Deep cleaning vs. Regular cleaning: How to deep-clean your house
Spring is in the air. Now that the days are getting longer as well as warmer, it’s time to open windows and dust off the cobwebs. It’s the season to get our homes back in order with some much-needed help from Roborock’s deep-cleaning technology.
What is Deep Cleaning and Do You Really Need It?
Deep cleaning goes above and beyond your regular cleaning routine. It addresses areas of your home that trap dirt, areas that you may not have noticed even if you are someone who cleans often.
Deep cleaning should take several days when done correctly, something not everyone has time for. Unless you have a small and uncluttered home, it’s not a task that could be accomplished by hand in a weekend. But everyone can use a Roborock vacuum to help them deep clean more efficiently.  
While most people only have time to deep clean once or twice a year, Roborock will save you a whole lot of time cleaning your floors throughout the year. Roborock’s smart features will leave your home clear of allergens, germs, and mold that could make you and your family sick.
Roborock vacuums use a mapping technology with a high-precision LDS laser to scan the area and SLAM algorithms to create a map of your home. Once it creates this map, the vacuum cleans the perimeter first and then uses a z-pattern to clean the center. It calculates the most efficient route for a thorough clean. Roborock S5 does all of this, plus it offers 2000Pa of suction, ensuring that it cleans every bit of dirt from your carpets and your floors, making your flooring spotless.
While you’re working to deep-clean small crevices of your home, you can rest assured that your Roborock vacuum is taking care of the floors.
How to Deep-Clean Your Home Room by Room
Different rooms require different approaches and different tools and products, but one thing every room has in common is that it needs the Roborock vacuum to make the floor spotless. Rather than worrying about getting on your hands and knees to clean up dog hair or get the dust up off your floor, you can worry about organizing your supplies and tackling other sections of your home.
While Roborock will get rid of any hair or dirt on your bathroom floor, it is important that you deep-clean places above the ground where Roborock can’t reach.
Start by giving the toilet a good scrub. Clean all light fixtures, dust all corners for cobwebs, and wash any windows and window treatments.
Remove and scrub everything in your tub, shower, and walls. Clean behind any removable shelves or caddies. In order to reach all the hidden little crevices, use a toothbrush to scrub the shower head and drain. Clean or replace the shower curtain and restock your shower with your favorite shower supplies.
Take everything off the counter and wash the mirror with glass cleaner. Use a toothbrush to scrub around the drain, and then clean the sink and counter. Wash the soap dish, toothbrush holder, and all products you use on a daily basis and then put them back on the counter.
Remove everything from the medicine cabinet, clean all shelves and then organize everything you’re putting back. Take everything out of the cupboards and wipe the inside. Make sure that, as you’re cleaning your bathroom, you’re discarding or setting aside any old or unwanted items.
The floors in the bathroom are obviously very important. They can collect all kinds of unwanted dust, dirt, and grime. With regular use, a Roborock vacuum can keep your bathroom floors clean. Look for a model with a mopping feature, such as the Roborock S5 to make sure your bathroom floors are clean and sanitary for your health and convenience.
It’s extremely important to keep your kitchen particularly clean, because you don’t want any lingering bacteria in a place where food is prepared and consumed. Roborock will get rid of any floor residue while you take measures to clean the higher areas of the kitchen.
Start by dusting all light fixtures to get rid of cobwebs. Wipe the tops of the cupboards, wash the windows, and clean the window treatments. Take items out of the cupboards, and wipe the inside of the cupboards before replacing the items.
Take everything out of your pantry, clean the pantry shelves, replace what you want, and get rid of any expired food. Set aside items that are still good but that you don’t want and donate them to a food bank.
Take everything off the counters and give all surfaces and items a good scrub. Clean out the inside of the microwave, toaster, and all other small appliances.
Take everything out of the freezer and refrigerator, removing all shelves and drawers. Wash them in warm soapy water and set them aside to dry. Pull the fridge away from the wall and wash the outside. Leave it up to the Roborock to clean the dusty floor where the fridge has been before putting the fridge back.
Scrub the range hood with a good kitchen cleaner. Give the stovetop and oven a good cleaning. Then, pull the stove away from the wall and wash the sides and door. Again, let your Roborock vacuum where the stove has been to get rid of accumulated dust and debris.
Clean the faucet and drain with a toothbrush and then wash the sink. Dust all baseboards and pick up everything off the floor. Make sure, again, that you dispose of or set aside any old or unwanted items in your kitchen.
As with most kitchens, there will be dirt and food particles on the ground. A Roborock with a vacuum and mopping feature will make sure your kitchen floors are clean and safe.
Clean light fixtures, dust the corners for cobwebs, and clean any pictures you may have hanging on the walls. Flip or rotate your mattress and wash your linens.
Organize your closet and donate clothing you don’t wear. Pull the furniture away from the walls and let the Roborock clean all of the dust that has built up under your furniture. Unlike a human, the Roborock won’t have any trouble finding each and every piece of dirt to clean up. The Roborock will ensure that you are sleeping in a non-bacteria-filled environment.
Linen Closets, Mudroom, and Laundry Room
These three rooms attract the most dust of all. Roborock is here to help you leave each room spotless.
Remove all items from the closets, wiping shelves from top to bottom. Wash items that haven’t been used for a while. Use the Roborock vacuum to clean the floor.
Dust the mudroom for cobwebs and clean light fixtures and window treatments. Wipe all surfaces and organize items by season. Declutter the area, dust baseboards, and clean the floor.
Wash the outside of the washer and dryer. Organize your detergents and supplies.
The floors in these areas and rooms can often collect all kinds of dirt, dust, hair, and grime. They’re not easy to clean with a regular vacuum, but the Roborock line of vacuums are designed to perfectly fit into these hard-to-reach areas. Roborock will leave your once-dusty laundry room clean and spotless.
Common Areas
Dust corners, clean light fixtures and windows, wash window treatments, and wipe hard surfaces. Vacuum couches and upholstered items. Declutter as you go, putting away all unnecessary items. Dust anything hanging on walls and clean behind furniture. Let Roborock free to work its magic on the floors around the house.
Outdoor Areas                      
Sweep and hose down patios, then scrub away stubborn stains. Wash removable cushions and clean outdoor furniture. Wipe railings and clean light fixtures.
9 Tips from Professional Housekeepers
Get rid of expired or unused household items.
Clean all light fixtures and ceiling fans.
Don’t forget to clean the baseboards behind furniture.
Wash windows as well as window sills and door frames.
Vacuum, mop, and treat floors.
Clean window treatments, such as drapes or blinds.
Check and replace smoke-detector batteries.
Check expiration dates on fire extinguishers.
Wash out the inside of garbage cans.
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A Brief Checklist for Summer Cleaning 2019
Summer is the time to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather. At the same time, all those fun outdoor activities end up inside your home, leading to a silent infiltration of dirt and grime in your house. Summer is the time to fight back and put those germs in their place.
Why Summer Cleaning Is a Necessity
During the summer the kids are home from school, and every parent knows that kids are mess magnets. Summer holidays are the time to hit the beach, run through sprinklers, and enjoy nature. These fun activities somehow always end up being tracked into the home and all over the carpet.
Warm days are also the perfect time for entertaining and hosting barbecues. Not only do these fun times result in more people to clean up after, you also want a tidy home before the guests arrive. It’s a double-edged sword and the only remedy is some summer cleaning.
Summer is also a time for allergies, and the best way to alleviate symptoms is to clean regularly. It’s the only way to keep the pollen and allergens at bay.
Summer Cleaning Checklist
Quick Kitchen Cleanups
Keep your kitchen as clutter-free as possible to reduce the number of things that can attract dirt. Clean up spills right away to prevent them from drying on the floor or counter. Clean the inside of your oven regularly to stop food from burning onto surfaces. Work clockwise around the room, wiping all surfaces. Set the Roborock to vacuum and mop the floor in the kitchen while you enjoy summer.
Bathroom Care
Sanitize the toilet bowl and let the solution sit while you wipe the outside with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the mirror, declutter the counter, wash the sink and faucet, and finally wipe the counter. Scrub the tub or shower and keep a cloth or squeegee nearby that can be used to give the walls a quick wipe after each shower. Let the Roborock vacuum and clean the hair and dirt off the floor.
Bedroom Summer Cleaning
Moving in a clockwise fashion, declutter and organize displaced items. Dust hard surfaces with a moist cloth. Use the app on your phone to schedule the Roborock to vacuum the carpets and floors.
Meet and Greet Area
Sweep or hose off patios and walkways to minimize the amount of dirt that gets tracked into your home. Use the Roborock’s spot-clean feature to vacuum the area just inside the door to prevent dirt from getting a foothold in your home.
Trashy and Stinky Sinks
The heat of the summer months makes those odors more pronounced. Take garbage out more frequently, wash the inside of garbage cans more regularly, and wash sinks often to stop stink in its tracks. Save lemon rinds for the garbage disposal to naturally deodorize.
General Floor Cleaning
Schedule your Roborock for daily vacuuming to keep your floors clean when you leave for work during the day.
Summer is coming, and the Roborock vacuum will keep your house clean and tidy for the whole summer.
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The Best Robot Vacuum for Laminate Floors in 2019
Laminate flooring is a popular choice among homeowners. These beautiful floors certainly have their appeal, but they also have unique requirements for staying clean and looking their best. Do you know how to take care of your laminate floors?
Laminate vs. Hardwood
People who want wood floors are often drawn to laminate instead because it is much more affordable than the hardwood alternative. Laminate is strong, durable, and scratch-resistant, which makes it more versatile. It can be used in just about any room of your house, including the kitchen and bathrooms.
While hardwood needs to be nailed down, most laminate flooring is put together like a jigsaw puzzle that clicks together for a tight and solid fit. It can be installed much faster and without specialized tools. Hardwood generally needs to be installed by a professional, but laminate can be installed by the average homeowner.
When people think laminate, wood planks usually come to mind. What many people don’t realize is that laminate comes in a variety of shapes, colors, and patterns. It can resemble wood, stone, or tile and can match the decor of any room.
Five Tips for Keeping Your Laminate Floor Clean and Shiny
Sweep often to eliminate dirt and sand that could ultimately scratch the floor. To simplify your life, invest in a Roborock vacuum that can carry out regular cleaning for you. This smart robot vacuum can automatically perform scheduled cleaning or be controlled through an app that gives you customized cleaning options.
Clean thoroughly. The Roborock vacuum uses sophisticated technology to plan a thorough and efficient cleaning route. The collision-avoiding soft rubber ring allows the Roborock vacuum to clean in corners without causing damage to walls or furniture.
Use a damp, but not wet, mop. The Roborock vacuums, including Roborock S5, Xiaowa E2, and Xiaowa E3, all contain a vacuum and mop in one. The unique mopping system ensures uniform water seepage throughout the cleaning process. Once mopping is complete, the water seepage turns off.
Don’t use soap on your laminate floor and never steam clean. Soaps can leave residues that can be impossible to remove without damaging the floor. Steam heat can damage the laminate by causing it to expand.
Laminate is not intended for heavy vacuums or polishing machines. This type of equipment is too heavy and aggressive for laminate and could scratch or dent it. Repeated use of vacuums that are too rough can result in dull floors from tiny scratches in the finish.
Now you know how to keep your laminate floors pretty and clean. If you need more information about the Roborock vacuum, please check our website to choose the one fits your needs: https://en.roborock.com/pages/robot-vacuum-cleaner-compare
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The Five Best Small Cordless Vacuums for Pet Hair in 2019
Chances are, you probably have a big, old, bulky vacuum lying around somewhere in the house. You might be thinking that’s all you need, but, really, a small vacuum can help you keep your home cleaner. While every home would benefit from having a small cordless vacuum around, it’s especially true for homes with pets.
The Problem with Traditional Big Vacuums
If you live in a smaller home, or a home with little carpeting, you may not need the old upright vacuum at all. Perhaps you’re a pet owner with hardwood floors and you just want to eliminate the fur your pet leaves behind. Name-brand uprights can be quite pricey, and you would be better off with a smaller cordless vacuum to meet your needs.
As a pet owner, you want to keep the comfort of your furry friends in mind when selecting a vacuum. Big vacuum cleaners are noisy and are much more likely to frighten pets than their smaller counterparts. Those bulky vacuums are heavy, less maneuverable, and harder to use.
The Best Small Cordless Vacuum for Pet Hair
For people who want a clean home with as little effort as possible, the Roborock S5 is your best bet. This small vacuum can fit just about anywhere while it’s cleaning as well as when not in use. It is lightweight and can be moved from one room to another or from one floor to the next with almost no effort. This easy-to-use vacuum can solve your pet-hair problems for good.
How easy is it to use the Roborock S5? So easy you don’t really have to do a thing. This vacuum is super smart and cleans all by itself. Using its onboard sensors and SLAM algorithms, this robotic vacuum offers a thorough clean. You can even view a real-time map on your phone and control the vacuum remotely. Can your old upright do that?
The Roborock S5 might be the only vacuum you ever need. This strong machine offers 2000Pa of suction to get those floors spotless, and the low profile ensures this vacuum can reach areas that big, bulky vacuums can’t. The floating agitator brush dislodges even the most stubborn pet hair from carpet fibers and ensures a deep-down clean. If you are a pet owner, the Roborock S5 is likely to become your new best friend.
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Factors for Pet Owners to Consider When Buying a Robot Vacuum
Pets give their owners unconditional love and bring joy into their lives. On the other hand, they also come with fur and dander. It’s no wonder that so many pet owners swear by their robot vacuums. It’s the easiest way to keep floors clean and tidy. The truth is, though, not all robot vacuums are the same. Choose wisely to make sure you end up with a robot vacuum that’s up to the challenge of cleaning up after your pets.
Pet Owner Concern #1 - Fur
Animal fur gets woven into carpet and hides in all corners of the home. One major concern is just the repetition needed to constantly clean the fur from carpet in order to keep up. We love our pets, but most shed a good amount of fur daily.
Pet owners need a robot vacuum that’s up to this particular challenge.
Pets can really challenge a robot vacuum that’s not up to par. Without adequate suction, pet fur and hair will be left behind and a bin that can’t hold all that extra dirt can mean having to empty the bin mid-clean, which is hassle no one needs.
Pet Owner Concern #2 - Dander
Another concern of pet ownership is pet dander, which affects air quality. Animal dander can be quite a burden, especially to people with allergies. Even if people who live in the home are not allergic, visitors might be, and a vacuum that can purify the air while it cleans the floors can do a lot to make people more comfortable.
Like fur, dander is shed daily from most pets and requires a constant cycle of cleaning to keep under control. Another challenge is suction power. Dander can be also quite difficult to remove from carpet. So a powerful vacuum is important otherwise you’re spending time vacuuming while not really getting everything cleaned from your surfaces.
What to Look for in a
Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair
A robot vacuum that’s up to the task of cleaning up after pets needs to have lots and lots of suction and plenty of bin capacity.
For example, Roborock S5 is the best robot vacuum for pet hair. It has super high suction strength of 2000Pa, and its main brush, side brush, and omni-directional wheels are designed to be tangle-free, preventing pet hair from getting into the cleaner or affecting its movement. Also, Roborock S5 has a good-size bin to contain all the animal hair and dander that it’s going to pick up. In addition, Roborock S5 cleans thoroughly and meticulously and can get into all those hidden areas.
Before you commit to a robot vacuum, don’t forget to consider the size of your home and the types of floors that you have to make sure your machine will be able to handle the job. If you live in a small place, such as an apartment, maybe Roborock Xiaowa E2 is a better choice for you, with its suction power of 1800 Pa, which is good enough for a small area, and the price is also less than Roborock S5’s.
Do Regular Maintenance
A regular maintenance routine is an important part of owning a robot vacuum. This is especially true for pet owners because their machines need to perform at their best to keep the home clean. Pet owners also need to use their robot vacuums more often, so their robot vacuums may require more frequent maintenance to keep up with the demand.
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Best Robot Vacuum for a Large House
A large home offers plenty of floor space where life can unfold, and lots of room for dust and dirt to accumulate. Since you don’t want to spend4 all your time cleaning your large house, a robot vacuum can be a treasure. But don’t settle for just any machine. You need the best robot vacuum for your large house.
The Challenges of a Big House
Cleaning a big house with an any vacuum poses some different challenges. Obviously with more floor space you’re going to have longer cleaning cycles. Many people that attempt to clean large homes with traditional vacuums ending up not cleaning often enough to keep things clean.
Robot vacuums are a great option, but you have to be careful about what type you purchase. With large houses come long running times. It’s important to have a vacuum that can handle the large job.
One issue that owners of lesser quality robot vacuums have is running out of battery charge before the job is complete. With some models, this could mean that certain areas never get clean, because the machine keeps running out of charge before getting to them. A robot vacuum for a large house needs to be capable of handling the task.
Here are a few things to look for to make sure you get the right vacuum for the job..
What to Look For
The most obvious place to begin is to look at battery life. A battery that can power the robot vacuum longer should translate to a better clean. But it’s often not that simple.
While it’s true that battery life is important, being efficient is no less of a priority. A robot vacuum that can map the area accurately and then implement an efficient cleaning pattern will not only stretch the battery’s capabilities but also cut down on overall cleaning time. That means you get a cleaner home faster.
For really big homes that just can’t be cleaned with one battery charge, automatic recharge and resume is the only solution. This feature isn’t available on all models, but it’s well worth looking around for. The feature allows the machine to return to its docking station when it runs out of charge and resume where it left off once the battery is recharged.
What’s The Best Robot Vacuum for a Large House?
There are several models of robot vacuum cleaners that claim they’re up to the job of cleaning a large home. But if you want the best bang for your buck, then the Roborock S5 is the best robot vacuum for large house.
The Roborock S5 has a great battery life of 5200mAa and comes equipped with the charge and resume function. That means all areas of your large home will be cleaned even if the battery runs out on the first cycle.
The most impressive feature of the Roborock S5 is the mapping technology. It uses a high-precision LDS laser to scan the area and SLAM algorithms to create a map. It proceeds to clean the perimeter first and then uses a z-pattern to clean the center. It calculates the route for efficiency and a thorough clean. So, if you’re looking for a robot vacuum for your large home, please see more details on our website:https://en.roborock.com/pages/roborock-s5.
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Does Your Robot Vacuum Clean Well?
There are many robot vacuum cleaners on the market today. At first glance, many of them look very similar and have almost identical features. The similarities can be confusing and overwhelming to shoppers who want to buy an efficient robot vacuum.
Although many robot vacuums claim to deliver the same performance, they really are not all equal. Don’t allow the bells and whistles to distract you. Keep your eyes on the following three factors to make sure you’re getting a vacuum that’s going to offer a thorough clean.
1. Power
When looking at robot vacuums, one of the most important factors to consider is suction power. The higher the suction power, the more dirt and debris will be sucked up off the floor. As you would expect, it really is that simple.
The Roborock S5 offers 2000Pa of suction power. Pa is short for Pascal Pressure Unit. The higher the number, the higher the suction power. Could you imagine what 2000Pa means? It means that the Roborock S5 has enough suction to pick up AA batteries off your floor.
That’s quite a punch for a little robot vacuum and more than enough to pick up anything you might want a vacuum to remove. With that kind of power, you can be confident that this vacuum is up to the job.
2. Intelligent Cleaning
If you’re looking for a thorough clean you’re going to need a machine that’s methodical. Anything less will involve random cleaning, with some areas getting too much attention and others receiving none at all. Take a close look at the programming of any robot vacuum you are considering.
Look for machines that map the space and employ logical cleaning patterns to cover the area thoroughly. The most effective way to clean is for the vacuum to sweep around the edges first and then to use a z-shaped pattern (back and forth) to clean the middle areas. Roborock S5 uses a SLAM algorithm to create its maps and tends to be much more thorough and precise. SLAM stands for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. This algorithm allows the machine to explore the space and create a map while “knowing” where it is located on that map. The vacuum will figure out the precise locations and clean 0.39 inch from the edge and then move into its z-shaped pattern while also avoiding obstacles.
3. Low Profile
The third criteria that any worthwhile robot vacuum must meet is related to the unit’s size. A low profile allows the Roborock S5 to get into tight spaces and underneath couches, dressers, and wall units. A slim shape means the machine will be able to clean in hard-to-reach places, eliminating much more dust and dirt.
Don’t be distracted by fancy features and needless frills. Focus on what really matters when you look for a robot vacuum that will perform well and get your home clean. Need more guidance? Check out our Brief Buying Guide for more tips on how to buy the perfect robot vacuum for you.
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Quick Buying Guide for Robot Vacuum Cleaners
Buying a brand-new robot vacuum cleaner can be overwhelming. There are so many different kinds on the market today. How do you know which machine is right for you? Before you set out to make your purchase, consider the following items in this brief guide.
What’s in Your Home?
If you have mixed flooring, it’s important to look for a machine that can detect the type of surface it is cleaning and adjust accordingly. The Roborock S5 applies different pressure levels to different types of carpet by ramping up the suction and then dialing the suction back again when it leaves the carpeted area.
The size of your home will determine your battery requirements. A larger and more expensive battery is one way to accommodate a large home, but intelligent programming is important, too. The Roborock S5 and the Xiaowaboth return to their charging stations when the battery begins to run low and then resume where they left off when they’re fully charged.
Finally, think about  who’s living in the home. If you have furry roommates, you’ll need a robot vacuum cleaner that’s up to the job of cleaning up after pets. With high-powered suction, tangle-free brushes, and mopping capability, the Roborock S5 is the perfect robot vacuum cleaner for pets!
Consider the Features
The way a robot vacuum cleaner navigates is important, as that can be the difference between random bumping around the room and meticulous cleaning. The Roborock S5 uses a high-precision laser to scan the room and then uses its SLAM algorithm to build a map of the room. It then proceeds to clean the space by going around the perimeter first, followed by the inside section in an s-shaped pattern.
Many modern robot vacuum cleaners come with WiFi connectivity and the ability to control the machine with an app. If coming home to clean floors is important to you, this is a feature you can’t go without. The Roborock appallows you to view a real-time map, showing you the progress of the robot vacuum cleaner and allowing you to start or stop a cleaning cycle and make changes while cleaning is in progress.
What Is Your Budget?
Robot vacuum cleaners come in a wide range of prices, from as little as $200 to over $1000. If you’re on a really tight budget, you can pick up an older model or budget machine with less functionality. On the other hand, if you want the latest model of the most popular brand, it can set you back a pretty penny without adding that much performance.
Roborock has a series of robot vacuum cleaners for different needs and budgets. At a price point of only $299, the Xiaowa E2 uses inertial navigation for a thorough clean. It vacuums as well as mops and offers remote control via the app. The E2 offers a large dust bin, decent 54W of power, and 1800Pa of suction.
If you’re willing to splurge a little, the Roborock S5 offers all the bells and whistles at only $599. This high-powered machine offers 59W of power and 2000Pa of suction. It too vacuums as well as mops and has app capability. Just like robot vacuum cleaners that cost twice as much, the S5 offers superior navigation with its high-precision laser and SLAM algorithm. This robot vacuum is perfect for carpet, homes with pets, large spaces, and more.
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How to Choose the Right Robot Vacuum for Hardwood Floors
Hardwood floors are very popular these days, and it’s not surprising. Not only are they beautiful, with a large selection to suit your tastes, they also don’t trap dirt and allergens like carpet does. The downside is that dust bunnies love to float around on them, so if you want your floors to always be dust-bunny free, it can get quite tedious. Unless you have a robot vacuum, of course!
5 Things to Look For In A Robot Vacuum For Hardwood Floors
One of the most important factors to look for when shopping for a robot vacuum is its suction power. The greater the suction, the cleaner the floors.
Also, when it comes to hardwood, the type of brush matters. Dense, soft bristles work best for smooth surfaces.
The type of navigation that the robot vacuum employs is also important. Lower-end machines will simply go in a random direction, hitting obstacles until the battery depletes. Better models use sensors to create a virtual map and then follow a pattern for more efficient and effective cleaning.
You should also consider what kind of floors you have besides hardwood. Will your robot vacuum be cleaning tile in the kitchen, area rugs in the living rooms, and linoleum in the bathroom? Make sure you select a machine that will work well on all your floors.
Finally, you must consider your budget. High-end robot vacuums are expensive and, while the features they offer may be tempting, you might not need such an expensive machine if it’s not in your budget. Most of the time, a less-costly robot vacuum can do the job just as well without breaking the bank. It’s just a matter of finding the right machine for the job.
Is A Roborock Vacuum The Right Machine For You?
In terms of suction, the Roborock S5 has you covered. With 2000Pa of suction power it can even clean the steel balls, bolts, and many other big messes or things which are not easy to be picked up. The powerful fan works like a cyclone, and the sealed air duct ensures that no pressure is lost.
In terms of navigation the S5 is state of the art. It uses high-precision lasers to create a virtual map of the room. Its new SLAM algorithm allows it to know where it is at every moment, while it works to explore and chart the space. The Roborock S5 begins by cleaning the perimeter of the room, then working the inside of the space in an S-shaped pattern.
The Roborock company offers three robot vacuums to choose from. The Roborock S5 is the most expensive but also the most powerful and the only machine that uses LDS laser navigation. Also, Roborock S5 could conduct zone clean with the 2000Pa of suction power, and its mopping system prevents the hemming, leaving no water streak and water stain at rest. The Xiaowa E3 is in the middle with similar specs, but it uses inertial navigation, as well as with the 2000Pa of suction power. The Xiaowa E2 is perfect for the person on a tight budget. It has a somewhat reduced battery capacity, power, and suction but is much more affordable. In addition, you can choose the Xiaowa E2 to just vacuum or vacuum and mop your home at the same time for a complete clean.
Check out the side by side comparison to find the robot vacuum for you.
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6 Tips to Improve Your Robot Vacuum’s Lifespan
Robot vacuums are convenient to have around and can make life easier for us. Proper maintenance will ensure that your robot vacuum performs at its best and continues to do the job for many years to come.
Robot vacuums do their job all on their own when programmed properly. There’s no pilot to ensure that the robot vacuum doesn’t suck up something that might cause it harm. Today, we would love to tell you how to protect your Roborock vacuums with the following six simple steps and extend its lifespan.
1. Maintenance after Each Use
Once your robot vacuum has completed its rounds around your house, take a moment to do a bit of upkeep. Empty the dustbin and clean the filter to prevent loss of suction power. Check to make sure the wheels are turning freely. Inspect the robot vacuum to make sure it’s working as it should. The entire process shouldn’t take more than a minute or two, but it will protect your machine and get it ready to perform at its best when it’s needed again.
2. Replace the Filter on Time
It’s a good idea to clean your robot vacuum’s filter on a regular basis. However, that robot vacuum filter still needs to be replaced periodically. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the filter every month. Check your owner’s manual to see what is appropriate for your machine.
3. Maintain the Brushes
Make sure that you are doing regular brush maintenance. As part of your regular routine, you should check the brushes for foreign matter that might have wrapped itself around the brush cylinder. If you notice that there is an accumulation of dirt in this area, it’s time to take action.
To perform a thorough cleaning of the brushes, begin by popping them out of the robot vacuum. Take out all hair, threads, and debris that have become tangled around the brush. There are simple and inexpensive cleaning tools on the market to make this process a breeze. Alternately you can use scissors along the length of the brush to cut anything tangled in there and then simply comb the pieces out. Pop the clean brushes back into place, and your robot vacuum is ready to keep your home nice and tidy once more.
4. Deep Clean Monthly
At least once a month you should give your robot vacuums a thorough cleaning. Give the sensors a good wipe so that your robot vacuum can see where it’s going. Clean all the wheels by removing any dust and hair that might be wrapped around them. Do a thorough inspection and give the machine an overall wipe-down.
5. Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Excessive heat and cold can be harmful to the battery and other sensitive components of the robot vacuum. When choosing a location for the home base, make sure it’s well away from heating vents or areas that get a lot of sun. A garage or attic is not a good place to store your robot vacuum, as those areas generally lack the insulation to protect against extreme temperatures.
6. Use Only the Manufacturer’s Accessories
When you need to buy replacement parts, such as filters or a battery, buy from the original equipment manufacturer. It may be tempting to buy the cheaper aftermarket accessories, but these parts are not designed with your robot vacuum`s longevity in mind. Spend a bit extra and buy from the manufacturer, knowing that you are getting parts designed specifically for your device.
Get in touch with us to learn how to maintain Roborock robot appropriately, please check our website: https://en.roborock.com/pages/support
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How Does a Robot Vacuum Work?
If you’ve ever watched a robot vacuum maneuvering around a room, you’ve probably wondered how it works. At times these machines appear to have a mind of their own and, in a way, they do. So what does go on in their robotic minds? How do robot vacuums do the things they do?
A Robot’s Senses
Before a robot vacuum can do anything, it needs to understand its world. Much like a person uses their senses to gather information about their surroundings, a robot vacuum uses their sensors to “see” what is around them.
Obstacle sensors scan the area with high-precision lasers, calculating distance to potential impediments. Once the Roborock S5 identifies a nearby obstacle, it will slow down to avoid causing damage to walls or furniture. The obstacle sensor works in unison with the bumper. This part of the Roborock vacuum has a pressure sensor that helps the S5 define exactly where obstacles are.
The has multiple cliff sensors at the front. These robotic eyes look down at the floor to detect large drops, such as stairs. If a “cliff” is detected, the S5 will move away from the edge to prevent falling. A wall sensor is located on the right-hand side of the Roborock vacuum to monitor its proximity to the wall, ensuring that the vacuum is at the ideal distance for its side brush to work effectively.
The Roborock vacuum has some added sensors that prevent it from getting stuck or causing damage. A pressure-sensitive height sensor alerts the S5 if it’s attempting to go underneath furniture that is too low. Light sensors on the wheels monitor wheel rotation to calculate distance. Additional wheel sensors are there to detect whether the wheels are losing contact with the ground, so that the Roborock S5 can shut off power to the wheels and allow itself to be moved safely.
Robot Vacuum Will Make A Map
With the use of its sensors and complex algorithms, a robot vacuum can create a virtual map of the space around it. The Roborock S5 uses its laser, along with the SLAM algorithm, to navigate. SLAM is a complex robot mapping process that allows the machine to create a map while simultaneously figuring out where it is located within that space.
Using the map it creates, the Roborock vacuum begins by cleaning the border of the room. Next, the Roborock S5 works through the center of the space in an s-shaped pattern. This is a much more thorough and efficient approach than random bumping or relying on a zig-zag pattern.
The Roborock vacuum’s mapping system allows it to divide large areas into virtual chunks for better performance. Because the Roborock S5 tracks its cleaning route on the virtual map it creates, the unit is able to know when every area has been cleaned. Once it establishes that the job is done, it navigates itself to the charging station.
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