rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
once she’s on her feet, she inspects the damage to her palms. grazed, as she expects, imprints left behind where she picks tiny gravel off her skin. after her hands are cleared, she brushes down her clothes, straightening her cute skirt and adjusting her right foot in its shoe. the offer still stands to come inside, and yeonjung is sure, after one quick glance down at her knees, that even the potential of having something for her injuries is enough for going inside to be worth the while. besides, the girl had asked so politely, and come out to check on her in the first place. turning down her offer now would only be rude. yeonjung didn’t want to be rude. not to those who helped her, at least.
“thank you,” she breathes out softly, bowing her head twice before slipping past the girl and into the store. she’s right; it’s much warmer inside, and it washes over her body like a wave. she sighs in relief. “I’m not— scared.” she chuckles, the very idea of anyone being scared of her — of all people! — tickling her. “you are. very nice. thank you for helping me.” she’s probably a little late saying it, but its sincerity can’t be doubted. her eyes curl as she smiles, teeth on full show.
she quickly closed the door behind them, not letting the cold air from outside try to take over the store. it took her a second of panic to realize they had no chairs around before scratching the top of her head, coming up with a plan as she moved forward. making the other walk down some stairs sounded like the worst idea she could have - especially since once you got down a thousand nerdy eyes would lay on you - but she could make things work. “we have a lot of chairs downstairs, but you’ll just get a special one instead.”
jiae opened the way to behind the counter, moving her own chair to the middle of the store so the girl could sit down. there was nothing special about it except that it was owned by yoo jiae herself and it had some wheels that still worked pretty well, even if people loved to slide around on it (sunday included). “just sit tight. it’ll be a minute!” she ran into the staff restricted area where the products were stored, and after properly looking around the single desk no one even looked at she was back by the other with a first aid kit in hand. “i can push you near the display games if you want to play while i take care of that bruise. it’ll probably sting as i spray it so i would recommend a distraction.”
☀️️  first aid
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
miss trainee person. she almost questions it, though she ultimately opts against it. while it was a title that she could get used to with time, dawon certainly hopes that it doesn’t stick around, given that it particularly lacked in excitement. in fact, she figures that the best move to make would be to ignore the comment entirely, as showing too much enthusiasm or discontent would only solidify its presence in each of their minds. still, maybe she’ll remember it so that she can use it when jiae gets signed as well, whenever that may be.
a genuine smile resides on her features as she intently listens to each word that escapes jiae’s lips, not allowing her focus to falter for even a millisecond. dawon feels a considerable amount of happiness simply knowing that yoo jiae’s birthday has been enjoyable, regardless of whether or not she’d been there to experience it with her. she deserves it, she thinks, smiling in the other girl’s direction as she admires her with bright eyes. she takes a moment to appreciate just how cute jiae can be when she’s enthusiastic about something, hoping to hold onto this memory for the rest of her life.
dawon experiences no shortage in curiosity as jiae adorably hops for a bit, anticipation building up as she waits for the mystery of her dad’s present to be solved. when she finally hears it, however, her heart sinks into her stomach, feelings of disappointment consuming her entire being. she doesn’t let it show on her facial features, however, as her years of acting had helped her become quite decent at making an illegitimate smile appear as genuine. of course. why wouldn’t he get her a car? maybe she should have thought about that before making her way down here. this entire idea was stupid in the first place, and it was already clear that the best present had already been given. to give jiae a present now would be the same as dawon attempting to follow-up a beyoncé performance. “that was yours?” she asks with false enthusiasm, her smile growing slightly wider. “oh my god, that’s great! i’m so happy for you!” a pause. “i… wow. a car. he’s amazing.”
her own excitement made the other’s acting skills work even better. if she was so happy about getting that car then the happiness her best friend was showing must have certainly been real, right? why wouldn’t dawon be just as excited? jiae could take her on rides whenever she needed, and maybe even let her play the songs she wanted - though that’d probably take a little more time to happen. “yes! isn’t it just gorgeous?” to say she was in love with it would be an understatement. the girl even thought the strong color matched her perfectly, and of course her father would have planned it well all by himself.
“well, he works with kia, so me getting a car was just a matter of time. he never told me it was going to happen, of course, but i ended up being right on guessing it.” she squeezed her fingers a little bit tighter, breathing in and out to calm down her nerves before dropping her hands back on her lap. “enough about my dad and the car i still need to name, though.” sunday shook her shoulders in a little dance. it wasn’t like she could pretend to not have seen it for too long, and to wait for dawon to find the best time to do it would end up eating the older alive.
“i know you did your best at hiding it, but you do have a big bag right there and i’m hoping it has a present in it and not some dirty clothes from practice.” she shrugged. if it ended up being another bad comment like the cake jiae was ready to jump out the window, though all she could do was hope it wasn’t. “but i could always be wrong.”
🍬  sunday candy.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
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160929 Korea National Police University Festival © scheherazade | do not crop or edit.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
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              When I see you                      I'm getting strange bebe                              I'm nervous bebe                                   I'm serious, I feel dizzy                                          ↪  bebe ☀️️ performed by yoo jiae & nam dawon
it was funny how when you and your best friend lived together, had your own recording room available at all times, and were both musically inclined, spotting the two performing something together was actually a hard thing to achieve. maybe an impromptu duet on the living room while listening to a good, new song wasn’t that hard to happen, but it also wasn’t the real deal.
yet there they stood, in the beginning of spring, in the middle of a park, while wearing special outfits. what had triggered their so anticipated collaboration? who knows? maybe the weather, maybe the flowers, or maybe jiae’s allergies had taken control of her body. her normally irritated nose had decided to calm itself on such an important day, and for that she was thankful. it wasn’t like that performance was going to be something simple and casual like her last one, but something they had actually poured their complete heart into. they had the singing, the dancing, and the rapping down, and nobody was going to stop them.
she gave her friend a pat on the back as they waited just outside the stage, trying to give dawon some confidence even if the pair was known for not lacking it. it was a thing that was truly never bad to have too much of - or at least before going on stage to perform something they had spent so much time preparing for. though the key was to have fun, right? sunday’s head still pounded with her just wanting to look good.
the song had both an exciting rhythm and a choreography that made you want to follow. the lyrics also got stuck in your head too easily, so a better pick was highly improbable. it pretty much fit the formula for a perfect song. not sunday’s personal favorite, but she also wouldn’t skip it if it was the next song on random.
jiae got most of the cute-sounding lines, and she honestly couldn’t be bothered. she saw it as managing your voice however you wanted to, and also as an extreme advantage. it wasn’t her usual voice, of course, though she could also use either one to sing. a lot of people couldn’t sing even if they tried, so getting to do it two different ways (and not sound awkward while doing it) was one of her many strong points. dawon got to do it too, but the other’s vocal abilities were nothing to compare. it was like placing lettuce next to a nice bar of chocolate.
the chorus was something good to scream your lungs out in a concert, though jiae doubted anyone was going to do it in the middle of a friendly park. those kind of performances were the kind you really couldn’t expect public interaction. you could wink at random people, sure, but they weren’t actually going to sing the fanchants and dance along unless you were performing a chi chi song. in that case, even sunday would have joined in on the excitement - and she wasn’t even as big of a fan as dawon was. everybody and anybody knew chi chi songs. it was like knowing the national anthem - they all had to learn it.
before anything happened jiae honestly believed she was the better dancer between the two, but nova’s training system was no joke. she had three classes a week, but it was still nothing when you put it to a comparison. of course that she would never say it out loud - especially if dawon was around to listen - but that was the truth she believed in now. the other’s moves flowed much better, and she looked much more elegant, but it wasn’t like sunday was going to trash herself. if she was amazing, dawon was simply a little bit more amazing. she’d be coming for her dancing ass once she got a trainee title, which was a time that certainly needed to come.
if dawon ended up debuting while she still worked at up games it would just be the most devastating thing to happen. of course, she’d be happy for her friend’s achievement, but it’d also feel like a great, big trick from the universe. some people had dreams they weren’t meant to achieve, but jiae wasn’t going to be one of them. she’d fight the universe if it was needed, but she wasn’t planning to be left behind.
“you did well.” she told the other with a smirk, both still up on the stage after the song was done. her eyes probably made it look like a mock, though most things she said seemed like it (and some actually were). “i think i did better, though. just a little bit.” jiae pinched the air to show the difference between the two, the space between her fingers being minimal. once upon a time she would have one hand on the ground and the other up in the air, but sunday had learned to be reasonable. “don’t think much of yourself, now.”
with another pat on dawon’s back, she hurried to the stairs, making sure to walk down first just so she was going to win at least once that day. no competitions were actually in place, but that was sunday.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
it was the night before her birthday, yet all dawon wanted to do was sleep.
another hard day of training at nova was all that it had taken to leave her feeling worn out, ready to collapse into her bed the moment that she’s reunited with it. as effective as it may be to put everything that she has into her dance training, her body doesn’t always agree with her actions, even if she was an athletic person. the sheer amount of practice she tried to put in was draining, to say the least, but she believes that she has what it takes to persevere. even now, she knows that this is only the beginning.
“i’m home.”
the shower she’d taken upon reaching the apartment was rejuvenating, though she still couldn’t take her mind off of getting to sleep. it just seemed so appealing in that moment; a perfect way to relax her muscles one last time before her special day. the journey to her bed began as soon as she was dry comfortable in her pajamas, not even taking it upon herself to speak a single word to jiae in the meantime (though she did smile in her direction).
the nap proved itself to be just as heavenly as dawon had imagined it would be, though her only complaint would be the lack of a good dream. she’s not yet ready to wake up, yet her eyes flicker open all the same. a glance at her phone is enough to tell her that it isn’t her birthday yet, but midnight would be arriving somewhat soon. she quickly slides her glasses on before her bare feet carry her out of the bedroom, and her initial thought is to find jiae.
her lips curve into a half-endearing, half-amused smile as soon as she lays eyes on the girl, light laughter falling from her lips a moment later. you’re a mystery, yoo jiae. “hmm, i wonder where jiae scurried off to…” she wonders aloud, trying to add fun to the situation. “could it be that she left the apartment?” she lets out a melodramatic sigh, faux sadness heavy in her tone. “that she actually forgot that my birthday is coming up soon? aah, it’s a shame… i was hoping to celebrate with her…”
her body didn’t know what breathing was while it laid in contact with the cold floor. it felt like just taking in some good, old oxygen would be just as bad as dancing in front of a t-rex while wearing a shirt with ‘eat me’ written in big, fluorescent letters. though instead of getting a dinosaur biting her arm off, the reptile decided to be funny. if only dawon knew what jiae had gone through to be where she was then she would have certainly not just stepped on her emotionally.
sunday slowly pushed herself away from the ground - first sitting up, then fixing her hair, before finally standing back next to the blender. the smaller cleared her throat after petting the machine, her ego deeply hurt. “hello, dawon.” she finally gathered the courage to stare at the other in the face, but she also instantly regretted it. her gaze fell back on the blender in front of her, still running her fingers across its details. “i’m afraid i did not forget your birthday, and that exact fact may also be why you’re awake.”
she threw her hair behind her shoulder, trying to act like she still had some sort of good reputation. “the plan was to bake a cake, but i didn’t think about the blender bit - not that it was my fault. i did nothing wrong, of course.”
☀️️  cake au pollen
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
god, jiae’s pouted lips were cute. dawon’s jaw drops as a hand is dramatically raised to her chest in response to jiae’s notion about taking the money with her. it was all in good fun, she knew, but how else would she pay for a meal if she didn’t have jiae with her? dawon’s love for food far outweighs whatever pride she possesses, and that proves to be more than enough to prompt her next words. “wait, don’t go! you know, i didn’t actually have to wait that long.”
“what can i say? the weather was nice… i have no regrets about waiting out here, trust me.” she takes a moment to find the same dog she’d been distracted by earlier, pointing it out to jiae a moment later. “you see the dog? right over there?” she questions, focusing on its cute features a moment later. “i had them to keep me company. i didn’t get the chance to meet the little pup, though—but it was still cute to watch.”
“with that being said, i do think i’ve spent enough time under the sun for one day.” she was already beginning to feel the slight rumbles in her stomach, and she’s grateful that the two of them are almost ready to share their meal. “so i’m going to have to vote that we get inside for now.” she gives an affirmative nod as soon as she’s finished speaking, content with her answer. “after you, yoo jiae.”
dawon’s request for her to stay was an instant win and it brought a smile to her face. taking food away from the younger was basically cheating since her love for eating was so immense, but jiae had played low many times before for it not to be a shock. “i’m dying to sit down and i just got here. how could you not want to hurry inside as soon as you arrived?” though sunday was the old lady between the two, always ready to sit down while the other liked going for runs. they were basically two sides of the same coin.
she looked behind her where dawon was pointing at, her eyes eventually spotting the dog after a few seconds of struggle. cute animals always managed to soften even jiae’s fake cold heart, and she couldn’t help but drop her shoulders as if they were melting. “who am i to compare to such a being?” her head turned back around, her lips then flattened. “but then it was no company! it’s like admiring your crush from far away - which doesn’t mean you two are dating.”
the smaller let out a snort before stepping into the restaurant. “i’m the only sun you need, nam dawon!” the place didn’t look too big, but it wasn’t close to being small either. in case of doubt you only had to breathe in to catch some of the delicious smell. if it smelled great then it must taste great, right ( not applied to perfume )? “hi! we’re only two people today. we’re commemorating a great achievement!” sunday told the employee with a bright smile. maybe they’d give them some extra food and you could never suffer for trying.
🎉  celebration.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
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GoldenClasp uploaded a video !
                   끄덕끄덕 (Nod Nod) - Nam Woohyun Kang Insoo // Cover by Sunday                                                      ( 0:34 - 4:52 )
Published on April 16th, 2017 Happy Birthday, Nam Dawon~!
it wasn’t just any day.
actually - it was. it was still just a tuesday, yet jiae wasn’t going to put the regular effort on something so special. the lyrics weren’t long, so it didn’t take too much time to learn them. the fact she listened to it whenever she had the time probably helped it, but she liked to think it was just her big brain. the song-picking process wasn’t too long - just choose one of dawon’s favorite artists and find a nice one. and it had to be emotional, too, so the chance of her friend crying would be high.
was it mean that it was one of her wishes? to make dawon cry because of a nice gesture? did that just completely take out the nice thought in it and just make her look selfish?
well, it was too late. she was already in her recording room singing the same line over and over again to make sure at least one of them would come out deserving of her friend to hear. as soon as dawon got home sunday would pretend nothing special was happening - just recording earlier out of boredom. and she went back every night to rerecord everything once again. she cut and pasted each file, overlapping them when necessary. it was like all those times she had recorded a song didn’t mean anything because she had to learn everything again. her mind was a blank - nervous.
no, jiae wasn’t nervous. that wasn’t a feeling she normally had. dawon was going to like it. whatever she did came out great, didn’t it? nothing to worry about.
the cover was completed before expected, and whenever she had the time she would listen to it instead of the original. her ears caught every little detail, making her come back to her room after work to change what was needed. someone just stumbling on her video probably wouldn’t notice the small things she wanted to change, but what if nam dawon did end up enjoying it and then listened to it whenever she got the time and then noticed the rookie mistakes yoo jiae made? how humiliating.
she grew fond of the final product. it was perfect. whenever she tried picking at something the jiae on her ears told her otherwise. 
the feeling inside wasn’t her being nervous, it was just the anticipation. if she had enjoyed it so much then dawon would enjoy it too, right? if not then sunday could just kick her out of her apartment. but she wouldn’t, really. she didn’t have the guts to. she certainly could do it to anyone else, but just not nam dawon. she was too good - sometimes she even did the laundry! jiae couldn’t get rid of someone like that.
she was going to like it.
사람을 잊지 못해도 울다가 I cry because I can’t forget 사람을 잊고 싶어도 울다가 I cry although I want to forget 결국 욕심이라 전부 내 탓이라서 In the end, it’s greed, it’s all my fault 내 맘속엔 내가 숨을 곳이 없네요 There’s no place for me to hide in my heart
나 하루하루 말이 없어지는 건 Day by day, I talk less and less 겁이 나 이제 와 모든 걸 말하기가 So I’m afraid to say everything now 그대만은 이런 날 오해하지 마요 Don’t misunderstand me 소리 내 말하지 않아도 내 맘을 들어요 Even though I’m not saying it out loud listen to my heart
내 굳은살 같은 눈물 My tears are like calluses 또 숨이 돼 버린 한숨 My sighs become my breaths 난 그래도 또다시 그리워 But I long for you again 사랑을 믿느냐고 묻는다면 If you ask me if I believe in love
끄덕 끄덕 끄덕 Nod nod nod 또 기다린다고 I’m waiting again
다 지나간 건 잊으라고 하지만 They tell me to forget everything that has passed 이제 와 왜 내가 모든 걸 잊어야 해 But why do I have to forget everything now? 새삼스레 아플 건 내게 있지 않아 I don’t really have to be in pain 설령 나 울고 있더라도 위로하지 마요 Even if I’m crying don’t comfort me
내 굳은살 같은 눈물 My tears are like calluses 또 숨이 돼 버린 한숨 My sighs become my breaths 난 그래도 또다시 그리워 But I long for you again 사랑을 믿느냐고 묻는다면 If you ask me if I believe in love
나 무뎌져도 결코 Even if I grow numb 내 가슴 안에선 결코 In my heart 그대 하난 지울 수 없어요 I can’t erase you 이것을 사랑이라 부른다면 허면 If you call this love then
끄덕 끄덕 끄덕 끄덕 Nod nod nod nod 또 기다린다고 I’m waiting again
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
박경 (블락비) (Park Kyung (Block B)) - 자격지심 (Inferiority Complex)(Feat. Eunha Of GFriend)
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
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            Is it an inferiority complex, boy?                     I told you several times I only have one person                          It’s cute, you’re not acting like yourself                                 ↪  inferiority complex ☀️️ sung by yoo jiae & park kyung
oh, spring. oh, pollen.
the girl was known as sunday, but instead of the expected summer, she preferred the warm spring. it wasn’t like she fit in the flower girl category, yet what was there not to like? the weather wasn’t too hot, and her favorite color was pink - though there was always pollen, wasn’t it? her allergy made her sneeze whenever it wanted to, and even if it wasn’t very pleasing maybe the red nose would help her fit in with the season. at least she wasn’t the only one.
the park was filled with trees, and filled with people, and filled with people that sneezed because of the trees. jiae was one of them, turning her head to one side so she wouldn’t sneeze on her partner.
oh, park kyung.
they had been friends for quite a while. she liked his sandwiches though he certainly didn’t. thankfully he had kindly agreed not to steal her job. not like sunday was actually going to let him do it with her amazing strength and powerful attitude, but the collaboration seemed like a great solution to their problems. the song was chosen without much deliberation. If she wanted to do it they were going to do it.
after climbing up on the stage jiae let out a final sneeze, telling her body not a single one would be accepted in the middle of the performance. her hands made sure her hair was in the correct place before giving her friend a smile, and the person in charge of starting the song a nod. just the simple instrumental on the start was enough to bring in the spring vibe. the girl counted with her fingers as the numbers came on song lyrics, pointing both her gaze and hand at the boy by her side. 1. 2.
You 도대체 문제가 You, what exactly is the problem? 뭐야 말 좀 해봐 Tell me You 질투하는 거야 You, are you being jealous? 자격지심인 거야 boy Is it an inferiority complex, boy? 몇 번이나 말했잖아 I told you several times 나에겐 한 사람밖에 없다고 I only have one person 귀여워 너답지 않은 너가 It’s cute, you’re not acting like yourself
at first, she acted with her chin high like some sort of brat. not only were her acting skills extremely good, but finding jiae on brat mode wasn’t too hard of a challenge. the lyrics were about a boy who thought the girl preferred someone else while the girl had eyes for no one else but him. so as kyung looked at her sunday acted indifferent, singing out the words as if she found his situation extremely pathetic. when he looked away she got her heart eyes on. she was already singing with her cute voice, so all she had to do was make her eyes wider and grow a pout.
as soon as his part started jiae looked away. her eyes instead admired the people standing around. they had come to the park to enjoy the new season either with their family, a date, or by themselves, and sunday got to make their day a little bit more enjoyable. she waved at the kids who looked her way, but the same bright smile she gave them she didn’t dare give to kyung. maybe it was just for the sake of the song, but sunday would still act the same way out of the stage if he got on her nerves. if anything that just served as some extra teasing.
왜 그리 자신 없어 Why don’t you have more confidence? 어딜 보긴 뭘 어딜 봐 What do you mean, where am I looking? 어느 누구와도 너를 비교한 적 없어 I’ve never compared you with anyone 소심하게 굴지 마 Don’t be all self-conscious
she placed a hand on her waist, scanning the boy from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. then she looked around, not being able to understand his side of the story. the more she tried to act the truer she made it seem. if you were ever the one right on a discussion against yoo jiae you’d know the girl just refuses to accept she’s wrong. kyung had found himself in that same situation multiple times, and every action she made somehow mocked him. so she chuckled, not being able to contain the joy it brought her.
You 도대체 문제가 You, what exactly is the problem? 뭐야 말 좀 해봐 Tell me You 질투하는 거야 You, are you being jealous? 자격지심인 거야 boy Is it an inferiority complex, boy? 몇 번이나 말했잖아 I told you several times 나에겐 한 사람밖에 없다고 I only have one person 귀여워 너답지 않은 너가 It’s cute, you’re not acting like yourself
why was he trying to act so cute? whenever the boy thought of getting too close jiae would just hit him on the arm, pushing him back to his side of the stage. on other times she’d just look the completely opposite way. it wasn’t like she hated when people acted cutely - she actually enjoyed it -, but the thing was it was kyung. after her lines ended sunday lowered her mic, letting out an annoyed “why?” that on her mind sounded way cuter than anything he had done so far.
왜 그리 자신 없어 Why don’t you have more confidence? 아무것도 필요 없어 I don’t need anything else 내겐 누구보다 큰 너 You’re bigger than anyone else to me 나도 알고 있어 남자는 다 똑같애 I know too that all guys are the same
with one hand on the mic and the other on her chest she felt bad. not legitimately bad, of course - don’t you get it wrong. it was certainly just because of the lyrics. jiae placed a hand on his arm, reassuring him that there was nothing to worry about. instead of fighting his cuteness with indifference she started fighting cuteness with cuteness. she wasn’t quite known for doing it in her daily life, but because she liked saving it for when it was needed, not because she wasn’t good at it. that way it became much more powerful.
You 도대체 문제가 You, what exactly is the problem? 뭐야 말 좀 해봐 Tell me You 질투하는 거야 You, are you being jealous? 자격지심인 거야 boy Is it an inferiority complex, boy? 몇 번이나 말했잖아 I told you several times 나에겐 한 사람밖에 없다고 I only have one person 귀여워 너답지 않은 너가 It’s cute, you’re not acting like yourself
as the end slowly crept up on them she looked back the audience. her experience with being on stage made that simple performance feel more like just singing at home with a friend. although there was a number of people standing in front of them her guess was some were just waiting for their turn, and some others were just there because they saw it as the main attraction. her eyes could still spot people far away enjoying their picnics or their dates while also moving along to the song’s melody. jiae herself was guilty of singing along to some songs that played before their turn. and it wasn’t like anyone could honestly dislike spring, right? it was filled with pink and… pollen. oh, no.
빠라바빠빠 Pparabappappa 빠라바빠빠 Pparabappappa 빠라바빠빠 Pparabappappa 빠라바빠빠 Pparabappappa 넌 모를 거야 내 맘을 You don’t know how I feel
his ‘pparaba’s came up first and sunday quickly scrunched her nose as an attempt to stop the sneeze. it seemed to be working, but the fact she also wanted to laugh didn’t really help much with her situation. jiae shook her arms like a chicken, her best plan to date. though when it was her turn to sing the girl kept her extreme professionalism and pinched her nose to make sure she wouldn’t just sneeze onto the microphone. her voice came out funny, which only made her want to laugh even more, but she managed to withstand it.
when her part was done she let go of her nose and the problem seemed to be solved. so her hands started clapping along to rhythm, acting like nothing had happened though the cheeky smile clearly gave it away.
혹시나 해서 말인데 I’m saying this in case… 난 아무 상관없는데 I don’t care 그러는 거 자격지심 맞아 맞아 But that’s exactly an inferiority complex
just like she had started it jiae also finished the song. as soon as the last beat went off the girl turned around and sneezed. oh, spring. the same hand she had sneezed on found its way towards his back, giving him a couple of pats. “don’t go too overboard with the cute next time.”
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
☀️️  cake au pollen
the plan was simple: bake a cake while dawon slept.
sunday had checked if they had all the ingredients needed and bought the ones they hadn’t the day before. she tied her hair up to make sure it wouldn’t fall into the mix, adding multiple hairpins on the strands of hair that decided to rebel against her. it was a special day and she wasn’t letting anyone ( or anything ) ruin it. it wasn’t only going to be her best friend’s birthday - but also a sunday, so it was bound to be a good one. her eyes followed dawon as she walked into their room for a power nap before jiae basically jumped off the sofa and dashed towards the kitchen.
things were going well. jiae had cracked some eggs; threw in some flour; mixed the batter. and then her eyes stared down at the thing right in front of her, finally realizing the hole on her plan: the blender. sunday carefully transferred the brown mix into the glass jar as if that was what made the most noise. she stared at it once again, fingertips hovering right in front of her lips while sunday fought the urge to bite her nails off. if she just did it short and sweet it wouldn’t be a problem, right? so her fingers slowly moved towards the red button. jiae took a big breath before twisting it towards the full power before switching it back to off.
as soon as that single second was over the girl crouched down as low as she could go, hiding behind the counter. she waited for a few seconds, but after no movement was heard she stood back up once again. and then the entire process kept repeating itself. and again. and again. and- click! was that a door? sunday simply threw herself on the floor, hoping she wouldn’t be spotted laying in the middle of the kitchen and in one of her lowest points in life.
she should have just bought a cake.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
“i will end up dying anyway,” she confirms, a slight frown taking over her lips. she doesn’t want to stop playing the game, though it’d be a part of the rules, and she generally tries to stay as true to the rules as possible. “we could always turn it into a super fort, but it’d probably take way too long.” maybe in a perfect world the two of them would have possessed the ability to hold one spot of the battlefield forever, though, sadly, that simply was not the case.
in a matter of moments, the ambush has already begun. was it a group of others taking a stance against the two unaware girls at last? dawon’s guard had been let down just so that she could hold a conversation with jiae, and she’s almost sure that it’s going to cost her her life in the game. there’s no way we can survive this, especially since i’ve already taken so many shots. it was a pessimistic way of thinking, though she’d say the situation warranted it. she tries to fight back, to shoot the ones attacking the both of them, despite the fact that they’re outnumbered. so long as they take at least one down, she’ll be pleased. at least i’m not falling victim to betrayal.
“how would we even turn this into a super fort? gather some chairs and throw a blanket over them?” jiae scuffed, being the usual brat people knew. “there are no chairs in water war, dawon. there’s only water and war.” and those things were exactly what came to them. her eyes caught the attackers as they approached, but after the initial reaction of trying to defend herself, sunday told her arms to stick to where they were. the younger could be seen firing away, though sunday quickly closed her eyes so no shots would temporarily blind her.
she didn’t have to count them to know she was dead. there were already bullet wounds, but as a number of people attacked her from every angle jiae had taken enough to die a million times (or maybe just, like, twice, but it was nice to dramatize). after realizing they wouldn’t be getting much reaction from the standing cadaver they stopped shooting. sunday moved away from the wall, bowing to her assassins in respect before looking for her friend whose dreams had probably just been crushed. “come on, nam dawon. it’s time for our funeral!” she moved a hand towards the other, calling her over. “i heard dinner is going to be delicious. fresh meat, they said!”
💦  mortal frenemies
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
after having a long day at work, it’s obvious that the one thing sujeong is looking forward to now is the end of her shift. she’s already had to deal with hours dealing with one lecture to another and she’s already wanting to go home and nap before waking up late at night to do homework. she’s obviously not the most ideal university student, but she’s giving herself credit for at least trying her best to make it through. and obviously, effort is more important than success (at least that’s the mindset sujeong lives with).
after finishing her last order, she sighs in relief before walking out from behind the counter, taking off her apron while doing so. after going in the back to grab her things and leave her folded apron, she walks out and heads her way to the door, making sure she doesn’t collide into anyone like she did last time. oh, she remembers last time. she was going to go on a study date with a cute boy from her period, but with the coffee stain on her shirt, she left him unimpressed.
this time, though. sujeong didn’t really have much to do. and usually, when she has nothing to do, she goes visit her friends who work in shops next to cafe cozy. after walking around a bit, she finally finds a familiar place that she drops by from time to time. with a grin, she opens the door and enters “up games”, looking at all the games and gaming consoles around the place before she eventually finds the person she was looking for behind the cash register.
“unnie!” she says excitedly, making her way to the front of her. “hey there! i haven’t seen you in a while!” by that, she means four days. “did anything exciting happen to you while we weren’t talking to each other?”
she played with the card on her hands, though kept it hidden under the counter. ever since the package had arrived people swarmed around her like little ants looking for some candy - though they were actually just some big nerds wanting to see a full art pokémon card. they were all taller than her, but no one dared to get too close and risk damaging the product. she had always had a power over them with her strong attitude, but it was still funny to mess up with their hearts as she moved the package a little bit too fast, or pretended to drop it on the floor.
after letting them see it for a few minutes jiae told them to scatter. some went back to playing a game, and her coworkers went back to work. sunday had personally retired from playing a long time ago, but the girl still couldn’t resist buying the pretty cards. it didn’t just make her special folder look amazing for even the pokémon noobs, but also made the pokémon nerds cry.
“sujeong!” a smile made its way to her lips when she spotted someone who wasn’t one of the regular guys. the other always managed to add a little bit of joy to her days. “ooh, yes! look at this!” jiae raised her alolan ninetales card for the other to see, probably blind to how good it actually was. “sweet, right? you want to hold it?” when anyone else had asked to do the same she hadn’t even allowed them to breathe too close to it - but it wasn’t like the younger was going to rip it apart on accident or anything. “just be careful.”
cozy buttons;
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
in the coldest winter days, he just had to be out with jungmin’s family of three. not that the rapper minded, but it was just too sudden. and the fact that they surprised him in one of his free day, they were lucky. a nice feeling it was when he saw his younger twin, and his spouse right at his doorstep without even having any plans to meet them at all. they proposed the idea of having a day out, knowing that jungha himself has been stressing out lately for not being able to drop anything as much as he wants to. the older twin simply couldn’t refuse the younger, especially when they were connected one way or another. twin telepathy if you will, and they knew how stressed he was, and they both needed this. jungha for clearing his mind, and calming down, jungmin for just catching up, and letting his family know jungha a bit more.
and there they were, in the middle of the mall, just finishing their lunch. while munching, and grubbing, soomin stated that she wanted ice cream, which was hardly a shock for someone was only 6 years of age. and jungha, not eating much as always, finished earlier than the rest, took it upon himself to guided the child to an ice cream parlour. little did they know that on their way to grab the delicious cold treat for her was when it happened. it was his fault, but he would never admit to it. with his hand holding on to the little girl, and the little girl to him, they bumped into someone who seemingly just got their ice cold snack, before the drop of all its deliciousness. following a slight smirk forming, with an almost inaudible voice, jungha whispered, “jesus christ.” calling for the innocent mind, telling her to stick close by, he didn’t know exactly what happened.
her eyes stared at the boy, probably burning his skin just by the intensity of it. ‘jesus christ’ and that was all that was said. jiae honestly wanted to curse, but after staring at the little girl by his side for a few seconds (much less intensely) she decided it would be better not to. if the smallest was the one with an ice cream lost then the situation would have probably been completely different. someone would be crying, everybody would get flustered, yet jiae would have gladly offered to buy her a new one. she often acted like she was never wrong, but adding a child and food to the same situation made the best option obvious. she was a nice person whether you wanted to believe it or not.
“is that all you’re going to say?” her hands angrily moved in the accident’s direction, brows furrowing in annoyance. “not even a ‘sorry’?” wasn’t the world supposed to be getting nicer? although her words were strong they weren’t loud, not actually trying to make a ruckus out of the situation. all she would have needed was an apology, but his facial expression and lack of care weren't really helping her mood. “you know this is your fault, right? so if you could pay for a new one that would be great - and you don’t even need to say anything if you’re the type to go mute in these situations. i just want some ice cream.”
☀️️  oops
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rkjiae-blog1 · 7 years
why me? it was a question yeonjung seemed to ask herself more often lately. why is it me who had to go seventeen years without experiencing all these fun things? why is it me who can’t seem to kick a football more than a few metres? why is it me who has to fall to their hands and knees right next to a big, open shop window? 
the world’s greatest mysteries, indeed. 
yeonjung’s knees hit the floor before her hands do, though both graze just the same at the impact. perhaps she should’ve worn jeans today. even though she couldn’t have anticipated this, she certainly knew beforehand that it was ridiculously cold and yet she had still put on a cute skirt. the regret that sinks her stomach is oddly familiar. 
tears threaten to spill, but she holds them back for her pride in front of the kind stranger who comes to ask if she’s okay. weakly, she shrugs. “I’ve… been better.” she needs to push herself off the ground, but it’s difficult with her heart racing and her body aching. she’d ask for a hand, but she’d get gravel on the poor girl’s palms. “come inside?” the offer is very much appreciated, and the encouragement she needs to try pushing herself to her feet. 
when the other started standing up by herself jiae moved her hands towards her, not actually touching but making sure the girl wouldn’t just fall back down again. truth be told that wasn’t something that happened very often. people either kept the control on their feet or were kids throwing a fit at their mom for not buying them what they wanted - and then either threw themselves on the ground or accidentally slammed a body part against the window. though no one actually came in to ask for help, so that was going to be a first.
“well, it’s definitely warmer inside, and we may have something for your bruises.” so sunday pushed the door a little bit more opened, placing her back against it so the way would be free for anyone who wanted to enter. hopefully the one in front of her would be one of them. “unless you’re scared of some big nerds - but, trust me, they’re more scared of you than you are of them.” and then a smile showed on her lips before extending her hand towards the girl, palm up, just in case she needed some help walking. “and, i mean, i’ll be there, and i’m very nice.”
☀️️  first aid
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rkjiae-blog1 · 8 years
if you see me first, scream. it was a simple enough command, and it didn’t take long before the simple words had practically created a game within dawon’s head. she wasn’t looking for waldo this time around, though perhaps she was looking for someone even more important. where’s jiae? her eyes dart around her, refusing to rest until the other female has entered her line of vision. at one point, the thought crossed her mind that this could all be some elaborate prank set up to leave her searching all day, though she ignored it.
her defeat is finalized when she hears a ‘ya!’ coming from the other side of the street, mostly due to the fact that she’d allowed herself to become distracted by a nearby dog (and the fact that she hardly has perfect vision). how could she resist looking at such a cute animal? well, she couldn’t resist, and it was now extremely clear. she doesn’t regret it either, given the fact that she’d had a rather nice time looking at the adorable animal interacting with it’s owner.
when jiae finally reaches her side of the street, dawon greets her with a smile that she’d been unable to resist. “yoo jiae!” jiae looked cute, perhaps even too cute, and it would be impossible not to smile in the presence of such an adorable person. if questioned, she’d most likely wave the smile off as being due to the excitement she felt after being offered a contract, despite the fact that the sole factor was jiae’s arrival. “aah, it took you long enough. i feel like i was waiting for years.” she’s mostly teasing, given the fact that she hadn’t minded the short wait at all.
a hand fixed her bangs after the short run just to make sure she would be looking her best. there was no one to impress except everyone out there, so jiae always tried keeping a good appearance - except for when she was at work and people were screaming over the new pokémon cards - but there are exceptions to everything. though the girl dropped her hand a second later, thinking maybe she should have let them a little it messy so dawon could shine on such an important day. it wasn’t everyday you got signed, after all, and sunday knew that very well.
“i just got here and you’re already complaining.” she gave the other her best annoyed expression, adding in some slightly pouted lips to make it look more real. “maybe i should just go, then, if my presence is so badly received.” sunday pointed a single finger at the taller, puckering back her lips for emphasis. “and i’m taking my money with me!”
though it was obviously just a joke. a second later and she already had a regular smile on her face; a hand rising to fix her bangs. that time she didn’t drop it back down, but mostly because she didn’t really notice. “i told you to wait for me before eating, and not to stay outside under the sun.” perhaps she could have been clearer, but seeing dawon actually following her orders made her extremely joyful. “but we can continue outside if you want - or get inside and start eating.”
🎉  celebration.
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rkjiae-blog1 · 8 years
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GoldenClasp uploaded a video !
                                  Doll (인형) - Lovelyz // Cover by Sunday                                                       ( 0:00 - 3:27 )
Published on March 19th, 2017
her phone buzzed her awake. it was the second alarm she had heard that day, but the first one failed to wake her up. it wasn’t its job, anyway, and when she eventually opened her eyes a bed was already vacant.
she liked sleeping, but she didn’t like losing control of time. so, on a saturday, she was awoken by an alarm. it didn’t take long before jiae was on top of the center table with a cereal bowl on one hand, the tv remote on the other, and a tiny puppy on her lap. she searched the channels for something interesting and managed to stop on a cartoon before her breakfast turned soggy.
the dishes were washed, the dog was walked, and her body was stretched. she rarely forgot to stretch in the morning, normally doing the easiest things while doing something else, and then leaving the rest for later. sunday had to move stuff around to reach her flute, hidden in a box under her bed. she played a few simple songs just to check, cleaning it afterwards how she remembered you were supposed to. meeko looked intrigued by it, but jiae didn’t let him smell it just in case he decided to bite it and ruin all of her plans.
although she filmed a good amount of her covers in the recording room she actually recorded the songs beforehand and then just pretended she was doing it in front of the camera. she used the flute first to get rid of what would be the toughest ( and shortest ) part before going for the keyboard. the covers where she actually got to cover every piece of the song were her favorites - like, for example, the one she did of ‘around you’ which only involved singing and a piano.
the song of the day was a little bit more complicated than that, but nothing she wouldn’t be able to handle. apart from stopping for lunch, feeding the dog, and using the bathroom, all of her time was wasted on that same song. when meeko jumped down from her lap it was obvious dawon was getting home, so her hands wasted no time doing the automatic switch. jiae took her glasses out, spent some seconds looking for her contacts, and then put them on.
after enough weeping, the girl set the dog free to welcome what she guessed was his best friend. there wasn’t much left to work on, but dawon still delivered her some dinner so sunday wouldn’t need to leave the room. the next day all that was left was the visuals. she ate cereal on top of the central table, walked the dog, stretched, and then put on something nice. nothing would look more innocent than a white dress.
there were shots of her fingers against the keyboard, her lips against the flute, and then just her inside her bedroom, only the white wall showing and no beds sticking out. it was much easier to just cut the videos and organize them than to do the same with audio files - going against whoever was weird enough to think otherwise. the complete and finished project was then uploaded without delay.
the views came at the same pace they normally did. the comments rolled in like they normally did. the ‘first’ attempts were always intriguing. she replied to some of them during the first hour like she normally did, before finally returning to the real world. she had missed cooking, so sunday made some dinner and left a bit for when her roommate got home. she ate it on the central table, as she normally did. not much time later she took a shower, and by being embraced by the warm water it had brought in the sleepiness as well. so she laid down in bed for what was supposed to be a nap - and then her weekend was done, gone so fast, but at the same time so slowly.
아나요? 잠도 못 드는 나를 Do you know? I can’t fall asleep  아나요? 꿈도 못 꾸는 나를 Do you know? I can’t have a dream  그대 품에 내가 없어도 Even if I’m not in your arms 포근히 그댄 잠이 드네요 You fall asleep comfortably 조용히 그댄 꿈을 꾸네요 You have a dream peacefully  난 뜬 눈으로 밤을 지새죠 I stay awake all night
난 그대의 인형 I am your doll 여전히 그대를 기다려 I’m still waiting for you 방 한 켠의 인형 A doll in the corner of the room 가만히 그대를 기다려 I’m quietly waiting for you
아나요? 말도 못하는 나를 Do you know? I can’t speak a word 아나요? 발도 못 떼는 나를 Do you know? I can’t move my feet 처음 봤던 그때 그대로 You stay the way I first saw you 난 그댈 향해 웃고 있는데 Even when I’m smiling towards you
난 말 없는 인형 I am a doll who can’t talk 조용히 그대를 기다려 I’m peacefully waiting for you 방 한 켠의 인형 A doll in the corner of the room 가만히 그대를 기다려 I’m quietly waiting for you
알아요 나를 닮은 그 애를 I know I look like that girl 알아요 그 앨 닮은 내 모습 I know that girl looks like me TV 속에 춤추는 그 앨 That girl who dances on TV 난 멈춰 선 채 바라만 보죠 I stop and keep looking at her
난 그대의 인형 I am your doll 여전히 그대를 기다려 I’m still waiting for you 방 한 켠의 인형 A doll in the corner of the room 가만히 그대를 기다려 I’m quietly waiting for you
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