roccotartaglia · 15 hours
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La grande maestra di scacchi
Anna Muzychuk si è rifiutata di giocare
in Arabia Saudita ed ha detto ...
Tra pochi giorni perderò due titoli mondiali
uno dopo l'altro.
Perché ho deciso di non andare
in Arabia Saudita mi rifiuto di giocare
con regole speciali, di indossare l'abaya,
di essere accompagnata da un uomo
per lasciare l'hotel, per non sentirmi
una persona di seconda classe.
Seguirò i miei principi e non gareggerò
al campionato mondiale di scacchi veloci
e blitz dove in soli 5 giorni avrei potuto guadagnare più soldi che in decine di altri tornei combinati.
Tutto questo è molto spiacevole,
ma la parte triste è che a nessuno
sembra importare
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roccotartaglia · 16 hours
« Il Quoziente Intellettivo medio della popolazione mondiale sta diminuendo nell’ultimo ventennio.
Una delle cause è l'impoverimento del linguaggio.
Diversi studi dimostrano infatti la correlazione tra la diminuzione della conoscenza lessicale (e l'impoverimento della lingua) e la capacità di elaborare e formulare un pensiero complesso.
La graduale scomparsa dei tempi (congiuntivo, imperfetto, forme composte del futuro, participio passato) dà luogo a un pensiero quasi sempre al presente, limitato al momento: incapace di proiezioni nel tempo.
Meno parole e meno verbi coniugati implicano meno capacità di esprimere le emozioni e meno possibilità di elaborare un pensiero.
Gli studi hanno dimostrato come parte della violenza nella sfera pubblica e privata derivi direttamente dall'incapacità di descrivere le proprie emozioni attraverso le parole.
Più povero è il linguaggio, più il pensiero scompare.
La storia è ricca di esempi e molti libri (1984, di George Orwell; Fahrenheit 451, di Ray Bradbury) hanno raccontato come tutti i regimi totalitari abbiano sempre ostacolato il pensiero attraverso una riduzione del numero e del senso delle parole.
Se non esistono pensieri, non esistono pensieri critici. E non c'è pensiero senza parole.
Coloro che affermano la necessità di semplificare l'ortografia, sfrondare la lingua dei suoi “difetti”, abolire i generi, i tempi, le sfumature, tutto ciò che crea complessità, sono i veri artefici dell’impoverimento della mente umana. »
Christophe Clavé
Tratto da pagina fb Filosofia e storia della filosofia
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roccotartaglia · 22 hours
Maledetti panciapiattisti.
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roccotartaglia · 22 hours
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roccotartaglia · 22 hours
...agli uomini con un solo libro...
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roccotartaglia · 1 day
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#vintage poster #old poster #smiling #relax #pool #robert #suits #goodman #Style #Dandy #Gentleman #30' #40' #50' #Look Sharp #Elegant notes #Gallery Inspiration #oldschool #travel #old time #old world #inspiration #Photo of the Day #beautiful images #images #travel #fashion20' #Fashion30' #fashion40'#things with character #summer trip #old travel #vintage #Art #Color day #Autumn
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roccotartaglia · 3 days
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roccotartaglia · 3 days
...qualcuno ricordi al buon Odifreddi che se fosse il contrario, con 800 basi di Cina, Russia, Iran e compagnia cantando, lui, per il solo fatto di aver pensato e detto questa frase, avrebbe grosse possibilità di marcire in qualche comoda galera delle suddette ...
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Fingiamo stupore...
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roccotartaglia · 4 days
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - europarlamentare, scrittrice, docente universitaria [biografia]
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roccotartaglia · 4 days
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By: Spiked
Published: Sept 16, 2024
The new UK Labour government has declared war on free speech. Within weeks of gaining power, it scrapped a law upholding free speech in universities. In early August, following rioting across England, it announced plans to tighten the regulations on online speech. Perhaps most troubling of all, Keir Starmer is also considering writing a broad definition of ‘Islamophobia’ into law, which would make it almost impossible to criticise Islam and even Islamic extremism.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – writer, activist and author of Prey: Immigration, Islam and the Erosion of Women’s Rights – returned to The Brendan O’Neill Show last week to discuss the importance of free speech in the battle against Islamist extremism. What follows is an edited extract from the conversation. You can listen to the full thing here.
Brendan O’Neill: Why do you think politicians – even those who would define themselves as ‘liberal’ – are so willing to adopt a phrase like Islamophobia?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: I think it has to do with guilt about the past. When it comes to the Jews, many European countries did not protect them from Nazi persecution, so there’s definitely a sense that we don’t want to do the same to our Muslim minorities. When I was living in the Netherlands, this was a very potent argument. The Dutch felt extremely guilty about the fact that, in proportion to the Dutch population, more Jews were removed from their homes and sent to concentration camps, than in any other country in Europe. So there’s definitely a sense of ‘let’s not repeat history’. But this is also what makes me so angry, because the Islamists – and to a certain extent, the leftists – will exploit this. They will exploit what is essentially the goodness of human beings, a desire to ‘do right this time round’, in order to do wrong.
While the Islamists want to use democracy as a tool to win power and then abolish democracy, I think the woke left also wants to do something similar. I think this is part of why the far left does rely on the Islamists to vote for them. This is then compounded by the fact that the white working class, which was traditionally the group of people the Labour Party relied on, has faded. So instead, these parties rely increasingly on migrants. This is their new demography. They think they can harness their vote to come to power. People talk about the ‘great replacement’, but it’s actually a ‘great realignment’. The parties which used to represent the working classes now no longer do so. Instead, they now just represent capital.
O’Neill: So what do you make of this idea of the ‘Muslim vote’ in the UK, particularly in relation to the new Labour government?
Ali: I see Keir Starmer as a front for the radical left. He needs the Muslim vote, and the Muslim vote can be relatively easily gained because Islamists can skillfully organise their communities to vote. But the question that Keir Starmer, and other leftist parties across Europe, should ask themselves is this: ‘What are they demanding in return?’ Because the Islamists do have many demands in return. First and foremost, they want censorship. They want ‘Islamophobia’ to be made illegal. And the way they define Islamophobia is any form of criticism of the political agenda of Islam.
If you talk about the radical views being preached in the mosques or the schools, that’s Islamophobia. If you question the fact that some imams are telling their congregations not to assimilate and to distance themselves from ‘the infidels’, that’s Islamophobia. If you talk about the recent examples of sexual abuse against women and girls, some perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, that’s Islamophobia. If you highlight that there is a kind of soft Sharia law in Britain – which is well established in many Muslim communities when it comes to marriages, divorces and inheritances – that’s Islamophobia. The same goes if you want to talk about the fact that there are Muslim women in Muslim households being beaten, curfewed, removed from school, forced to marry and then raped. If you want to expose any of this, you’re committing Islamophobia. And so, all of a sudden, you can’t fight sexual violence against women perpetrated by men.
That is what banning Islamophobia is going to ban, if you allow it. It will ban discussing these issues in the name of human rights and equality. If you question this and ask, ‘Do we really want this parallel society?’, you’ll be called Islamophobic.
These days, the Islamists are less and less secretive about their agenda. This can be seen recently in the blatant anti-Semitism in some Muslim communities. But if you bring this stuff up, and try to get politicians to discuss it, you’re again accused of Islamophobia. This is the question that we have to ask governments, particularly the leftist governments that are trying to outlaw Islamophobia. It is criticism of Islam that’s going to be banned. Journalists and newspapers will no longer be able to exercise their free-press rights to investigate crimes that are being committed.
O’Neill: The unwillingness of the woke left, even the moderate left, to ever criticise radical Islam is extraordinary. We really are in a difficult situation, aren’t we?
Ali: Absolutely. We’re emboldening them. The woke left is the enemy of civilisation, and they say so themselves. They’re deconstructing everything. On the other hand, the Islamists are also clearly an enemy of civilisation – our Western civilisation in particular. We’ve got to stand up to these two forces now. The silent majority has to stand up and stop this before they stop us. And the only way to do that is through freedom of speech, which is exactly what they want to take away from us.
As voters, we still have the capacity to organise, vote, find new leaders and reject what is being imposed on us. In the decay of the universities, alongside the censorship in schools, there’s definitely a concerted effort to silence us. Most worryingly of all, I think, is what we’ve seen after the riots and how the government has responded. Whereas previously you might be cancelled or piled-on online, now the elites are using the law. British prisons, which are effectively full, are clearing out convicted criminals, some of whom have done all sorts of horrible things, to put people in prison for putting words and images online. They’re using the awesome powers of the state to censor and to silence us. Soon we could be banned from saying things that are, in this very sinister phrase, ‘legal but harmful’. This should be met with the greatest opposition of all time. All of us need to go out into the streets and say, ‘stop right there’.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was talking to Brendan O’Neill on The Brendan O’Neill Show. Listen to the full conversation here:
A modern Islamic insurgence is no longer conducted with swords on horseback, but with the aggressors using the language of victimhood.
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roccotartaglia · 4 days
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Si fa riferimento ad arabi cittadini israeliani al 100% - elettori ed eletti al parlamento, sindaci, poliziotti, soldati etc.etc. - non a "palestinesi". Sono più del 10% della popolazione e sono musulmani: alla faccia dello "stato sionista".
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roccotartaglia · 5 days
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roccotartaglia · 5 days
Quando il babbo fa il barman 5 stelle
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roccotartaglia · 6 days
Tutto vero...ma farà infuriare le anime belle dell'accoglienza senza se e senza ma
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roccotartaglia · 6 days
...il problema è capire se facciamo parte della "gente" o no, anche se non farne parte può essere scomodo o peggio che scomodo...
« La gente non è cattiva, mia cara. È idiota, il che è ben diverso. La malvagità presuppone un certo spessore morale, forza di volontà e intelligenza. L’idiota invece non si sofferma a ragionare, obbedisce all’istinto, come un animale nella stalla, convinto di agire in nome del bene e di avere sempre ragione. »
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, “L’ombra del vento”
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roccotartaglia · 6 days
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roccotartaglia · 6 days
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