rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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다영 🌸   ↝   @little_deedee                                                                                    🕒  1M AGO
💬   calm before the storm ☔
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
dark hair.
“dark brown... or black?” dayoung glanced up from the two boxes of hair dye to stare up at the older boy, tilting her head in question as she raised said items to his eye level. she’s not sure what sparked the idea, but the girl decided she needed a change. there was a lot of adjustments happening between her family at the moment - her parents’ inevitable divorce no doubt just around the corner. there was nothing she could do other than give them their space and let the work whatever this was out. 
maybe she just wanted a change she could control.
“my hair’s been so light for so long... i don’t think i can commit to full on black.” she admitted, frowning at the dark headed model posing on said box. dayoung held up the lighter shade to her head - looking up at ten with hopeful eyes. “well? how ‘bout this?”
♥   (  starter  ➳ @tenrk​​​  )  »  DON’T CARE.
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
it was october, which meant it was time for cool weather and scary movies to grace every channel on the tv. the constant marathon of horror was practically inescapable on the days leading up to october’s main event - halloween. not that she complaining, of course. dayoung wasn’t one to scare easy when it came to horror movies. but she absolutely loved them. perhaps it was all the anticipation that it received, but she was just dying to see it; she had to. so she paid a dear friend a visit in hopes of good company.
“i know it’s sudden but-” dayoung couldn’t help but bounce anxiously on the heels of her feet, hands clasped together in front of her chest as she flashed puppy eyes up at cheng xiao. she wasn’t exactly sure how her friend felt about clowns and all that other scary stuff, but what would movie night be without her bestie? “come on, i’ll pay and if you cry i won’t make fun of you after, hm? please.”
♥   (  starter  ➳ @rkxiao​​​  )  »  YOU’LL FLOAT TOO.
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
as soon as flesh touched flesh, xiao’s nose scrunched up in discomfort. it wasn’t everyday people decided to squeeze her cheeks, but when they did it was also normally not anything big. while dayoung decided to take their cuteness to the extreme, the older stared at her with thin eyes. so a free hand gave the other a squeeze of her own. “then you must be their biggest nightmare!” if anyone had decided to enter the room at that exact moment it’d probably be a weird thing to stumble upon.
she let her hand go, letting it drop back on her lap. they probably had to practice, but doing anything else often felt like the nicest option. “we also get, like, half solo lines, so it won’t be nothing too challenging.” as much as xiao hated it when people attacked groups for having simple choreography, or a not so challenging song, simply commenting about it caused no harm. they’d get to just act cute and then leave, and there was nothing to complain about something as perfect as that.
“this is your first evaluation, right?” she could still remember her own, already so far away. “i can’t believe you’re getting to do oh! for your first one. they told us to create a song when i got here without much help…”
dayoung loved teasing the other, managing to make it cute and full of cringe at the same time. triple kill right there. plus cheng xiao’s reactions were always entertaining. except when she threw it right back her. “yea, yea.” the trainee released her friend’s cheeks hoping it would persuade her to do the same. dayoung frowned as she rubbed the red that began blossom on the assaulted cheek. although, she supposed she deserved it.
when dayoung finally let her hand fall from her face, the girl placed both palms flat on the floor behind her - stretching out with a loud, content sigh. “you’re exactly right, this is heaven.” she spoke with ease and although she slightly felt relaxed with the whole evaluation, there was still that part of her that told her she should be worrying. surely her first trc evaluation wasn’t this easy, this fun. and being in the same group with her best friend? something had to be off and she didn’t trust it ( or perhaps she should just learn to have faith in her company ).
she nodded, momentarily considering whether or not to voice her concerns. dayoung chewed her lip for a moment before bringing her legs out from under her just to splay them out before the pair. “right? it seems too easy. i feel like someone’s around the corner just waiting on us to get halfway through with practice to spring some extra stuff on us. they wouldn’t do that, would they?”
👑; cute line™
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
sic’s lips tilt– a twitch in the corner that makes a full blown smile cross her face. she laughs warmly, reaching out to ruffle up the strands of the girl’s hair. she gently pokes between the girl’s eyebrows, hand keeping up her chin as she assesses the girl quietly. “it’s hard, i’m not going to lie. i still struggle on some things.” her native tongue slips out easily, smile going soft and understanding. “don’t worry too much. if it gives you too big of a headache, we can stop for a bit. okay?” she cocks her head to the side.
sic hums as she leans back, tugs her hands to her chest as she crosses them. shifting in place, she raises her brow in question. the information settles in her brain as she narrows her eyes, staring down at the list of words and statements she was having the other sift through. “vocabulary? okay, well. that’s a starting point. if we up the vocab, you should get the hang out of it faster. right?” her tongue clicks in thought. “do you want to take a break while i rack my mind for some words to test you on? get a brain snack something or a drink.”
she can’t help the tiny smile that slips on her lips at the other’s actions, reaching up to quietly fix the slightly tangled strands of hairs that managed to fall victim to jessica’s fingers. the crease between her brows relax and dayoung allows herself to relax once again. she honestly couldn’t have found a teacher she was more confident in, and for free at that ( which she also lowkey felt guilty about ). the least she could do was make this easy on the woman so she nodded and told herself to relax. a little break and then she’d give her all, she at least owed both herself and jessica that.
“that sounds perfect.” her stomach rumbled at the mention of snacks, her mind completely leaving the task at hand in exchange for ideas on what they could eat. korean study could wait. “hmmmm, do you want something too? let me get you something, you deserve it.” thoughts of pizza instantly enter her mind, almost drooling at the mere possibility of the heavenly treat. quickly, she reaches over into the other chair where her bag rests, rummaging through it’s contents in search for her wallet. dayoung’s hands wrap around the leather before nimble fingers move to unzip the rather pricey wallet. “i think i’ve got enough for pizza? you like pizza right? or not? i can eat anything.”
rosetta stone ` jsy & idy
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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                다영 🌸        ↝        @LITTLE_DEEDEE        ↝        7M AGO
💬   🌈
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
( txt → dayoungie 🐰 ) ahhh omg please sneak me some ( txt → dayoungie 🐰 ) is that allowed?? don’t get in trouble!!!! ( txt → dayoungie 🐰 ) omg trc already has a talented beauty with you in it! ( txt → dayoungie 🐰 ) i could never compare anyways!!
( msg outgoing ↝ gahyeonie 🐱 ) idk but i’m im dayoung ( msg outgoing ↝ gahyeonie 🐱 ) i don’t get caught ( msg outgoing ↝ gahyeonie 🐱 ) if u don’t hush rn i’ll bring u to trc myself ( msg outgoing ↝ gahyeonie 🐱 ) JUST to show tiger jk what he’s missing out on
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
dayoung had taken it upon herself to go ahead and start learning oh’s choreography. it wasn’t too difficult, but the fact she would be performing alongside seven other girls made her uneasy. she had never danced with such a large group of people and while this was exciting, the last thing she wanted ( especially as one of the newer trainees ) was to fall behind the older girls. what would happen if she couldn’t keep up and ended up holding all the others back? now that was certainly not starting off on the right foot.
the sound of music from the speakers masked any sound from her new company. dayoung continued, oblivious to the set of eyes watching her, acting cutely and following as the choreography instructed. when she finished, she stood in place - just catching her breath. a soft noise of surprise left her parted lips and rocked her frame, hand flying to her heart as her eyes fell upon the other trainee’s reflection in the mirror.
quickly she turned to bow in the direction of the woman, eyes wide and hands bunched at the hem of her sweatshirt. “hello! yes, i’m a new trainee - im dayoung.” dayoung could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks but she was unsure if it was from her dancing or embarrassment, “sorry, i didn’t see you there or i would’ve introduced myself sooner.”
peeping // dayoung & yubin
Yubin wondered if she had startled the trainee. It wasn’t her intent, she was already on her way out of the company when she heard music playing through one of the dance rooms. The door was slightly open and the closer she got, the more she realized it was Oh playing. It only took a few seconds for her mind to connect the dots. Whoever was there had to be a trainee on her team and she was sure she hadn’t met the girl yet. Unless the trainee had managed to be in the company for a while and it flew under her radar.
She had cracked open the door a little and leaned against wall for support as she watched the other. The girl seemed to be picking up the moves and even the expressions. Once the other had finished, Yubin pushed herself off and walked in a little bowing her head. “Hello, I’m Yubin and you must be a new trainee?” She let her voice end in a question, just in case she was wrong and the other had been with the company for a few months.
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
sic’s not a teacher– well, she doesn’t have a degree for it, really. it wasn’t her major and truth be told sic’s not the best at it; sometimes she’s a bit too blunt, a bit less sympathetic and understanding to things. sometimes she pushes too hard and sometimes people just can’t understand her. but she tries her best to give knowledge and help others because past the sharp words and dry humor, sic’s a good person– or so she hopes.
“you’re not dumb.” is her immediate statement, added onto the clicking of her tongue as she narrows her eyes. she leans over a bit, trailing her eyes over the content she has scribbled down. “is it? i might have. i’m not the best at this, honestly.” she confesses, a sheepish look crossing her face as she taps her finger on the paper. “ah. what to do, what to do– are you having trouble understanding it when it’s verbal?” she switches to korean as a test, eyes narrowing as she watches the other for a reaction. “or…is it writing focus? let’s find a focus point and work from there. you with me?”
the teen raises her fingers to rub soothing circles onto her temples. dayoung inhales, willing away the headache brewing beneath her fingertips, and lets go with a large sigh. “i know, i know.” the woman’s words tame her insecurities, at least in that moment, and give her a little push into trying again. so she opens her eyes and forces her gaze back down onto the paper. nothing, still nothing. will this ever get better?
“no, you’re great! i should be on this level - why can’t i read this...” she trails off, taking a final shot at deciphering the scribbles on the sheet. slowly, she takes in each constant and vowel but to no avail. it wasn’t getting any clearer anytime soon. dayoung forces back her frustration as she slumps back into her chair, fingers beginning to tap random beats on the wood of the table. the teen hums in thought before answering, “yea. reading is the hardest for me, i think because my vocabulary isn’t exactly the best...” 
rosetta stone ` jsy & idy
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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             DAYOUNGIE 🌸        ↝        @IMYOUNG        ↝        37M AGO
dayoungie 🌸  has updated their story! seen by 72 people
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
✺  ˚.  FLIERS ; TRC TRAINEE EVENT. status: capped!
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dayoung plans to head out to hongdae this weekend to finally give out some trc fliers! equipped for long hours out in the sun, she’ll be on the streets from noon to late afternoon - so come on out ♥ please give this post a like if you wouldn’t mind receiving a flier from this girl, she’ll need about 8 so pretty please show her some love~
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
dayoung took a sip of her water, nodding in agreement but keeping her eyes locked on the idols moving across the screen. they look flawless, sound flawless - probably are flawless and she feels the pressure to do just as well weighing on her shoulders. it was a burden to perform such a popular song, the expectations so high when the originals did it so well. but then again, as trainees, weren’t the expectations already high?
“they’ve never seen a more pretty group of girls.” her wavering self esteeming laughs at her words - the professionals flashing on the screen smiling so perfectly, so tauntingly back at her. what was it - fake it til you make it, or something like that? 
she offers the other a quick thank you before sticking her hand into the bag, unintentionally taking a handful that spills into her lap. dayoung eyes it for a moment, contemplating eating the gummies slowly or just shoving them all into her mouth. she ultimately goes for the more lady-like, mannerly approach and slowly nibbles on a single candy. “go for it. is there really anything that looks bad on you?”  
pretty & nasty
“don’t they look so pretty?” she lays on her stomach in the dance studio, legs swinging behind her as she chewed on gummy candy, secretly snuck in inside her backpack and hidden between her arms so they could be tucked under her chest if anyone were to walk in. yeri looks at the girl next to her, pointing to the screen as they watched the video. even dance practice videos seemed like productions when she watched real idols do it, though she assumes that in a way, they are productions.
“it’s fine though. one day we’ll be pretty like that too. in fact, we’ll be pretty like that when we do this. our trainers will be shook.” she has a good amount of confidence about this, either confidence or inordinate positivity, though she likes to think it’s some mixture of both. and how could things go wrong when she has such a good team around her? turning toward dayoung, she pushes the bag of candy toward her to offer some, then looks back at the screen. “i want to dress edgy like that. i don’t know if it’s really my thing though.”
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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                                  bad girls do it right   ♬   #rkaug17eval
                                  baby, hold me till i e x p l o d e                                   stop thinking, what’s so hard about this?                                   kiss me like it’s a lie                                   as if i’m your last love                                                     
                                 ♥       (  team  &  @rkjinri  @rksoohyun @rkyeri  &  look  )
training got easier, days went by faster, her greed growing with every second she spent under trc’s influence. dayoung supposed she should be worried - thing were going well ( something that always came with a price ). it was the end of august and the girl felt the best she had in awhile. evaluations weren’t as stressful as the last and things had managed to calm down at home, well for the most part at least.
this time around, she would be able to show a better, new side of herself. dayoung was excited to stay the least.
dayoung played with the ends of her braids as the group situated themselves before the panel. they filed into a line and she took her place at the front - head cast down and hands falling from her hair to her side. quickly she whispered words of encouragement to the girls behind her, falling silent before jumping into the first few movements as blackpink’s as if it’s your last started up.
♪ ~ little bit of that little bit of this little bit of that gimme gimme gimme gimme little bit of that ~ ♪ 
this style was different than what she had shown in her first evaluation, a more charismatic and charming performance than her second. she was cute, softer and more cutesy songs typically suited her well; it wasn’t a challenge for im dayoung to tug at your heartstrings dancing to a chi chi or she’z song. so this was definitely a change for her. 
not to mention the fact she had taken on the roll as the group’s rapper.
♪ ~ 마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼 마지막 밤인 것처럼 love 마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼 내일 따윈 없는 것처럼 ~ ♪
the trainee craved a challenge - wanting to be that triple threat good enough to beat anyone out. now this was certainly an easy start, especially considering the beat nor the lyrics were that complicated. she performed her lines with confidence, the english lyrics falling from her lips with such familiarity it filled her movements with pride.   
♪ ~ uh imma fall in love baby you gon finna catch me uh give you all of this baby call me pretty and nasty cause we gonna get it my love you can bet it on black we gon double the stack on them whoa! i be the bonnie and you be my clyde we ride or die xs and os ~ ♪ 
the beat of the song allowed fun choreography, a fact dayoung was grateful for in the hours they spent practicing it. the dance called for four performers and thus resulted in minimal confusing formation changes ( unlike those she had done before ). the girls weren’t forced so close together so her movements came unrestricted and comfortable.
♪ ~ 마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼 마지막 밤인 것처럼 love 마지막처럼 마-마-마지막처럼 내일 따윈 없는 것처럼 ~ ♪
the song was drawing to its end - dayoung making sure to show with was enjoying her performance with smiling and continuous eye contact with the panel. she was certainly not the best rapper nor dancer ( although she’d much like to believe the latter was true ) but she was surrounded with talented trainees who she had naturally grown comfortable with. 
the four finished their performance, the song fading out as the girl’s breaths filled the room. dayoung waited a moment before bowing, apologizing profusely when one of her braids swung and hit one of the other girls in face. oops?
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
✺  ˚.  UPDATES ; WHAT’S NEW WITH DAYOUNG? new information as of, 08 / 31/ 17
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her dad has made an unannounced visit in sk. she loves her dad a lot but with the arguing between her parents, home life has been stressful. 
moved in temporarily with family. her grandmother’s health has improved since her arrival so she takes dayoung in problem free. it’s just a few minutes out of seoul so it takes her a bit longer to get to seocho.
dropped her ballet and gymnastic lessons. in the best interest for her current status as a trainee, her and her mother decided it would be best to focus on the idol future she had ahead of her.
july’s evaluation was hell. pretty much. her skin is still peeling from sun burn and she just got rid of a nasty cold. also suffered a few bruises to her legs but nothing too serious happened, thankfully.
pet issues. decided against getting a pet until everything is in order again and she’[s back home. her mom’s thinking maybe a bunny for a graduation present?
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rkdayoung-blog · 7 years
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💬  practice makes perfect 😋 
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