rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
Kitkat has returned! Welcome to the newbies! Also, if anyone would like to plot and continue plotting, please do give this a like so I can message you right away!
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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borabora_sugar 오늘 #내아이디는강남미인아주슬쩍☺️
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
My leg is fine now! Sort of. But it's better than it was a few days ago. I do apologize for the sudden disappearance though and lack of activity as exam week happens to be this week. Replies, starters, and MORE plotting will be done by the end of this week! Thanks, everyone!
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
I kinda injured myself by slipping in the bathroom. I was hoping I could do some more plotting but my hips and left akle are in pain so I'm gonna go ahead and rest up. I hope this won't be that bad in the morning. I’ll try and get back to you guys tomorrow! Nighty night!
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
“flower girls”
Jangmi has always loved plants. Her mother grew different kinds of flowers when she was growing up. At their villa, the wide spacious land they owned was such a treat to her eyes. The luscious green scenery was so much better than seeing water for Jangmi. Coming to Gumi, she ended up spending a fortune on plants, just to make her feel at home but none of them would last as long as she wanted them to. Jangmi didn't want to get some plastic plants for her dorm room, it wouldn't be good for Mimu to actually end up eating it by accident. Hayan has helped her one too many times that she felt like it would be nice to surprise her with some sweet desserts as a token of her appreciation. She knocks on Hayan's dorm room, carrying some fresh flowers and a box of chocolate and blueberry muffins. 
“Hi!” She excitedly greets the other female as the door opens. “I kinda need some help with these flowers.” Lifting the tulips in a couple of different colors. “I also got you this!” Jangmi excitedly lifts the red box of muffins and hands them over to Hayan so she can devour on it as much as she wants. She hopes that the other female would love the muffins just as much as her co-workers did. “I wasn't sure what flavor you would like your muffins to be, so I just made the ones that my family said were the best.”
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
“a different kind of weight seemed to settle on him though, and it pushed all the air from his lungs at once.”
Slowly, she turns the page one more time. Reading word by word, letting her imagination run wild. Each book contains a story that broadens her horizons. It helps her sleep better at night. Sceneries that filled her head, created by the words on the books she reads. It saves her from losing her mind at night. It silences the voice at the back of her head that tells very dark things. The silence in the library comforts her, the scent of the books welcome her and the atmosphere reminds her of home. It was her safe sanctuary, it's where she used to run and hide when her anxiety was eating her up. Being in a University was so much different than when she was in High School. Her siblings forgot to tell her that there would be a sea of people in Universities and she was surprised that she didn't stand out for the wrong reasons. Everyone minded their own businesses. They all had things going on in their lives and classes to attend as well. It was different in high school, everything was loud. The voices, the music, the colors and just about everything was too alive. 
Everyone was always trying to invade her personal space. Wanting to be her friend and she was forced to play the part of being the youngest Yoo sibling. After Insoo became popular for being an athlete and Hwayoung being the president of the debate club, Jangmi felt like she had to make a name for herself as well. Being a Yoo alone was like holding up a gate pass that made it easy for her to access becoming one of the cool kids but it became a golden pass when she became a cheerleader. It put her up on a pedestal, on top of the popularity pyramid, also known as the high school food pyramid. It was tough existing and surviving in such an environment. Everyone was always trying to outdo each other. It was a jungle but the university was like a community for people who actually think, though, she had encountered more or less a few people whose brain was connected to their mouths and just spits out whatever nonsense they could. 
Jangmi was on her second book already and she needs to find the book sequel to the book she was holding. She stood up, sun-kissed skin boasting under the slipping sunlight through the window. Her dark locks loosely curled from being tied up. There were a few more pages left for her to read but she had to find the next book. It was like searching for an invisible bridge to reach another mountain. Mumbling to herself, Jangmi fails to notice her surroundings, hitting something by accident as she was walking. For a moment, she felt like falling. She didn't even scream, too surprised to even emit a sound. The book flew out of her hands and with closed eyes, she remembers seeing a tall man with light hair before her. He looked unreal so she thought it was just her imagination. He seemed as if he jumped out of a book. Her eyes remained closed for a couple of seconds, wondering if she was on the ground and that anyone was watching but as her senses started working again, she felt something underneath her. It felt... alive. 
Slowly, she opens her eyes and they widen in surprise as she sees a man. Her lips firmly pressed on his, suddenly she was aware of how soft they are and how she could feel his breath. Jangmi, startled by this, flutters her wings to lift herself up and pushes her body. Trying to land on her foot, she loses balance and falls on her butt, seated on the ground, not even a step or two away from him. “S-Sorry!” Jangmi exclaims, not because she was flustered from kissing him, but because she was too clumsy to not even notice there was a man underneath him. How long were they like that? “Was I too heavy?!” She asked.
° accidentally
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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Name: Yoo Jangmi Age: 24 Year & Major: 3rd Year, Photography Major Occupation: Chef Ability: Wing Manifestation
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
청하 (CHUNG HA) - Love U
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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Hi! Hewwo everyone!! My name’s Kit! Short for KitKat! I’ve been gone from the tumblr rp scene for about a year, I think? Please be patient with this potato here. ^u^;;
I’m here with THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, my baby girl, YOO JANGMI. Please be kind to her, she needs friends. Her only friend is her hamster, Mimu. She’s the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet, I promise you this. But she’s also a bit bipolar and there’s a deep story behind all of this. Without further ado, I’m excited to plot with everyone! Links are down below and if anyone would like to plot, please don’t hesitate to give that little heart a gentle tap~ 
                                                    PROFILE | BIO | ABILITIES | PLOTS
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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Hi! Hewwo everyone!! My name's Kit! Short for KitKat! I've been gone from the tumblr rp scene for about a year, I think? Please be patient with this potato here. ^u^;;
I'm here with THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, my baby girl, YOO JANGMI. Please be kind to her, she needs friends. Her only friend is her hamster, Mimu. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, I promise you this. But she's also a bit bipolar and there's a deep story behind all of this. Without further ado, I'm excited to plot with everyone! Links are down below and if anyone would like to plot, please don't hesitate to give that little heart a gentle tap~ 
                                                                        PROFILE | BIO | ABILITIES | PLOTS
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
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rmxjangmi-blog · 6 years
❛ 🌹☐ jangmi’s tags; ❜
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