rkheunji · 4 years
without doing much, sphere had answered one question eunji had for a while. would they add any more girls and if they would, when. the answer came in the form of more auditions and now they finally had more people joining the roaster. and now it was time for her to introduce herself. ( after the company made the first ones. )
it was just a little bit before they had to start the group practice for glass shoes. "hello! and welcome to heartz." eunji bowed her head to the other girl, "i'm eunji and i'll ask you right off the bat, how do you feel about our group evaluation?" it was half and half when for her when it came to this one. the song wasn’t her style but the dance was enough of a challenge to keep her interested in. and more than that, she just wanted to make some conversation. 
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rkheunji · 4 years
eunji tried not to worry, living through minhee has much as she could. so far, there had been four girls and not one of them was her. which was fine. ( it wasn’t. ) and she tried not to think about it too much, which a hard thing to do. since she wanted to get it out but she couldn’t complain to the other girls. more than that, eunji tried to focus on what she was going to do for this month. 
she had just came back from making a trip to the bathroom when she heard someone call her name. ah, it was sooyoung and it looked like she was back. “sooyoung! welcome back~” and now eunji had something else to focus on, living through sooyoung. “no, not really, i have some time. did you just get back?” the first place she was go was to her bed. 
―returnee ༄
as soon as she was back on south korean soil she felt an immediate sense of relief, she had liked both iceland and london but nothing was like home. it wasn’t long until she was back at sphere, first she had dropped by the dorm to drop of her things but after that she had gone to the sphere building to see the other girls. smiling widely she wondered how they all were doing if everything was working out.
in her hand she held a bag, a bag of gifts that she had bought while in iceland that she wanted to give to the girls ( yes even the new ones that she hadn’t gotten around to meet properly ).
the first person she saw at sphere was eunji and she smiled widely and with excited steps she approached the female, “eunji,” she muses happily once she’s caught up with the female. she hadn’t been gone for long but she felt like it had been such a long time since she had seen the female, or any other trainees ( with the exception of luda and minhee of course ), “are you busy?”
―w/ @rkheunji ༄
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rkheunji · 4 years
Her eyes were focused and intense as she takes in Eunji’s every movement. The choreography suited the other girl greatly and for the first time in this whole experiment, Eunbi thought that Sphere is finally going to get to know their trainees’ perspective. How individually, Eunji’s routine is so different from her own and distinctly Eunbi, she hopes that Sphere takes that into consideration when choosing the girls who would end up debuting and joining the group. 
“I’d loved it! It’s very you, Eunji-unnie! There were some parts where I felt like you were a step behind but otherwise you were very sharp.” Smiling brightly as she watched Eunji settled, “Really? I’ve worked on the music arrangements for it two days ago and just managed to complete the choreography yesterday so I would love to hear your opinion on it.” Standing as she makes her way towards the speakers, “if you don’t mind?”
this was still the planning stage, she didn’t know what she wanted to do next. and she didn’t want to be lazy about it, even if she didn’t know what she wanted to do, she needed to prepare something at least. so, it was still good to get feedback, even if she didn’t end up going with this. she could save it for later. 
and the feedback wasn’t so bad, nodding her head. “no problem, i’m happy to help.” eunji allowed herself to get a little more relaxed. now that she had finally caught her breath. at some point, she’d need to work on her stamina. it was good to help each other, they would be in a group together. “what will you be doing? a cover or something original?” either way, eunji was sure that whatever eunbi had ready would be great. 
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rkheunji · 4 years
In all honesty, his head was spinning. Sure, it wasn’t as though Moonbok didn’t have any experience with this kind of this things before, he’d no problem admitting that he’d had his share of girlfriends (and boyfriends, though they’d always been kept secret.), but Eunji was different. She wound him up in ways that no-one else had managed before now. It was both amazing and slightly terrifying.
(Maybe it was all to do with the thrill of what was between them being utterly forbidden by Sphere.)
Captured in another kiss (a ‘shut up’ kiss, at that), Moonbok let himself melt into it, his arms tightening slightly around his girlfriend. Only when oxygen became a dire need did he break away, breathing heavily, his cheeks flushed and his hair a mess around his face.
“You… You’re seriously gonna kill me one of these days, y’know that, Eunji-yah?” he asked breathlessly, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before gently maneuvering both of them away from the counter, lest they somehow manage to break anything. Moonbok laughed at the expression of discontent on his girlfriend’s face and squeezed her closer to him.
“Come on, take pity on me. The counter was digging into my back! If you’re gonna attack me like that, can’t you pick somewhere comfortable~?”
eunji found herself enjoying her make-out session with moonbok. more so happy that moonbok was finally letting go and giving her what she wanted. even when he pulled away to breath. ( and who really needed to do that? ) she pouted, some say woman shouldn’t be too forward but it wasn’t something she applied to herself. how else would she get what she wanted?
and she wanted him. 
“a girl can try right?” she grinned, boarding on a smirk, which was followed by a pout as he really pulled away. ( who said he could do that? ) then her eyes brightened, “we can continue if i can pick? no problem.” in a second, she pulled moonbok away from the kitchen, tugging on his arms. for a moment eunji considered the bedroom but her boyfriend was a lil shy, instead she opted for the couch, pushing him onto it. then she took on herself to sit ontop on him. “i think this is way more comfortable.”  
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rkheunji · 4 years
Luda was already seated at the table before she really processed the little ambush. The girl’s serious expression made her a little nervous—had she done something wrong? She’d barely been around though, so that shouldn’t be it. Still curious, Luda waited for the other to talk first and once she heard Eunji’s question, it wasn’t really all that surprising. Her shoulders relaxed again and she took a moment to think her answer through. They were allowed to talk about their solos, but she did want to leave a bit of surprise left and everything would really be a bit too much information to stay interesting.
“Well, it’s a surprisingly soft song for summer, not upbeat at all. It’s about a person who fell in love but doesn’t have the courage to tell the other person,” how ironic, this is exactly how she would feel in the protagonists situation. “It feels a bit like looking out of a bus or train window when travelling for a while and simply staring at the sunlit scenery passing by,” she added as a more ‘emotional’ kind of description.
She was smiling at the other’s curiosity and took a moment to think again. There was so much to talk about, yet at the same time Luda didn’t want to bore her. “Hm… ah! I won’t be filming in Korea either!” she added, her smile widening and if this was a fanfiction, her eyes would probably be described as 'sparkling with excitement’.
“Is there anything more specific you’d like to know?” Luda asked.
the song seemed like a fairly safe one, leaning towards a ballad. it wasn’t a surprise that sphere like to flexed the vocals a bit. about the feelings? she hadn’t reached that state yet. eunji was rather straight forward person. “it seems..sweet and romantic, it is sweet and romantic.” if not a little boring but she didn’t want to say that. “do you feel like it fits you? concept wise? vocal wise?” 
“you won’t?” eunji pouted, almost laying out on the table. “can you put me in your suitcase and take me with you? i’ll make it work.” if she got picked, she hopped she’d have the chance to film outside of korea. a little different from minhee’s though, you didn’t get to see much of paris in the music video. “honestly, i wan tot know everything, whatever you can tell me.”
“oh! and help me figure out a way to sneak on set.” she was joking, slightly. 
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rkheunji · 4 years
。˚∘ comfort zone ;
chungha still feels unsettled with the choreography even as eunji says it’s fine. but she feels worse when eunji tells her that she could do better.
“no i can’t,” chungha quickly responds with wide eyes. “i didn’t even come up with the choreography! you see that? it’s amazing that i kept up during the workshop.” though admittedly the video was when she had finally mastered the full thing. she didn’t bother cleaning it up yet. knowing how long its been, she possibly would still be shaky with it still. she needed to clean it up, needed to get more fluid with her movements.
“look how jerky i used to move. i definitely can’t come up with something better.” she sighed. something always held her back when it came to choreography tweaks. she always felt herself hesitate. “honestly, any time i think i can do something, i fail miserably.” in truth it was her being so cocky she just sets herself up for failure.
“this is my thing. dancing? i can nail this but i don’t want to be so cocky that i just end up messing everything up. i don’t know how much i can fix…”
“yes, you can.” eunji’s response was even quicker. in fact, she placed both hands on the other girl and pulled her close, her gaze serious. “okay, so you used to move jerky, it’s been a while and you have to clean it up.” all of that good stuff that her unnie seemed to worry about it. “you don’t have to change it completely, if you’re worried about it. just upgrade it a little.” it was just the peak of her skill. 
“you said this was a years ago right? you’ve improved since then, i believe in you.” and maybe, it was time to be a little honest. “sure, if you create choreography now, it might not be enough for them to pick you this month but singing is my thing and look at me.” she hadn’t been picked for debut yet. 
“but it does show them how serious you are with you craft. yeah, there is a chance you’d fail but you will definitely fail if you don’t give it a try.” 
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rkheunji · 4 years
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RKHEARTZ / June Eval / ‘God’s Menu’ 
she couldn’t believe herself.
or the confidence she had in this dance since she switched it up last minute. honestly, it was very last minute when she thought about it.
still, she made her choice and now it was time to stick with it.
sure she had the dances mapped out and the moves perfect by her and for her. each song she had selected had been carefully chosen and she spent the last three weeks making sure she got it down. then, the release of one song and it only took a few days to change her mind.
she’d cover that instead.
then realizing she only had a few days to get it done. so, eunji set out to get it done. learn it, perfect it and put her own style on it. during the last week, almost no one saw her outside of group stuff. she spent time her working on it. it wasn’t just about knowing the moves.
she wanted to own it.
that was her thought as she walked into the room to do her eval. bowing and then getting into place. this was pure hip-hop and she didn’t see heartz doing that at all. still, it was different from her previous song choices personally and what they were given for the group performances.
the music came on and eunji got right into it. there was rapping but seeing as she only had to dance, she was pretty happy about it. that didn’t take away from her moves though, doing them with as much confidence as the real artist. minhee said to do something she had fun doing and this one was it.
the lyrics, the dance. they came together perfectly in her eyes.
( she wouldn’t have minded singing the chorus. )
then her favorite part came, the small break down. she wasn’t sure if it could be considered the bridge of the song but whatever it was, it was nice. the control and ease you would have to have to do the this part. after that, she tried to go as hard as she could, it was the end of her performance after all.
eunji found herself breathing hard once it was over but there was a smile on her face at least.
she still had been able to pull off the a very last minute change.
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rkheunji · 4 years
she felt guilty not spending as much time she used to with eunji nowadays due to the whole heartz situation, so she was happy to watch the girl practice and help her review her performance to help her give her winning chance. this evaluation fascinated her since it was purely dancing no singing or rapping, she was excited to see what everyone prepared since eunji, sua, chaeyeon, chungha & juyeon are really good dancers. it was truly the heartz dance off clearly this role would be for someone who’s main dancer. it is suspicious they haven’t released information on what our future roles in the group, it is only assumptions. minhee do feel like they were chosen due to her charisma since it was all about visuals in the music video. 
minhee happily cheered eunji after her performance but it was cut short by seeing her friend looking very irritated by the fact she wasn’t picked, it must be scary thing to be feeling wondering not be picked or not. “I think they are got master plan, they are choosing girls which are suited to their concepts which we have no idea what it is….you are talented performer and I think your time will come soon-” she hummed in thought wanting to help her dongsaeng, “you should do dance which makes you happy and enjoy doing- people look best when they are having fun and showing their passion for dance.” she explained being honest on what they want to see since the audience do not want to see robot dancing on stage.  
“master my ass.” eunji muttered, trying to not sound like too much of a brat. ( she’s working on it. ) yeah, sure..minhee was right in the fact that they needed a concept that matched her. and she didn’t vibe with any of the concepts so far aside from minhee’s. ( ballad’s weren’t really her thing. ) but she was a good vocalist so, it just didn’t make sense to her. 
yeah, she was a little bitter. 
and then minhee’s response to her question did not help at all. as calmly as she could, eunji placed her hands on the other girl’s shoulder and shook her her a bit. “unnie..unnie..that did not help me.” then she dropped her head into minhee’s lap. ( more like just flopping across minhee. ) “i need you to make the choice for me, duh.” 
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rkheunji · 4 years
she was stuck. once again. eunji had went through the process of creating choreography, only for her to want to change her mind again. it was tough and she tried not to think about it too much, even if she had to make a choice pretty soon. it also took eunji a minute to realize that chungha was speaking to her. ( too busy being torn. )
when she did notice, she made her way over with a smile. “oh yeah, sure unnie.” she didn’t mind helping and she didn’t mind helping chungha even more. eunji took the phone, going to play the video from the start and focused on it. once it was over, eunji handed the phone back over. “honestly, i think it’s fine and good for the eval...” then she trailed off. 
“but i think you could come up with something better.” chungha was a star in her eyes. 
。˚∘ comfort zone ;
hubris and ambition were chungha’s fatal flaw. it’s her own pride that could get in the way of her succeeding. she never seemed to succeed until she was at her lowest. and since recent developments, she decided that strolling through this experience with her head held too high for her own good wouldn’t have helped her. now it seems like she can’t get her confidence back.
she watches the choreography on her phone for the hundredth time. it was great. it was going to be perfect for the evaluation but it wasn’t….perfect. it needed to be tweaked. that’s what her brain was telling her. something about it was off and it was bothering her. but a part of her was also telling her that she was being too ambitious again. it would never work out. it would be a failure.
she rubbed her eyes. it was frustrating.
“hey eunji?” she called out, looking at the other. “can you watch this choreography video? it’s from a class i took years ago. wanted to do this as my evaluation. can you tell me what you think of it?”
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rkheunji · 4 years
“i seriously, think she is.” it was very easy eunji to accept that fact. minhee just managed to have a little something about her. and for the rest, she simply stared at moonbok with a grin. ( they finally had a date. ) 
she heard the ‘wow’ and eunji wet back to her food, not paying much attention to anything but it. until she heard moonbok say he was an asshole, something she didn’t agree with at all. and then he went silent for a second and finally eunji reached, taping him until he came back to her. 
“you weren’t an asshole..” or maybe he was. but that wasn’t something that could bother her too much. “maybe a bit, but i was a bitch, i still am. i’m also an asshole as well. it balances everything out.” her frown was replaced with a small laugh. “but yes, a lot of things happened in the last two years and mostly good things.” 
“You’re not a bitch, who the hell said that you?!” Granted, Moonbok was well aware that Eunji mightn’t have been the nicest person in Sphere (or in the world, for that matter), but ‘bitch’ was a bit much, as far as he was concerned. He certainly knew people who were far worse personality-wise than his girlfriend. 
“If anyone ever says that to you again, I’ll end them…even if it’s the CEO herself…” he mumbled, scooping the last few pieces of food into his mouth and even managing to pout while chewing. Letting out a soft huff, he pushed his plate aside as he mulled over Eunji’s words.
“Mmh…. you’re right. I mean, here we both are, at Sphere, when we were nobodies before hand. Well, I was anyway.” he hastily amended. “But the best thing was meeting you and going on that first date…. I’m still glad you didn’t slap me that day outside Sphere, though. Even if you had the right.” he flushed slightly, especially when he realized that Eunji’s plate was now empty too. Buying himself some time and using the opportunity to hide his red cheeks, Moonbok hurriedly scooped up both their plates and utensils and headed towards the sink, already trying to mentally prepare himself for whatever his girlfriend had planned.
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rkheunji · 4 years
they were slowly trickling in, everyone that was apart of the group evaluations anyway. even still, they had a bit of free time until it was really time to get to work. eunji spent that time walking around the room until she stopped next to chungha. "unnie~" she sing-songed, because someone as cool as chungha deserved the title. ( yes, she could be slightly picky about who she gave the title too. age or not. )
"what do you think of this month's song?" it was bright and cute but intense in a way. "it's not that bad this time around." she could see the focus on dancing as well. "i think i'll be able to get this down fairly quickly." maybe quicker if she wasn't focused on creating her choreography for her solo performance.
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rkheunji · 4 years
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mia :: dun dun (200207)
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rkheunji · 4 years
“You’re not a bitch, who the hell said that you?!” Granted, Moonbok was well aware that Eunji mightn’t have been the nicest person in Sphere (or in the world, for that matter), but ‘bitch’ was a bit much, as far as he was concerned. He certainly knew people who were far worse personality-wise than his girlfriend. 
“If anyone ever says that to you again, I’ll end them…even if it’s the CEO herself…” he mumbled, scooping the last few pieces of food into his mouth and even managing to pout while chewing. Letting out a soft huff, he pushed his plate aside as he mulled over Eunji’s words.
“Mmh…. you’re right. I mean, here we both are, at Sphere, when we were nobodies before hand. Well, I was anyway.” he hastily amended. “But the best thing was meeting you and going on that first date…. I’m still glad you didn’t slap me that day outside Sphere, though. Even if you had the right.” he flushed slightly, especially when he realized that Eunji’s plate was now empty too. Buying himself some time and using the opportunity to hide his red cheeks, Moonbok hurriedly scooped up both their plates and utensils and headed towards the sink, already trying to mentally prepare himself for whatever his girlfriend had planned.
he was cute. getting upset over the truth. eunji was a bitch. maybe not as much as before but she knew it. “tons of people.” but she reached forward and put a hand on his. “but mostly me.” she didn’t mind calling herself out. ( it’s not as if it changed her much. that was most likely worse. ) “awww, is bok willing to fight baek jiyoung herself for me? i’m flattered.” for added measure, she fluttered her eye-brows. 
“hey, i’m still a nobody in arms.” she hadn’t debuted yet and her stint on the mga’s wasn’t that helpful. by the end, she was pretty sure people were wondering who she was and how she got a contract. “don’t worry, if you do something deserving of a slapping, i’ll get right to it..” she trailed off as she watched bok, a twinkle in her eyes even though he couldn’t see it. “though..not all slapping has to be bad...” she hummed at the end of her sentence and walked up behind moonbok, wrapping her arms around him. 
if only she was able to see his face following her next words. “you know, i’m not just a bitch. i can be a brat too, a very big brat.” then she spoke just a little lower, as husky as her voice could get. “i like to push too, test limits. sometimes, i just might need a strong hand but tell me bok, how long do i have to push before you snap?” she hummed again. “i’ll figure it out soon enough but it’ll be easier for you to tell me up front.” 
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rkheunji · 4 years
after talking to minhee for a bit, eunji finally had a sort of idea about what she wanted to for this month's evaluation. she'd show off a few different dance styles, a quick minute for each. then it had been the painful process of putting it all together. bit by bit and right now she finally had something she wanted to show off. which was she was thankful that chaeyeon didn't mind watching her practice.
"so what did you think?" eunji said as she finally sat down on the floor, breathing a little heavily. the mix had been a minute of three different songs, a scratch separating them. it showed of a variety of dance skills. "and if you want! i can watch you to, if you have anything you want to work on?" eunji didn't mind lending a helping hand seeing as chaeyeon was willing to help her out.
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rkheunji · 4 years
"alright." eunji's face turned completely serious. she had just managed to catch luda. with her being one of the girl's on the month, it had been hard for eunji to see her. and now? it was even harder, but eunji managed to catch her during lunch, pulling the girl along to sphere's lunch room. it wasn't often that she ate here but she didn't think they'd have time to go somewhere. so once they had table, eunji was completely invested in luda.
"tell me everything about your solo." minhee kept her mouth shut and didn't give eunji the details she wanted. it couldn't have been that much of a secret and she felt like the other girl wanted to tease her. "don't hold anything back like minhee did, tell me everything. i'll know if you leave anything out." eunji was dying to know, at this point she'd be living through the other girl until she got her own chance to debut. if she got her own chance to debut. "i'm all ears.” 
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rkheunji · 4 years
"now, before i ask, just say yes." that was the first thing that came out of eunji's mouth as she turned to sua. training was officially over and there was still a little sunlight outside. the problem? eunji wasn't ready to go home just yet. she thought about a few things she could do and finally settled on something. something she loved, shopping.
"come shopping with me for a bit. i haven't had a real shopping spree in a such a long time." this would also be sua's first time finding out just how much eunji loved spending money, this time it just happened to be clothes. "i want to try on outfits and everything." especially the cashier didn't believe she could pay for all of it. for extra measure, she gave sua her best puppy eyes. "please, i won't keep you out for too long, i'll even get us food." and for extra, extra measure eunji pushed her lower lip out in a pout. "you'll have fun i promise."
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rkheunji · 4 years
she saw minhee just a little less than she did before. but it was enough to put her out of sorts, on top of her other feelings. so, eunji felt lucky that she was able to grab minhee for a minute, mainly because she wanted her friend to watch a few performances from her. she still had enough time to play around with dances before she settled on one to perfect. “i, eunji, am always working on improving myself.” she started, just as they sat down in the practice room for a break. ( eunji sitting down to take a break and get a review from minhee. ) it was also bullshit that she was working on improving herself but it was a nice way to start out. 
“i am irritated and i’m working on not being irritated.” minhee really was the only person she could talk to about this. the only person in heartz at least. “you get first girl and i get it. i don’t make two, i don’t make three. they deserve it they do but..i’m worried.” then she made a face, as if it hurt to say it out loud, being emotional. “so, help me not think about it so i don’t become bitter.” already, slightly there. “do you think i should lean towards a more hip-hop stylist dance or something a lil special. though sphere wouldn’t really need that type of dancer. not for heartz, what do you think?” 
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