robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
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NBAA Alan H. Conklin Business Aviation Management Scholarship
The application and accompanying information must be submitted on July 31, 2017.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
NBAA Alan H. Conklin Business Aviation Management Scholarship
NBAA Alan H. Conklin Business Aviation Management Scholarship
The application and accompanying information must be submitted on July 31, 2017.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
AHA Uncovering New Patterns Fellowships
AHA Uncovering New Patterns Fellowships
Application deadline of the fellowship is August 24, 2017.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: Actuarial Foundation Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: June 16, 2017
Link: http://usascholarships.com/actuarial-foundation-curtis-e-huntington-memorial-scholarship/
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Your art is so amazing. I want to get better at art myself, but I have so little time with school and other extracurriculars that I end up not being able to practice. Do you have any advice?
There is always time for things you’re passionate about. It might just mean taking a step back and reorganising priorities, or maybe sleeping an hour less each night. I work three days a week as a digital designer, the rest of the days I work freelance, and pretty much every spare minute I have has something to do with art (minus the occasional catch-up with friends and family or rummaging through marketplaces on the way to my studio). I’m very fortunate that my life revolves around something I’m in love with, and once you finish school being able to prioritise what you love will be a lot easier, but a common mistake people make is using institutional education as an excuse to not pursue what they love. I’ve been creating and working commercially as a freelancer and selling my work internationally throughout my whole university experience. For me, it wasn’t that I didn’t have time for art, it was more that I was having so much fun and learning so much independently that university was getting in the way of the path I was carving for myself. From what I gather you’re in high school with a lot of extra curricular’s, so don’t feel too much pressure to create unless you feel compelled to. Because if you compelled to, you will. And on top of that you have plenty of time to discover yourself artistically when you finish school. If you’re still stressed about it, find blocks of waiting-time (being on public transport, lunch breaks, in between your extra curricular commitments) because those are times where you can push yourself to fill your sketchbook to the brim with magical ideas that later, when you have enough time, you can bring to life.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: Actuarial Foundation Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: June 16, 2017
Link: http://usascholarships.com/actuarial-foundation-curtis-e-huntington-memorial-scholarship/
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A Salem Witches’ Institute student wears the traditional black and white robes outside of the Institute’s greenhouse for poisonous or exceedingly dangerous tropical plants.
(Anna Ewers by Stefania Paparelli)
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: Actuarial Foundation Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: June 16, 2017
Link: http://usascholarships.com/actuarial-foundation-curtis-e-huntington-memorial-scholarship/
Some scholarship resources for STEM college students
STEM Awards
Amgen is a summer research program in science and biotechnology with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at a leading US educational institution. Deadline is in early February 2015.
Google Anita Borg is for women studying computer science, computer engineering, informatics, or a closely related technical field and maintaining an excellent academic record. Google Anita Borg Scholarship recipients will each receive a $10,000 award for the 2015-2016 academic year. Deadline is January 15, 2015.
DAAD RISE provides summer undergraduate research at universities and research institutions in Germany. No German language is required. The foundation deadline is January 15, 2015.
DOE MLEF (Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship) Program provides students with an opportunity to gain and develop research skills with the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy for 10 weeks over the summer. Deadline is January 2, 2015.
DOE NNSA SSGF (Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship) deadline is January 14, 2015.
Nano Japan: International Research Experience for Undergraduates summer program in Japan for freshman or sophomores, especially those from underrepresented groups, interested nanoscience. Deadline is January 23, 2015.
Whitaker funds graduate study or research in biomedical engineering or bioengineering fields in diverse regions of the world. Deadline is January 20, 2015 or February 3, 2015.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: Actuarial Foundation Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: June 16, 2017
Link: http://usascholarships.com/actuarial-foundation-curtis-e-huntington-memorial-scholarship/
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Some scholarship resources for STEM college students
STEM Awards
Amgen is a summer research program in science and biotechnology with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at a leading US educational institution. Deadline is in early February 2015.
Google Anita Borg is for women studying computer science, computer engineering, informatics, or a closely related technical field and maintaining an excellent academic record. Google Anita Borg Scholarship recipients will each receive a $10,000 award for the 2015-2016 academic year. Deadline is January 15, 2015.
DAAD RISE provides summer undergraduate research at universities and research institutions in Germany. No German language is required. The foundation deadline is January 15, 2015.
DOE MLEF (Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship) Program provides students with an opportunity to gain and develop research skills with the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy for 10 weeks over the summer. Deadline is January 2, 2015.
DOE NNSA SSGF (Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship) deadline is January 14, 2015.
Nano Japan: International Research Experience for Undergraduates summer program in Japan for freshman or sophomores, especially those from underrepresented groups, interested nanoscience. Deadline is January 23, 2015.
Whitaker funds graduate study or research in biomedical engineering or bioengineering fields in diverse regions of the world. Deadline is January 20, 2015 or February 3, 2015.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
“I’m a man of science, of course ghosts aren’t real. Now hand me that wooden stake. We’ve got a vampire to kill.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
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I had to combine prompts cuz this was too perfect! Nerd alert
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
Hi there! One of my younger siblings just came home with three (!!) goldfish after a science unit, and of course, we're woefully unprepared- I know about the 30 gallons per fish rule, but do you have any suggestions for what kind of basic set-up would be best for them? I only know about betta fish, haha...
Uh oh! Arguably the most important part of goldfish ownership is having a good filter and doing regular water changes. Goldfish are messy little critters. I don’t have any filter recommendations, however… So if any of my followers keep goldfish or know what a good filter type/brand is, that would be great. Otherwise, a basic setup is really just a tank, or one of those plastic fish ponds. I’ve read that the best ‘substrate’ to use is either none (bare bottom), tile, or larger river rocks, as sand or typical gravel trap and hold ammonia, which goldfish produce in high amounts, making it harder to keep the water clean. You can use just about anything as decoration that you want, so long as your fish isn’t going to swallow it or get stuck in it. You can try planting the tank, if you want, but don’t be surprised if your fish eat the plants.
Good luck, anon!
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
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little known fact: every single my chemical romance song is actually written about or from the perspective of sasuke uchiha 
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
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Research Project - Gapminder - Internet User Rate
Research objective
Identification of the demographic factors influencing the internet user rate.
After going through the codebook for GAPMINDER, I have decided that I am interested in internet proliferation. I am not sure what all variables apart from 1 or 2, I will use in my study, so, for now, I will include all of the relevant variable in my personal codebook
While Internet users are increasing at fast face I want to understand what all factors lead to internet usage.is it the income of a person or the urbanization or the female employ rate is associated with the internet Users.
Research Question 
What is the relationship of Internet user rate with the following factors?
a) Income per person
b) Female Employment Rate
c) Employment Rate
d) Life Expectancy
e) Electricity Consumption
f) Urban Population
g) Political Nature of the country
H1a. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Income per person
H1b. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Female Employment Rate
H1c. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Employment Rate
H1d. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Life Expectancy 
H1e. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Electricity Consumption
H1f. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Urban Population
H1g. There is a positive relationship between Internet User Rate and Political Nature of the country
Literature Review
Keywords for construct identification search on Google Scholar - demographics factors influencing internet user rate, demographics factors influencing internet usage, factors influencing internet usage, Internet User rate, Internet growth, Internet Development, 
Demographic and motivation variables associated with Internet usage activities  by  Thompson S.H. Teo (1991) 
Since the introduction of the Internet in 1969, it has evolved from the sole domain of the computer nerd and the academic to a mainstream channel of communication (Nehmzow 1997)
The Size and Growth Rate of the Internet by K. G. Coffman and A. M. Odlyzko 1 AT&T Labs - Research
Second  Question 
is suicide rate associated with unemployment?
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Free Online Course on Connecting Humans Animals & Environment
Session: Starts on September 25, 2017 
Link: https://www.freeeducator.com/free-online-course-on-connecting-humans-animals-environment/
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These walls,they’re haunted… Not by people, but the ghosts of my past. Haunting, holding me down from what I could become.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: 2017 Cystic Fibrosis Patients Scholarship List
Deadline: Varies
Link: http://usascholarships.com/scholarships-cystic-fibrosis-patients/
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized use of the Flourish Pediatric Esophageal Atresia Anastomosis, a first-of-its-kind medical device to treat infants up to one year old for a birth defect that causes a gap in their esophagus, called esophageal atresia. The device uses magnets to pull the upper and lower esophagus together, closing the gap and allowing food to enter the stomach. It is not for use in infants who also have a tracheoesophageal fistula, an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the windpipe (trachea). During the procedure to insert the Flourish device, doctors insert two catheters, one through the mouth and one through the stomach. The magnetic ends of the two catheters attract each other, and this attraction pulls the two ends of the esophagus together over several days, closing the gap and forming a connection. Once the catheters are removed, the infant can begin to feed by mouth. The FDA reviewed data for the Flourish device through the humanitarian device exemption (HDE) process. A Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) is a device that is intended to benefit patients by treating or diagnosing a disease or condition that affects not more than 8,000 individuals in the U.S. per year.
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: 2017 Cystic Fibrosis Patients Scholarship List
Deadline: Varies
Link: http://usascholarships.com/scholarships-cystic-fibrosis-patients/
AP stands for Advanced Placement and it’s this program in the U.S. where high school students can take college level classes and then there’s an exam at the end of the year that we have to pass in order to get the college credit.
It’s AP exam season right now and I’m dead inside
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: 2017 Cystic Fibrosis Patients Scholarship List
Deadline: Varies
Link: http://usascholarships.com/scholarships-cystic-fibrosis-patients/
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The ppl in the comments going like oh well Y/u/ri’s only 23? OK AND!!!??, Sekizan is still a high school student so he’s what 18 tops?, Then lets not even go there with pre Part 4 Jojo’s holy shit. Like look there’s nothing wrong with the bishonen slender aesthetic ok that never left us and I too can enjoy a classic bishonen. But do not assign words like Thicc to these boys who ain’t got the look it’s embarrassing and insulting. 
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robert-turner-blog1 · 7 years
Scholarship: 2017 Cystic Fibrosis Patients Scholarship List
Deadline: Varies
Link: http://usascholarships.com/scholarships-cystic-fibrosis-patients/
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M A K U R A      N O     D A N S H I
HANAMINE KANADE A high school student that gives his all to music and the violin.
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