robingoodfollow · 5 days
i love that song iris by the google docs
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robingoodfollow · 12 days
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robingoodfollow · 5 months
remember when captain america said he wasn't dating because "it's kinda hard to find someone with shared life experience" and then later in the movie they revived his best friend and silly rabbit and right hand man and the only person that could hope to understand his specific set of circumstances and then they walked the earth together as two men out of time soul-tied by fate and loyalty and blistering unwavering devotion. and that wasnt meant to mean anything
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robingoodfollow · 8 months
oh. i just found out that the writer of the vincent van gogh doctor who episode wrote it as a tribute to his sister.
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robingoodfollow · 8 months
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robingoodfollow · 10 months
"that was all fanservice" yeah! and i'm the fan. yummy yummy
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robingoodfollow · 10 months
The string of words that the doctor used to ‘wake up’ Donna reminds me of the string of words used to unlock the TARDIS in The Doctor’s Wife. Of course those words had to be matched with emotion and image so when he said grief….
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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2004 Tamagotchi sticker book stickers
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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By Jason Ting
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
Lilo & Stitch is a great example of a story that has no villains. It has antagonists, sure, but most of them are well-meaning. The worst person in the film is that little shit Myrtle, but she’s not in the film that much anyway.
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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Claude Monet House and Gardens
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
relationships are so much healthier when the goal is to experience life together and not to try to make the person into who you want them to be or to make them do what you want them to do. 
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
I am glad that bee hummingbirds hatch nests of eggs each smaller than a pea. I am glad that there are oceans two miles deep where fishes unknown to science glow like fireflies.
I am glad that the crumbs taken from my bedroom are returned to tiny cities built by ants, and that the thunder of the storms rolling in from the north trembles in my chest when it is still a ways off. Hello, says the world, you are so little. Hello, says the world, you are so big.
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
before this format is completely dead, ever thought the 5 love languages were wack? me too! so i took it upon myself to reinvent that shit. now i proudly present to you the 5 new and improved love languages, take this quiz to find out where u stand.
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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kitchen ghosts
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robingoodfollow · 1 year
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