robynbernardart · 5 years
The Box: Part 1
In Japan, almost 200 years ago the  ひみつばこ or Himitsu-bako (Puzzle Box) .
“The concept of the puzzle box was recognized as having infinite uses beyond keeping children safe from needles. They began to be developed for use by workers to keep their tools safe, by samurai or warlords to send secret messages or for travelers to protect their belongings during journeys.”
-Alicia Joy, 2017
I found this concept to be intriguing keeping within the theme of “wonder”. Though this will be a non functioning puzzle box, the idea stemmed from the geometric patterns seen on some of the puzzle boxes. I am going to use wood and laser cut the geometric designs into the box. 
The top and the sides of the box will be more detailed. I created a lid to help transport the Zen garden. As we know that sand doesn’t always want to stay in one place. 
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The platform will be circular. Remember that I am only allowed a max weight of 500g. Which does not leave much room for the sculpture and components that are to float above. There for I made a simple and thin design to help keep the platform still feel apart of the unit as a whole. The geometric designs give the illusion of a puzzle box. 
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robynbernardart · 5 years
The Board: Part 4
It is important to remember is that things can go wrong. Today I came across another bump in the road. I had finally finished piecing all the pieces together and received the new magnet. As I turned the unit on, I saw a spark followed by some smoke come from the board. Immediately I unplugged everything and began to investigate. After testing a TON of circuits with the multi-meter, I found that a ICU (Integrated Computer Unit) was placed in the wrong spot, Thus shorting out the board. After taking it out and placing it in the correct spot I noticed that one of the ICU’s had also had a bent pin. Ultimately causing the problem in the beginning. I’ve come to realize that working in circuitry require a extreme caution to detail. The next step is top order the new part and wait to see if it will fix the problem in hopes that it will still be able to work with the board. 
In the meantime, This week I will be finishing up my Adobe Illustrator file for laser cutting the box that will surround the unit. and the platform for which the a sculpture will sit upon. 
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robynbernardart · 5 years
The Board: Part 3
After the resistors its quite easy to move through each of the pieces. The only portion i still find difficult is when you have to attach the hall sensors to the main board. You will have to yet again solder very small pins together. The other difficult areas are when there isn’t a clear diffrenation of polar (positive, negivitves) on the part itself but when one pin is longer than the other. Once you solder it to the board and cut the extra bits off. It tends to be quite difficult to remember you actually do it correctly so i recommend taking your time.
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Before beginning on the rest of the board I reccomend looking at some YouTube videos of soldering techniques. This most defiantly helped me keep my board clean and free from connecting pins. Here is the video I used that I found was very helpful.
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robynbernardart · 5 years
The Board: Part 2
Next I am to configure resistors to the board. There are approximatley 40 that come in a series of 4 different colored stripes in order to tell the difference between the different amounts of resistance. My older brother had given a suggestion to separate each on by color, mark with a sharpie or pen, and color code the resistance to what you are looking for. See the photos below.
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In order to star this process I had to first know which one correlated to the colors of the pins for example:
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There is a much better way you can use. I looked up the website:
It was extremely help in order to make things go by much quicker when I was setting up my own diagram. Soldering can be quite tranquil when doing resistors. You don’t have to worry about polar positive or negative sides, and it wont matter what direction the colors go as long as they are the correct voltage. Therefore, you just solder away. They do say to try and match up the colors in accordance to each other for ascetics but also will come in handy later if/when you will need to trouble shoot the Circuts.
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robynbernardart · 5 years
The Board: Step 1
First thing to do is go through all the parts to ensure you have each of the numbered parts. This may be tedious and time consuming but necessary when starting a large project that requires many pieces.
One of the parts ( the most important one) The Magneic is truly VERY STRONG. I must reccomend working with extreme caution. I found out the hard way that the Magnet is actually a Ceramic Magnet. Thus high suseptable to BREAKAGE. So since this kit came from China, It was quiet difficult to find a replacement and time consuming. Luckily i was able to find on very similar on amazon for about $12.
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After ensuring all parts are accounted for, Step one is to attach the Hall Sensors to the smaller set of circuit boards. CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS STEP FIRST IF YOU ARE NEW AT SOLDERING. This is an intermietate level requirement and can simply wait until step 15. Hall Sensors are used to measure the magnitude of a magnetic field. They help for promitity sensing, positioning, speed detection, and surrendering sensing applications. In this case it will be used to mark the initial position of the levitating magnetic and then adjust the field accordingly to hold it into place on the X,Y plane.
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Above are the before and after of the Hall Sensors. I wish I would have waited to do my sensors until the end of the project. That way I would have been able to get a much better handle on soldering extremely small pins.
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robynbernardart · 6 years
I have decided to split the project into two different components to better align my time and ability to complete deadlines.
1.      Levitation base
2.      Kinetic sculpture
To begin research here, I has to first understand the fundamental properties magnetics.
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 There are always two poles to a magnet. North (positive) and South (negative), to create what’s called magnetism. This is caused by the motion of electric charges. Everything’s is created by atoms, Each atom has electrons, particles that carry electric charges. Each electron creates movement generates an electric current and causes each electron to act like a microscopic magnet. A magnetic field is generated once all the atoms align with the poles in the same direction. Some items can become magnetized, for example when electricity runs through a coil of wire, it produces a magnetic field. And the field around the coil will disappear once the power to electricity is turned off.
Based off of the original design, the idea is to have a levitating platform. To do this I will have to manipulate the magnetic fields to allow for the repulsion. There is a problem with this method is displacement. Known as Earnshaw’s theorem which states that a collection of point charges cannot be maintained in a stable stationary equilibrium configuration solely by the electrostatic interaction of charges. To contradict this issue, we will need to utilize Gauss’s Law, which relates the distribution of electrical charges to the resulting electric field. To do this in the model diagram above you will have to use a PID controller (Proportional- integral-derivative controller) which is a control loop feedback mechanism that is used through many industries to control systems and a variety of other apps requiring continuous modulated control.
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  Earnshaw’s Theorem Gauss’s Law using electrical of Levitation Displacement charges balance              
In this case it will calculate the error value as the difference between desired Set point and a measured process variable then applies the correction based on proportional integral, and derivative terms. It ultimately tries to minimize the error output.  To learn more on PID here is a useful video I watched: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UR0hOmjaHp0
For what I will be building the input will be the current real time value from hall sensor, which continuously updates due to the real time value of the floating magnet. The Set point is the value from hall sensor which is measured when the floating magnet is in the balance position, at the center of the magnets base. This is fixed and wont change over time. Finally the output would be controlling the speed of the electromagnets.  Arduino has some pretty amazing basic coding for PID’s here: https://playground.arduino.cc/Code/PIDLibrary
Below is the DIY instruction set for the
Here is the Pin out for the device:
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My next post will be the beginning of  building the board. Lots of soldering to come! (^-^)/
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robynbernardart · 6 years
Authentic Proposal
Concept Review:
“Wonder” will be designed and fabricated as a levitating kinetic sculpture. My hopes is to generate an illusion of not only a floating object, but utilize technology to create an addition dimension by kinetic design.
I will create a short box made from wood. With in the box will be the magnetic levitating device. The top of the box will sit slightly inside the rim of the box to create a inset. This will be for the white sand to resemble a Zen garden. Hovering above the box will be a platform. This too will be made from wood, while inside will hold the other portion of the magnetic requirements as well as any additional electronics needed for the sculpture. Kinetic Sculpture will be a form of paper crane decomposing and re-assembling itself again (**tenitive**)
Levitating Circut Base: 5in X 5in X 1in
Base Box for Circuitry: 8in X 8in X 3in
Levitating Platform: 4.5in X 4.5 in X 1in
Kinetic Sculpture: 6in X 5in (weight dependent)
Max weight levitation hold is 1.10 pounds
-Paper (non-dyed white)
-Steel wiring
-1/8th inch steel (flexible sheet)
-small mechanical motor
-White sand
-Wood Sheet 1/8th inch
-Wood stain (cherry/bamboo)
-DIY Levitation kit
Applications :
Laser cutter- percise measurements of the wood and steel cuts
Coding- to generate a on/off switch for the kinetic sculpture (possible touch generated) lighting effects for the fiber optics or neo pixels.
Magnetic settting- to create the exact measurements for need of levitation. (THIS WILL BE THE MOST IMPORTANT) as it requires stability in order to not have the platform fall.
Tennitive Schedule:
1-22-19 : Speculative Proposal Due
1-29-19 : Authentic Proposal Due
2-5-19 : Proof of Concept Work (research and development)
2-12-19 : Proof of Concept Work (research and development)
2-17-19 : Order materials for project***
2-26-19 : Proof of Concept Work (matieral testing)
3-5-19 : Lazer Cutting Demo (Tennitive)
3-12-19 : Proof of Concet Work (research and development/material testing)
3-19-19 : Prototype Fabrication
3-26 -19 : Prototype Fabrication
4-3-19 : Prototype Critique / Modifactions
4-9-19 : Modifications
4-16-19 : Final Project Clean up / Presentation / Review
-Finals Week-
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robynbernardart · 6 years
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This semester I am looking to explore the use of technology to portray art in a new way. My concept will be called “Wonder”. The idea came to me as I was walking through Eastern Market in Detroit. My friend and I decided to have a conversional debate between what was better “The Force” (In terms of Starwars) or “Magic” (In terms of Harry Potter). The debated ended with, “Though “The Force” creates enlightenment due to a new perspective on intelligence, “Magic” holds creativity which generates Wonder.” I thought about how could this concept be brought to in terms of a sculpture.
Wonder: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
Now in terms of material or application I thought to my self, that feeling of wonder is typically generated by two different cases. 1) The Unkown: not knowing how something was done 2) Admiration: knowing how it was done but it being done so incredibly well that it kept the wonder effect.
Kinetic: relating to or resulting from motion.
I decided to being kinetic into the solution because things in motion generally create more uncertainty. As seen in the photos above, Bob Potts who creates sculptures that move thus being kinetic creates this sense of wonder for me. The observer almost has to stand and watch until they notice a pattern, because one doesn’t automatically know what comes next in the motion pattern until they have seen it through til the end of the current pattern.
Levitation: the action of rising or causing something to rise and hover in the air, typically by means of supposed magical powers.
Adding a dimension to an already appealing kinetic sculpture would help plead my case to the concept of Wonder. I have been amazed at the many levitating projects artists have been coming out with. Such as “floating” plants, chess boards, lightbulbs etc. Not only it can serve purpose of the object floating but also creates an implied wonder effect.
My concept is to combine both of these drivers for wonder to generate a sculpture that the observer would have to pause for a moment and think to “how was that done”. I hold a heavy influence of Asian cultures in my artwork, because I have studied Japanese for over 12 years. I would like to see my concept come alive to be one day exhibited in a contemporary art exhibit or on display at a local Izakaiya.
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robynbernardart · 6 years
Here is my final video. Unfortunately I had to inset the original blue LEDS as it is extremely difficult to see RBG LEDS. This is something I will continue to work with and hopefully be able to upload another video. 
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robynbernardart · 6 years
Proof of Concept
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Here is the proof of concept! Was successfully able to write up the code for the mic gain with a little adjustments. to make sure the lights will react correctly. The next step is to figure out the diffusion of the Neo Pixels into the fiber optics and finish sewing up the jacket. 
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robynbernardart · 6 years
Jacket Diagram and Wiring
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     I am still working on the voltage and how much battery I will need to run the panel and Blu fruit sensor. I will be making a second hood with very similar wiring as the Fiber Optic panel utilizing the Neo Pixels on a strip. This may be easier for coding, but I won’t give up on the panel until I can trouble shoot it. 
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robynbernardart · 7 years
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The activity time line for my project.
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robynbernardart · 7 years
Authentic Proposal
      My concept is about communication across fashion and music, and how they are interacted by both the user and observer. My hopes is that I can portray an artistic output via a wearable fashion jacket utilizing light to give a variable set of values to music that is being listened to privately by the participant.
     Utilizing the Express playground board I will attempt to program a Bluetooth code as my direct input, as well as a simple on/ off switch. The Bluetooth will be sourced from a phone device with music apps, that will then be brought into the express playground. This is where the code becomes more difficult.
There are two options to my potential prototype. One of which is more involved but could also be slimmed down and then modified at a later time. 
Option 1:
 The company carries fabric where you can inset your own LED’s in order for it to run. This would be a viable option but requires more handy work,as well as finding more lighting that would be compatible for the project. Thus, more expensive. If I can make this work the out put can become a large variety of options as far as re-actions to the type of music in  place. Volume = Brightness, BPM = Color Spectrum Wheel (ie. Blue - slower BPM,  Red - Faster BPM) etc.
Option 2:
  This would become my back-up option to be sure that I am able to compete a final product. A simple one color LED panel where outputs would be limited to one singular color, and have it reactive by BPM = Brightness ( Faster BPM - Brighter, Slower BPM - Dimmer) I have contacted the company, their suggestion is to utilize the 5mm RBG LED and inset them into the fabric myself. This would mean more work, but the expansion of the project would give more depth to the concept.
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I will be modifying the pattern i found by McCall’s M7667. To Add a hood and possibly some pockets to the design is close enough to the jacket I am looking for. Instead of buttons I will be using a zipper on the asymmetrical line going up the front.  
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Pattern Limitations: 
Depending on the patter of the hood, Two pieces may be difficult to achieve based on the fabrics limitations of  fiber optics. However with clever placement it is possible to obtain the patter from above with the Left side panel as seen below. 
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- silk rayon options with possible lining. 2-3 yards needed. 
Below is a unique silk chiffon  Foil Damask 100% polyester in which would possibly look pretty neat as a texture layer and diffuser over the LED panel as a hood. I was also considering utilizing a single color black inner lining to give more backing to the panel. 
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- rbg/fabric panel by lumi 1 yard (TBA)
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- 2 sizes of zippers. 1 for primary open/closure of garment. 1 for access to battery and control. 
Adafruit Tech:
- Express playground
- Blue tooth sensor (Flora Wearable Bluefruit LE Module)
- One switch sensor. (cloth or hard)
- Wire (ground, control, power)
- Possible RBG 5mm LED
- Battery Power  (Voltage depends on how much power is needed 1.5V-3.4V)
Adafruit has plenty of tutorials around connectivity. One particular one is this one regarding Bluetooth connection with smart device.  
I have reached out to Adafruit in order to see if the Bluetooth would be capable of taking an audio input. This could be a huge brick in the project if there was some sort of issue with the input. My understanding is that you could potentially use an audio out for these, However would it be difficult to create the same concept as I had before. 
As an input I found a BPM code that would analyze the BPM based on specific values to create a generated number out put. Using this code I can  then  funnel it to the Express Playground and create a output values for the RBG. See page below: 
I can possibly utilize some of the coding in this tutorial as some versions of input is sound sensing creating a color changing effect. 
There is still alot of work to be done. However I think I have almost figured out most of the kinks. more to be updated later this week, as I plan on starting the template for the pattern of the jacket prepping for the install of the hood, once the fabric panel arrives. 
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robynbernardart · 7 years
Glitch Art of a Cat
- Apologies, My cat “KiKi” Decided he wanted to attempt glitch art. I found it to precious to delete. Enjoy 
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robynbernardart · 7 years
Speculative Proposal
    Communication is seen in many ways. In the fashion world, we choose to express feeling by the things we wear.  In the music industry it’s how we express feeling through the music being played or listened to. If we could bring these two communications together, where the person experiencing the music in their headphones could communicate by their clothing they are wearing and ever changing to the mood of the music. This idea of a silent communication to those around you but yet such a powerful world of emotion happening in the ears of the user.  So, How can we refine what is said by utilizing the enhancements of technology? My concept is to design a wearable tech that transforms the communication between what can be herd and what can be seen at the same time. The idea of a jacket with the hood that is not only a aesthetic approach but the idea of communicating sound in the form of silence and visual light.  
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Any thoughts or suggestions I would love to hear from you, 
       Thank you
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robynbernardart · 7 years
“Circuts” Tom Igoe
1. Digital vs. Analog
The easiest way to tell the difference between digital and analog is in terms of outcomes. Digital is the more simple version where it determined by
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2. An example of an input in physical computing would be 
3. An example of an output in physical computing would be 
 4. As far as how many outputs we receive at one given moment, we can either have a singular string of outputs, this is called serial output, or a range of outputs at one given time, and this is referred to parallel output. For example: in the article they spoke of a single instrument playing one melody would be considered a serial output. However, when the entire symphony is playing this is called a parallel output.
 5. Four of the recommendations Tom says in his article for those who are working on physical computing projects are : -keep a journal: with entry’s describing ideas, questions, problems you encounter etc. this can help you organize thoughts -work quickly and at a high level: when you spend time “perfecting” tons of details you may not see the larger picture completed. -don’t just keep planning: a great concept is nice, but you sometimes have to just do it and fail to retrieve results a lot quicker to move on. - collaborate with other people: Fresh eyes may help you find a solution, or help you be honest in your work when trying to show the desired outcome you want.
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robynbernardart · 7 years
Conceptual Response 2
       The “machines” artists choose to utilize as an output of their work I feel is deliberately chosen to feel the concept of limitation on human ability, for now. Artists who master painting utilize a brush to instill beauty onto a canvas, where as some artists choose to use tech. The artists in the list would rely upon their “machine” in order to achieve the immersion they are hoping for. Three artist stat stood out to me were Hussein Chalayan, Imogen Heap, and Krzysztof Wodiczko whom all choose to use tech in a variety of ways to achieve different levels of immersion. 
   Krzysztof Wodiczko REWORK-””
   Imogen Heap is another artist whom chooses to use advance interactive glove tech to generate a immersion of body movement and music. She as an artist is creating an experience not only for those who are the ones performing but for those watching. The ability to use motion to create music with the computer by motion allows dynamics to be given in a new form. Musicians utilize the same software programs as the glove, But musicians are restricted by the limits of what the computers outputs are to be. Maybe its not so, but I feel that with the sense of motion the artist can now create new ways to think about music as a motion (like dance) to generate new forms of sound. The influence of the bodies motion into the computer’s programming by a device that connects the two. Similarity to that of the new wave of Virtual Reality. 
  Hussein Chalayan’s wearable art would not be able to have the same kind of “magical illusion” moments that we see in his videos of dresses that seem to move and adjust if he had not used his tech. I truly enjoy his work as I tend to favor wearable tech often. The abilities of his machines are so indiscreet that it seems like there are no machines present at all. Which is different from Imogen Heap’s wearable glove. Truly this is one of the tech’s I truly wish to work on as I love functionality in artwork as tech and art start to mend together.  
    None of these artists could preform the same emotional and interactive outcomes of their work without the use of their machine. Tech is still such a new concept to many, to some magicians are use the tech of illusion as doctors use the tech of medicine. Tech Artists are beginning to find the boundaries of where machines and art can be combined to create a entirely new experience. 
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