rlydvs · 4 years
He grinned, following along with her, quickly stepping up to match her. “Oh yeah? Puttin’ the pressure on me big time. Don’t worry. I’m a sucker for trips like this and the city. I will more than willingly be your tour guide for the day. I hope I can live up to your standards.”
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“Well, Mr. Tour Guide Red, what are some interesting facts you can tell to a native to start with?” Challenging him right away with expectations for an amusing answer.
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rlydvs · 4 years
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#me as an actor
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rlydvs · 4 years
Kiara thought for a moment before she started spouting words. “Riley, you deserve to be treated so finely, I hope you don’t mind me.” she laughed a little, shaking her head. “That’s all I got.”
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“Okay, clearly you lied! That was beautiful. Short and sweet. made my heart pitter pat, too.” She gushed, obviously a bit overplaying her hand but she did love to bolster her friends. “Maybe you should try writing sonnets outside of your day job.”
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rlydvs · 4 years
pluto: what do you love most about yourself?
“To put it simply, my versatility~.”
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rlydvs · 4 years
Dean glanced at her hand as it squeezed her arm, it felt nice. He watched her hug the other man with a look of indifference but he found himself sort of wishing it had been him. He tried to think of something else as his eyes scanned the room again. Reminding himself that he was here to do a job. He turned his attention back to her as she she questioned him and he gave a small soft smile,  I’m not bored.” He tone went a little serious for the last part. “I’m doing my job.” He didn’t want her to think he wasn’t capable of his job, but he also didn’t want to push her away. So his tone lightened again as he added, “but a drink would be nice. Shall we?” He gestured with one hand as the other found itself on the middle of her back, not low enough to be inappropriate, but his touch was light as he guided her back over to the bar. “what would you like this time?”
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“Champagne? It is kind of fun to drink at these things, if only to feel a little fancy. We can get you a ginger ale or something to simulate it so you can have the fun, too.” Sure enough, that’s what she ordered for them. Each to be in those champagne glasses all golden and bubbling. Handing off his own, she thought about that boundary of “friendliness” and professionalism that should probably be kept. Her attraction for him aside. “Cheers.” She lightly clinked her glass to the man’s before taking a sip. “Yes, you’re doing your job, but a job can be boring. Don’t make me name examples, because there’s too many to list.” She chuckled with lips back around the rim for another sip. This stuff wasn’t bad, light and fruity with a taste that most certainly defined what people might expect from those around money.
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rlydvs · 4 years
Head not empty, head filled with the same song on repeat over and over for like a week
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rlydvs · 4 years
“I’m just some kind of pack mule, aren’t I? Just a piece of meat to you, some muscles and bones piled into these boots here for reaching tall shelves.” He held the bag out to her again, letting her have it this time. “Here I thought we were friends, Davies.”
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“Isn’t part of friendship helping each other out?” She pointed out fairly in her defense. Maneuvering her cart down the last aisle she wanted to browse for now. “There is a difference. In all these years, I only now ask you to get my pretzels. That should account for something.”
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rlydvs · 4 years
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Being a woman in Hollywood means you will probably have to fight through degrading situations. Struggle for the right to earn a living, the right to be heard, even the right to be safe from harm… [Be] in the shadows of big trees, constantly reminded that we only grow in the sunshine they allow us... When you take away Hollywood, we are all just women. All facing the inequalities that being a woman brings with it.
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rlydvs · 4 years
Archer smiled at her choice. The Field Museum was one of his favorite places in the entire world. When the woman asked his name, he paused to think if he even gave it in the first place. “I am so sorry. I hadn’t introduced myself, where are my manners. “You can call me Red. It’s nice to meet you Monica.” He offered up his hand, a small nod to go with it. “I promise you this is going to be the best trip you’ve ever taken to the museum. Scouts honor.”
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She took his hand for a firm shake and broad smile. A second later her feet were already moving in expectations for him to walk right along with her. “Well, Red, I hope those aren’t just words. My friend is big on learning and stuff like this, so you could say I’ve had my fair share of museum experiences already.”
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rlydvs · 4 years
“I wish I was that creative to make up a song with your name in it.” Kiara laughed. “Although, I’m sure there’s gotta be at least one song with your name in it. Your name is a little more common.” she laughed again, shaking her head.
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“You’re a journalist, I’m sure you can find the words. I’ll go first.” She announced confidently. Speaking whatever words flowed from the top of her brain. “Oh Kiara, my princess in tiara. I’ll come from far-a... way just to see you~”
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rlydvs · 4 years
“I’m severely offended because I can’t think of one song named after me. Am I unworthy? Is my name not beautiful enough? I’m just… I’m gonna need some time to process this stab in the chest.”
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( @chicagcstart​ )
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“There’s not really any about me, either.” The blonde shrugged nonchalantly. “If you want we could give it a go about making up a song with each other’s names right here and now.”
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rlydvs · 4 years
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 Had a blast yesterday celebrating the big 2-8! 🎉🌟🎂🌟🎉 Definitely was feeling the Paramore fantasy. Thanks everyone for the great wishes and love. 💋💋💋
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rlydvs · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, RiRi/Mustard! 
I am so thankful that you let me into your life and I couldn’t imagine a better person to be my best friend. You were there during my darkest hours and made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. You saved my life and it’s something I will forever be thankful for. I couldn’t picture anyone else as my best friend and I love you more to the moon and back to Earth. Also, give me as many spoilers as possibly about your movies. I think I deserve it. @rlydvs
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rlydvs · 4 years
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He watched with admiration as the blonde quickly, swiftly and subtly defused that situation, he couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her. Before turning back to Pam and with a small smile saying, “good luck with that.” Placing the opposite hand over Riley’s hand on his arm he gave the woman a nod and added, “I believe we’re needed this way now.” And quickly turned them away and in a random direction. Just trying to put a little distance. When they stopped walking he looked down at her and smiled, something he seemed to be doing a lot around her. “Thanks for that. You sure you don’t want a security gig?” He teased. Before he noticed a man across the room who had changed direction as soon as he saw the blonde woman and was heading straight for them. He finally let go of her hand and stepped back slightly, “we’ve got company. Six o’clock.” He was close enough to step in at a moments notice.
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Her arm stayed hooked around his own even when they were a safe distance away. Looking up to meet his eye, she felt that small flutter again at the sight of his dimpled grin. “Are you asking me to become your partner in-- Well, I guess it’s more like anti-crime? Crime prevention, but anti-crime sounds catchier.” She explained as her smile mirrored his. “We make a pretty good team, so you better stop tempting me.” Her hand gently squeezed around his forearm before she looked to the other nearing man. “George! Long time.” The lostt of Dean’s closeness was to be expected but she did feel a flash of disappointment. It never showed, though, and she stepped forward to give the older man a hug as they caught up for a few minutes. A repetitive encounter she faced with a few other people.
Riley wasn’t sure of the time when the lull in people coming to chit chat happened. All she knew was she could use a drink and, perhaps, converse more with Dean. “I don’t know about you, but I need another drink. You’d let me know if I sound like a frog, right?” All that talking sure could parch a person. “Also, be honest, how bored are you on a scale of one to ten?”
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rlydvs · 4 years
“Well, it’s not that far off,” he teased. Her next statement brought his eyebrow up, clearing his throat softly. “Oh, the appropriate situations, huh?” Giving his head a quick shake, Ryland looked down the aisle ahead of them. “I’ll be sure to use that if it applies.”
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“How about right now? Like I need these specific sourdough pretzels or I could explode.” A bit extreme, but it was sourdough option for her or nothing. Pointing to the high shelf where a large bag of them sat tempting her. She hoped that with a small pout, he would get it for her with less embarrassment on her part.
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rlydvs · 4 years
tag your morning vibe
mornings things;
rosy sunlight: waking up unexpectedly early, enjoying the peaceful silent, laying in bed and just thinking, messy buns, the calm before the storm, deciphering your dreams, peach tones
hot coffee: productivity, writing in a journal or diary, planning out your day, a high ponytail, buying breakfast, newspapers, the smell of fresh coffee beans
cereal bowl: having something sweet for breakfast, walking your dog, morning shower, bubbly laughter, hopefulness, counting down to the weekend
alarm clock: waking up late, no makeup, coffee to wake you up, cold feet, falling back asleep when there’s a moment, cloudy skies, heavy eyelids
breakfast pastry: the bustling of a large family, staying in your pyjamas, morning radio, grocery shopping, waiting for the post, no responsibilities
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rlydvs · 4 years
He looked at her with his brows raised, he wasn’t expecting her to want beer. But he probably shouldn’t be surprised with everything he knows about her so far. “I knew I had a funny feeling about this place.” He turned and ordered the two drinks, turning back he watched as a man approached them. Dean nodded his head in a small greeting, instantly shifting into professional mode. As the blonde talked he scanned the small crowd that had gathered. He wasn’t surprised this happened. She’d turned heads the moment she walked through the room. And while anyone can turn heads, she kept the eyes locked on her. He stood beside her quietly, not wanting to interrupt her work. Sipping on his coke as he was approached by a woman.
She placed a hand on his arm not too different to the way that Riley had done earlier and asked him who he was, who he was here with and if he’d want to leave. He realised almost instantly and gave a small polite smile, “you must be Pamela Rivers.” He said just loud enough for others to hear, but not loud enough to be questioned. He took a step closer to Riley and gave her a side glance trying to see if she was done. “I’ve heard about you.” There was no indication in his tone if that was bad or good, as he avoided her questions.
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Pamela was like a trigger and she effortlessly turned her head to shift an unreadable smile to the older woman. Born into the lush lifestyle, she clearly used every means to keep herself looking as youthful as possible in efforts to snag her demographic of men she often tried preying upon. “Pam~.” Riley stepped closer to Dean to rest her hand back over his arm. Strategically pushing the other woman’s off of him in the process.
“It’s good to see you’re not being a stranger. This is Dean. He was so kind as to take me here tonight to keep me company.” A vaguely specific enough answer to use i hope of foiling her efforts off the bat. The irritation those underlaid wrinkles expressed proved it was starting to work as she gave a comment about needing company as well. 
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