rjw-works · 1 month
Dear Systems...
If you have a larger headcount, you are valid. ♡ If you have a smaller headcount, you are valid. ♡
If you experience frequent switching, you are valid. ♡ If you experience little to no switching, you are valid. ♡
If you are an introject heavy system, you are valid. ♡ If you are a nonhuman heavy system, you are valid. ♡ If you're brainmade heavy, you are valid. ♡
If you have a lot of alters with the same role, you are valid. ♡ If your system doesn't use roles, you are valid. ♡
If your system has a lot of littles & middles, you are valid. ♡ If your system lacks any littles & middles, you are valid. ♡
If you love being a system, you're valid. ♡ If you hate being a system, you're valid. ♡
There is no right or wrong way to systemhood. Everyone's experiences are incredibly personal to one another. To fake is to make a conscious decision to. You are real and valid, no matter what anyone else says. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. ♡
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rjw-works · 1 month
pat your headmates on the back!
pat your traumaholders on the back! they helped you survive. you ALL survived thanks to their help.
pat your protectors on the back! they helped your survive.
pat the rest of your headmates on the back! they helped you survive and they deserve it.
-- ediva
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rjw-works · 2 months
Seeing how much I weigh makes me wanna vomit
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rjw-works · 2 months
I want to see results.
I want bony hands
I want visible collarbones
I want a sharp jawline
I want a flat chest
I want a slim stomach
I want people to hug me and be surprised by how bony I am
I want my boyfriend to pick me up like I weigh nothing
I want to be empty.
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rjw-works · 2 months
Me when I'm starving myself and I get the sudden urge to binge
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rjw-works · 2 months
Every day I look forward to seeing a smaller number on the scale.
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rjw-works · 2 months
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rjw-works · 2 months
everything will be fine take deep breaths. you haven't screwed anything up you haven't taken any steps back.
you are doing amazing your making progress. it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing or how fast they are doing it.
you are your own person. you are strong, you are smart and you are brave and beautiful. each day you are getting closer to your goal be patient with yourself
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rjw-works · 3 months
yesterday i went to a party and i kissed this girl and she kept trying to give me her linkedin and i was like ...LINKEDIN? and she said yes linkedin. so i said i dont use linkedin. do you have instagram though. and she was like yes i do have instagram. you should add me on linkedin. and i said i dont use linkedin. and she said i will add you on linkedin. and i said girl give me your instagram you are NOT flirting with me through linkedin. and she was like. ok. fine. here's my instagram then. and gave me her instagram, which she clearly uses a lot, so it wasnt even that she only uses linkedin but rather that she just wanted to talk to me through linkedin specifically. fascinating woman if i wasnt already attracted to her her unwavering loyalty to linkedin wouldve drawn me in for sure
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rjw-works · 3 months
I know I'm preaching to the choir but like. You know you can wear masks for other sicknesses. Not just covid. If you have the flu or a cold or a stomach bug you can still wear a mask to help prevent the spread of it to others if you insist on going out! I just think it's the polite thing to do
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rjw-works · 3 months
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rjw-works · 3 months
appropiate what's yours.
we know we can manifest our dream lives, have your desires, yadda yadda yadda… but can you actually do it? see, the ability to manifest is something we all possess. but the willingness to actually act on that is something that some people may need practice in.
to desire and to decide.
to have a desire is easy. we all do, eventually. nevertheless, to claim a desire as yours and appropriate it as such is a whole other step. it requires you to be bold, decisive and focused on what you want to manifest. if you have no problem demanding and accepting things you want to have to be yours, that’s 1 good for you and 2 you are free to either skip this post or read along.
all states belong to you.
now, for those who still need a bit of assistance: you need to learn to declare things as yours. it is of importance to become comfortable in your mind and to realise that any desire, any state, and any feeling is accessible to you. they all belong to you and you shall act like it. there is truly nothing embarrassing, haughty or delusional about it.
the only creator of mind.
see, no one's gonna steal your desires from you. no one's going to say "no" and call you out for wanting things without earning or deserving them. in fact, no one could ever get in your way because they don’t have the free will to do so. people are just you pushed out, a reflection of your imagination, a physical embodiment of what has once only existed imaginatively. and that means… the only person who could possibly interfere with your plans is you. again, nothing and no one outside of you exists.
the mind is limitless.
in case no one has told you, your mind is actually yours! it belongs to you! so USE it. this may come off as a little funny since it’s quite self-explanatory but you are allowed to think the thoughts you desire to think, to feel the feelings you'd like to feel, to decide how your reality should look like according to your personal preference and accept it as such. it's all up to you because your mind is yours. i can’t get in there and tell you what to think of. i can't stop you. and i certainly can’t tell you "no, this is impossible/unrealistic/illogical to manifest".
don't wish, just be.
don’t tell me who you don’t want to be. don’t tell me what you wish, hope or pray to be. instead, tell me who you are. what is it that you want to have? what is it that you want to experience? how would you want your life to look like? whatever it is that you want — if you know what it is — appropriate it. stop holding yourself back by only desiring things. stop stopping yourself. we all have desires we would want to make a reality, so go further.
it is now yours, only.
take it. it’s yours. you have given it to yourself. it’s done. i cannot take it from you, your sp cannot do it either, nor does anyone have the power to remove anything from you what you have already identified with. if you say it’s yours, baby, then it has no other choice but to be yours …
with love, ella.
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rjw-works · 3 months
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rjw-works · 3 months
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rjw-works · 3 months
STOP no more live-action remakes. We're going the other way now. Animated Casablanca. Animated The Godfather. Animated Oppenheimer. Animated Fight Club.
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rjw-works · 3 months
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Every time I dream I seem to keep falling
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rjw-works · 3 months
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🧿 to keep you safe from people who want to do you harm.<3 🧿
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