I’m moving blogs!
This blog has been here since I found this community, but I feel like I need to start over. I’ve been less motivated to post on here and check my notifications. So I’m moving to @fluff-whump-and-selfships
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How The Castlevania Trio Spends the Winter Holidays
Happy Holidays! I realize I’ve been MIA, & I apologize, school kept me busy. But as my holiday gift to you, I present you with the following headcanons for the Castlevania characters. Gender-neutral and holiday neutral as well, so more people can enjoy it. Stay safe, and happy holidays! 
He isn’t big on church-led religious celebrations for obvious reasons, but he does want to make you happy. He’ll go along with whatever you have planned, as long as it isn’t too over-the-top. 
Back before his family was taken from him, he recalls rather grand parties being thrown at his home. He remembers the bright decorations and hearty feast. Being little, he wasn’t expected to participate much in his family’s  Christmas celebration, but to stay out of the grown-ups’ way. It’s not a lot of information to go on. Thankfully, he has you to fill in the blanks for him. 
If you’re on the road, he might pull into a town for a decent meal and warm drinks at a tavern. (The drinks being his idea of course.) 
The two of you enjoy the break from the cold, unforgiving weather and danger lurking outside in the dark. Plus, Trevor’s more likely to open up when he’s free from threats of attack. You wouldn’t call him mushy, but he does soften a bit when the two of you spend the night at an inn. (He’s more touchy- that’s for sure *wink-wink*.)
If the two of you are stationed back at the Belmont hold or Alucard’s castle, he’s more likely to do something a little showy. He might recruit Alucard and Sypha to help him cook a nice meal, and surprise you with it at a freshly cleaned dining room table. (The castle has several of them.) So he picks one of the more private ones and asks you to keep your eyes closed and follow him. Once you reach your destination, he tells you to go ahead and look. It’s the sweetest thing when you turn to see his hopeful and nervous face. 
You tell him you love it of course, and he finally relaxes. The two enjoy the food in the comfort of a familiar place. 
If the two of you were on the road and didn’t have time to stop at a tavern or inn, you’d simply enjoy the nights cuddling by a fire, covered in thick blankets to keep you warm. Together you’d tell each other stories from your respective lives and adventures. You might even take some time to gaze at the stars. Trevor briefly recalls Alucard droning about certain ones, so he regurgitates what he remembers and just makes the rest up. 
“So that one right there is called the um… Forest’s Bark, and… it uh, is used by fur trappers to head west.” 
You know he’s fibbing. You don’t care. 
You end up making up your own star stories as well. Trevor takes a while to catch on to your little charade. It took you naming a duo of stars the ‘Double Whiskey’ stars before he realized you were just as clueless as he. 
He got the biggest kick out of it. 
He may not have a ton of traditions to bring to the table, so he’s happy when the two of you end up creating your own. He makes a mental note to keep an eye out for interesting ‘star’ names for next season. 
Alucard is kind of a traditionalist at heart. It’s not that the religious connotations carry so much weight for him, but that his mother made a point for him to be exposed to the holiday festivities within her hometown. So deep down, he carries a fondness for celebrating these sorts of things.
Plus he has his father’s huge castle and Belmont’s library to use for part ground if he so chooses, not that he has a huge list of friends he’d invite, but the fact that the option exists oddly please him. 
If the two of you are in fact, just by yourself in that old castle, he still wants to decorate the place. Not so much for his amusement, but because you get the silliest smile on your face every time you find yet another mistletoe hidden above you somewhere. (Not that you’re complaining.)
You bring so much light to his life, it makes sense that your antics bring him extra joy around the holidays.  
We already know Alucard is the chef out of the three, so he’d insist on making something special for just the two of you. Wine, good food, dessert, and hand-holding across the kitchen table- it’s practically the scene out of an Austen novel. It’s so sweet and simple and pure, it makes your heart swell. 
You catch him by surprise when you stand up and reach your torso over the table to plant a quick kiss on his lips. His stunned expression causes you to giggle, hysterically. You can’t help it. A blushing dhampir is just such a precious sight! 
Slyly, you point above his head at the secret mistletoe you planted days earlier. Following your direction, Alucard can’t help but start to chuckle as well. You were certainly sneakier than he gave you credit for. After all this time, you still managed to surprise him. It’s one of the things he loves best about you. 
You clear the dinner dishes and try to avoid his arms on the way back to your seat, to no avail. Smugly, he grabs you and pulls you to sit on his lap. Grinning a devilish smile, he pulls you in for another kiss. 
You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Sypha is big on family and religious traditions. She comes from a family of Speakers after all. For her, being around loved ones who are understanding and kind, and considerate of your beliefs is essential to celebrating the holidays. 
This means she makes an effort to learn about your family and your faith- whatever it may be. She doesn’t want you to feel like you can’t celebrate the way you may have used to just because you’re on the move. As a Speaker, she has become an expert at celebrating while traveling and she intends on sharing those secrets with you. 
If the two of you are with her family, she makes sure to include you in their traditions. 
For example, one Speaker tradition is to take turns going around the group saying one new thing you learned or discovered this year. After Sypha’s first turn, she encourages you to give it a go. It’s surprisingly easier than you think, and you find yourself having fun participating. Plus you love hearing all the incredible new things her family has learned. What’s shared is often very interesting as Speakers are taught an incredible wealth of knowledge from adolescence on, so the discoveries mentioned are often about things you as well as the other Speakers haven’t heard of before. 
If the two of you are back at Alucard’s castle, you spend your majority of time with the boys. Sypha wants everyone to feel included. However, she does schedule some special private time for just the two of you. 
You rest in each other’s arms, taking turns running your fingers softly through each other’s hair. It’s intimate and vulnerable and it makes you feel so close, so connected to her. 
As the night comes to an end, she takes you outside for an incredible display of her abilities. It’s like your own private firework show. She draws objects with her flames and spells out sweet words as you try and guess what they are. At the end of the show, she’s positively exhausted but so happy you appreciate her for all she is, Speaker, magician, and all.
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anon: Please do Alucard from Castlevania where reader has impeccable sense of humor. Their humor ranges from self depreciating comments, puns, sarcasm, dark jokes and can casually make a serious situation mellow down. Please and thank you!
For requests check my pinned post! :)
Anon, I wish I was funny and could’ve written some actual banter - but I am not 😭 I hope you’re okay with this little blurb, it wouldn’t leave my head all day while in the kitchen. I hope you’re having a good time wherever you are! Happy Holidays! Thank you very much for the request, feel free to tell me what you think :)
Alucard and a human with a keen sense of humor
He wants to say he hates it when you joke around, but he can’t. He simply can’t.
You’re a breath of fresh air. You know how to make him laugh - you’re sharp and never fail to lighten the mood. There is something about you that just hits him every time you look at him with a twinkle in your eye, another comment already on your tongue.
Keep reading
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At my funeral, I’m gonna hire somebody with a scar to look over my body and audibly whisper “I should’ve been the one to finally take you out.”
Alternatively, they could also whisper “They won’t get away with this. I’m gonna finish what you started, old friend.”
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Hey btw this is a pro mary sue/"cringy" oc blog. You're creating! You're having fun! That's all that matters and I'm proud of you.
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I love dating bastards just for the satisfaction of other characters being shocked they're somewhat nice to me
"The evil demonlord of the vampire blood reign is nice to you?"
ya, and he loves my baking
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Imagine your villain f/o treating you like absolute royalty. You bring them absolute joy, and they cater to your every little wish - within reason, of course.
No matter how mean, scary of cruel they are with others, as soon as they're with you? Their brains turn into mush and all they can feel is love. They would never do anything to bring you harm, because seeing you sad would destroy them.
Overall, they love you to death, and would do anything to make you happy, no matter how much of a threat they are to others - you know them better than anyone else.
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me, getting dressed: ok so which fictional character are we manifesting in place of a fixed identity on this dire autumn morning
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Kiss Me On The Sidewalk and Take Away The Pain
(How they go from being a duo to being a trio. Aricka also sings part of the below Taylor Swift song.)
(Warning: Reggie’s parents are idiots, Reggie has a bloody nose and several cuts/bruises. Read at your own risk.)
(Shada is a placeholder until we know his real last name.)
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Aricka and Luke had been dating for about four months. They were crazy in love with each other. But they’d been aware of something missing for two of those months.
Luke remembered the night Aricka told him she loved Reggie as much as she loved him.
“Babe can I talk to you?” She asked, intertwining their fingers together.
“Always,” he says, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. “You can tell me anything.”
Aricka took a deep breath and her usually bright blue eyes filled with tears. “I love you,” she says, and he was about to respond when she continues, “And I love Reggie too. I love you both and I want you both- but I can’t have you both- can I?”
Luke was surprised that he wasn’t surprised. “I love him too,” he confesses. Aricka looks at him, letting the tears spill down her cheeks. “And I love you every bit as much as I love him. And I think he loves us the same way.”
Aricka swiped a hand across her cheek and tried to get rid of her tears. “So what now?” She asks. “He’s our boy- we need him.”
Luke loved the sound of her calling Reggie “our boy.”
“We wait until he comes to us- or we go to him in two weeks,” he says, cupping her cheek in his hand and swiping at a tear with his thumb. “Come here baby girl,” he says and she leans forward to kiss him. “I love you,” he repeats, and she blushes that sweet cherry red he adored.
“I love you too,” she echoed.
*end flashback*
Aricka was now laying with her head in his lap, her newest song idea in her lap. Luke knew who and what it was about- Aricka always got her emotions out best through writing.
Reggie walked in at that moment, and Aricka was the one to see the dried blood under his nose. “Reg-.” She stood up and walked over to the boy she’d developed a crush. “Cmon, let’s go to the bathroom.”
She gently grabbed his hands and led him to the bathroom and had him sit on the closed toilet. Aricka got a red washcloth and wet it down, before bending in front of him and gently dabbing at the blood.
Luke came in a minute later with the first aid kit. “What happened?” Her favorite guitar player asked as he put antibacterial lotion on Reggie’s knuckles.
“They were fighting again. Lizzy was in the room with them. I tried to get her out- he threw a glass at me. So I punched him.” Aricka’s heart twisted painfully at those words. She wanted to hug him and kiss his forehead and protect him anyone who tried to hurt him.
One look at Luke and she knew they were on the same page. “You can stay with us tonight- we were just writing lyrics anyway,” Luke said.
“But this is your guys’ time-!” Aricka put her finger gently over his lips in a hushing motion.
“You’re staying with us,” she said, and then she got a bandage from the kit and placed it on his hand where Luke had put the ointment on. “Lu, can you get him a pair of pajamas? I know you left a pair here the last time we were here in case you forgot to bring some.”
Luke knew what she was really saying- he’s about five minutes from breaking and it’ll be easier on him if only one of us is here.
They watched as he left the room, but not before he gently kissed the bandaged knuckles. Aricka noted the subtle blush dotting Reggie’s face and she hid a smile.
How could one boy be so adorable?
Now there was two of them in her life.
“Is Lizzy safe?” She asked softly, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. Reggie shyly wrapped his hand around her wrist.
“Yeah, she’s asleep. I made sure she was okay before I left.” Aricka smiled thinking of the little girl that looked like a female version of Reggie.
“That’s good- she’s safe. And you’re safe here with us.” Her hand trailed down to his cheek and it rested there, and she watched him close his eyes and lean into her touch.
Oh yeah. She was gone on this boy.
“I’m scared one day he’ll follow me,” he whispered, so quiet she almost missed it. “That he’ll hurt Lizzy.”
“He won’t. We’ll protect you both,” she says, and he opens his eyes. She was slightly startled to see the tears in his eyes- but not completely. Reggie was exhausted. And rightfully so.
“I’m scared,” he repeats, and it’s like a dam burst. Aricka caught him as he leaned forward and cried on her shoulder, whispering softly about how he was okay and she had him and she wasn’t going anywhere. She remembered the song she had been writing and decided to sing it to him,
“Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile...” she hummed a simple melody before singing again,
“I run my fingers through your hair
And watch the lights go wild
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me
Its just wrong enough to make it feel right...”
They were sitting on the cold tile of the bathroom floor- well, she was sitting on the bathroom floor. Reggie was curled up in a small ball in her lap.
“Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile
When sparks fly oh baby smile
When sparks fly...” he had two fistfuls of her shirt, like it was the one thing holding him together. “I’ve got you, cowboy, it’s okay.” Luke walks in at that point and Reggie snuggled closer to her like he was trying to hide. “It’s just Luke baby, you don’t need to be scared of him.”
Luke and her exchanged a Look and he sat down where he was. “I got you one of my hoodies,” he says. “Want one of us to help you put it on?”
Reggie mumbled something neither of them could hear. “What’s that babe?” Aricka asked, and he looked up at her.
“You can do it,” he says. Aricka nods and he moves off her lap so she can help him change.
She carefully helped him take off his shirt- and winced at the scars on his stomach and ribs. “Oh babes...” she whispered. “You hid this for so long...”He began to cry again and she pulled him back in for a hug, and Luke joined this time. “It’s okay, let it all out baby. We’ve got you. We’re gonna take care of you, okay?”
“O-okay,” he whispered, his eyes still closed. “It hurts.”
“Where does it hurt?” She asked, running her fingers through his dark hair- he must’ve taken a shower cause it wasn’t gelled and it was slightly curly.
“Everywhere,” he says, a fresh wave of tears making him unable to speak for a few seconds after. Aricka’s eyes had also filled with tears at this point, her heart breaking in two for the boy in her arms.
“We’ve got you Reg,” Luke said, reaching down to take the boy’s hand in his own. “We’re not gonna leave you again.”
That got his attention. “What do you mean?” The bass guitar player asked. Aricka kissed his forehead gently, and said,
“We love you Reggie. We have for a while. And we still love each other.” Reggie found her gaze and asked,
“So- are you- you want me-?”
“We do baby,” she says. “We want you to be our boyfriend. We love you so much.”
Reggie hiccuped, the sound so cute she smiled softly. “I love you too,” he says, and hugs her tightly, his face buried in her shirt. Aricka grinned and reached out to Luke, who kissed her hand. “Both of you,” he adds, voice thick with emotion.
“I love you Reggie,” Luke whispered, kissing the boy’s hand again since he couldn’t see his face. Aricka had the pleasure of once again kissing Reggie’s forehead.
“I love you, my little prince.” Love for the two boys in front of her filled her so fast she felt she was gonna explode. “You’re safe with us. We’ve got you. We love you.”
“Aricka?” He asked, still hugging her.
“I’m cold.” They looked at each other and laughed, and she let him move once again- into Luke’s lap. They helped him into the hoodie and he crawled back into her arms. “Can I kiss- never mind,” he says, not looking at her.
Aricka tilted his chin up so they were eye to eye. “What’s that baby?” She asks.
Reggie played with the strings on her hoodie before finally looking at her. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, face going red as the flannel he wore around his waist. Aricka grinned and nodded.
“Of course you can babe.” Aricka let him kiss her- she didn’t want to move to fast.
Kissing Reggie was so different than kissing Luke. Kissing Luke was pure energy- it was the sensation of touching a live wire and living to tell the story. It was electric, passionate.
Kissing Reggie however - it was like coming home after being gone for years. It was basking in the warmth of the sun. It was tender and loving and gentle- just like the boy she was kissing. She gently cups his face in her hand and kissed him back, her eyes closed, and she knew then that she never wanted to lose him.
She was hopelessly, completely, irrevocably in love with Reggie Shada.
“My turn,” Luke said teasingly, and Reggie turned in Aricka’s hold to kiss him. “Now, I don’t know about you two but my butt is killing me sitting on this floor. Why don’t we move this love fest out to the couch?” Aricka and Reggie laugh- he laughed!- and Luke got up first.
“Wanna walk or be carried?” She asks the boy still in her arms.
“Carry me please?” Reggie asked. Nobody but the band knew this but Aricka was a strong girl. She could give everyone minus Trevor a piggyback ride. So when she offered to carry him Reggie absolutely wanted her to.
Aricka stood and let him wrap his legs around her waist before carrying him out to the couch.
“Delivery for Luke Patterson,” she said teasingly, and gently dropped Reggie into Luke’s lap. “I’m gonna go get more blankets, kay babes?” She asked, looking at both of them, and running her hand through his hair. She slipped away and went to the blanket pile they’d acquired lately and grabbed four blankets. Yes Luke ran hot but she froze at nights and she wasn’t sure how hot or cold Reggie got at night. She handed all but the soft purple blanket, keeping that one for herself. “Reggie, do you wanna be in the middle or one of us to be?” She asked, stealing the boy from Luke.
“Wanna be in the middle,” he says and she kisses his forehead again, loving the fact that she could do that now.
“Mkay, lay down then,” she says. They all three laid down and Aricka snuggled up to Reggie, her head on his chest and her right arm laying across his stomach. Luke was on the other side of Reggie, his left arm on top of hers.
“What was that song you were singing earlier?” Reggie asked, and Aricka blushed.
“It’s called Sparks Fly. It’s supposed to have a country feel cause I wrote it for you.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it, and she smiled.
“I love you,” he says to them both. Aricka and Luke smile at each other.
“I love you too,” Aricka says.
“Ditto,” Luke adds.
(When Alex came to find Aricka the next morning, he saw the three of them cuddled up together, put two and two together, and realized Trevor owned him $20.)
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nougat i know you like the idea of you or your f/o going to your or their universe! and there's this book series i read called stravaganza and it's abt diff people going to alternate 16th century italy through an item while asleep and could like cut their old life if they want to stay there. anyways could you imagine finding an item from your f/o's world and end up being transported there!! it would be very interesting to say the least :3
Anon mwah mwah once again u have found a nifty new series for me to check out.
BUT YEAH THIS IS A NEAT CONCEPT??! I wanna pick up something right now and go to the my hero academia world !!!! And it is there that I'll probably perish instantly.
Getting to transport to F/O world!!! What a concept!!!!
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Yume Café: The Selfshipping Café
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I like the idea of a nice little Cafe specifically for selfshippers! A cozy place that has book shelves, TVs, game consoles, etc with people's favorite source material displayed.
There's menu items like F/Orapiccino, Fictional Onion (rings), Banana F/oster, Simp Soup, shellfish insert, etc.
There'd also be specialized dishes based on your F/O's (ex. Tomura would be a parfait with mint ice cream)
Your F/O(s) are the ones who serve you and wear a fancy outfit of your choice (suit, apron etc). They not only give you food but they also spend time with you while you hang out at the cafe. If it's romantic between you maybe they flirt or act soft with you.
Everytime you come you get a nice little momento from your F/O (like a nice note or a little trinket)
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Is he going to fashion jail?
‘I’ll tell you if your love will commit war crimes’ this, ‘I’ll tell you if you love is guilty’ that, this is nonsense.
Reblog this post with a pic of your love (romantic, platonic, or familial) and I’ll tell you whether or not they’re going to fashion jail
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✨ heavenshipped’s guide to becoming your own main character ✨
i wanted to elaborate a little more on this ask and give a few tips and tricks and things that i’ve done in the process, just in case anyone is trying to give this a go and they don’t know where to start!!!
Keep reading
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🎃 Virtual trick or treating 2020! 🎃
People expressed interest so, here’s a rebloggable post that will serve as a list of users who are willing to receive and send out treats! This way people will be able go through the reblogs and send letters out easier.
Please reblog this post and put in the tags which f/o(s) you would like treats from! (It’s okay to reblog just to circulate the post! You can specify that you’re not participating in the tags) Also, I expect people to practice ask karma by sending some out if they expect to receive.
Happy Halloween everyone and stay safe!
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stealing this from twitter 🙈 but. if u were a fictional character what would ppl think of u?
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I'm sorry but this may be odd but I imagine me and my f/o in beautiful, renaissance paintings
HEY I don't think it's odd at all though, that's PIQUE. It's powerful. It's crisp.
Imagine you and your F/O in a manor wall looking like this kinda painting??
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Poetry. The majesty of it all.
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