rksorn-blog · 7 years
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witchysorn sometimes the right thing feels all wrong until it is over and done with. 💖
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
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sorn in hobgoblin performances for anon ♡ 
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
a girl in need.
charisma starter for @rkxminhee !!
This wasn’t fair. Then again, she supposed that, by now, she should have come to accept the fact that life wasn’t fair. Regardless, that didn’t make her current problem feel any less small. Even if it made her problem seem big, there was one thing that this entire scenario made feel small... her. She stood on her tiptoes, desperately reaching for the item that she needed that was placed on the top shelf. To make things worse, it was slid back some causing it to be even further out of reach. She let out a quiet, pathetic groan as she started to wonder if this entire thing was hopeless. She couldn’t just lay down and die without a fight, right?
That was when a stranger passed by and she quickly looked over her shoulder before running over to stop them. “Hi! Hello! I need your help.” She took a deep breath before pointing to the object on the shelf. “You see that... way up there? Well, I need to get it. I just can’t reach it.” Flashing a big smile, she quickly cleared her throat. “Do you think you could somehow help me out?”
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
hello, hello!!
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INTRO + CHARISMA STARTERS i never actually made any sort of intro post, but i guess it’s better late than never! this is bek, aka the mun of rkmg and hoseokrk, here at rookies with my third muse for a second time. i have a bit more faith in sorn, even if i have been pretty slow up to this point. i’ve just had a lot of things going on, though i still need to get things going for her at some point! since i have failed to get any threads up and running, i guess this will also be a call for charisma starters! if you wouldn’t mind, please comment with some sort of word to give me an idea of what to make the starter about! given i need to post one tonight for activity, rip me.
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
hello, hello!!
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INTRO + CHARISMA STARTERS i never actually made any sort of intro post, but i guess it’s better late than never! this is bek, aka the mun of rkmg and hoseokrk, here at rookies with my third muse for a second time. i have a bit more faith in sorn, even if i have been pretty slow up to this point. i’ve just had a lot of things going on, though i still need to get things going for her at some point! since i have failed to get any threads up and running, i guess this will also be a call for charisma starters! if you wouldn’t mind, please comment with some sort of word to give me an idea of what to make the starter about! given i need to post one tonight for activity, rip me.
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
giving spirit.
december 17th, 2017 • rkgive
Since last week had been boring overall, she saw the festival as an opportunity to hopefully start feeling a bit more Christmassy, or whatever the correct term really was. Even if most of the celebrations seemed a little over-the-top to her, she definitely could appreciate the sentiment of giving. Her favorite part of this time of the year was having the excuse to spoil those that she cares the most about. If she loved to make sure that those that already knew that they were loved and cared for know even more that they were, then she would also enjoy letting someone know that may not be just as aware. Part of her didn’t even know if this was enough. 
The small donation that served as an admission fee made her feel like... it just wasn’t fulfilling. That’s why she ended up giving more than she necessarily needed to. Maybe it wasn’t required, but it was still what her heart urged her to do. She had enough money to spread a little joy and happiness, so why wouldn’t she? Isn’t this what the holiday season was really about? Maybe... technically not, but that’s not what mattered. It’s still what gave her the most satisfaction and she couldn’t deny herself of that, nor the kids that she would be assisting. She wished that all kids would have clothes to keep them warm, food to eat, and toys to play with on Christmas Day. She definitely couldn’t help every single one of them, but she could help several. 
After she was inside, she was at a loss for what she could actually do next. Donating to get in seemed noble, but now she looked around and felt like she was ready to turn around and leave. But, you know... maybe she could at least get a latte first.
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
blue christmas.
december 10th, 2017 • rkgive
Christmas was fun, it just didn't actually feel special at all. The girl sat on her bed with her headphones in, inhaling deeply and then letting each breath out in a loud sigh. Honestly, she was bored out of her mind. Her parents weren't home and considering she was an only child, she didn't exactly have anyone to keep her occupied.
Typically, she enjoyed being on her own, but when nothing was happening, it could get old really quickly. Part of her wondered if she should have asked to accompany the two as they went off, but she had a good feeling that they were taking this time to buy the Christmas presents that she didn't even think that she needed, so she didn't want to unintentionally spoil anything for them. She still needed to do some shopping herself, but the holiday was still a while away, so she wasn't in any sort of rush. Besides, she only had three people to purchase gifts for, anyway. It's not like she'd be insanely stressing out if she lets a few more calm days pass by.
All of the programs on the television did not interest her and the music on most radio stations annoyed her, therefore she was listening to her own library of music as she walked into the kitchen to enjoy one thing that she did actually enjoy a lot about this particular time of the year— festive shaped cookies. She'd pass on the milk, but at least she'd have a sweet treat to keep her feeling satiated until her parents arrive back home, likely bringing her some dinner along with them.
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
christmas shopping.
Of course, she didn’t have an abundance of people to buy things for, but that didn’t mean that it would take her an extremely short time to get done her shopping, either. Sorn preferred to take her time choosing gifts as she liked to ensure that they were all perfect. At the moment, she was only coming to the mall and joining all of the crowds in order to pick out things for her dads. Later, she would choose her best friend’s presents, but she wanted a little company for now. That’s why she invited Jihyo along, so that this way, they can both try to be done with most of their Christmas shopping.
They currently were seated in the food court, having a quick meal so that they had the energy to go for as long as they possibly could. She wasn’t entirely sure how thrilled she was to be surrounded by so many people, especially when they like to shove and get rough, but it was still somewhat exhilarating. She took a bite of her sandwich before smiling sweetly at her friend sitting across from her, briefly turning to glance around. “We should start doing this months in advance, huh?” She softly laughed, then took a sip from her thermos. “Do you know who all you have to buy for? I currently only have two people on my list for today.”
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
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rksorn-blog · 7 years
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170209 sorn (for 2 anons ♡)
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