sambung la....:rofl:
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
Wani ni bini orang. Anak 2. Umur 37 tinggal di area KL. Muka dia berkulit cerah putih kekuningan. Memang cun gila.
Agak tinggi sebab bila berdiri sebelah aku agak sama paras. Aku kenal dia dalam seminar marketing..(pandai2 la korang teka seminar apa)
Yg buat aku tak keruan, bila jumpa dia awal2 perkenalan dulu, dia bertudung hingga tudungnya tutup bahagian dadanya.
Walaupun labuh tapi tetap tak dapat sorok boobs dia yg membulat sampai buat aku tak senang duduk & berdiri.
Bagi aku Wani ni susah nak tackle beb. Bini orang jenis husband & wife Islamik. Kat FB dia pun siapa yg naughty dia terus block.
So kalau wife orang jenis cmni, aku guna teknik yg dalam marketing dipanggil teknik 'Supply & Demand'. Cuma aku guna cara ni untuk tackle bini orang.
Aku ambik masa lama hampir 2 tahun sampai aku boleh bawak dia ke bilik hotel & bilik tidur rumah dia. Hehe..
Sebenarnya aku sendiri tak percaya dalam taat dia kat suami tu boleh tahan ganas dia. Paling best time tgh pon the top. hahaha.
Ada sekali straight 3 hari berturut2 aku kongkek dia sebab masa tu we all sama2 pergi seminar yg sama 3 hari 2 malam.
Sekarang we all dah stop, dia nak kembali ke pangkal jalan. I very respect her decision
Gambar ni adalah gambar kali terakhir aku dengan dia. Ni satu2 gambar aku dengan dia
Sebab we all mmg jenis extra careful, stricly no pic, Whatsapp pun always delete chat history sebab kita masing2 ada family. Tu yg kami extra carefully
Cuma hari terakhir tu tiba2 aku beranikan diri minta bergambar dengan dia. Tutup muka pun takpe. Nasib baik dia ok
Sekarang aku dah tak jumpa dia. Kalau rindu tengok je la FB dia
Really missed her
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
With my wife
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
Meme ni balas dendam balik nampak 🤣
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
Kalau lelaki nak ada fetish nak fuck awek bertudung, ada tak org pompuan fetish dia nak kena fuck dgn lelaki pakai jubah/serban atau baju melayu
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
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Meeting hari ni dengan client kat Hotel. Wife to someone. Anak 3. I like her body.
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rizrahman7 · 4 years
Terms & Definitions:
Swingers: Typically a couple in which both partners are allowed to engage in sexual activities with other men and women outside of their relationship, often referred to as “full swap.”
Hotwife:  A wife who has her husband’s permission to engage in sexual activities with other men. Also the term used to describe the fantasy with the same scenario. In this relationship all extra marital activities are approved of by the husband. Trust, respect, and the couple’s love for each other are central to the relationship.
Cuckold: A man in a relationship with a woman who engages in sexual activities with other men and women outside of their relationship, usually with a level of cheating and or humiliation. -Cuckolding
Cuckoldress: The female half of a cuckold relationship. A woman who engages in sex with men other than her husband, usually imposing a level humiliation on her husband about her extra marital activities.
Vixen: One term used to describe a woman in a Hotwife relationship.
Stag: One term used to describe a strong male figure in a Hotwife relationship.
Cucky: A humiliating term used to describe a man in a cuckold relationship.
Bull: The name often given to a wife’s repeat lover in a hotwife or cuckold arrangement
Reclaim: A term used to describe the passionate sex couples often experience the first time they have sex after one of them has has sex with someone outside of their relationship.
Hall Pass: Often used to describe a onetime “free pass” given to one of the members in a relationship to enjoy one sexual encounter with a person outside of the relationship.
Half Open Marriage: Used to describe a relationship in which one member of the relationship has the other‘s permission to enjoy complete sexual freedom, while the one remains completely faithful.
Shared Wife: A wife whose husband “shares” her sexually with other men.
MFM: A three some involving two men and one woman. In this arrangement the men are straight and focus on the woman.
MMF: A three some involving two men and one woman in which the men are bi-sexual and engage in sexual activities with each other as well as the woman.
FMF: A three some involving two women and one man. In this arrangement the women are straight and focus on the man.
FFM: A three some involving two women and one man in which the women are bi-sexual and engage in sexual activities with each other as well as the man.
Humiliation: A sexual kink which usually involves the woman verbally abusing the man about his inadequacies and inability to satisfy her, most often because of his penis size or his lack of stamina.  
Tease and Denial: One partner sexually teases and leads the other on, only to get them excited and then deny them sexual gratification.
Edging: Binging a person right to the edge of orgasm and then slowing or stopping sexual activities thus denying them the pleasure of orgasm.
Ruined Orgasm: Bringing a person right to the point of orgasm, and then stopping resulting in a weak orgasm. This is usually achieved through the use of oral sex or masturbation.
SPH: Small Penis Humiliation, verbal abuse used to humiliate a man about his lack of length and or girth.
Male Chastity: A kink in which the man is most often secured in a chastity device, referred to as a cock cage, and is denied the pleasures of sexual intercourse as well as masturbation.  Couples who engage in this kink often try to push the boundaries of how long the man can go without sexual release. This fetish often includes a level of humiliation as well.
Cock Cage: A metal or plastic device which locks to secure the penis. It is used impede the man’s ability to masturbate as well as achieve a full erection without being release by his key holder.
Key Holder: Most often the wife of a man confined to a cock cage. The key holder has full authority over the man’s ability to and the frequency of orgasms allowed. Often the key holder will use time in the cock cage as a punishment for her dissatisfaction with something the man has said or done.
Pegging: Used to describe a fetish in which the female uses a sex toy or strap on to perform anal sex on her male partner.
Wife Breeding: A fetish in which the wife is involved in unprotected sex with men other than her husband. The men ejaculate in the wife, thus presenting the possibility of pregnancy by men other than the husband.
Clean Up: An activity in which the man cleans up a woman after she has had sex with another man. Most often this is done after a lover has ejaculated into the woman’s vagina and the woman’s partner performs oral sex on her licking up as much of the other man’s sperm as possible.
Sloppy Seconds: A term used to describe the act of having sex with a woman after she has already had sex with another man. Most often after the first man has ejaculated inside of the woman’s vagina creating a “sloppy” situation for the second man.
Size Queen: A woman who prefers man with very large penises. Often with minimum size requirements which must be met before she will engage in sexual intercourse with a man.
BBC: Big Black Cock, used to describe the oversized penis of a black man.
BWC: Big White Cock, used to describe the oversized penis of a white man.
Queen Of Spades: The name sometimes given to a white woman who prefers sex with black men, often with above average penises.
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