rja507 · 5 months
Week Ten
As of this week, all my models were complete, and there was nothing else for me to work on, so I took the rest of the time for this project to practice my skills of modelling, so in the future I can create better models and also be a lot more efficient.
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Nine
For this week I had begun to make a battery that the player will be able to break/interact with within this game, similar to the turret I had different designs.
But the final design for this battery took quite some time to create, as some of the tools that I was using within maya, I had never used/ hardly used before
Here are the jobs for the art team for this week:
Continue modelling and texturing
Pharrell to rework the animations
Create a hexagon shield for the player
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Eight
When I had completed the turret I had spoken with some of the design team, and i was informed of some improvements that I could make, so i took this week as the time to finish these improvements
Below are the jobs for the art team for this week:
Texture player grapple arm. 
Pharrell to tidy and redo some animations
Riley to continue working on turret
Shem to work on additional textures
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Seven
This week was more of a sit back kind of week where we decided to take the time for the design team to implement some stuff within the game and to also find out more things for the art team to create, throughout this time I decided to continue with my art project, the reason that I did this was because some of this project was partially 3d modelling for what I was creating, so I thought that doing this would give me some more practice for when I get given more things to model.
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Six
Throughout this week I took the model that we had decided to use for this turret and I began to develop this further so that it can begin to get textured and animated ready to put into this game
Below are the teams tasks for this week:
Continue working on turret
Continue working on animation, this week with a focus on the walking animation.
Begin working more on the player character and the relevant animations for this.
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Five
For this week I began to model some of the turret designs so that when I come to model a full turret I know I have the best outcome for the design. throughout this week I was able to get some basic designs done and during the meeting with the design team we were able to choose which design was best for the game
This week was a bit of a slow week, the art team was continuing on with the work from last week along side other work we had to do for university, just until  we got back into class and were updated with what's happening next.
The art team will have a meeting with design this week to discuss further art implementation.
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Four
During week 3 the art asset document was completed but I was not able to start work on this until this week, but during this week I began to work on making the folder that the player must reach in order to complete the game.
I had been assigned to also work on 3d modelling an enemy, to then pass on to Shem for texturing
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Three
Throughout this week I was told by my lead to continue working on these computer parts that we will possibly use for this game, while we were waiting on an asset list for things that will definitely be used within the game, so I took the motherboard that I began working on last week and continued to complete it, when making this part there was one main problem and this was the amount of polys that were used, for now I have decided to leave this model the way it is until I am informed whether or not we are going to be using this, if we do decide to use it then I will lower the poly count by removing a lot of the cone shapes as these parts are very unnecessary and the motherboard will not be affected without them.
During our sprint we have been assigned to continue with concept work for the characters and environments.
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rja507 · 5 months
Week Two
During this week, the art team took the time to start drawing up some concepts for levels and characters, I took it upon myself to start drawing up a level concept then begin modelling some of the items that could possibly be used for the background environment, this included items such as a CPU, a motherboard and a gpu. Over the course of this week I was able to complete making the CPU and begin work on the motherboard. I had some problems when it came to this but I will continue to work on this over the next week.
CPU Motherboard Motherboard Parts Computer Parts
During the sprint we were assigned to work on mood boards, but I was also told to continue working on some of these models
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rja507 · 5 months
Week One
For this task we separated everyone into 6 different groups in which we developed previous ideas for a game. I decided to go into a group for a game that Sukrita came up with. This game was a Parkour speedrunning game in which players would compete to finish first. To begin with this was a very basic concept, but with the help of our group we decided to add various things like a punch on a cooldown that would stun anyone hit, and also various power ups like a speed boost that would affect people differently depending on their position in the race. When all the games were pitched, 4 were chosen to be voted on for the game of choice for our AAA game project, after the votes were tallied it was decided that we would be developing the parkour game. The other three games that were in this vote was Tristan’s goblin scavenger game, Elton’s turtle fighting game and Ali’s open world hack and slash game. The next part of our day, the project leads sat down with different people and discussed strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are 3D modelling and environment design, while my weaknesses would be 2D art and character creation.
When going through the different pathways for leads, we started with design as this was the largest of the groups, and while going through there were some things said that helped me to realise that I would not like to go for the position of my pathway lead, when some of these people weren't picked they were told that they would be needed for too much and this would cause for some conflict when creating this game. I feel like I would be in the same scenario if I had decided to go for lead as I am the only one who is confident with 3D modelling in the group of artists that we have.
This week's plan:
Decided on team roles and responsibilities. 
Began looking at collaboration software, Setup Discord for communication within the team. 
Pick Directory position.
Decide on game concepts and begin working on conceptual stages.
Gather login information for Github, Jira, Confluence and Trello to begin setting up required platforms for work.
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