robyn-jackson-art · 8 months
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Artist research-Egon Schiele (2022) 
This was one of my last sketchbook pages I created before my collage transitioned to online PowerPoint. I want to go back to creating in-depth sketchbook spreads/pages to showcase my development.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Seaweed creation showcased in a frame (27/09/2023)
I wanted to find creative ways to use seaweed and developed this while exploring and experimenting. I used thread, scalpel, beads and a flower I had previously dried.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Some textile I'm currently developing-Textured moth (2024-present day)
I've started branching out of sea animals and towards winged animals. I love how the texture is coming along in this development piece. Made with Calico and wool
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal Piranha fish textiles embroidery (2023)
This is my newest embroidered fish and I've started using less beads, however, I want to change this in the future. I've improved my stitching, presentation and the fish's' backing-its a lot tidier, However, I will switch between the two backing styles.
I used beads, wool, buttons, calico, fabric and second hands frames for this.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal beaded fish textiles embroidery showcased in frame(2022)
This is the first of the many beaded and embroidered fish I have made. I use wool, Beads, buttons, textile scraps, calico and a second hand frame to create these. I love the texture and intricate details within these pieces.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal textile collage (11/4/2023) .
Beads and shells : I created this for myself, I often find myself collecting washed up items, yarn, beads and buttons and wanted to find a creative way to use them. So I turned them into a small organic collage.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Twin crocodiles textiles embroidery in frame(2023)
I love creating shapes that are interestingly confined to one area- such as a frame. this was fun to make since it had lots of interesting shapes. Wool on calico showcased inside frame
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal- Observation sketch of hand carved chess piece (07/01/2024)
Pencil on paper, I've wanted to draw this chess piece for a while and got the time to sit down and do so. I'm happy with how the face and shadow on the pillar came out.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal anatomy study from photo reference (27/9/2023)
Pencil on paper. I really like how I shaded and formed this arm, the veins pop and the wrist is dimensional, one of my favourite drawings to date.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal Light study of woman, photo reference (22/2/2023)
Pencil on paper. I wanted to experiment with light and different shading methods in this. I want to get more into cross-hatching and stibbling compared to smoother shading methods. I really like how this drawing came out
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal crab painting using gouache, from a photo i took. (7/8/2023)
Gouache on paper. This was extremely fun to create as it was my own photo and gouache is one of my favorite medians to work with. I love sea creatures so I plan on making more Gouache paintings.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal sketchbook page spread (20/12/2023)
Anatomy study from photo reference as well as some organic shapes and small landscape from fine liner. And, a wolf sketch from my imagination in pencil.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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LVI 3 extended diploma (1st year)Theme response to 'sustainability' (2022).
I used an old monster high doll, recycled construction waste, acrylic paint, gouache and a hot knife to create a cyber-robot. She communicated the mass consumption and wasteful nature of humans.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Final project for LVI 3 extended diploma (2nd year): Response to ‘Culture’ (26/5/2023)
This deer man is inspired by the deer dance celebrated within Mexican communities. I used clay, felting wool, fabric, wire and Papier mâché. This doll has a wire skeleton giving it movable and posable limbs/head.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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LVI 3 extended diploma (2nd year) -Collage art piece of nature (2023).
This was a college project of ‘activism art’ . where i created a layered piece of card and pencil to communicate the effects of deforestation and habitat loss. I portrayed this as a rot/evil seeping up once colourful trees. Showing how we’re rotting our earth and taking away natural beauty for our own selfish needs .
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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LVI 3 extended diploma (2nd year) -Collage on face forms and colours (17/9/2023).
I printed out a photo of a model and layered pieces of magazine to create an exaggerated and textured look with interesting and harmonious colours.
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robyn-jackson-art · 9 months
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Personal Collages artwork of a chicken(27/3/2023).
To create the patterns; I designed lino pieces which I carved and printed. I also used oil pastels, paint and pencils. This was a self-motivated study
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