rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
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❛ it’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
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kang daniel teaser movie (spicy ver.)
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
learning that jiyoung could manipulate the gravity of pieces and bits of burning logs and effectively make floating fireballs was just pretty at first, like floating lanterns that dipped and glided around at his whim or whimsy. sungmin had appreciated them too at first, from a safe distance. fire is still hot even in zero gravity. he’s never been one for just sitting and watching the world happen though, especially not when he’s had a couple drinks in him. just enough to have fun, not enough to make a total fool of himself.
darkness manifests itself from his palms, fingers wrapping around a shadowy handle that wasn’t there before sungmin’s whims had willed it to be. with a baseball bat made of solid darkness, he slams on one of the floating balls of light and watches in fascination as it sheds sparks in its distress like a tiny firework. they might be even prettier when disturbed than they were floating.
“can you control the speed and stuff?” sungmin asks jiyoung a little too loudly, excitement at the idea in his head making him forget volume control. “throw one at me like a baseball, i’ll smash it!”
he brandishes the shadow-bat proudly, careful to never let go. it’d fade into nothing without contact, unfortunately. “c’mon, they’re pretty when the sparks fly and stuff.”
drunkenness doesn’t make for the best decisions made. sungmin thinks that it’s a great idea, that nothing could go wrong. he has the protection of darkness, after all, and it’s not like some smashed burning wood and sparks are gonna do that much damage to anyone or anything, right? at least, that’s what he figures when he tries to get jiyoung on board with his great idea.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
the moment the words ‘the accident’ come out of sungmin’s mouth, he can feel himself start to disconnect. no matter how much he wants to know what his old friend has to say, it’s done out of habit. it’s sort of like being underwater, or perhaps a dream-filled haze where nothing sungmin tries to tell wenyan makes any sense. he stares at his mouth forming words and sentences with a blank look; all he gets is static on the receiving end.
it’s a defense mechanism he does so that sungmin’s words can’t reach him, can’t hurt him—
until he finally tunes in, and suddenly all he sees is red. 
his anger builds. it rises up in him in masses, like a tidal wave that threatens to crash down and wreck havoc. it’s tumultuous, teetering on the edges, ready to tip over. and wen is never this angry. never this irrational. he prides himself on being calm and collected. a person who doesn’t feel like he’s starting to break at the edges, even though he has already been slowly cracking.
he sucks in a harsh breath. screws his eyes tightly shut as if he’s trying not to cry. in reality, he doesn’t want to see the expression on sungmin’s face- raw and honest and heartbreaking. 
he find himself counting to ten before letting out a shaky exhale. he wants to try to salvage their friendship, but then he starts to speak.
“get away from me,” he says quietly. the slightest tremble to his words show his true colors; he can feel his anger flare up through the cracks of his even-tempered facade. “get out!” his voice raises sharply and suddenly he feels like he’s backed into a corner where he can’t get out. and he’s about one second away from lashing out. 
even if they weren’t friends anymore, he doesn’t want to do something he’ll regret. 
but he feels like he already has.
he flinches at the first words that wen speaks as he finishes his story.
sungmin’s heart drops into his stomach and sits there uncomfortably like a hard, dense ball of ice. he doesn’t know what he expected. certainly not this, certainly not being pushed away by one of his closest friends. he had lost his brother forever, was that not punishment enough for his lack of action? why did he have to lose wen too.
there’s something so final about the way the other young man speaks to him, as if sungmin knows instinctively that “get away from me” means i never want to see you again, and the screech of “get out” is short for we’re never going to be friends again because of what you’ve done. or rather what he hadn’t done. he winces a second time at the second outburst, as if the first wound didn’t already run deep enough.
his face falls. sungmin tries to reach out, as if to grab wen by the wrist, pull him into a hug. he falls short of actual contact. what would it help anyways? his friend, no, ex-friend, speaks to him with such reproach. he won’t even look at him, and sungmin too drops his eyes when it becomes too painful to watch.
“i’m sorry,” his voice is ragged, desperate, just short of broken. he knows no one wants to hear his apology; it’s far too late to try to make amends. his parents have also made that abundantly clear, though they blame each other instead of blaming the true culprit.
“please, wen, i..” what can sungmin say? nothing. there’s absolutely nothing he can say, no excuses or explanations. he let his brother die. “i’m sorry.”
he repeats the phrase. he has no other words to speak.
phantom pains.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
she is, by all means, very demanding. such a thing is the aftermath of being impossibly spoiled. being praised to the stars. a child of beauty that would make churn the goddesses in envy. a woman of chaos that has the god of war hesitating. someone like jang danbi, disaster prettily packaged in sweet tones and a charming smile. someone made to rule.
which makes him what?
moon sungmin. the lackey. the pet. behind closed doors in the innermost depths of her heart, maybe, even, her oldest friend. of course, he didn’t need to know that. no good would come out of stroking any boy’s ego, much less an alpha’s.
instead, danbi fixates on bending him to her will–like usual.
“mm,” the hellion hums in response, lifting a dainty hand to rest on a head of soft locks, rubbing absently in “praise”. “you actually need the exercise…” danbi drawls, hand slipping off his head while attentive eyes sweep over his build. not out of necessity (or any lick of seriousness) but only for the sake of well–screwing with him.
“so i think you should be thanking me instead, yeah?”
some part of him deep down recognizes her manipulation, understands that she’s effectively bullying him into submission and grooming him into a perfect little henchman. the conscious part of sungmin’s mind doesn’t see though though. he sees his old friend, a girl he’s known since before the baby fat melted from their cheeks and they grew into the confident you adults they are now. he’d do anything for her then, and he’d do anything for her now. because that’s what friends do.
even though she’s so mean to him sometimes.
“oh come on,” he groans at her comment, rolling his eyes and pretending he doesn’t enjoy the feeling of someone playing with his hair if only for a moment. “i go to the gym almost every day, thanks to you. it’s not like running your errands is the difference between a summer body and literal hibernation.”
sungmin huffs, more stubborn than actually annoyed with her. “i am not thanking you.”
he must have a deathwish; he reaches for one of the nuggets he just brought her.
good boy.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
past and present.
orange tongues dance around the logs, pops send sparks flying into the air to burn and die in seconds as if tiny stars and galaxies. sungmin enjoys the night. he feels stronger in darkness and, for some unfathomable reason, he feels closer to those who aren’t here with him anymore. maybe he watched the lion king too much as a child; maybe he expects to look up at the stars and see a starry version of his brother smile down at him and tell him his mission in life.
it hasn’t happened yet.
sungmin seems to be eternally nostalgic these days. maybe that’s why he manages to pull daeil aside, slip away from the fire and the laughter of the other students and walk around the campsite where it’s a little darker, a little more private.
they’ve been friends for so long, and most of that time was spent with people telling sungmin not to be friends with daeil. he remembers every rumor and whisper he’s heard, his own mother’s disapproving frown and how she had tried to keep him away. nothing had stopped him. even now in different legacies there’s something of a disapproval to their interaction. still sungmin doesn’t hesitate to bump shoulders with his friend kindly, to enjoy his company.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs, almost as if he’s not aware that he’s speaking aloud, “i’m sorry i never stood up for you when we were kids.”
he’s just a little bit younger, but it was enough to intimidate a boy into silence; now he feels complicit to the bullies’ actions. “i didn’t know what to do.. but i should’ve done something.”
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
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a cutie w a cutie o(╥﹏╥)o
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
good boy.
she has her own special ringtone in his phone. it’s been that way for years, transferred over from every device he’s owned that had customizable options for contacts. and hers brings him both the contented joy of the greeting of an old friend and a twist in his gut of just what could she want from him now? don’t get him wrong, sungmin loves the girl like he would a sister, but she’s just so bossy sometimes that it becomes grating on his nerves.
but when she asked him to bring her chicken nuggets, he just couldn’t say no. and maybe he got a happy meal himself while he was out; what danbi doesn’t know won’t kill her.
“you realize this is super inconvenient for me, right?” sungmin huffs as he drops the paper bag in front of her, though his irritation is minimal at most. what are old friends for if not inconvenient mcdonalds runs? “you don’t even look that busy. why couldn’t you do it yourself?” he whines as he plops himself down in a seat near her, a huffy sort of pout on his face.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
[ msg to: sister in law ] ugh don’t even mention it i think i literally died [ msg to: sister in law ] you’re not THAT much older than me though noona 😂 [ msg to: sister in law ] i don’t think i’ve been there since hyung DELETED ! [ msg to: sister in law ] yeah sure! let me grab something to eat and i’ll meet you there ✨
loop hitch
[  sms : min(nie mouse)  ]  my body still aches from that hellish race. [  sms : min(nie mouse)  ]  don’t get old if you can help it! [  sms : min(nie mouse)  ]  if you’re not busy, do you want to meet me halfway? [  sms : min(nie mouse)  ]  i could use some peace after all that chaos.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
once upon a time, they had been three.
at first, sungjin had been the one to take him under his wing. the one who had urged him into joining the alpha legacy when he was still lost and confused and didn’t know what to do. by extension, he had been introduced to sungmin- his bright-eyed younger brother, excited to meet someone his age and go through initiation together. even after the older boy had graduated, they still kept in touch. and even after they started to get progressively busier, wen still felt an obligation to look after sungmin. 
then, the accident happened. they were no longer sungjin&sungmin&wen. they weren’t even sungmin&wen anymore. it had felt wrong- a space that could never be filled. 
so when sungmin pulls him aside, mid-conversation and eyes crinkled at the corner, wen’s whole demeanor immediately changes. 
“no.” his response is given out of reflex, shoulders raised defensively even as sungmin slings an arm over him, as if he thought it was still okay to touch him anymore. that everything was fine, and that wen hadn’t stopped looking him in the eye after the accident because he swore he kept seeing double. 
the only reason why he allows sungmin to tug him along is if only to get it over with, and wen can go back to pretending that the other doesn’t exist.
“well,” and he is all too careful to keep his expression guarded, voice clipped and neutral, “spit it out. what did you want to tell me?” he doesn’t mention that there is so much he wants to tell sungmin as well, things he never got to say between the time of his brother’s death to present day, where he stands like a caged animal. things like: i tried to visit you, once. they wouldn’t let me in, but i thought it was important that you knew i had wanted to be there for you. even if i was friends with your brother first, you were still mine too. 
maybe some things are better left unsaid.
his lips tighten. his brow furrows. the coldness that wen meets him with hurts more than a slap to the face ever could. it’s enough to make sungmin want to turn tail and abandon mission. if his old friend is already this cold to him, then what comes next may very well turn whatever’s left of their relationship to pure ice. there’s no coming back.
but some things just need to be said.
he worries his lower lip between his teeth, gnawing it raw and just short of blood. it wasn’t a habit he had before; it’s something new. he was never this nervous, never this scared. there had always been someone bigger, stronger, better than him to look out for him. and now there’s not. it’s a vulnerability sungmin didn’t know he still had as a young adult; he had no idea how much he had leaned on his brother until that support was gone.
“the accident..” sungmin can’t look at wen as he begins to speak. he can’t close his eyes either, not when all he can see is a broken body and smashed metal and plastic. “i.. my brother’s shadow constructs.. he could have saved himself, y’know? he could have. i did, i saved myself. it was like instinct. i closed my eyes and just kinda.. made a hard bubble around myself. like a shell.” he gestures vaguely, lets a little swirl of darkness roll around his fingertips as if reminding himself and his company of his power.
“hyung didn’t have to touch the object to keep it solid like i do. i broke my shield first. there was another one.” this part makes sungmin tear up, his voice low and thick as he fights to speak through the cracks and the misty eyes. “he could have saved himself but he didn’t. i could have saved him,” his voice cracks in earnest and he has to fight down a sob before he can finish the thought, “but i didn’t!”
if only he had protected sungjin too. then two would still be three, and maybe everything would be okay.
phantom pains.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
it’s a party. or something like that. sungmin’s accepted every drink that’s been pushed into his hand, lost count after he couldn’t tally the number of red plastic cups on one hand anymore, and feels just as sloshy and liquid as the precariously swaying drink still in his hand. this one will be gone before long too. maybe it’s a comfort to everyone else to see him smiling, laughing, dancing as if nothing bad had ever happened. and sungmin’s happy to forget too, at least for the moment. even if he seemingly has to piss every ten minutes and is reaching his threshold of what he can safely consume, he tells himself he’s happy.
at the very least, he’s distracted.
god, she’s hot.
sungmin can’t help but stare. long legs, big eyes, and oh my god that ass. she’s like something out of his fantasies and in his drunken stupor he can’t help but admire her figure. he’s not a creep, at least not usually, but his gaze never wanders for long before it falls back on the woman.
and before he knows it, his cup is empty again.
he tries to maneuver himself through the twisting, dancing bodies, through the celebrating crowd. maybe it was because his eyes were drawn to her again. maybe it was someone’s foot getting caught around his, or his own foot, or some discarded solo cup he had slipped on. he would never be able to remember clearly. all sungmin knows is that he stumbled, not quite fell, and his hands landed squarely on the ass of his dreams. it takes too long for him to find his balance, his hands linger there for far too long. he doesn’t even realize his mistake until it’s far too late.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
phantom pains.
it took two drinks, maybe three. not nearly enough that he feels anything more than a little bit tipsy, but not so little that he’s too inhibited to say what he needs to. it’s a conversation he needs to have. he needs to get this secret, this hundred pound weight, off his chest. the yoke he bears on his back will not be so easily laid aside, but at least he can take some of his burden off. he just needs to tell him.
sungmin corners wen in the alpha house, hunts him down with the singlemindedness of a predator. they’re friends, it’s not weird to seek out your comrades, but there’s a sort of urgency in his posture that makes everything just a little.. off. he feels the difference immediately. once upon a time it had been three, always three. like musketeers, or peas in a pod, or strikes to a batter. it’s different than it was after his brother’s graduation; there’s a finality of the missing friend that wasn’t there before.
“hey, can we talk?” sungmin slings an arm over the other man in a way that leaves no room to run away, no time to protest. “it’s.. uh.. it’s about my brother.”
wen would know. everyone knows what happened. it was in the news, all over social media. the community had held a candlelit moment of silence while sungmin was still in the hospital. the death of someone so young always seems to be a public affair, as if the world can’t quite grasp the idea that such a life would be taken from them unless they all process it together. many minds can maybe make sense of something that cannot be rationalized; by all accounts it’s still unfair.
he eases his way into a quieter corner of the building, if such a thing can exist in the alpha house, with wen in tow. sungmin sucks in a breath. he holds it. and lets it go. this isn’t going to be easy. this isn’t going to be fun. already he feels himself choking up. he glances at the other as if silently asking ( himself? ) if he really wants to hear this.
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
whaddup my name’s lex i’m 21 and i never fuckin learned how to pay attention to when i actually get accepted into rps
ANYWAYS i’m super excited to be back in rm after like a year!! i was actually like thinking about how much i missed sungmin as a muse and then a friend sent me the rm ad and i was like [ ghost adventures voice ] OH MY GOD!!!
so under the cut i’ll give you a lil info about sungmin and i’ll try to come up with some new plots and stuff!! he has an old plots post on this blog somewhere too but i gotta look through that and see if it’s still relevant.......... probably is but ykno. ALSO if you wanna get ahold of me to plot i’m best reached on my rp twitter ( @kangdenial ) or discord ( mukumuku.#4814 ) !
to the cut
SO this is moon sungmin, 20 ( going on 21 ) yr old alpha boye with umbrakinesis. his big brother was an alpha too!! moon sungjin was three years older ( so was a 4th yr when sungmin was a 1st yr, so 3rd and 4th yrs might know/remember him )
tw death // sungmin’s brother unfortunately has passed away in a rather traumatic car accident that sungmin was also involved in. in terms of timeline, it happened shortly after sungmin finished his second year. he’s recovered from his physical injuries entirely ( they were very minimal, since sungjin had used his abilities to protect his brother with his dying breath ), but the mental and emotional scars linger. sungmin gets really nervous near roads and in cars. most of the time he pretends otherwise, but it’s still there. he also Really misses his brother; he was his best friend.
so he deals with his grief by trying to cover it up! typical male! he very much acts the stereotypical frat boy/loud obnoxious fuckboi type to make up for how much he’s hurting. he doesn’t really know how to be vulnerable so he just... doesn’t acknowledge his feelings.
end tw
his parents have also begin fighting since the accident and sungmin’s afraid they’re gonna split. he tries not to think about it while he’s not home but he was anxious to get back to school and away from a house that feels like a war zone lately.
he’s actually a very sweet boye under all that faked bravado! he can be sensitive and caring, he just doesn’t often let it show. he also acts a lot dumber than he is.. and probably purposely doesn’t share his grades bc they’re not nearly bad enough to match the image he’s building for himself akjsdfhasjkf
and....... that’s sorta it!! like i said i’ll work on plots and things later but i think this is a p good intro!!! my contact info is above so pls don’t hesitate to contact me to plot in the meantime!! i’m always open to brainstorming!!!!!
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rmsungmin-blog · 6 years
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rmsungmin-blog · 7 years
his phone explodes with tiny little ‘kakao’ notifications and and enough vibrations that he worries that something is going to break. sungmin swears under his breath, wondering which group chat decided to all start talking at once while he was trying to chat up a cute girl that he had every intention of taking to the baywatch party tonight. unfortunately, she smiles that beautiful little smile at him and assures him that she already has a nice guy she’s going with. he thinks she’s telling the truth; he’s not entirely disliked around campus ( he thinks ) and she’s pretty enough that it’s no surprise that his last minute proposal had been beat.
sungmin is heartbroken and ready to blame this defeat on whoever decided to message him like this. he digs his phone out of his pocket, swiping it open and furiously opening the app to see who dared ruin this for him.
[ kkt to: omg ong ] jesus fuck dude why seven messages???? [ kkt to: omg ong ] i was just about to be mad at you bc you messaged me right after a potential date turned me down [ kkt to: omg ong ] i’m like TT [ kkt to: omg ong ] anyways yeah i guess you can be my date. but it’s like a bro-date, okay? just friends. no homo. [ kkt to: omg ong ] 🌝🌝🌝
he supposes this is all for the best. seongwoo is a good enough friend and they really only need dates to get into the party; once there sungmin can try to chat up another nice pair of boobs or something to assure everyone that he is still a tough manly man and the ideal carefree alpha.
[ kkt to: omg ong ] we’re cutting it close lmao [ kkt to: omg ong ] meet me there? also white trunks are a terrible idea dude. what if they’re see through when they get wet? that only hot if you’re a girl, it’s just creepy for guys [ kkt to: omg ong ] this is why i’m wearing red.
different lighting *
ft. @rmsungmin
the clock was ticking and so was the countdown of seongwoo not being considered a loser because he has someone by his side.
at this point, seongwoo’s pretty desperate for someone to say yes to him asking him to take him to the baywatch. he doesn’t want to be dramatic, but if he doesn’t go with anyone at all, he’s as good as a white crayon. 
this was important to him! going to the baywatch alone would make him look like a total loner and he wasn’t a loner! he hangs out with a lot of people and he talks to anyone he can. he doesn’t want anyone to think he can’t score himself a date. especially with looks that good! he’s not always confident in his face, but he doesn’t deny that whenever he sees his reflection, he finger guns at himself to congratulate himself for being so effortlessly good looking.
but even if that was the case, no one has said yes to him. either because they had another date or because they didn’t like him at all (yet). it makes him panic. was it because of his jokes? was it because they wanted to save themselves from the embarrassment of going with such a goofball like him? there could be many reasons why that he hasn’t found yet, but if he took the time to think of them, he’d be losing more time. 
he goes on his phone, looking through the list of all the people that he’s added to his contact list on kakao. they keep adding over the years, but it just means he’s making more friends (he’s even got some numbers of students who’ve graduated). however, his attention wasn’t on them. they were on the people that were still studying here. he’s asked most of the people on the list except for a few. so, when he suddenly saw a name that he didn’t think he talked to at all today, he thought ‘hey! this can’t be so bad!’ and after just a few clicks, he sees the log of messages, clicks on the empty white space, and begins typing on the keyboard. 
( kkt: new moon ) HEY !!!  ( kkt: new moon ) SO UM ( kkt: new moon ) I KNOW THIS IS SUDDEN BUT ( kkt: new moon ) IT IS SAD TO SAY THAT I CAN’T GET A PERSON TO GO W ME TO THE SUPER COOL BAYWATCH TONIGHT ( kkt: new moon ) AND I JUST GOT THIS REALLY NICE LOOKING WHITE SWIM TRUNK SO IT’D BE A WASTE IF I SHOW UP ALONE W IT ( kkt: new moon ) SO… IF U WANT… we can go together? and look equally awesome there ( kkt: new moon ) 🌚🌚🌚
and now, he waits. hopefully he doesn’t get a no because of the moon emojis. 
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rmsungmin-blog · 7 years
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How to be cute 3 different ways
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rmsungmin-blog · 7 years
i meant to do this like ages ago but then i got busy sO HERE ARE SOME NOW better nate than lever, right?
most of these are a little flexible and can be discussed and adjusted to fit specific muses if you’re interested in any of them! please plot with my boy! he is good deep down there!
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